Teac DR-07MKII User Manual

Linear PCM Recorder
This device has a serial number located inside the battery compartment. Please record it and retain it for your records.
Serial number:
1 Read these instructions. 2 Keep these instructions. 3 Heed all warnings. 4 Follow all instructions. 5 Do not use this apparatus near water. 6 Clean only with dry cloth. 7 Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions.
8 Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat
registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including ampliers) that produce heat.
9 Do no t d efea t t he safe ty purpose of th e p olar ized or
grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provi ded for your safety. If the provided plug does not t into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.
10 Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched
particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
11 On ly us e att achm ents /ac cess ori es spe cif ied by the
1 2 Use only wit h the car t, s tand, tripo d, b racket, or table
specied by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus.
When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/ apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.
13 Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when
unused for long periods of time.
14 Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing
is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
Do not expose this apparatus to drips or splashes.
Do not place any objects filled with liquids, such as vases,
on the apparatus.
Do not install this apparatus in a confined space such as a
book case or similar unit.
If the product use s batteri es (i ncluding a battery pack
or inst all ed bat terie s), they sho uld not be exp ose d t o
sunshine, fire or excessive heat.
CAUTION for products that use replaceable lithium batter-
ies: there is danger of explosion if a batter y is replaced with
an incorrect type of battery. Replace only with the same or equivalent type.
Caution should be taken when using earphones or head -
phones with the product because excessive sound pressure
(volume) from earphones or headphones can cause hearing loss.
Cautions about Batteries
This product uses batteries. Misuse of batteries could cause a leak, rupture or other trouble. Always abide by the following precautions when using batteries.
Never recharge non-rechargeable batteries. The batteries
could rupture or leak, causing fire or injury.
When installi ng bat teries , pay attent ion to t he p olar ity
indications (plus/minus (+/–) orientation), and install them
correctly in the batter y compartment as indicated. Putting them in backward could make the batteries rupture or leak, causing fire, injury or stains around them.
When you store or dispose of batteries, isolate their terminals
wit h ins ulation tap e or som ething like that to preven t th em
from conta cting other batte ries or metallic obj ects.
Whe n thr owing used batt eries away, follow the d isposal
instructions indicated on the batteries and the local disposal laws.
Do not use bat teries other than those specif ied. Do not mix
and use new and old batteries or different types of batter-
ies togeth er. The batteries could rupture or leak, causing fire, injury or stains around them.
Do not c arry or store batteries together with small metal
objects. The batteries could shor t, causing leak, rupture or
other trouble.
Do not heat or disassemble batteries. Do not put them in
fire or water. Batteries could rupture or leak, causing fire,
injury or stains around them.
If the battery fluid leaks, wipe away any fluid on the battery
case before inserting new batteries. If the battery f luid gets
in an eye, it could cause loss of eyesight. If fluid does enter an eye, wash it out thorou ghly with clean water without rubbing the eye and then consult a doctor immediately. If the fluid gets on a person’s body or clothing, it could cause skin injuries or burns. If this should happen, wash it off with clean water and then consult a doctor immediately.
The unit power should be off when you install and replace
Remove the batteries if you do not plan to use the unit for
a long time. Batteries could rupture or leak, causing fire,
injury or stains around them. If the bat tery fluid leaks, wipe away any fluid on the battery compartment before insert­ing new batteries.
This equ ipment has been tes ted a nd found to compl y wi th th e l imit s f or a C lass B dig ital devic e, pu rsuant to Part 15 o f the FCC Rule s. T hese limi ts a re d esign ed to prov ide re aso na ble p rot ec tio n agai nst ha rmf ul interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequenc y energy and, if not inst alle d an d us ed in acco rdance with the inst ructio n manual, may cause harmful interfere nce to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that inter ference will not occur in a par ticular installation. If this equip ment doe s caus e ha rmfu l in terf eren ce to radio or televisio n reception , which can be determined by t ur ning th e eq uipm en t of f and on , th e user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures.
a) Re orient or relocate t he receiving antenna . b) Increase the separation between the equipment and
c) Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circ uit
different from that to which the receiver is connected.
d) Cons ul t the d ea ler or an e xper ie nced r ad io/ T V
technician for help.
CAUTION Ch an ge s or m od if ic atio ns t o th is equip me nt no t e xp re ss ly ap pr ov ed by TE AC CO RP OR AT IO N f or complianc e cou ld vo id th e user's aut horit y to oper ate this equipment.
For European Customers ª
Disposal of electrical and electronic equipment
(a) All electrical and electronic equipment should be disposed
of separately from the municipal waste stream via collection facilities designated by the government or local authorities.
(b) By disposing of electrical and electronic equipment
correctly, you will help save valuable resources and prevent any potential negative eects on human health and the environment.
(c) Improper disposal of waste electrical and electronic
equipment can have serious eects on the environment and human health because of the presence of hazardous substances in the equipment.
(d) The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
symbol, which shows a wheeled bin that has been crossed out, indicates that electrical and electronic equipment must be collected and disposed of separately from household waste.
Safety Information
(e) Return and collection systems are available to end users.
For more detailed information about the disposal of old electrical and electronic equipment, please contact your city oce, waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the equipment.
Disposal of batteries and/or accumulators
(a) Waste batteries and/or accumulators should be disposed
of separately from the municipal waste stream via collection facilities designated by the government or local authorities.
(b) By disposing of waste batteries and/or accumulators
correctly, you will help save valuable resources and prevent any potential negative eects on human health and the environment.
(c) Improper disposal of waste batteries and/or accumulators
can have serious eects on the environment and human health because of the presence of hazardous substances in them.
Pb, Hg, Cd
Safety Information
六价铬 多溴联苯 多溴二苯醚
(Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr(VI)) (PBB)  (P BDE) 1 CHASSIS部份 2 PCB Assy部份 × 3 线材部份 4 附属品部份 × 7 SEAL部份 8 包装部份
○:表示该有毒有害物质在该部件 所有均质材料中的含有量均在 S J/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。 ×:表示该有毒有害物质至少在该 部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求。
(针对现在代替技术困难的电子部 品及合金中的铅 )
(d) The WEEE symbol, which shows a wheeled bin that
has been crossed out, indicates that batteries and/or accumulators must be collected and disposed of separately from household waste.
If a battery or accumulator contains more than the
specied values of lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and/or cadmium (Cd) as dened in the Battery Directive (2006/66/ EC), then the chemical symbols for those elements will be indicated beneath the WEEE symbol.
(e) Return and collection systems are available to end users.
For more detailed information about the disposal of waste batteries and/or accumulators, please contact your city oce, waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased them.
Table of Contents
Quick Start Guide ......................................11
1–Introduction .......................................... 14
Features ...................................................................14
Items included with the product ................... 16
Conventions used in this manual ..................17
Intellectual property rights .............................18
About microSD cards .........................................20
Precautions for placement ............................... 20
Beware of condensation ...................................21
Cleaning the unit .................................................21
Product Registration ..........................................21
2–Names and Functions of Parts .............22
Top panel ...............................................................22
Front panel .............................................................26
Rear panel ..............................................................26
Left side panel ......................................................27
Right side panel ................................................... 27
Bottom Panel ........................................................28
Home Screen ......................................................... 29
Recording Screen ................................................32
Playback Control screen ....................................34
Menu item list .......................................................35
Using menus ..........................................................36
Basic operation ..................................................... 37
3–Preparation ............................................38
Powering the unit ................................................38
Using AA batteries ..............................................38
Using an AC adaptor (sold separately) ........38
Using USB bus power .........................................39
Start-up & shutdown .......................................... 40
Starting up the unit ............................................40
Shutting down .....................................................41
Resume function .................................................41
Setting the date and time ................................ 42
Inserting and removing microSD cards ......43
Inserting the microSD card ..............................43
Removing the card .............................................43
Preparing a microSD card for use ..................44
Using the built-in speaker ................................45
Connecting monitors and headphones .....46
Using the built-in microphone .......................46
Setting the mics to record a wide stereo
sound (A-B position) ..........................................46
Setting the mics to record a clear stereo
sound (X-Y position) ........................................... 47
Swapping the left-right channels of the
built-in microphone pair ..................................48
Table of Contents
Microphone position detection ....................49
4–Recording ..............................................50
Selecting file format/sampling frequency/
type, and maximum file size ...........................50
Set where to save the file ................................. 52
Setting the input functions .............................52
Placing the unit and making connections
Recording with the built-in mics ..................54
Recording with external mics (MIC IN) ........54
Recording an external device (EXT IN) ........54
Adjusting the input level ..................................55
Manually adjusting the input level ...............55
Using the Level Control Function .................57
Recording ...............................................................59
Recording playback and input sounds
together (overdubbing) ....................................60
Select the file you want to overdub .............61
Selecting file format ........................................... 61
Simultaneous listening to playback and
input sound (Monitor Mix) ...............................62
Adjusting the input level (simple
adjustment) ...........................................................63
Start the overdubbing .......................................65
Recording automatically (AUTO REC) ..........66
Creating and changeover to a new file during continued recording (Track
incrementing) .......................................................68
Manual track incrementation during
recording ...............................................................68
Automatic track incrementation by file size
Mark function........................................................ 70
Adding marks manually to a recording ......70
Adding marks automatically to a recording
Moving to a mark position ...............................71
Recording the moment before pushing
RECORD (PRE REC) ...............................................72
Self-timer function ..............................................73
Recording duration ............................................. 74
5–Working with Files and Folders
(BROWSE screen) ................................. 75
Screen navigation ............................................... 75
Icons on the BROWSE screen .......................... 76
File operations ......................................................77
Folder operations ................................................78
Creating a new folder ........................................ 79
6-Playback .................................................80
Adjusting playback volume ............................. 80
Table of Contents
Setting the playback area (AREA) ..................80
Selecting a folder for the playback area (1) Selecting a folder for the playback area (2)
Playlist ......................................................................84
Adding tracks to the playlist ...........................84
Editing the playlist ..............................................85
Selecting files for playback (skip) ..................87
Playback ..................................................................87
Pausing ....................................................................87
Stopping .................................................................87
Rewinding and fast-forwarding (search) ....88
Repeat playback (REPEAT) ................................88
Special Playback Control Functions ............. 89
Playback Control Screen ...................................89
Repeated Playback of Selection (Loop
Playback) ................................................................90
Changing the playback speed (VSA) ............91
Using the playback equalizer (PLAY EQ) .....92
Moving back a few seconds for replay
(jump-back playback) .......................................93
7-Quick Operations ...................................94
Features of the QUICK button ........................94
Quick menu screen .............................................95
Closing the Quick menu screen .....................97
Deleting the selected file (Quick Delete) ....97
Dividing the selected file (DIVIDE) ................97
Increasing the perceived overall sound pressure to enhance listenability (Level
Alignment) .............................................................99
8-Using the Effects .................................. 101
Setting the effect............................................... 101
Effects Preset List ...............................................102
Tuning a Musical Instrument (Tuner)
Using the tuner ...................................................103
Setting the tuner ..............................................103
Tuning a musical instrument ....................... 103
Adjusting the input level for tuning.......... 103
...10 3
10–Connecting with a computer ...........104
Transferring files to a computer ...................105
Transferring files from a computer ............ 106
Disconnecting from a computer ................106
11–Settings and Information .................107
Viewing File Information ................................107
File information page ......................................107
Card information page ................................... 108
System information page .............................. 108
System Settings and Formatting .................109
Table of Contents
Turning the unit power OFF automatically
Setting the backlight ...................................... 109
Adjusting the display contrast .....................110
Setting the type of AA batteries ..................110
Restoring the factory settings ......................11 0
Using QUICK FORMAT ......................................11 0
Using FULL FORMAT .........................................111
Setting the format of file names .................. 112
File name format ..............................................112
Setting the WORD item ...................................112
... 109
12–Messages ............................................ 11 3
13–Troubleshooting ................................117
14–Specifications .................................... 119
Ratings ................................................................... 119
Input/output ratings ........................................ 11 9
Analog audio input/output ratings ............ 119
Control input/output ratings ........................119
Audio performance ..........................................12 0
Computer compatibility .................................12 0
Other specifications .........................................121
Dimensional drawings .....................................12 3

Quick Start Guide

Try recording and playback with TASCAM DR-07MKII.
The unit contains a factory-installed microSD card, and will by default produce 44.1kHz, 16-bit WAV les.
Higher-quality or longer les can be produced using other recording settings. See “Selecting file format/sampling frequency/type, and maximum file size” for details on page 50.
1 Install batteries in the battery compartment
on the back of the unit. Fit them to the + and – marks shown in the compartment.
2 Turn on, and various setting information
will be displayed.
Press the (HOME) [ª] button until the unit is turned on, and then release it.
The first time you use the unit, a built-in clock setting screen will appear.
Press the  or ¯ bu tt on to mo ve th e c ur so r (highlighted portion), and adjust the date and time using the + or - button. Then press the Á button to set.
Quick Start Guide
3 Press the RECORD [º] button to switch to
recording standby. The REC indicator will flash.
REC indicator
If the or icon appears in the upper right of the Home Screen, the adjustment for the angle and the left-right channels of the microphone do not suit the recording setting. Change the settings. (See “Using the built-in microphone” on page 46.)
4 Use the  or ¯ button to adjust the
recording level. See “Adjusting the input level” on page 55 for details.
5 Press the RECORD [º] button to start
recording. The REC indicator will light during recording.
6 Press the (HOME) [ª] button to finish
To pause recording, press the RECORD [º] button. Press the RECORD [º] button again to restart recording in the same
7 Press the Á button for playback. If you use
a headphone or amplifier/speaker set, connect it to the /LINE OUT socket on the left side panel. For playback over the built-in speaker set, enable it on the speaker settings screen (See “Using the built-in speaker” on page 45.)
Headphones Powered monitor speakers
or amplier and speakers
8 Use the + or – button to control the
playback volume.
9 Press the (HOME) [ª] button to stop
If you have made several recordings, use the button to select the file to play when playing back or stopped and the Home Screen is displayed.
 or ¯
Quick Start Guide


Thank you very much for purchasing the TASCAM DR-07MKII Linear PCM Recorder. Please read this Owner’s Manual carefully in order to maximize your use of all the unit’s features. We hope that you will enjoy using this recorder for many years to come.
After you have nished reading this manual, please keep it in a safe place for future reference.
You can also download the Owner’s Manual from the TASCAM web site (http://tascam.com/).


Compact audio recorder that uses microSD/• microSDHC cards as recording media
Cardioid stereo microphones allow high-• quality stereo recording
Can record with different types of stereo • sound depending on the angle of the microphones
Close: Clear Stereo Sound with less phase difference
Open: Wide Stereo Sound
44.1/48/96 kHz, 16/24-bit, linear PCM (WAV • format) recording possible
Compatible with WAV files in BWF format• 32–320 kbps MP3 format recording possible •
(compatible with ID3 tag v2.4) Overdubbing allows playback and input •
signals to be mixed and recorded together as a new file
Built-in 0.3 W monaural output speaker • Built-in effect (reverb) can be used during •
recording and playback Auto-record function starts recording •
automatically when a set sound input level is detected
Can start recording a new file automatically • when a maximum file size set in advance is reached without interrupting recording
A QUICK button is available for easy access to • various functions
Track incrementing function allows a • recording to be split by creating a new file when desired
Pre-recording (PRE REC) function allows the • unit to record the 2 seconds of sound before recording is activated
Peak reduction function is available to reduce • the level automatically in case of excessively large input.
Automatic level control is available to • increase or decrease the recording volume when the input sound is too low or too high, respectively.
Limiter function automatically reduces the • level suitably in particular portions where the input level is too high
Low cut filter conveniently reduces low-• frequency noise
VSA function can change the playback • speed in the range from 0.5 to 1.5 times (in
0.1 increments) the normal speed without changing pitch
Repeat playback and IN-OUT loop playback • functions
PB CONTROL button is available to show • settings screens for playback speed control and IN-OUT loop
Tuner function to tune musical instruments• Self-timer function to start recording after a •
set period of time. Jump back and play function allows the last •
several seconds of the currently played file to be replayed again by simply pressing a button
REC DELAY function can be used to avoid • recording the sound of pressing the RECORD button
Playlist function• DIVIDE function allows files to be split where •
desired (only for WAV files) MARK function convenient for moving to •
specific locations
Equalizers function for playback, and level • alignment function to enhance the perceived overall sound pressure
File name format can be set to use a user-• defined word or the date
Resume function to memorize the playback • position before the unit is turned off.
3.5mm (1/8”) jack for external stereo • microphone input (provides plug-in power) or external stereo line input
3.5mm (1/8”) line/headphones output jack• 128 x 64 pixel LCD with backlight • Mini-B type USB 2.0 port • Operates on 2 AA batteries, an AC adaptor •
(sold separately: TASCAM PS- P515U), or USB bus power
Tripod attachment screw-hole built into unit• USB cable included•

Items included with the product

The DR-07MKII package contains the following items.
Take care when opening the package not to damage the items. Keep the package materials for transportation in the future.
Please contact the store where you purchased this unit if any of these items are missing or have been damaged during transportation.
Main unit• .................................................................... 1
microSD card (in the unit)• .................................... 1
AA alkaline batteries• ..............................................2
USB cable (80 cm)• .................................................... 1
Warranty card• ........................................................... 1
Owner’s Manual (this document)• ...................... 1

Conventions used in this manual

The following conventions are used in this manual.
When we refer to a button or connector or • control on the DR-07MKII, the typeface looks like this: MENU. When we show messages, for example, that • appears on the screen, the typeface looks like this: ON. “microSD memory card” is sometimes •
abbreviated as “microSD card”. Additional information is introduced in the • styles below when needed:
We give hints and tips on using the DR-07MKII when you see this icon.
A note provides additional explanations for special situations.
A caution shows that you may lose data (recordings) if you do not follow the instructions.

Intellectual property rights

TASCAM is a registered trademark of TEAC • Corporation.
microSDHC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.•
Supply of this product does not convey a • license nor imply any right to distribute MPEG Layer-3 compliant content created with this product in revenue-generating broadcast systems (terrestrial, satellite, cable and/or other distribution channels), streaming applications (via Internet, intranets and/or other networks), other content distribution systems (pay-audio or audio-on-demand applications and the like) or on physical media (compact discs, digital versatile discs, semiconductor chips, hard drives,
memory cards and the like). An independent license for such use is required. For details, please visit http://mp3licensing.com.
MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology • licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows XP, Windows • Vista, and Windows 7 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Apple, Macintosh, iMac, Mac OS and Mac OS X • are trademarks of Apple Inc.
Other company names, product names and logos in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Any data, including, but not limited to information, described herein are intended only as illustrations of such data and/or information and not as the specications for such data and/ or information. TEAC Corporation disclaims any warranty that any use of such data and/or information shall be free from infringement of any third party’s intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, and further, assumes no liability of whatsoever nature in the event of any such infringement, or arising from or connected with or related to the use of such data and/or information.
This product is designed to help you record and reproduce sound works to which you own the copyright, or where you have obtained permission from the copyright holder or the rightful licensor. Unless you own the copyright, or have obtained the appropriate permission from the copyright holder or the rightful licensor, your unauthorized recording, reproduction or distribution thereof may result in severe criminal penalties under copyright laws and international copyright treaties. If you are uncertain about your rights, contact your legal advisor. Under no circumstances will TEAC Corporation be responsible for the consequences of any illegal copying performed using the recorder.

About microSD cards

This unit uses microSD cards for recording and playback. microSD cards that are 64 MB - 2
GB and microSDHC cards that are 4 GB ­32 GB in size can be used. A list of microSD
cards that have been tested with this unit can be found on the TASCAM web site (http://tascam. com/).
ª Precautions for use
microSD cards are delicate media. In order to avoid damaging a card or the card slot, please take the following precautions when handling them.
Do not leave them in extremely hot or cold
Do not leave them in extremely humid places.
Do not let them get wet.
Do not put things on top of them or twist
Do not hit them.

Precautions for placement

The environmental temperature operation
range of this unit is 0–40° C (32–104° F).
Do not install in the following types of places.
Doing so could degrade the sound quality
and/or cause malfunctions. Places with significant vibrations or that are
otherwise unstable
Near windows or other places exposed to
direct sunlight
Near heaters or other extremely hot places
Extremely cold places
Places with bad ventilation or high humidity

Beware of condensation

If the unit is moved from a cold to a warm place, or used after a sudden temperature change, there is a danger of condensation; vapor in the air could condense on the internal mechanism, making correct operation impossible. To prevent this, or if this occurs, let the unit sit for one or two hours at the new room temperature before using.

Cleaning the unit

Use a dry soft cloth to wipe the unit clean. Do not clean the unit with a chemically treated cloth or substances such as benzene, thinner and alcohol because they might cause damage to the surface of the unit.

Product Registration

Customers in the USA, please register your product online at tascam.com.
Click on “Product Registration” on the bottom of the homepage.

2–Names and Functions of Parts

Top panel

1 Built-in stereo microphone
Cardioid stereo electret condenser microphone. You can set the microphone angles to open (A-B), or close (X-Y). If you connect an external microphone or external input to the MIC/EXT IN jack on the rear panel, the built-in microphone becomes inactive.
2PEAK indicator
Lights when the input volume is too high.
3 Display
Shows a variety of information.
4 (HOME) [ª] button
Press this button during playback to cause the playback to pause at the current position. Press this button during pause time to return to the beginning of the track.
Press this button during recording or recording standby to cause the recording to stop.
When any other screen is open, press this button to return to the Home Screen. Use
2–Names and Functions of Parts
this button to answer “NO” to a confirmation message.
Press and hold this button to turn the unit’s power ON or OFF.
5 + button
When the Home or TUNER screen is displayed, press this button to increase the output level from the built-in speaker or / LINE OUT jack. During adjustment, a volume indicator will be displayed in a pull-up window.
When the Playback Control screen is displayed, press this button to increase the playback speed.
When a setting screen is open, use the button to change the setting of the selected item.
6 MENU button
When the Home Screen is displayed, press this button to open the
Press this button to return to the Screen from the various setting screens.
When the this button to return to the Home Screen.
When the IN and OUT points are set in the track and the Playback Control screen is displayed, press this button to turn on or off loop playback.
7 Â button
Press this button to return to the beginning of a track that is playing or stopped in the middle. When the IN and OUT points are set between the current position and the beginning of the track, pressing this button skips to those points.
If you press this button when a track is stopped at its beginning, the unit will skip to the beginning of the previous track.
Press and hold this button to search backwards.
Press this button while pressing and holding the MARK button to return to the previous mark.
Screen is displayed, press
2–Names and Functions of Parts
On the setting screens, use this button to move the cursor left. On the press this button to move up a level.
Press this button during recording or recording standby to decrease the input level from the built-in microphone or MIC/EXT IN jack. During adjustment, a pull-up window is shown in the display.
8PB CONT button
This button activates the Playback Control screen. When the Playback Control screen is displayed, press this button to return to the Home Screen.
Press this button during recording standby to turn off the self-timer function or change the time period.
9– button
When the Home Screen or the TUNER screen is displayed, press this button to decrease the output level from the built-in speaker or
/LINE OUT jack. During adjustment, a volume indicator will be displayed in a pull­up window.
When the Playback Control screen is open, press this button to decrease the playback speed.
When a setting screen is open, use the button to change the setting of the selected item.
0 REC indicator
The indicator flashes during recording standby. The indicator lights while recording.
q RECORD [º] button
When stopped, press this button to put the unit into recording standby. REC indicator starts to flash. When
ON), a pop-up menu appears to ask whether overdubbing is ON/
When in standby, press this button to start recording, and the REC indicator lights.
When recording, press this button to pause recording.
is ON on the
screen (MONITOR MIX is
2–Names and Functions of Parts
wQUICK button
When playing back, stopped, paused or in recording standby in the Home Screen or when the Playback Control screen is displayed, press this button to display the Quick Menu screen. The function to be shown depends on the state of the unit when the button is pressed.
Stopped: delete, division, or level alignment • for the current song
Playback/Playback Control screen: level • alignment
Recording standby: level control• Press this button to divide the recording by
creating a new file. When the
screen is displayed, press this button to show or cancel the popup menu for file/folder operations.
e ¯ button
Press this button during playback or when playback is stopped to skip to beginning of
screen or
the next track. When the IN and OUT points are set between the current position and the end of the track, pressing this button skips to those points.
Press and hold this button to search forward. On the setting screens, use this button to
move the cursor right. Press this button while pressing and holding
the MARK button to move to the next mark. On the Browse Screen, press this button to
move down a level. If a file is selected, the file is loaded and the unit returns to the Home Screen.
Press this button during recording or recording standby to increase the input level from the built-in microphone or MIC/EXT IN jack. During adjustment, a pull-up window is shown in the display.
rÁ button
When the Home Screen is displayed and playback is stopped, press this button to start playback.
2–Names and Functions of Parts
During playback, press this button to start jump-back playback.
When a setting screen is open, use this to confirm selections.
When a file or folder is selected in the
screen, press this button to return to the Home Screen and play the file or the first file in the folder from the beginning.
t MARK button
When recording, use it to add markers manually.
Press the  or ¯ button while pressing and holding this button to move to the previous or next mark, respectively.
When the Playback Control screen is open, use this button to set the IN (start) and OUT
(end) points of the interval that you want to set for loop playback. When the IN and OUT points are already set, press this button to cancel loop playback and clear the IN and OUT points.

Front panel

y Strap attachment
Use this to attach a strap.

Rear panel

u MIC/EXT IN jack
Use this input jack to connect a stereo mini-jack microphone or an external input device. This jack provides plug-in power when set to do so on the Input Setting Screen.
The built-in microphone is disabled if an external microphone is connected to the MIC/EXT IN jack.
2–Names and Functions of Parts

Left side panel

i /LINE OUT jack
Use this to connect with headphones or the line input jack of an amp or other equipment.
o HOLD switch
Shift to the left end (in the direction of the arrow) to engage the hold function.
All buttons are inoperative when hold is ON.

Right side panel

p USB port
Use the included USB cable to connect with a computer USB port.
Power can be supplied through the USB cable provided with the unit or an AC adaptor (sold separately: TASCAM PS-P515U).
a microSD card slot
Insert a microSD card into this slot.
2–Names and Functions of Parts

Bottom Panel

s Mono speaker
Use this built-in speaker to listen to recordings.
Sound is not output during recording, when the unit is in recording standby, when
headphones are connected, when the speaker is disabled, or when Monitor Mix is enabled.
d Tripod attachment screw-hole (1/4-inch)
Use this to attach the unit to a tripod or mic stand.
Tighten the unit securely to the tripod or microphone • stand to prevent it from falling off.
Place the tripod or microphone stand on a level surface • when using it with this unit.
f Battery compartment cover g Battery compartment
Install batteries (2 AA) in this compartment to power the unit. (See “Using AA batteries” on page 38.)
2–Names and Functions of Parts

Home Screen

1 Playback speed setting status
x1.1 - x1.5
x0.5 - x0.9
Playback speed not controllable
Playback speed
2 Loop/repeat playback status
: Single playback : Single track repeat playback
: All track repeat playback
: Loop playback
3 Monitor Mix setting status
On/off status of Monitor Mix is shown.
: Monitor Mix off : Monitor Mix on
4Effect status
Shows whether the effect function is ON or OFF.
: Effect off : Effect on
The built-in microphone’s left-right channels status
If the built-in microphone’s left-right channels status is different from the microphone’s angle setting, the current left-right status is shown.
Icon Mic angle MIC setting
Close (X-Y) L-R
Open (A-B) R-L
2–Names and Functions of Parts
6Power supply status
When a battery is being used, a battery icon shows the amount of power remaining in bars ( , , ). The battery is almost dead and the power will soon turn off if the icon has no bars
. When using the PS-P515U AC adaptor (sold
separately) or USB bus power, appears.
Sometimes a “Battery Low” warning appears when recording or con ducti ng other de mandi ng opera tions ev en when battery power remains.
7 Recorder operation status
· Stopped π Paused Á Playing back  Fast-forwarding Ô Fast-rewinding ¯ Skipping forward  Skipping backward
8 Level meter
The level of the input or playback sounds is shown.
When Monitor Mix is ON, the level of the combined input and playback sounds is shown.
9 File information
The file name or tag information of the file currently being played back is shown.
ID3 tag information is shown when available for an MP3 file being played.
ID3 tag information includes the titles and artists names that can be saved in MP3 files.
0 Playback position display
The current playback position is shown by a bar. As playback progresses, the bar extends to the right.
Elapsed time
Shows the elapsed time (hours: minutes: seconds) of the currently playing track.
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