Batteries are used in a wide variety of applications, mostly to store
energy for later use. But how do you know how much energy is stored in
your battery? No one can tell you that by just looking at it. Battery
technology is often underestimated, but some basic battery knowledge
and good monitoring is essential if you want a maximum life time of your
expensive batteries. The life time of batteries is dependent on many
aspects. Battery life time reduces by under-charging, over-charging, too
deep discharging, too fast discharging and too high ambient
temperature. By monitoring your battery with an advanced battery
monitor like the SBM-01, important feedback is given to the user so that
measures can be taken when necessary. This way, by extending battery
life time, the SBM-01 will quickly merit itself back.
1.2 How does the SBM-01 work?
The capacity of a battery is rated in Amphours (Ah). For example, a
battery that can deliver a current of 5Amps for a period of 20hours is
rated at 100Ah (5 * 20 = 100). The SBM-01 continuously measures the
present current flow in or out of the battery so it can calculate the amount
of energy removed from or added to the battery. But since battery age,
discharge current and temperature all influence the battery’s capacity,
you cannot rely on an Amp-hours reading. When the same 100Ah
battery is discharged completely in two hours, it will give you only 56Ah.
As you can see the battery’s capacity is almost halved. This
phenomenon is called Peukert efficiency (see also chapter 2.2). When
the temperature of the battery is low too, its capacity is decreased even
more. This is why simple Amphour counters or Voltmeters are not able to
give you an accurate state-of-charge indication.
The SBM-01 can display both Amphours removed (not compensated)
and actual state-of-charge (compensated by Peukert efficiency, charge
efficiency and temperature). Reading state-of-charge is the best way to
read your battery. This parameter is given in percent, where 100.0%
represents a fully charged battery and 0.0% a completely flat battery.
You can compare this with a fuel-gauge in a car.
SBM-01 high precision battery monitor
The SBM-01 also makes an estimation of the time the battery can
support the present load (time-to-go readout). This is actually the time
left till the battery needs to be charged again. If the battery load is
fluctuating heavily it’s best not to rely on this reading too much since it is
a momentary readout and must be used as a guide only. We always
encourage the use of the state-of-charge readout for accurate battery
Besides the main function of the SBM-01, displaying the actual battery
status, this monitor offers a lot of other features too. The readout of
actual battery voltage, current and temperature (with optional
temperature sensor), the ability to store history data, the PC
computerlink and the Super-lock function are just a few features of the
SBM-01. These features are more specifically explained in the
corresponding chapters of this manual.
Before proceeding with this chapter, please make sure your SBM-01
is completely installed in accordance with the enclosed installation
When your SBM-01 is installed it is time to adjust the battery monitor to
your battery system. But before discussing the functions in the setup
menu, four important items are explained first in the next chapters. It is
important that users of the SBM-01 are having some insight in these four
items to become more familiar with battery monitoring. The actual setup
menu functions are explained in chapter 2.5 ‘Function overview’.
2.1 Charge Efficiency Factor (CEF)
Not all energy transferred into the battery during battery charging, is also
available during discharging of the battery. The charge efficiency of a
brand new battery is approximately 90%, meaning that 10Ah must be
transferred to the battery to get 9Ah actually stored in
the battery. This
efficiency figure is called Charge-Efficiency-Factor (CEF) and will
decrease with battery age. The SBM-01 can automatically calculate the
CEF of the battery.
SBM-01 high precision battery monitor
2.2 Peukert’s exponent
As mentioned earlier in chapter 1.2 the Peukert efficiency describes that
if you discharge a battery faster than the 20hr rating, it’s Amphour size
decreases. The amount of battery size decrease is called ‘Peukert
exponent’ and can be adjusted from 1.00 up to 1.50 in Function F10. The
higher the Peukert exponent the faster the battery size shrinks with
increasing discharge rate. An ideal (theoretical) battery has a Peukert
Exponent of 1.00 and doesn’t care how big the discharge current is. Of
course these batteries do not exist, and an F10 setting of 1.00 is only
implemented to bypass Peukert compensation in the SBM-01.
The default setting for the Peukert exponent is 1.25, and is an
acceptable average value for most lead acid type of batteries. However
for precise battery monitoring, entering the right Peukert exponent is
essential. If the Peukert exponent is not provided with your battery, you
can calculate it by using other specifications which must be provided with
your battery. The Peukert equation is stated below :
Cp = I
⋅t where Peukert exponent ‘n’ =
The battery specifications needed for calculation of the Peukert
exponent, are the rated battery capacity (usually the 20hr discharge
) and for example a 5hr discharge rate
. See the calculation
example below to define the Peukert exponent using these two
specifications :
Please note that the rated battery capacity can also be defined as
SBM-01 high precision battery monitor
the 10hr or even 5hr discharge rate.
The 5hr discharge rate in this example is just arbitrary. Make sure
that besides the C20 rating (low discharge current) you choose a
second rating with a substantially higher discharge current.
When no ratings are given at all, you can measure your battery using a
‘constant load bank’. This way a second rating can be obtained, besides
the 20hr rating which represents the rated battery capacity in most
. This second rating can be defined by discharging a fully
charged battery with a constant current, until the battery reaches 1.75V
per cell (is 10.5V for a 12V battery or 21V for a 24V battery). a
calculation example is shown below :
A 200Ah battery is discharged with a constant current of 20A and after
Based on increasing charge voltage and decreasing charge current, a
decision can be made whether the battery is fully charged or not. When
the battery voltage is above a certain level during a predefined time while
the charge current is below a certain level during the same time, the
battery can be considered as fully charged. These voltage and current
levels as well as the predefined time are called ‘charged-parameters’. In
general for a 12V lead acid battery, the voltage-charged-parameter is
13.2V and the current-charged-parameter is 2.0% of the total battery
capacity (e.g. 4A with a 200Ah battery). A charged-parameter-time of 4
minutes is sufficient for most battery systems. Please note that these
SBM-01 high precision battery monitor
parameters are very important for correct operation of your SBM-01, and
must be set appropriately in the corresponding Functions.
2.4 Synchronizing the SBM-01
For a reliable readout of the state of charge of the battery, the battery
monitor has to be synchronized regularly with battery and charger. This
is accomplished by fully charging the battery. When the charger is
operating in the ‘float’ stage, the charger considers the battery full. At this
moment the SBM-01 must reckon the battery as full too, so that the
Amphour counting can be reset to zero and the state-of-charge reading
set to 100.0%. By precisely adjusting the charged-parameters in the
SBM-01, the battery monitor can automatically synchronize with the
charger when the ‘float’ stage is reached. The range of the chargedparameters is wide enough to adjust the SBM-01 to most battery
charging methods.
When the SBM-01 cannot be adjusted to the charging algorithm of the
installed charger, the user can always synchronize the battery monitor
manually when the battery is fully charged. This is realized by pressing
both < and > selection keys simultaneously for three seconds. By
manually synchronizing the battery monitor, the CEF will not be
calculated automatically. When the supply voltage of the SBM-01 has
been interrupted, the battery monitor must always be synchronized
in order to operate correctly.
Please note that regularly (at least once per month) fully charging your
battery not only keeps it in sync with the SBM-01, but also prevent
substantial capacity loss of your battery limiting it’s life time.
2.5 Function overview
The SBM-01 factory settings are suitable for an average 12V lead acid
battery system of 200Ah. So in most cases when monitoring a 12V
system, the only Function which possibly needs to be changed is the
battery capacity (F01). When using other types of batteries please
ensure that all the relevant specifications are known to properly setup the
SBM-01 Functions.
Users can fully adjust their SBM-01 with the help of twenty different
settings, called ‘Functions’. Before setting up the SBM-01, the user has
SBM-01 high precision battery monitor
to activate the setup-mode first. The setup-mode can be activated by
pressing the SETUP key for three
seconds. The display will blink to
indicate that the setup-mode is active. By repeatedly pressing the
SETUP key the desired Function can be selected. The selected Function
is represented as Fxx where xx indicates the Function number. The <
and > keys can be used to alter the value of the selected Function. By
pressing the SETUP key again, the next Function will be selected. To
save the changed settings to the SBM-01 memory, the SETUP key must
be pressed for three seconds until the display stops flashing and the
battery monitor jumps back normal operating mode again. If the SBM-01
operates in the setup-mode and not a single key is pressed for 90
seconds, the monitor will jump back to normal operating mode
automatically, without saving eventually altered settings.
The table below gives an overview of all SBM-01 Functions including a
short description. It is recommended not to change the Functions F04,
F05, F06, F09, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, F16, F17, F18 and F20
when in doubt. For most battery systems, only adjusting the values of
Functions F01, F02, F03, F07 and F08 should be sufficient.
F01 : Battery capacity in Amphours (Ah). This must be the capacity
F02 : Voltage-charged-parameter. The battery voltage must be
above this voltage level to consider the battery as fully
charged. Make sure the voltage-charged-parameter is always
slightly below the voltage at which the charger finishes
charging the battery (usually 0.1V or 0.2V below the ‘float’
stage voltage of the charger).
F03 : Current-charged-parameter. When the charge current value is
below this percentage of the battery capacity (see F01), the
battery can be considered as fully charged. Make sure the
current-charged-parameter is always greater than the
minimum current at which the charger maintains the battery,
F05 : Low-battery alarm ON (discharge floor). When the state-of-
charge percentage has fallen below this value, the alarm relay
will be activated and the CHARGE BATTERY indication will
flash on the display to indicate the battery must be charged.
The time-to-go calculation and the state of charge bargraph
are also linked to this value. It is recommended to keep this
value at or around 50.0%.
F06 : Low-battery alarm OFF. When the state-of-charge percentage
has risen above this value and the alarm relay is activated,
the alarm relay will be deactivated again. When FULL is
selected the alarm relay is deactivated when the chargedparameters are met.
Default : 80.0%
Range : 0.0 – 100.0% / FULL
Stepsize : 1.0%
F07 : Undervoltage alarm. When the battery voltage falls below this
value, after 10 seconds the message Lo shall appear on the
display and the alarm relay will be activated.
Default : 10.5V
Range : OFF / 8.0 – 33.0V
Stepsize : 0.1V
F08 : Overvoltage alarm. When the battery voltage rises above this
value, after 5 seconds the message Hi shall appear on the
SBM-01 high precision battery monitor
display and the alarm relay will be activated.
Default : 16.0V
Range : OFF / 10.0 – 35.0V
Stepsize : 0.1V
F09 : Charge-efficiency-factor (CEF). It is recommended to keep
this value at AU (automatic calculation). The value A90 resets
the automatic calculation to 90%. A manual setting is
represented by Uxx where xx is the charge-efficiency. (see
chapter 2.1 for more info about CEF)
Default : AU
Range : U50 – U99 / AU / A90
Stepsize : 1%
F10 : Peukert exponent (discharge efficiency). When unknown it is
recommended to keep this value at 1.25. A value of 1.00
disables the Peukert compensation. See chapter 2.2 for more
information and a calculation example to calculate your
battery’s Peukert exponent.
F11 : Battery temperature. In this Function the average battery
temperature can be adjusted. The value AU enables the
automatic temperature measurement provided that an
external temperature sensor is connected to the SBM-01.
Also the temperature readout in normal mode is enabled.
When AU is selected and the connection with the temperature
sensor is lost, four dashes (- - - -) are displayed and the
internal temperature compensation calculations are made
using the default 20 °C value. This Function can only be set
in °C. Use the following formulas to convert °C ↔ °F :
= (T
x 1.8) + 32 and T
= (T
- 32) / 1.8
Default : 20 °C
Range : 0 – 50 / AU
Stepsize : 1 °C
F12 : Temperature coefficient. This is the percentage the battery
capacity changes with temperature. The unit of this value is
‘%cap/°C’ or percent capacity per degree Celsius. The default
SBM-01 high precision battery monitor
setting is 0.5 %cap/°C which is typical for most batteries. The
setting OFF disables temperature compensation.
Default : 0.5 %cap/°C
Range : OFF / 0.05 – 0.95 %cap/°C
Stepsize : 0.05 %cap/°C
F13 : Time-to-go averaging period. Specifies the time window in
minutes the moving averaging filter works with. Selecting the
right time depends on your installation. A value of 0 disables
the filter and gives you instantaneous (real-time) readout,
however the displayed values may fluctuate heavily. Selecting
the highest time (12 minutes) ensures that long term load
fluctuations are included in the time-to-go calculations.
F14 : Current threshold. When the measured current falls below this
value it will be considered as zero Amps. With this function it
is possible to cancel out very small currents which can
negatively affect long term state-of-charge readout in noisy
environments. For example if an actual long term current is
+0.05A and due to injected noise or small offsets the battery
monitor measures –0.05A, on the long term the SBM-01 can
wrongly indicate that the battery needs recharging. When in
this case Function 14 is set to 0.1, the SBM-01 calculates with
0.0A so that no wrong assumptions can be made. A setting of
0.0 disables this Function.
Default : 0.0A
Range : 0.0 – 2.0A
Stepsize : 0.1A
F15 : Temperature unit selection. This Function enables selection
between degrees Celsius (°C) and degrees Fahrenheit (°F)
temperature readout.
Default : °C
Range : °C / °F
F16 : Voltage prescaler. This Function is only important when an
optional prescaler is installed on the battery voltage sense
input of the SBM-01. The voltage-charged-parameter,
undervoltage- and overvoltage alarm settings are linked with
SBM-01 high precision battery monitor
this Function. Don’t change this value when you are not using
a prescaler!
Default : 1-1
Range : 1-1 / 1-5 / 1-10
F17 : Display (backlight) mode. Duration of backlight activation in
seconds after pressing a key on the SBM-01. Furthermore
settings can be made to leave the backlight always ON or
always OFF. In the setting AU the backlight will be activated
automatically when the charge/discharge current exceeds 1A
or when a key is pressed.
Default : 30 seconds
Range : OFF / 10 – 60 / ON / AU
Stepsize : 10 seconds
F18 : Alarm relay contact polarity. This Function enables selection
between a normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC)
contact . Please note that the NC setting will slightly increase
the SBM-01's supply current in normal operating mode.
Default : NO
Range : NO / NC
F19 : Firmware version. Displays the firmware version of the SBM-
01. No alterations can be made.
Default : x.xx
F20 : Setup lock. When this Function is ON, all functions (except
this one) are locked and can’t be altered anymore.
Default : OFF
Range : OFF / ON
When all the necessary changes are made and double checked in the
setup-mode, it is time to jump back to the normal operating mode by
pressing the SETUP key for three seconds. Your SBM-01 is now ready
for use!
SBM-01 high precision battery monitor
In normal operating mode the SBM-01 can display the six most important
parameters of your DC system. Use the < and > selection keys to select
the desired parameter.
Battery voltage (V). This readout is useful to make a raw
estimation of the battery’s state-of-charge. A 12V battery is
considered empty when it cannot maintain a voltage of 10.5V
under load conditions.
Current (A) represents the actual current flowing in or out of
the battery. A discharge current is indicated as a negative
value (current flowing out of the battery). If for example a DC
to AC inverter draws 5Amps from the battery, it will be
displayed as –5.0A.
Consumed Amphours (Ah) displays the amount of Amphours
consumed from the battery. A fully charged battery sets this
readout to 0.0Ah (synchronized system). When for three
hours a current of 12Amps is drawn from the battery, this
readout gives –36.0Ah.
State-of-charge (%). This is the best way to monitor the actual
state of the battery. This readout represents the current
amount of energy left in the battery. A fully charged battery
sets this readout to 100.0% while a fully discharged battery is
represented as 0.0%.
Time-to-go (h:m) is an estimation of how long the battery can
support the present load, before it needs recharging. This
time will be represented in hours (above 100h) or in hh:mm
format (under 100h). A time-to-go of 15 hours and 45 minutes
will be represented as 15:45 h:m and a time-to-go of 120
hours will be represented by 120 h. When the battery is being
charged the display will show ---- h, which means that no
time-to-go can be calculated.
SBM-01 high precision battery monitor
Temperature (°C or °F) displays the present battery
temperature. This readout is automatically activated when
Function F11 is set to AU and the optional temperature
sensor is connected to the SBM-01. When connection with
the temperature sensor is lost, the display will return four
dashes (- - - -). The Temperature unit can be selected in
Function F15.
The SBM-01 also indicates when the battery needs to be recharged
again or when the battery is fully charged. These indications are made
using the CHARGE BATTERY FULL indicators at the bottom, or the five
segment bargraph at the top of the display. In the table below the four
possible combinations of these indicators are explained.
CHARGE BATTERY (flashing). The state-ofcharge of the battery has dropped below the
adjusted ‘discharge floor’ (see Function F05). The
battery needs to be recharged as soon as
BATTERY FULL (flashing). The battery is fully
charged and the battery charger possibly operates
in the ‘float’ stage. The charger may be turned off.
The monitor is synchronized with the battery!
CHARGE BATTERY FULL (flashing). Charge the
battery completely full! This indication will arise
when the SBM-01 decides that the monitor needs
to be synchronized with the battery (for example
after a number of charge/discharge cycles, after a
reset or right after power-up).
represents the state of charge in five steps until
the 'discharge floor' (see Function F05) is reached.
A fully charged battery is represented by five bar
segments. When the battery is discharged, the bar
disappears and the message 'CHARGE
BATTERY' will arise on the display.
SBM-01 high precision battery monitor
Besides the general functionality as described in chapter 3, the SBM-01
offers some additional advanced features too. These features are
reviewed in the next three chapters.
4.1 History data
The SBM-01 is able to store so-called special events as history data in
it’s memory. The next events are stored as history data :
H01 : The automatically calculated charge-efficiency-factor (CEF).
H02 : The average discharge in Ah. This value will be recalculated
after each synchronization.
H03 : The deepest discharge in Ah.
H04 : Number of charge/discharge cycles.
H05 : The number of ‘synchronisations’. This is the number of times
the battery is fully charged meeting the charged-parameters
H06 : The number of full discharges (reaching a state-of-charge of
H07 : The number of undervoltage alarms.
H08 : The number of overvoltage alarms.
H09 : The average discharge in %. This value will be recalculated
after each synchronization.
H10 : The deepest discharge in %.
The information stated above can be recalled in the ‘history readout’.
This readout can be activated by pressing the SETUP key for five
seconds. After this five seconds, a flashing ‘H01’ shall appear on the
display. With the < and > selection keys the value of H01 can be
displayed. By pressing the SETUP (next) key the next history event, in
this case ‘H02’, can be selected. To jump back to normal operating
mode, the SETUP key must be pressed for three
4.2 Reset menu
The Reset menu allows you to reset individual SBM-01 Functions and
the History Data to their factory defaults. Resetting the History Data is
recommended to be used only when replacing your batteries. If you
SBM-01 high precision battery monitor
replace your batteries with the exact same brand and type, it is only
necessary to reset the History Data and leave the Functions unchanged.
To activate the Reset menu, press the SETUP key for eight seconds.
After eight seconds a flashing “rSt.F” (“Reset Functions”) appears on the
display. To change the value to “On” or “OFF,” press the < and > keys.
By pressing the SETUP (next) key, “rSt.H” (“Reset History”) can be
selected. Again, to change the value to “On” or “OFF,” press the < and >
keys. To apply the actual reset of whichever item is set to “On,” press the
SETUP key for three seconds until the display stops flashing and the
battery monitor jumps back to normal operation mode again.
When the monitor is secured by the Super-lock, the Functions and
History Data cannot be reset and “S.Loc” will appear on the display after
pressing the < or the > key. If the SBM-01 operates in the Reset menu
and no keys are pressed for 90 seconds, the monitor will jump back to
normal operating mode automatically, without resetting the
Functions and/or History Data.
4.3 PC-link
Each SBM-01 offers the possibility to communicate with a Personal
Computer. However, the optional external communications interface kit is
required for this feature. This communications interface only needs to be
connected when actually communicating with the SBM-01, to avoid
unnecessary power consumption. With the dedicated SBM-01 Windows
software, the user can simultaneously display all
parameters. The SBM-01 can also be fully programmed via this link,
while the complete Function setup can be saved to disk. Furthermore
history data can be readout, the SBM-01 can be tested and the superlock can be (de-)activated.
4.4 Super-lock
With the super-lock feature, the setup menu of the SBM-01 can be
completely locked and secured by a password. In super-lock mode the
history data cannot be erased. The normal operating mode is not
affected by the super-lock and the Functions in the setup menu can be
reviewed, but not altered. Only the user/installer knowing the password,
can unlock the SBM-01 via the PC-link.
SBM-01 high precision battery monitor
The super-lock must not be confused with the setup-lock (Function F20).
The big difference between the two is that anybody can disable the
setup-lock, even without communication between SBM-01 and PC. The
setup-lock is used to avoid accidental altering of the Function values.
While the super-lock can only be (de-)activated via the PC-link using a
unique password. The super-lock feature is primarily meant for warranty
The monitor doesn’t operate (no
- Check monitor- and battery
side connections.
- Make sure the inline fuses are
installed and not blown.
- Check battery voltage. Battery
might be flat. Vbatt must be
> 8VDC.
- Try to restart the monitor by
removing/placing the fuses
Current readout gives wrong
polarity (positive current instead
of negative when discharging)
- Current sense leads from the
shunt are reversed. Check the
installation guide.
The monitor resets all the time - Check the wiring for corrosion
and/or loose contacts.
- Battery might be flat or
No changes can be made in the
- Check if the setup-lock is OFF
(Function F20)
- Your SBM-01 might be
locked by the super- lock. Ask
the installer for the password to
unlock the monitor using the
Not all readouts in normal mode
can be selected
- Installer has cancelled some
parameter readouts using the
administrator software with the
‘CHARGE BATTERY’ or - Charge battery full
keeps on flashing
State-of-charge and/or time-togo readout not accurate
Display returns ‘- - - -‘ in
temperature readout
Display returns ‘Lo’ repeatedly
regardless of readout selection
Display returns ‘Hi’ repeatedly
regardless of readout selection
Battery voltage readout is highly
SBM-01 high precision battery monitor
(synchronize your battery with
the monitor)
- Check the charged-parameters
in Functions F02, F03 and F04
for possible wrong settings.
- Check if all current is flowing
through the shunt (the negative
terminal of the battery may only
contain the wire going to the
battery-side of the shunt!).
- Current sense leads from the
shunt are reversed.
- Check battery capacity in
Function F01
- Check CEF in Function F09
- Check Peukert Exponent in
Function F10
- Check Battery temperature in
Function F11
- Check Temperature coefficient
in Function F12
- Connection with temperature
sensor is lost. Check for failed
connections and/or cable
- Undervoltage detected. Input
voltage is below the value
entered in Function F07.
- Overvoltage detected. Input
voltage exceeds the value
entered in Function F08.
- Check prescaler setting in
Function F16
If none of the above remedies will help solving the problem you
encounter, it’s best to contact your local dealer for further help.
5.1 Warranty
Studer Innotec (Studer) warrants this product to be free from defects in
workmanship or materials for 24 months from the date of purchase.
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