Question: Which photo formats can be used with this device?
Answer: You are able to use the following formats: JPG, TIF, PNG, BMP.
Question: Why is it that immediately after inserting a memory card, the player is unable to display pictures at a fast rate?
Answer: First, consider if your picture has a high resolution, then please be patient. Furthermore, you are able to change your picture with the ASSP tool.
Question: Would the touch panel be able to work after several attempts?
Answer: Please consider repositioning the touch panel. More info regarding this can be located under Advanced Op: screen calibration.
Question: Could you illustrate why IP Radio, Gmail, Stock, YouTube, Picasa, Route, News and Weather services do no work?
Answer: Functions as, Zip Code and stock code have to be in use while connecting to the internet. Ensure it is properly done as it is the main cause of the functions not working.
Question: What may be the possible reasons to prevent me from linking to the internet?
Answer: This is a typical complication and if you are unable to link yourself successfully to the network, do visit our website and follow the set tips to manage such complications.
Question: How do I ascertain where to get ebooks?
Answer: Yes, there is where you shall search through the frequently asked questions section and easily find where to get ebooks from, do try ensure that the ebooks that you wish to download are in either the TXT or the PDF format.
Question: How do I turn PDF or HTML file to a TXT file?
Answer: Yes, to ensure a smooth experience click through, search most frequent questions asked and easily convert the HTML and PDF files to TEXT files.
Question: What function does ASSP serve?
Answer: ASSP manages audio and video files stored in the internal memory and uses these in order to control the braid memory. It is not designed to control ebook and video files.
Question: How do I input video files and ebooks in the unit’s memory?
Answer: All that Loads need to do is view the unit as a regualr storage device and simply copy from the PC paste into the unit’s internal memory from there on they wil be able to save their ebooks and videos.
Question: What languages can be utilized in the eBook content files?
Answer: French and English.