Teac DR-2D User Manual

Linear PCM Recorder
This device has a serial number located on the bottom panel. Please record it and retain it for your records.
Serial number:
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within equilateral triangle, is i nt en de d to aler t t he user to t he pres en ce of un i nsu l a ted “da n ger o us vol t a ge” wit h in the pro d uct ’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and ma in te na nce (servici ng ) instr uc ti on s i n the lite rature accompanying the appliance.
Declaration of Conformit y
Model Number: DR-2d
Trade Name: TASCAM
Responsible party: TE AC AMERICA, INC.
Address: 7733 Telegraph Road, Montebello, California, U.S. A.
Telephone number: 1-323-726-0303
Th is dev ic e compl ie s with Par t 15 o f t he FC C Rule s . O per ation is subj e ct t o the fol l ow i ng t wo con dit ion s : (1) thi s dev i ce m ay not cause harm fu l interf er ence, and ( 2 ) thi s devic e mus t a cc ep t any interf er en ce reci eve d, including in terf er en ce that may caus e undesired operation.
TO THE USER This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harm fu l i nter feren ce in a r es id ential insta ll at io n. This equipme nt gene ra te s, use s, and can r ad ia te radio freq ue ncy ener gy and, if not installed and us ed in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a par ticular ins ta llati on. If this equipme nt does caus e harmfu l inte rfer en ce to radio or television reception, whic can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures.
a) Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. b) Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. c) Con nect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected.
d) Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.
Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by TEAC COR POR AT I ON f or c omp lia n ce c oul d void t he u ser 's authority to operate this equipment.
1 Read these instructions. 2 Keep these instructions. 3 Heed all warnings. 4 Follow all instructions. 5 Do not use this apparatus near water. 6 Clean only with dry cloth. 7 Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.
8 Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers,
stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
9 Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type
plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.
10 Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at
plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the
apparatus. 11 Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer. 1 2 Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the
manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use
caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury
from tip-over.
13 Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long
periods of time. 14 Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required
when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-
supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
Do not expose this apparatus to drips or splashes.
Do not place any obje cts filled with liqu ids, such a s va se s, on the
Do not install this apparatus in a confined space such as a book case
or simila r unit.
The apparatus draws nominal non-operating power from the AC outlet
with its POWER or STANDBY/ON switch not in the ON position.
The apparatus should be located close enough to the AC outlet so that
you can easily grasp the power cord plug at any time.
The mains plug is us ed as th e d is co nn ect device, th e d is co nn ect
device shall remain readily operable.
If the produ ct uses batte ri es (inc ludin g a batte ry pack or installed
batteries), they should not be exposed to sunshine, fire or excessive
CAUTION for products that use replaceable lithium batteries : there is
danger of explosion if a battery is replaced with an incorrect type of
batter y. Replace only with the same or equivalent type.
Ca uti on s hou l d b e tak en w hen usin g ear p ho n es o r hea dph one s
with the pr odu ct becau se excess ive sound press ure (volume) fr om
earphones or headphones can cause hearing loss.
If you are experiencing problems with this product, contact TEAC for a
service referral. Do not use the product until it has been repaired.
Cautions about Batteries ª
This pr odu ct uses batter ies. Misu se of b atteries could cause a leak , ruptu re or othe r trouble. Always abid e by the following prec au tions when using batteries.
Neve r recha rge non -re cha rge abl e b att eri es. The bat ter ies cou ld
rupture or leak, causing fire or injury.
When installin g b at te ri es , pay attenti on to the polarit y indicati on s
(plus /minus (+/– ) orientation), and install them correctly in the battery
compartment as indicated. Putting them in backward could make the batteries rupture or leak, causing fire, injur y or stains around them.
When throwing used batteries away, follow the disposal instructions
indicated on the batteries and the local disposal laws. When you store
or dispose of batteries, isolate their terminals with insulation tape or something like that to prevent them from contacting other batteries or metallic objects.
Do not use batteries other than those specified. Do not mix and use
new and old batte ries or dif fe re nt type s of ba tt eries to gethe r. The
batteries could ru pture or leak, causing fire, injury or stai ns around them.
Do not carr y or store batteries together with small metal objects. The
batteries could shor t, causing leak, rupture or other trouble.
Do not heat or disassemble batteries. Do not put them in fire or water.
Batterie s could rupture or leak , causing fire, injury or stai ns around
If the ba ttery flui d leaks, wipe away a ny flui d o n the batt er y case
befo re inser ting new batte rie s. If t he batter y fluid gets in an eye, it
could cause loss of eyesight. If fluid does enter an eye, wash it out thoroughly with clean water without rubbing the eye and then consult a doctor immediately. If the fluid gets on a person’s body or clothing, it could cause skin injuries or burns. If this should happen, wash it off
with clean water and then consult a doctor immediately.
The unit power should be off when you install and replace batteries.
Remove the bat teries if you do not plan to use the unit for a long time.
Batterie s could rupture or leak , causing fire, injury or stai ns around
the m. If t he batte ry fl uid le aks, wipe awa y any flui d on th e batter y compartment before inser ting new batteries.
Table of Contents
1–Introduction ....................................................... 9
Features .................................................................................. 9
Items included with the product ........................................... 10
Conventions used in this manual .......................................... 10
Intellectual property rights ................................................... 11
About SD cards ..................................................................... 12
Beware of condensation ....................................................... 12
Cleaning the unit ................................................................... 12
2–Names and Functions of Parts ........................ 13
Top panel ............................................................................. 13
Rear Panel ............................................................................. 15
Right side panel .................................................................... 16
Left side panel ....................................................................... 16
Bottom panel ........................................................................ 17
Remote control (RC-DR2) ...................................................... 18
Home screen ......................................................................... 19
Recording Screen .................................................................. 21
Menu item list .......................................................................22
Using menus ......................................................................... 23
Basic operation .....................................................................24
3–Preparation ...................................................... 25
Powering the unit.................................................................. 25
Using AA batteries............................................................... 25
Using an AC adaptor (sold separately) .................................25
Preparing the remote control ................................................ 26
Changing the coin-shaped battery ......................................26
When to change the battery ................................................26
Cautions about the use of the battery .................................. 26
Using the remote control ...................................................... 27
Precautions for use of the remote control ............................. 28
Start-up & shutdown ............................................................. 28
Inserting and removing SD cards ..........................................29
Inserting the SD card ........................................................... 29
Removing the card ............................................................... 29
Preparing an SD card for use ................................................30
Card write protection ........................................................... 30
Setting the date and time ..................................................... 31
Using the built-in speaker ..................................................... 32
Connecting monitors and headphones ................................. 32
4–Recording ......................................................... 33
Selecting file format/sampling frequency, and maximum file
size ........................................................................................ 33
Available recording time display ........................................... 34
Set where to save the file ..................................................... 35
Setting the input functions ................................................... 35
Placing the unit and making connections ............................. 36
Recording with the built-in mics .......................................... 36
Recording with external mics (MIC IN) ................................. 37
Recording an external device (LINE IN) ................................ 37
Adjusting the input level ....................................................... 38
Recording .............................................................................. 39
Recording playback and input sounds together
(overdubbing) .......................................................................40
Table of Contents
Setting the file type to WAV .................................................40
Monitor the input signal (MONITOR) ................................... 41
Recording an overdub .......................................................... 42
Recording two files with different levels at the same time
(DUAL REC) ........................................................................... 43
Making settings for dual recording ...................................... 43
Starting dual recording ........................................................44
Dual recording file names .................................................... 45
Playback of files created using dual recording ..................... 45
Automatic recording and pausing (AUTO REC) ..................... 45
Creating new files (track incrementing) ............................... 46
Creating new files manually while recording .......................46
Creating new files automatically while recording (maximum
file size) ............................................................................... 47
Mark function .......................................................................48
Adding marks manually to a recording .................................48
Moving to a mark position ................................................... 48
Recording the moment before pushing RECORD (PRE REC) . 48
Delaying the start of recording (REC DELAY) ....................... 49
Dividing a file manually (DIVIDE) ......................................... 50
Recording duration ............................................................... 51
5–Working with Files and Folders (BROWSE
screen) ............................................................. 52
Screen navigation ................................................................. 52
Icons on the BROWSE screen ................................................52
File operations ...................................................................... 53
Folder operations .................................................................. 54
6–Playback ........................................................... 56
Adjusting playback volume ................................................... 56
Setting the playback area (AREA) ......................................... 56
Selecting a folder for the playback area (1) .......................... 57
Selecting a folder for the playback area (2) ..........................58
Playlist ................................................................................... 59
Adding tracks to the playlist................................................. 59
Editing the playlist ............................................................... 59
Selecting files for playback (skip) ......................................... 61
Playback (PLAY) .................................................................... 61
Stopping .............................................................................. 61
Pausing (PAUSE) .................................................................. 62
Rewinding and fast-forwarding (search) ............................... 62
Using the wheel to change the playback position ................. 62
Repeat playback (REPEAT) .................................................... 62
Loop playback ....................................................................... 63
Setting the loop point manually ........................................... 64
Making fine adjustments to the loop playback IN and OUT
points .................................................................................. 64
Turning loop playback ON /OFF ............................................ 65
Special Playback Control Functions ...................................... 65
Setting the playback control functions ................................. 65
Changing the speed ............................................................. 65
Change speed without changing pitch .................................66
Changing the pitch without changing the speed .................. 66
Reducing vocal and solo instrument sounds ......................... 66
7–Using the Effects ..............................................68
Setting the effect ..................................................................68
Table of Contents
Effects Preset List .................................................................. 69
8–Using the Metronome ..................................... 70
Setting the metronome ........................................................70
Starting and stopping the metronome .................................. 70
9–Connecting with a Computer ......................... 71
Transferring files to a computer ............................................ 71
Transferring files from a computer ........................................ 72
Disconnecting from a computer ........................................... 72
10–Settings and Information .............................. 73
Viewing File Information ....................................................... 73
File information page ........................................................... 73
Card information page ......................................................... 74
System information page ..................................................... 74
System Settings and Formatting ........................................... 75
Setting the search speed ...................................................... 75
Turning the unit power OFF automatically ............................75
Backlight Auto OFF setting .................................................. 75
Adjust the display contrast ................................................... 75
Adjust the backlight brightness ............................................ 75
Remote control setting......................................................... 76
Setting the type of AA batteries ........................................... 76
Restoring the factory settings .............................................. 76
Using QUICK FORMAT .........................................................76
Using FULL FORMAT ............................................................ 77
Setting the format of file names ...........................................77
File name format ................................................................. 78
Setting the WORD item ........................................................ 78
11–Messages ........................................................ 79
12–Troubleshooting ............................................. 83
13–Specifications ................................................. 85
Ratings .................................................................................. 85
Input/output ratings ............................................................. 85
Analog audio input/output ratings ....................................... 85
Control input/output ratings ................................................86
Audio performance ...............................................................86
Computer compatibility ........................................................86
Other specifications .............................................................. 87
Dimensional drawings ........................................................... 87


Thank you very much for purchasing the TASCAM DR-2d Linear PCM Recorder. Please read this Owner’s Manual carefully in order to maximize your use of all the unit’s features. We hope that you will enjoy using this recorder for many years to come.
After you have nished reading this manual, please keep it in a
safe place for future reference.
You can also download the Owner’s Manual from the TASCAM web site (http://www.tascam.com).


Compact audio recorder that uses SD/SDHC cards as record-
ing media
Directional microphones allow high-quality stereo recording
44.1/48/96 kHz, 16/24-bit, linear PCM (WAV format) record-
ing possible 32–320 kbps MP3 format recording possible (compatible
with ID3 tag v2.4)
Dual recording function allows two stereo files to be record-
ed with different levels simultaneously using either the built-
in stereo microphone or an external stereo mic Overdubbing allows playback and input signals to be mixed
and recorded together as a new file
Built-in 0.6-W monaural output speaker
Built-in effect (reverb) can be used during recording and
Auto-record function starts recording automatically when a
set sound input level is detected
Can start recording a new file automatically when a maxi-
mum file size set in advance is reached without interrupting
recording Track incrementing function allows a recording to be split by
creating a new file when desired
Pre-recording (PRE REC) function allows the unit to record
the 2 seconds of sound before recording is activated
Auto gain control function automatically make the input
level as even as possible
Limiter function automatically reduces the level suitably
when the input level is too high
Low cut filter conveniently reduces low-frequency noise
• VSA function allows playback speed to be altered in a range
from half-speed to double-speed without changing pitch Key control function allows changing the pitch in semitones
(â6 - #6) without changing the speed.
Part cancel function allows reducing the selected part of the
Metronome function
REC DELAY function can be used to avoid recording the
sound of pushing the RECORD key
Repeat playback and IN-OUT loop playback functions
Playlist function
• DIVIDE function allows files to be split where desired
MARK function convenient for moving to specific locations
File name format can be set to use a user-defined word or the
1/8” external stereo microphone input jack (provides plug-in
1/8” external stereo line input jack
1/8” line/headphones output jack
128 x 64 pixel LCD with backlight
Mini-B type USB 2.0 port
Operates on 2 AA batteries or an AC adaptor
(sold separately: TASCAM PS-P520)
Tripod attachment screw-hole built into unit

Items included with the product

The DR-2d package contains the following items.
Take care when opening the package not to damage the items. Keep the package materials for transportation in the future.
Please contact the store where you purchased this unit if any of these items are missing or have been damaged during transportation.
Main unit• ............................................................................. 1
Soft case• .............................................................................. 1
SD card (in the unit)• ............................................................ 1
AA alkaline batteries• ........................................................... 2
Wireless remote control (RC-DR2)• .................................... 1
USB cable (1.5 m)• ............................................................... 1
Warranty card• ...................................................................... 1
Owner’s Manual (this document)• ....................................... 1

Conventions used in this manual

The following conventions are used in this manual.
“SD memory card” is sometimes abbreviated as “SD card.”
When we refer to a key or connector or control on the DR-2d,
the typeface looks like this: MENU.
When we show messages, for example, that appear on the • screen, the typeface looks like this:
Additional information is introduced in the styles below when needed:
We give hints and tips on using the DR-2d when you see this icon.
A note provides additional explanations for special situations.
A caution shows that you may lose data (recordings) if you do not follow the instructions.

Intellectual property rights

TASCAM is a registered trademark of TEAC Corporation.
SDHC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and
Windows 7 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Apple, Macintosh, iMac, Mac OS and Mac OS X are trade-
marks of Apple Inc.
MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed from
Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.
Supply of this product does not convey a license nor imply any right to distribute MPEG Layer-3 compliant content created with this product in revenue-generating broadcast
systems (terrestrial, satellite, cable and/or other distribution channels), streaming applications (via Internet, intranets and/or other networks), other content distribution systems
(pay-audio or audio-on-demand applications and the like)
or on physical media (compact discs, digital versatile discs, semiconductor chips, hard drives, memory cards and the
like). An independent license for such use is required. For
details, please visit http://mp3licensing.com.
Other company names, product names and logos in this
document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Any data, including, but not limited to information,
described herein are intended only as illustrations of such
data and/or information and not as the specications for such
data and/or information. TEAC Corporation disclaims any warranty that any use of such data and/or information shall be free from infringement of any third party’s intellectual
property rights or other proprietary rights, and further,
assumes no liability of whatsoever nature in the event of
any such infringement, or arising from or connected with or
related to the use of such data and/or information.
This product is designed to help you record and reproduce
sound works to which you own the copyright, or where you
have obtained permission from the copyright holder or the
rightful licensor. Unless you own the copyright, or have
obtained the appropriate permission from the copyright
holder or the rightful licensor, your unauthorized recording,
reproduction or distribution thereof may result in severe criminal penalties under copyright laws and international
copyright treaties. If you are uncertain about your rights,
contact your legal advisor. Under no circumstances will TEAC Corporation be responsible for the consequences of any illegal copying performed using the recorder.

About SD cards

This unit uses SD cards for recording and playback. SD cards
that are 64 MB - 2 GB and SDHC cards that are 4 GB
- 32 GB in size can be used. A list of SD cards that have
been tested with this unit can be found on the TASCAM web site (www.tascam.com).
Precautions for use ª
SD cards are delicate media. In order to avoid damaging a card
or the card slot, please take the following precautions when
handling them.
Do not leave them in extremely hot or cold places.
Do not leave them in extremely humid places.
Do not let them get wet.
Do not put things on top of them or twist them.
Do not hit them.

Beware of condensation

If the unit is moved from a cold to a warm place, or used after a sudden temperature change, there is a danger of condensation; vapor in the air could condense on the internal mechanism, making correct operation impossible. To prevent this, or if this occurs, let the unit sit for one or two hours at the new room
temperature before using.

Cleaning the unit

Use a dry soft cloth to wipe the unit clean. Do not clean the unit
with a chemically treated cloth or substances such as benzene,
thinner and alcohol because they might cause damage to the surface of the unit.

2–Names and Functions of Parts

Top panel

1 Remote control receiver
Receives signals from the included remote control (RC-DR2). When using the remote point it here. (See “Using the remote control” on page 27.)
2Built-in stereo microphone
To use this stereo electret condenser microphone as the
input source, select
connect an external microphone to the MIC IN jack on the
rear panel, the built-in microphone becomes inactive.
3 Display
Shows a variety of information.
5 PLAY/PAUSE [Á/π] key
/HOME [ª] key
Press this key to stop recording and playback or to end recording standby.
When a setting screen is open, press to return to the Home
On a setting screen, use this key to respond “NO” to a
confirmation message.
Press and hold to turn the unit’s power ON or put the unit in standby.
When the Home Screen is displayed and playback is
stopped, press this key to start playback. During playback,
press this key to stop playback at the current position.
When the Metronome Screen is open, use this key to start
and stop the metronome.
on the input setting screen. If you
14 TASCAM DR -2d
2–Names and Functions of Parts
6 DUAL key
Press and hold to open the
If the currently selected file was recorded using dual
recording, the other file becomes active each time you press
this key.
During dual recording, press to alternate display of the
recording levels of the two files being recorded.
7 MENU key
When the Home Screen is displayed, press this key to open
Press this key to return to the various setting screens.
When the return to the Home Screen.
8 Â key
Press this key to return to the beginning of a track that is playing or stopped in the middle.
If you press this key when a track is stopped at its
beginning, the unit will skip to the beginning of the
previous track.
Press and hold this key to search backwards.
On the setting screens, use this key to move the cursor left. On the Browse Screen, press this key to move up a level.
Screen is displayed, press this key to
setting screen.
Screen from the
9 ¯ key
Press this key during playback or when playback is stopped to skip to beginning of the next track.
Press and hold this key to search forward.
On the setting screens, use this key to move the cursor
On the Browse Screen, press this key to move down a level.
Press the this key during recording to create a new file with the number at the end of the file name incremented (increased) and continue recording in this file from its beginning.
0 PB CONT key
Press and hold this key to open the Playback Control (
open, press and hold this key to return to the Home Screen.
Briefly press this key to turn the speed control that is set
on the Playback Control Screen (VSA and/or SPEED) ON and OFF. When ON, the icon appears at the top of
the Home Screen as light letters on a dark background.
q I/O key
Use this key to set the IN (start) and OUT (end) points of the interval that you want to set for loop playback. When
the IN and OUT points are already set, press this key to
cancel loop playback.
) Screen. When the Playback Control Screen is
2–Names and Functions of Parts
Press and hold this key to open a pop-up window that allows you to manually set IN and OUT points.
w PEAK indicator
Lights when the input volume is too high.
e RECORD [º] key and indicator
When playback is stopped, press this key to put the unit into recording standby. When in standby, the indicator
flashes. If the Overdubbing ON/OFF pop-up appears. When in recording
standby, press this key to start recording. The indicator lights while recording. When recording, press this key to
pause recording.
r Wheel
When a setting screen is open, use the Wheel to change the
setting of the selected item.
When the Home Screen is open, use the wheel to adjust the
file playback position.
When a setting screen is open, use this to confirm
When recording, use it to add markers manually.
item is ON, the

Rear Panel

y MIC IN jack
Use this input jack to connect a stereo mini-jack microphone. This jack provides plug-in power when set to do so on the Input Setting Screen.
u REC indicator
This has the same function as the indicator to the left of the RECORD [º] key on the top panel. It blinks when in recording standby and lights when recording.
i LINE IN jack
Use this stereo mini-jack for line input.
We call this the Rear Panel because this is the end that faces away from the operator of the unit when placed on a table with the built-in mic (this end) facing the sound source.
2–Names and Functions of Parts

Right side panel

o OUTPUT LEVEL (+, –) keys
Use these keys to adjust the signal level output from the LINE OUT/ jack. The volume level appears on the display during adjustment.
p USB por t
Use the included USB cable to connect with a computer USB port.
a LINE OUT/ jack
Use this to connect with headphones or the line input jack of an amp or other equipment.
s DC IN 5V jack
Connect a TASCAM PS-P520 AC adaptor (purchased separately) to this jack.

Left side panel

d SD card slot and cover
Insert an SD card into this slot.
f INPUT LEVEL (+, –) keys
Use these keys to adjust the input volume. The volume level appears on the display during adjustment.
g Strap attachment
Use this to attach a strap.
2–Names and Functions of Parts

Bottom panel

h Mono speaker
Use this built-in speaker to listen to recordings. Sound is
not output during recording, when the unit is in recording standby, when headphones are connected, or input monitor
is activated.
j SPEAKER switch
Set this to ON to output sound from the built-in speaker.
Even when ON, no s ound is output during recordin g, in recording standby, when headphones are connected, or input monitor is activated.
Tripod attachment screw-hole (1/4-inch)
Use this to attach the unit to a tripod or mic stand.
Tighten the unit securely to the tripod or mic stand to
prevent it from falling off. Place the tripod or mic stand on a level surface when using
it with this unit. Some tripods use different types of screws, so it might
not be possible to attach the unit directly. In such a case, purchase and use a suitable adapter.
l HOLD switch
Shift in the direction of the arrow to engage the hold
function, which prevents unintentional operation.
All keys are inoperative when hold is ON.
; Battery compartment cover
2–Names and Functions of Parts
z Battery compartment

Remote control (RC-DR2)

1 Ô [Â] key
Press this key brief ly to return to the start of a file. If the
playback position is already near the start of a track, it will
skip to the start of the previous file.
Press and hold this to search a track in reverse.
2 STOP [ª] key
Press to stop playback and recording.
3 RECORD [º] key
Press to start and pause recording.
4 [¯] key
Press this key brief ly to move to the star t of the next file.
Press and hold this to search a track forward.
5 PLAY/PAUSE [Á/ π ] key
Press to start and pause playback.
6 MARK key
When recording, use it to add markers manually.
7 INPUT LEVEL [+/–] key
Use these keys to adjust the input volume.
2–Names and Functions of Parts

Home screen

This screen appears when the unit’s power is turned on. Press the /HOME [ª] key at any time to open this screen.
1 Playback speed setting status
OFF ON Playback speed
x1.1 - x2.0
x0.5 - x0.9
2 Loop/repeat playback status
Single playback
Single track repeat playback
All track repeat playback
Loop playback
3 Key control status
: Key control off
: Key control on.
4 Part cancel status
: Part cancel off
: Part cancel on.
5 Input monitor status
: Input monitor off
: Input monitor on.
6 Power supply status
When a battery is being used, a battery icon shows the
amount of power remaining in bars ( , , ). The battery is almost dead and the power will soon turn off if the icon has no bars . When using the PS-P520 AC adaptor (sold separately) appears.
Sometimes a “Battery Low” warning appears when recording or conduct ing other deman din g ope rat ions even when battery power remains.
2–Names and Functions of Parts
7 Recorder operation status
· Stopped π Paused Á Playing back Fast-forwarding Ô Fast-rewinding ¯ Skipping forward  Skipping backward
8 Level meters
When input monitor is OFF, the level of the playback sound
is shown.
When input monitor is ON, the level of the combined input
and playback sounds is shown.
File information The file name or tag information of the file currently being played back is shown.
ID3 tag information is shown when available for an MP3 file being played.
ID3 tag information includes the titles and artists names that can be saved in MP3 files.
0 Playback position display
The cur rent playback position is shown by a bar. As
playback progresses, the bar extends to the right.
Elapsed time
Shows the elapsed time (hours: minutes: seconds) of the currently playing track.
w Remaining time
Shows the remaining playback time of the current track (hours: minutes: seconds).
Peak value in decibels (dB)
The maximum level that occurs in a fixed period of time is displayed digitally.
r Monitoring output
: Headphones
Playback area
All files in the
All files in the selected folder
All files added to the playlist
Loop playback IN (starting) and OUT (ending) points
The set starting and ending points of the loop are shown.
The icon appears at the playback position when the starting point is set.
The icon appears at the playback position when the ending point is set.
Playback file number/total number of files
The total number of files in the playback area and the number of the current file are shown.
i Effect status
Shows whether the effect function is ON or OFF.
: Effect off
: Effect on

Recording Screen

This screen opens when you press the RECORD key to start recording standby mode and stays open when you press the RECORD key again to start recording.
This status of the power and the effect use appears the same as on the Home Screen. This screen also shows the following.
2–Names and Functions of Parts
1 Recording mode status
: Stereo recording
: Monaural recording
2 Prerecording function status
appears when the prerecording function is ON.
3 Plug-in power status
4 Low cut filter status
: Low cut filter off
: Low cut filter on (when set to 40Hz, 80Hz,
or 120Hz)
5 Level control function status
: Level control function off
2–Names and Functions of Parts
: Auto gain control on : Limiter on
6 Recorder operation status
ª Stopped π Paused º Recording
Recording level meters
When overdubbing is off, the input signal level is shown.
When over dubbing is on, the combined input and playback
signals are shown.
File name The file name that will automatically be given to recorded files is shown.
Input selection
Shows the input source.
Elapsed recording time
The elapsed recording time of the track appears as hours: minutes: seconds.
During recording standby, the maximum remaining
recording time appears.
q Remaining recording time
The remaining recording time appears in hours: minutes: seconds.
Peak value in decibels (dB)
Peak recording level values are shown digitally.
Recording mode/sampling frequency
Shows the recording file format and sampling frequency.

Menu item list

This list provides an overview of the various menu items.
Menu item Function Pages
INFORMATION Information about the file, SD card,
BROWSE SD card file and folder operations 52 PLAYLIST Playlist editing 59 PLAY MODE Play area select and repeat setting 62 INPUT SETTING Input source select and input
REC SETTING Recording mode settings 33 AUTO REC Auto recording settings 45 MONITOR Input monitor settings 41 METRONOME Metronome settings 70 DIVIDE Divide a file 50 EFFECTOR Effects settings 68 FILE NAME File name settings 77 SETUP System settings and format an SD
DATE/TIME Date and time settings 31
and system
When in recording standby, only the following menu items are

Using menus

Use the
screen to make various settings.
1 Press the MENU key to open the
2 Use the wheel to select a menu (selected items are
highlighted and appear as light letters on a dark back­ground), and press the ENTER/MARK key to open a setting screen.
2–Names and Functions of Parts
3 Use the wheel to select (highlight) a setting item.
Example: setting the sampling frequency
4 Press the ¯ key (or the ENTER/MARK key) to select
the value of the setting.
Example: setting the sampling frequency
5 Use the wheel to change the setting.
6 To set a different item in the same menu, press the Â
key to select the item you want to set.
7 Repeat step 3 to 6 as necessary to set each item.
2–Names and Functions of Parts
8 To open the
To return to the Home Screen, press the HOME key.
screen, press the MENU key.

Basic operation

Use the following keys to operate the various screens.
MENU key:
Opens the
PB CONT key:
Opens the
/HOME [ª] key:
When any other screen is open, press this to return to the
Home Screen. Use this to answer “NO” to a confirmation message.
Use this to confirm the selection of a setting item or to answer “
¯ key:
Use this to move the cursor (the highlighted area) to the
right on the screen, and to open folders on the
” to a confirmation message.
Use this to move the cursor (the highlighted area) to the left
on the screen, and to close folders on the
Use this to select items and to change values.
AC outlet
DC plug
TASCAM PS-P520 (not supplied)


Powering the unit

The DR-2d can be operated using two AA batteries or an optional AC adapter (PS-P520). This unit can use alkaline or Ni-MH batteries.

Using AA batteries

Open the battery compartment cover on the back of the unit,
install the batteries with the correct +/– orientation and close the battery compartment cover.
When using AA batteries, set the type of battery in order to
accurately show the amount of power remaining and allow the unit to accurately determine whether power is available for proper operation. (See “Setting the type of batteries” on page
Manganese dry cell batteries (R6) cannot be used with this
unit. This unit cannot recharge Ni-MH batteries. Use a
commercially available recharger. The included alkaline batteries are for confirming
operation of the unit and might not last very long.

Using an AC adaptor (sold separately)

Connect to the PS-P520 AC adaptor (sold separately) to the DC IN 5V connector as shown in the illustration.
Never use any adaptor other than the designated PS-P520 AC adaptor. Use of a different adaptor could cause malfunction, fire or electric shock.
When both batteries are installed and the AC adaptor is connected, power will be supplied from the AC adaptor.

Preparing the remote control

The remote control is shipped with a coin-shaped battery already installed. Please remove the isolation sheet from the battery when you want to use the remote control.

Changing the coin-shaped battery

1 Remove the battery holder.
Push 1 while pulling toward 2.
2 Install the coin-shaped lithium ion battery (CR2025) into
the holder with the correct +/- orientation.
3 Reinsert the battery holder into the remote control.

When to change the battery

Replace the battery with a new one when the range of the remote control becomes short or if the function keys become unresponsive.
Use a coin-shaped lithium ion battery (CR2025).

Cautions about the use of the battery

Accidental swallowing of batteries by small children is extremely dangerous. Keep batteries and remote controls out of reach of small children. Consult a physician immediately if a child should swallow a battery.
Misuse of a battery could cause it to leak, rupture or otherwise
be damaged. Please read and abide by the following precautions when using batteries.
Install the battery with the correct orientation.
Remote control receive
Operational distance: 7 meters max.
Do not recharge the battery.
Do not heat or disassemble the battery or put it into fire or
Do not carry or store the battery with small metal objects.
Doing so could short the battery and cause leakage or rup-
ture, for example. When storing or disposing of the battery, cover the contacts
with tape to prevent them from touching other batteries or metal objects.
Follow the disposal instructions written on the battery or pro-
vided by the local government when you are done using it.

Using the remote control

Point the remote control at the remote control receiver on the unit.
When you want to use the remote control, conrm on the
screen that the
control setting” on page 76.)
item is ON. (See “Remote
+ 61 hidden pages