Digital Production Environment
The TASCAM SX-1 Vision
The SX-1 off e r s
not only an
i n c redibly
p o w e rful
f e a t u re set, but
also a care f u l l y
c o n s i d e red user
i n t e rface design
that ensure s
re l i a b i l i t y, and
ease of use for
a host of
p ro f e s s i o n a l
in music
and production.
The Vision
Several years ago, the SX-1 design team envisioned a machine that
would combine the power and flexibility of computer- b a s e d
recording and editing, MIDI sequencing, hardware surface control,
dynamic mix automation, on-board and plug-in effects, stereo and
surround mixdown, data backup - all of which would be accessible
via a powerful and intuitive user interface. Their vision was to
enable musicians, composers, and music production professionals to
stay focused on the joys of creating and recording music. Their
vision was to incorporate all of the important 21st century technologies, but eliminate the digital technology conflicts and computer hardware and software incompatibilities that often accompany computer-based systems.
Their vision is now an exciting reality.
The SX-1 offers not only an incredibly powerful feature set, but also
a carefully considered user interface design that ensures smooth
operation, reliability, and ease of use for a host of professional
applications in music composition and production.
A Powerful Mixer
At the core of the SX-1 is a powerful mixer, comprised of a comprehensive I/O section that includes both analog and digital interfaces. It starts with 16 high quality mic/line inputs with inserts and
phantom power, selectable in groups of four. It also includes 8
channels of ADAT Lightpipe, 2xS/PDIF, and three expansion slots for
up to 24 more channels of I/O (optional additional 8-channel interfaces include AES/EBU, TDIF, ADAT and balanced Analog). The
remaining ports include: Word Clock In/Out/Thru, SMPTE In/Out,
Video In and Thru, Ethernet, VGA, 2 MIDI Ins/4 MIDI Outs and Sony
9-pin. There is simply no computer DAW or standalone workstation
on the market with such a comprehensive set of I/O, which also
allows the SX-1 to be used as a mixer for modular digital multitracks, analog multitracks,
video decks, and/or computer
based DAWs.
The console’s design start s
with a 40 input, 32x8x8 architecture. It has 32 input channels, with 8 busses and 8
returns. The SX-1’s mixer has
true routing flexibility…you can send nearly any signal anywhere.
For example, you could easily route the talkback mic to the hard
The TASCAM SX-1 Vision
The SX-1 is:
• A sophisticated
40 input,
32x8x8 digital
mixing console
with highly
flexible ro u t i n g ,
i n t e rnal
and a plug-in
e ffects
a rc h i t e c t u re
• A high-end
MIDI sequencer
that offers
p rofessional
editing tools
with the
audio re c o rd e r
disk recorder for slating or funky tracking. Also, if you own highend analog outboard processors (maybe a pair of 1176’s or a
Fairchild 670), you could easily patch them into inserts on any mixer
The SX-1 takes the digital console concept even further with prestige, name brand, onboard effects by TC Works and Antares. It also
possesses one of the best surround mixing interfaces on the market
today, making routing and creation of 5.1 mixes as easy as a few
button presses.
The SX-1’s tactile control surface features 17 touch sensitive, 100mm, long thro w
motorized faders…16 channel
faders plus one master. The
throw of these faders is the
same as those on large-format
recording consoles like those
from SSL and Neve. Other features of the control surface
include: horizontal channel
strip, Jog and Shuttle wheel and transport control, and 10-key pad.
A color-matched computer keyboard and mouse come as standard
equipment with the SX-1. To offer even more functionality, the SX1 has 16 fader banks that determine which parameters are controlled by the SX-1’s faders.
• A pro f e s s i o n a l
h a rd disk
re c o rder and
editor with
i n d u s t ry - w i d e
audio file
c o m p a t i b i l i t y
and surro u n d stem re c o rd i n g
c a p a b i l i t i e s
• A powerful
digital, analog
and computer
audio interface
Both a large LCD display and a full-color VGA output are provided
for displaying mixing and editing data.
Not only is the SX-1’s mixer easy to route - it’s even easier to automate. It offers the most extensive automation system ever released
for a standalone DAW. All of the audio mixing parameters on the
console can be automated from the control surface. Innovative
automation capabilities, such as rendering library recall events into
the dynamic automation data, set the SX-1’s automation system
apart from less-advanced systems. One of the most important features of the SX-1’s automation system is that it is largely transparent, so the operator can concentrate on the mix instead of "running" the automation system. Most functions are accessible by
pressing a single button, as opposed to other systems that require
paging through a labyrinth of menus, submenus and parameter
settings for even simple operations. While the SX-1’s VGA Graphic
User Interface allows very detailed editing of automation and other
data, it isn’t required to make a great mix or even to use the