Reference 600 series
No Limit to Versatility
With a linked iPod docking station, the AG-H 600NT is more than
flexible enough to handle today’s latest portable music players
to playback your playlists on this hi-fi system. More over, w ith
the innovative AG-H600NT, Internet-Radio offers countless music
stations from all over the world – while a new AM/FM tuner delivers
crystal-clear sound.
No matter where you are, over
12,000 Internet-Radio stations
are available – from cool jazz
stat ions in New York City to
meditative beats from Bali.
Imposing Power Supply
Large Toroidal-core power transfor mers o n both the AG-H600NT
and PD-H600 deliv er ample current power to t he heart of th e
amplifier, and to the digital and analog sections of the CD player.
The AG-H600NT carries ELNA electrolytic capacitors and resistors
exc lusi vely desig ned for high
fi de li ty pr od uc ts , w h il e a
Sch ottk y barrie r di ode i n th e
rectifier circuit offers great
adv ant age s in re spo ndi ng to
sudd en musical surge s. There
is an oxygen-free copper coil for the audio filter in the power
amplifier section and, in addition, a Direct FET Power MOSFET is
used to fully maximize the highly efficient Class-D amplifier.
On the PD-H600, thick film resistors used in the signal input
section also contribute to the player’s natural, free-flowing sound.
Furthe rmore, a m aster clock generator, operatin g with a fin ite
low-noise current, is located independently on the circuit closely
adjacent to the D/A converter to avoid jitter noise.
Achieving Seamless Connectivity
This small docking station for iPod keeps your iPod charged while
playing music through the Reference 600 system. S-Video and rear
composite video outp uts allow you to display either a movie or a
slide show on your TV.
Achieving the Ultimate Performance
When you first listen to TEAC’s h igh end Stereo Receiver, the AG-H600NT, do not be surprised if you experience similar
emotions as the performing musicians. This is not achieved by magic, but through the accumulation of TEAC’s superior
technology skills and experience over almost 60 years.
It is a fact that a clean and stable power supply is critical when striving to achieve the ultimate audio performance.
Any sud den and rapid increase of the signal lev el require d in a musical passage, for exa mple, as in the introduction to the
second m ovement of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, requires a measured and controlled power input. That’s why, f rom the
very beginning of its development, TEAC’s engineers carefully designed the power supply section of the AG-H600NT to deliver
pure and unwavering power to every single part of the unit.
iPod Docking Station sold separately.