With most common Equalizers, correcting gain imbalances in program material will result
in subtle yet undesirable changes to the spectral balance of the rest of the audio
material. Dynamic EQ for PowerCore is no such equalizer. Utilizing 48-Bit phase-linear
processing, Dynamic EQ for PowerCore delivers the most accurate and flexible
equalization possible, without compromise.
Dynamic EQ offers up to four definable bands, which can work in static or dynamic
mode, or even a combination of both. Each of the bands can be configured as a
parametric EQ or hi/low shelving filter.
The Sidechain bands can be unlinked from the processing bands, so the high frequency
content of a mix can control the low-end and vice versa. The processing of this plug-in is
all in 48-bit double precision and may even be used in a Linear phase mode for much
more transparent results.
Dynamic EQ represents a new generation of mastering tools for the PowerCore platform.
This virtual processor eliminates the shortcomings of static EQ by providing a marriage
between dynamics processing and EQ.
• Better control over dynamic signals and “critical” material
• Multiple Frequency bands can be controlled independently
• With linear phase mode, the typical coloration of sound caused by phase effects
introduced by normal EQs can be prevented. This is especially interesting for
mastering purposes since the original sound character of the processed material can
be maintained.
• Changes in EQ and signal dynamics at the EQ’d frequency can be created which are
triggered either above or below the individual threshold levels in four adjustable
frequency bands.
• Removal of annoying hisses in spoken word or vocal recordings
• Correct musical instrument volume imbalances in a mix
• Dynamic Loudness Control
• Enhance or sweeten a mix
• Eliminate background noise
• Apply dynamic boost or cut of important or annoying spectral components
CCrreeaattiivvee SSoouunndd DDeessiiggnn
• Create dynamically controlled effects by applying extreme EQ and gain changes
SSccrroollll WWhheeeell SSuuppppoorrtt
If you are using a host application that supports this feature, all parameters support
scrolling on both Windows XP and Mac OS X. Simply place the mouse over a parameter
value field and use the Scroll Wheel to increment/decrement the associated parametervalue.
KKeeyy CCoommmmaannddss
In most host applications, Plug-Ins support keyboard commands for certain functions.
The following key commands are available for all Plug-In parameters.
KKeeyy CCoommmmaannddss iinn MMaacc OOSS KKeeyy CCoommmmaannddss IInn WWiinnddoowwss
Reset To Default = [Alt] Reset To Default = [Shift] & [Control]
PowerCore software 3.0 or higher
Mac OS X (10. 4 or higher)
G4/G5 or Intel (1 GHz or faster)
512 MB RAM
VST, Audio Units or RTAS*) compatible
host application.
System must meet requirements of the
host application
PowerCore software 3.0 or higher
Windows XP
PIII 1,4 GHz or faster
512 MB RAM
VST compatible host application
System must meet requirements of the
host application
*) RTAS (Pro Tools) is supported via the VST to RTAS adapter from FXpansion (optional).
info on
@@4444.. 11 kkHHzz::
mono 16%
stereo 29%
@@4488 kkHHzz::
mono 17%
stereo 32%
@@8888.. 22 kkHHzz::
mono 32%
stereo 60%
@@9966 kkHHzz::
mono 36%
stereo 66%
For each open instance of the Dynamic EQ on PowerCore devices (X8, FireWire, Compact,
Express, mkII, Unplugged), the following DSP usage applies:
@@4444.. 11 kkHHzz::
mono 30%
stereo 52%
@@4488 kkHHzz::
mono 32%
stereo 57%
@@8888.. 22 kkHHzz::
mono 62%
stereo -
@@9966 kkHHzz::
mono 67%
stereo -
Linear Phase mode: