1.14 EXPECTED LIFE TIME ............................................................................................................22
XP series S/M
April 2013
Automated Hematology Analyzer XP series is succession machine of KX-21 that more than 10 years have
passed since its introduction to the market. The purpose of XP series development is to expand business
relations in developing nations. Only essential changes implemented from KX-21/KX-21N to XP series, and
its hardware, sequence software and appearance are designed based on KX-21N, and basic software is
designed based on pocH-100i and silent design.
While XP series inherited the basic performance and functions of KX-21N and pocH-100i, its specification
has been enhanced with changes as follows.
- Increase the number of stored data (40,000 items (XP-300))
- Adopt color touchpad display
- Expand SNCS functionality
- Add PCT (Platelet count) to analysis items
- Add reagent management function (Unique barcode)
- Increase available languages (Russian, Indonesian and Korean)
Whole blood mode: mode that measures sample blood without dilution.
Pre-dilute mode: mode that measures sample blood that dilute by 26 times.
Service data: data that is used for production, technical service and scientific activities, but
not provided to users.
Service function: function that is used for production, technical services and scientific activities,
and not used by users.
1.5.1Configuration and expandabilities to systems
Main unit (with data processing function, compressor, built-in lyse container)
* A common program that is used for XP-100 and XP-300 has installed on the main unit.
(3)Control blood and Calibrator
(4)Reagent for gain adjustment
PLT PLT Latex Calibrator(E) for system (peripheral equipment)
(1)Handy barcode reader (Option)
(2)GP(Graphic print)/LP(Listed print)
(3)RS-232C-LAN adaptor (for SNCS)
1-2April 2013XP series S/M for system(software)
Main functionalities
Online QC, Real time error log, Emergency Error Notification, Screen Capture(Available to save 5
captures at maximum on SNCS server), Failure Prediction(Pressure 0.05Mpa/ Vacuum -
0.0333Mpa / Draining time of drain chamber, HGB Blank, Clogs ), Parameter Backup, Opera-
tion Cycle Count log, Maintenance log
* As to failure prediction, data needs to be collected for verifications.
1)Blood Quantative Method
Quantify with sampling valve(SRV).
2)Whole Blood Mode Dilution and Lysis
Aspirate approx. 50 μL of blood with anti-coagulant and quantify with SRV. Prepare WBC/HGB
sample and RBC/PLT sample by diluting with diluent and lyse agent by approx. 500 times and
approx. 25000 times, respectively.
WBC/HGB sample (Approx. 500 times)
First dilution: 6.012μL blood + 2.0 mL Diluent + 1.0 mL lyse
RBC/PLT sample ( Approx. 25000 times = 500x50)
First dilution: 4.008μL blood + 2.0mL diluent
Second dilution: 40.82μL First sample + 2.0 mL diluent
3)Pre-diluted Mode dilution
Aspirate approx. 200 μL of pre-diluted sample that diluted with diluent by 26 times. Quantify the
pre-diluted sample with sampling valve and prepare WBC/HGB sample and RBC/PLT sample by
diluting by approx. 1000 times and approx. 25000, respectively. In Pre-diluted Mode, use a pore
that is not used in Whole Blood Mode and the RBC/PLT sample dilution should be done at first
dilution only.
WBC/HGB sample (Approx. 1000 times = 26x38.46)
First dilution: 26 times; 80.08μL PD sample + 2.0 mL diluent + 1.0 mL lyse
RBC/PLT sample (Approx. 25000 times = 26x961.5)
First dilution: 26 times; 2.082 μL PD sample + 2.0 mL diluent
4)WBC measurement
Aspirate WBC/HGB sample 0.50mL through φ100μm pore and measure with DC detection
method. Diaphragm pump is used to aspirate and quantify.
5)RBC/PLT measurement
Aspirate 0.25mL of RBC/PLT sample through φ75μm pore and measure with DC detection
method. Diaphragm pump is used to aspirate and quantify. Analysis result is obtained by autodiscriment of histograms.
6)HGB measurement
Measure absorption value of transmitted light at 555nm for diluent every measurement, and
calculate HGB values that is determined by deducting the absorption value of transmitted light at
555nm for diluent from that for HGB sample(Colorimeteric Method). LED and photodiode are used
as a light source and a photo detector, respectively. Measurement method is SLS-Hb method.
1-4April 2013XP series S/M
1.6.1Intended Use
The XP series is intended for in vitro diagnostic use, analyzing 20 parameters in anti-coagulated
human blood. The Anti-coagulants are EDTA-2K, EDTA-3K and EDTA-2Na. The anti-coagulants
volume conforms to CLSI standards.
Note: EDTA-2Na is not intended for North American markets.
Expected workload is 60 samples/day.
1.6.2Specification Parameter and Display
(1)Analysis Mode
Whole Blood Mode
Pre-diluted Mode
(2)Measurement Parameters
White Blood corpuscle (WBC), Red Blood corpuscle (RBC), Hemoglobin (HGB), Hematocrit
(HCT), Mean Red Blood Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Mean Corpusclar Hemoglobin (MCH),
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC), Platelet count (PLT)
(3)Analysis Parameters
WBC Small Cell Ratio (W-SCR), WBC Middle Cell Ratio (W-MCR), WBC Large Cell Ratio
(W-LCR), WBC Small Cell Count (W-SCC), WBC Middle Cell Count (W-MCC), WBC Large
Cell Count (W-LCC), RBC Distribution Width (RDW-SD, RDW-CV), Platelet Distribution
Width (PDW), Mean Platelet Volume (MPV), Platelet Large Cell Ratio (P-LCR), Platelet Crit
For N.A market, PDW, P-LCR and PCT are not output.
(4)Research Parameters
ResearchW, ResearchS, ResearchM, ResearchL
Possible sample abnormalities are as follows.
1)WL, RL, PL: Relative height at Lower Discriminator exceeds the preset limit.
2)WU, RU, PU : Relative height at Upper Discriminator exceeds the preset limit.
3)DW: The RBC histogram does not cross the 20% height level twice.
4)MP: Two or more peaks exist in RBC or PLT histogram.
5)T1: The trough discriminator cannot be set between SCR and MCR populations.
6)T2: The trough discriminator cannot be set between MCR and LCR populations.
7)F1, F2, F3: Relative height at the trough discriminator exceeds the preset limit.
8)AG: Too many cells exist at WBC Lower Discriminator and lower 2 channels.
1-5April 2013XP series S/M and Display Range
Analysis and display range is shown in the table as follows. Note that Reportable Range in
the table is intended for US markets only.
ParameterAnalysis Range
Reportable Range Display Range
(Linearity Range)
WBC10 - 999 x 102/μL10 - 999 x 102/μL0 - 2999 x102/μL
When fresh normal blood or control blood is analyzed in Whole Blood Mode 10 times con-
secutively, the variation of coefficient under 95% confidence interval should be within the fol-
lowing range:
ParameterConditionWhole Blood
WBC40x102/μL or more3.5% or lower6.0% or lower
RBC400 x104/μL or more2.0% or lower3.0% or lower
HGB1.5% or lower2.5% or lower
HCT2.0% or lower3.0% or lower
MCV2.0% or lower3.0% or lower
MCH2.0% or lower3.0% or lower
MCHC2.0% or lower3.0% or lower
PLT10x104/μL or more6.0% or lower9.0% or lower
W-SCR15.0% or lower25.0% or lower
W-MCRW-MCR rate 12% or more30.0% or lower45.0% or lower
W-LCR15.0% or lower25.0% or lower
W-SCC15.0% or lower25.0% or lower
W-MCC10x102/μL or more30.0% or lower45.0% or lower
W-LCC15.0% or lower25.0% or lower
RDW-CV, RDW-SD4.0% or lower6.0% or lower
PDW12.0% or lower18.0% or lower
MPV5.0% or lower7.5% or lower
20.0% or lower
9.0% or lower
30.0% or lower
13.5% or lower
1-7April 2013XP series S/M
(1 ) For markets excluding North American markets
When calibrator is analyzed 10 times consecutively, the mean difference from the value
obtained on the standard instrument should be within the following range:
ParameterWhole Blood ModePre-diluted Mode
WBCWithin ±3% or ±2 x102/μLWithin ±5 % or ±3 x102/μL
RBCWithin ±2% or ±3 x104/μLWithin ±3 % or ±5 x104/μL
PLTWithin ±5% or ±1.0 x104/μLWithin ±8 % or ±1.5 x104/μL
(2) For North American markets
When the instrument is calibtrated and 100 fresh blood samples or more are analyzed on
the same day, the mean difference should be within the following range compared to the
value obtained on calibrated KX-21 or KX21N instrument.
ParameterWhole Blood ModePre-diluted Mode
WBCWithin ±3% or ±2 ×10?/μL±5 % or ±3 ×10?/μL
RBCWithin ±2% or ±3 ×10?/μL±3 % or ±5 ×10?/μL
HGBWithin ±2% or ±0.2 g/dL──────
HCTWithin ±3% or ±1.0 HCT%──────
MCVWithin ±5%──────
MCHWithin ±10%──────
PLTWithin ±5% or ±1.0 ×10?/μL±8 % or ±1.5 ×10?/μL
W-SCRWithin ±5.0 W-SCR%──────
W-MCRWithin ±3.0 W-MCR%──────
W-LCRWithin ±5.0 W-LCR%──────
RDW-CVWithin ±10%──────
RDW-SDWithin ±10%──────
MPVWithin ±10%──────
In regards to W-SCR, W-MCR and W-LCR, when the instrument is calibtrated and 100 fresh blood
samples or more are analyzed on the same day, the correlation coefficient should be in the following
range compared to the value obtained on calibrated KX-21 or KX21N instrument.
ParameterWhole Blood Mode
Correlation Coefficient
W-SCRr ≧ 0.90
W-MCRr ≧ 0.70
W-LCRr ≧ 0.90
1-8April 2013XP series S/M
When the Whole Blood Manual Mode analysis is executed, the difference from the theoreti-
cal value should be within the following range:
ParameterConcentrationDifferenceDifference rate
WBC10 - 99 x102/μL
100 - 999 x10
RBC30 - 99 x104/μL
100 - 700 x10
HGB0.1 - 9.9 g/dL
10.0 - 25.0 g/dL
HCT10.0 - 33.3 %
33.4 - 60.0 %
PLT1.0 - 19.9 x104/μL
20.0 - 99.9 x10
(RBC<700 x10
Within ±3 x102/μL
Within ±3 x104/μL
Within ±0.2 g/dL
Within ±1.0 HCT%
Within ±1.0 x104/μL
Within ±3 %
Within ±3 %
Within ±2 %
Within ±3 %
Within ±5 %
When control blood is analyzed in Whole Blood Mode, the carryover rate should be within the
following range:
ParameterCarryover rate
WBC3 % or less
RBC1.5% or less
HGB1.5% or less
HCT1.5% or less
PLT5 % or less
When the Whole Blood Mode is executed, the stability should be within the following range:
(1)Stability relative to Temperature
In fresh normal blood or control blood analysis, the data fluctuation while the ambient temper-
ature changes from 15°C to 30°C should be within the following range:
The following data are based on the assumption that the sample is analyzed within 12 hours
after collection, and that any change in the sample should be executed from the fluctuation
ParameterFluctuation rate
WBCWithin 10% or 5.0x102/μL
RBC, HGB, HCTWithin 5%
PLTWithin 15% or 3.0x104/μL
1-9April 2013XP series S/M
(2)Within-a-Day Stability
In control blood analysis of 5°C or less ambient temperature change, the data fluctuation for
24 hours after startup should be within the following range:
ParameterChange rate
WBCWithin 10%
RBC, HGB, HCTWithin 5%
PLTWithin 15% or 3.0x104/μL
(3)Day-to-Day Stability
In control blood analysis of 5°C or less ambient temperature change, the data fluctuation for
ten days should be within following range:
ParameterChange rate
WBCWithin 10%
RBC, HGB, HCTWithin 5%
PLTWithin 15% or 3.0x104/μL
For North American markets, when control blood is analyzed in the whole blood mode in
accordance with CLSI Document EP05-A2. Evaluation of Precision Performance of Quantita-
--Due to analyzed and
calculated items
from histogram of
1.8.1Environmental Requirements
(1)Ambient temperature: 15 - 30°C(The reagent temperature should also be within this range.)
(2)Relative Humidity: 30 - 85%
(3)Atmospheric Pressure: 70 - 106kPa
(4)Installation Condition: Avoid installation in a place where the instrument may be exposed to
direct sunlight, dust, vibration or acid
(5)Electromagnetic Environment
EMC conformity standard : IEC61326-2-6: 2005
EMI(emission) test: Class A
Check the volume of reagent and replace when needed.
ii) Turn on power
iii) Check instruments
Instruments starts self-check process automatically, when power is turned on.
iv) Quality Control
Check data with control blood or other QC method.
Press [Start] switch to aspirate sample with pipette and measure.
(4)Analysis results
Analysis results is displayed after measurement. The result can be printed and output to a computer.
(5)Post-analysis operation
i) Cleaning is executed automatically during shutdown process.
ii) Turn off the instrument
(6)Preventive Maintenance
To keep reliability of analysis results, carry out PM by control blood and other method, and to keep the
instruments stable, carry out defined maintenance items periodically.
Diluent, Lyse reagent, CELLCLEAN
i) Replacement parts: Fuse
ii) Filling parts: Paper for printing
iii) Additional parts: Brush, Pipette
1-20April 2013XP series S/M
(1)Customer Maintenance
Customer maintenance and service should be executed from the front or side faces.
i) Shutdown: Once/day
ii) Clean SRV: Once/3 months or when operation cycle count becomes 4,500 cycles
iii) Clean detector: Once/Month or when operation cycle count becomes 1,500 cycles
iv) Clean waste chamber: Once/Month or when operation cycle count becomes 1,500 cycles
v) Replace reagent: As needed
(2)User Maintenance Item
User maintenance should be executed from the front or side.
i) Clean detector
ii) Pressure adjustment
(3)Regular Maintenance Item by FSR
Package UnitDimention(mm)Total
Main body and
505Dx595Wx593HApprox. 35kgApprox.
(1)Service Manual
(2)Power cord
(3)Dispensing set
(4) Tray
(5) Tubes
(6) Syringe
(7) Brush
(8) Fuse
(9) Clamp
(10) Paper for printing (Roll sheet)
Avoid an installation location where the instrument may be exposed to direct sunlight.
1-21April 2013XP series S/M
The noise level should be 55dB or less in conformity with SYSMEX internal testing method.
(1) Service life: 5 years
(2)Number of standard sample processing: 60 samples/day
(3)Designed life time: 60 samples/day x 300 days/year x 5 years = 90,000 samples
1-22April 2013XP series S/M
2.1 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM................................................................1