Orbit - dBucket Flanger User Manual
Front Panel
Switches between positive, negative and
positive/negative feedback. With positive
feedback, the wet and dry signals are in
phase, producing a jet-like swish when
higher REGEN settings are used.
Negative Feedback creates ‘hollow’ or
watery’ flange sounds. The +/- Feedback
settings uses a unique frequency
dependent feedback that combines
elements of both Positive and Negative
to create new sonic possibilities.
Adjusts flanger
LFO speed.
Controls the
intensity of the
flanging effect.
Switches between logarithmic, linear and
through zero LFOs. The LOG setting produces
an even-sounding frequency sweep.
LIN setting produces a frequency sweep
that speeds up as it goes higher, and slows
down as you go lower. With the LOG and
LIN settings respectively, you can cover
two classic flanger sounds with the flip of a
switch. Thru 0 advances the wet signal ahead
of the dry signal for dramatic flanging effects
unavailable in most flangers.
Adjusts flanger
LFO width.
Adjusts wet/dry mix.
Most flangers don’t
include this control
but it can be very
handy if an extreme
flanging sound
needs to be tamed
without altering the
fundamental effect
Press to select saved favorite sound. When
FAVORITE LED is lit the favorite setting is
engaged. When each knob is turned, the
LED will indicate the saved favorite position
of the knob. Push and hold the foot switch
to save a new favorite sound.
dBucket Flanger
Engages and disengages
effect. Bypass mode is always
true bypass. LED on indicates
that the effect is engaged.
Controls the delay
time of the flanging
effect. Higher
settings produce
higher frequency
flanging effects,
while lower settings
produce lower
frequency flanging
effects. Its impact
is most easily heard
with lower Width
settings and higher
Regen settings.
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