Stryker The Go BED FL17E Maintenance Manual

Product Number: FL17E
Product Number for the United States: 2500
1 800 428-5025 (Service in English in Canada) 1 800 361-2040 (Service in French in Canada) 1 800 327-0770 (In United States) E-mail (Canada):
Printed in Canada
December 2000
1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................5
1.1 BED SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................................................................................5
1.2 TECHNICAL SUPPORT..................................................................................................................5
1.3 SAFETY...........................................................................................................................................6
Warning / Caution / Note Definition ................................................................................................6
Safety Tips and Guidelines.............................................................................................................6
Static Discharge Precautions..........................................................................................................8
1.4 WARRANTY....................................................................................................................................8
Limited Warranty.............................................................................................................................8
To Obtain Service and/or Parts ......................................................................................................8
To Require Service ......................................................................................................................8
To Order Parts..............................................................................................................................9
Return Authorization.....................................................................................................................10
Damaged Merchandise.................................................................................................................10
1.5 SET-UP PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................................10
Checklist .......................................................................................................................................10
1.6 BED ILLUSTRATION.....................................................................................................................12
2. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE..............................................................................................................13
2.1 BED CLEANING AND MATTRESS CARE....................................................................................13
Cleaning Beds...............................................................................................................................13
Bed Mattress Care........................................................................................................................13
2.2 LUBRICATION...............................................................................................................................14
Annual Checklist...........................................................................................................................14
Two Years Time Interval Checklist...............................................................................................14
Five Years Time Interval Checklist...............................................................................................14
Lubrication Points Illustrated.........................................................................................................15
2.3 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM.................................................................................16
Checklist .......................................................................................................................................16
PC Board Maintenance Program..................................................................................................17
Recommended Spare Parts .........................................................................................................18
3. TROUBLESHOOTING............................................................................................................................19
3.1 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ......................................................................................................19
4. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES...........................................................................................................24
4.1 SIDE-RAIL ASSEMBLY REPLACEMENT.....................................................................................24
Foot Side-Rail Assembly Replacement........................................................................................24
Head Side-Rail Assembly Replacement.......................................................................................25
4.2 SIDE-RAIL REPLACEMENT (RAIL ONLY)...................................................................................27
Foot Side-Rail Replacement (Rail Only).......................................................................................27
Head Side-Rail Replacement (Rail Only) .....................................................................................27
4.3 MEMBRANE REPLACEMENT (FOOT BOARD CONTROL PANEL)...........................................28
4.4 MEMBRANE REPLACEMENT ( SIDE-RAIL CONTROL).............................................................29
4.5 NURSE CALL SYSTEM COMPONENT REPLACEMENT............................................................30
4.6 FOOT BOARD CONNECTOR REPLACEMENT...........................................................................32
4.7 FOOT END CASE CONNECTOR REPLACEMENT.....................................................................33
4.8 PC BOARD REPLACEMENT........................................................................................................34
4.9 ON/OFF SWITCH REPLACEMENT..............................................................................................35
4.10 BED POWER CORD REPLACEMENT.........................................................................................35
4.11 NIGHT LIGHT SYSTEM COMPONENT REPLACEMENT............................................................36
4.12 120V AUXILIARY OUTLET COMPONENT REPLACEMENT.......................................................38
4.13 MATTRESS SUPPORT SECTION REPLACEMENT....................................................................39
Foot Section Replacement ...........................................................................................................39
Thigh Section Replacement..........................................................................................................40
Center Section Replacement........................................................................................................41
Head Section Replacement..........................................................................................................42
Bed without Optional CPR .........................................................................................................42
Bed with Optional CPR ..............................................................................................................43
4.14 ACTUATOR REPLACEMENT.......................................................................................................45
Knee Gatch Actuator Replacement..............................................................................................46
Head Actuator Replacement.........................................................................................................47
Hi-Lo Actuator Replacement.........................................................................................................48
4.15 ACTUATOR SCREW LUBRICATION PROCEDURE ...................................................................49
Head and Knee Gatch Actuator Screws.......................................................................................49
Head Actuator Screw Guide.........................................................................................................49
Hi-Lo Actuator Screws..................................................................................................................50
4.16 CPR MECHANISM SPRINGS AND/OR DAMPER REPLACEMENT...........................................51
4.17 CPR MICRO SWITCH REPLACEMENT.......................................................................................52
Micro Switch Located Under the Head Section............................................................................52
Micro Switch Located Under the Mattress Support......................................................................53
4.18 AUTO CONTOUR MICRO SWITCH REPLACEMENT.................................................................54
Knee Gatch Micro Switch .............................................................................................................54
Head Section Micro Switch...........................................................................................................54
4.19 BRAKE /STEER PEDAL REPLACEMENT....................................................................................55
4.20 5TH WHEEL MECHANISM COMPONENT REPLACEMENT.......................................................56
5th Wheel Replacement ...............................................................................................................56
5th Wheel Activation Lever Replacement.....................................................................................56
5th Wheel Swing Arm Assembly Replacement............................................................................57
4.21 CASTER REPLACEMENT ............................................................................................................59
4.22 HI-LO LEVER REPLACEMENT ....................................................................................................61
APPENDIX A: CONNECTION DIAGRAM .................................................................................................63
APPENDIX B: BED POSITIONS FOR MAINTENANCE PURPOSE.........................................................64
Stryker Bertec gives special attention to the quality of the information found in this document. Any comments on its content will be most welcomed. Please forward your remarks to our Technical Service department (see section 1.2).
Introduction Chapter 1
This maintenance manual is designed to assist you with the servicing of the GO BED. Before servicing the bed, it is important to read and understand all information in this manual. Qualified maintenance personnel should be able to refer to this manual at all time when servicing the bed. An operations manual, included in the Customer's Guide, is also available to assist you with the operation of the bed.
This maintenance manual is an integral part of the unit and should be turned over to the new user should the bed be sold or transferred.
Maximum Weight Capacity 500 lb including 100 lb of boards and
accessories 227 kg including 45.5 kg of boards and accessories
Overall Bed Length/Width - Steel Side-rails
Overall Bed Length/Width - Plastic side-rails
93" x 41 9/16" (steel side-rails up) 93" x 38 3/8" (steel side-rails down)
236.2 cm x 105.5 cm (steel side-rails up)
236.2 cm x 97.5 cm (steel side-rails down) 93" x 42 9/16" (plastic side-rails up) 93" x 38 3/4" (plastic side-rails down)
236.2 cm x 108.1 cm (plastic side-rails up)
236.2 x 98.4 cm (plastic side-rails down) Overall Weight (w/o boards and accessories) 385 lb - 175 kg Patient Sleeping Surface 35" x 80" extendable to 82" and 84"
89 cm x 203 cm extendable to 208 cm and
213 cm Minimum/Maximum Bed Height 14" to 29" - 35.5 cm to 74.7 cm Sound Level
< 58 dBa Fowler Angle 0° to 65° Knee Gatch w/o Contour Positioning Knee Gatch w/Contour Positioning
0° to 32°
0° to 24° Trendelenburg/Reverse Trendelenburg -14° to +14° Electrical Requirements - All electrical requirements meet the CSA standard C22.2 No 125 and UL 544 specifications for Class 2G
100 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 7.5 A
120 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 9.8 A w/o outlet
120 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 14.8 A w/outlet
200 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 3.2 A
220 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 2.9 A
240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 2.7 A
* Stryker Bertec Medical affords special attention to product improvement and reserve the right to change specifications without notice.
For questions regarding this product, contact one the following Technical Service department or your local representative:
In Canada: In the United States: Stryker Bertec Medical Inc Stryker Medical Service in English: 1 800 428-5025 1 800 327-0770 Service in French: 1 800 361-2040 6300, Sprinkle Road E-mail (Canada): Kalamazoo, MI 49001-9799 70, 5th Avenue, P.O. Box 128 USA L’Islet (Québec), G0R 2C0, Canada
Chapter 1 The GO BED Maintenance Manual
1.3 SAFETY Warning / Caution / Note Definition
The words WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE carry special meanings and should be carefully reviewed.
The personal safety of the patient or user may be involved. Disregarding this information could result in injury to the patient or user.
These instructions point out special procedures or precautions that must be followed to avoid damaging the equipment.
Notes provides special information to make maintenance easier or important instruction clearer. Safety Tips and Guidelines
The following is a list of safety precautions that must be observed when operating or servicing the GO BED. They are repeated throuhout the guide, where applicable. Carefully read and strictly follow them before operating or servicing this unit.
The GO BED is not intended for pediatric use.
It is important that all users have been trained and educated on the inherent hazards
associated with the use of manual and electric beds. Bed mechanisms can cause serious injury to the patient or user. Operate bed only when all people are clear of the mechanisms.
This bed is equipped with a hospital grade plug for protection against shock hazard. It must be plugged directly into a properly grounded receptacle. Grounding reliability can be achieved only when a hospital grade receptacle is used.
Possible fire hazard exists when this bed is used with oxygen administering equipment other than nasal, mask type or half bed-length tent type. It is recommended to disconnect the bed in such circumstances. When using a half bed-length tent type, ensure the side-rails are outside the oxygen tent and oxygen tent should not extend below the mattress support level.
Always keep the caster brakes applied when a patient is on the bed (except during transport). Serious injury could result if the bed moves while a patient is getting in or out of bed. After the brake pedal is applied, push on the bed to ensure the wheels are locked.
To help reduce the number and severity of falls by patients, always leave the bed in the lowest position and side-rails fully up when the patient is unattended. After raising a side­rail, pull firmly on the side-rail to ensure it is securely locked into position.
Always keep side-rails in the fully raised position and the sleeping surface horizontal in its lowest position when the patient is sleeping unless the patient's medical conditions dictates otherwise. If the sleeping surface is not in a horizontal position and the bed is equipped with half-length side-rails, it is strongly recommended that only the head side-rails be kept in their highest position and the foot side-rails be stored on the side of the bed to avoid the risks of a patient becoming caught between the two side-rail sections.
Introduction Chapter 1
Side-rails, with or without their padded covers or nets, are not intended to serve as restraint devices to keep patient from exiting the bed. Side-rails are designed to keep a patient from inadvertently rolling off the bed. It is the responsibility of the attending medical personnel to determine the degree of restraint necessary to ensure a patient will remain safely in bed. Failure to utilize the side-rails properly could result in serious patient injury.
When a patient's condition requires greater safety measures for his security, use the lockout switches in the foot board control panel to deactivate the side-rail or pendant control commands and install protective pads on the side-rails.
When the sleeping surface sections are articulated, ensure that all spaces created by the raised side-rails are clear in order to avoid the patient's limb becoming trapped between side-rails or between side-rails and boards.
When moving the bed with a patient in it, ensure that the bed is in the lowest position with side-rails fully raised and securely locked in order to reduce risks of injuries to the patient.
Do not attempt to move the bed directly sideways with the 5th wheel activated. The 5th wheel can not pivot. Attempting to do so may cause injury to the patient or user.
The instant CPR release is for emergency use only. When activating the CPR release, all people and equipment must be removed from the area below and around the head and foot sections of the bed or serious personal injury or damage to equipment could occur.
When large fluid spills occur in the area of the circuit board, cables and motors, immediately unplug the bed. Remove the patient from the bed and clean up the fluid. Have maintenance completely check the bed. Fluids can have an adverse effect on operational capabilities of any electrical product. DO NOT put the bed back into service until it is completely dried and has been thoroughly tested for safe operation.
Do not steam clean, hose off or ultrasonically clean the bed. Do not immerse any part of the bed. The internal electrical parts may be damaged by exposure to water. Hand wash regularly all surfaces of the bed with warm water and a mild detergent. Wipe cleaned surfaces dry to avoid build up of cleaning substance. Inspect the mattress after each use. Discontinue use if any cracks or rips are found in the mattress cover which may allow fluid to enter the mattress. Failure to properly clean the mattress, or dispose of it if defective, may increase the risk of exposure to pathogenic substances and may cause injury to the patient or user.
Always unplug the bed power cord from the wall outlet when cleaning or servicing the bed. When working under the bed with the bed in the high position, always place blocks under the frame and lock the casters to prevent injury in case the Bed Down switch is accidentally pressed.
When using the emergency crank during a power failure, unplug the power cord from the wall receptacle so that unexpected resumption of power will not rotate handle. Remove and store the crank before reconnecting the bed.
Ensure that any bed malfunction is promptly reported to service personnel for immediate attention. Preventive maintenance should be performed periodically to ensure all bed features are functioning properly.
Never move the bed using the raised side-rails nor hit the side-rails against any object found in the room, for example: other furniture, walls, door frame, etc. Damage to the equipment could result from such actions. Use the push/pull handles integrated on the head and foot boards to move the bed, they provide a solid grip when moving the bed.
Chapter 1 The GO BED Maintenance Manual
Static Discharge Precautions
The electronic circuits of the bed are protected from static electricity damage only while the bed is assembled. It is extremely important that all service personnel always use adequate static protection when servicing the electronic components of the bed.
Static Protection Equipment
The necessary equipment for a proper static protection is:
1 static wrist strap
1 grounding plug
1 test lead with a banana plug on one end and a alligator clip on the other.
Static Protection Procedure
1. Unplug the bed power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Insert the grounding plug into a properly grounded hospital grade wall receptacle. Plug the banana plug of the test lead into the receptacle on the grounding plug. Connect the alligator clip on the other end of the test lead to a ground point on the bed.
3. Place the static control wrist strap on your wrist. Connect the clip at the other end of the wrist strap cord to a ground point on the bed.
Limited Warranty
All Stryker Bertec products are guaranteed against material or manufacturing defects, improper operation of mechanisms, and premature wear of bed components under normal use conditions.
For questions regarding warranty, please contact Stryker Bertec Technical Service department (see section 1.2) or your local representative.
To Obtain Service and/or Parts
Throughout this maintenance guide, the words "right" and "left" refer to the right and left sides of a patient lying face up on the bed.
To Require Service
To obtain the service of a Stryker Field Service Representative for an on-site diagnosis and/or repair of a bed malfunction, contact the Stryker Bertec Technical Service department or your local representative.
Introduction Chapter 1
To Order Parts
Figure 1.4
In order to correctly identify and order parts to be replaced, proceed as follow:
Once you have established the nature of the problem, locate the serial number plate (fig.
1.4) and the manufacturer's nameplate (fig. 1.4) affixed respectively on the right side of the mobile frame at the foot end of the bed, and on the right side of the head end casing cover.
Write down the serial number, the production number (e.g. FL17-XXXX) and the bed model (manufacturer's nameplate). Make sure that the bed is indeed a Stryker Bertec bed. At first glance, beds manufactured by other companies may resemble ours.
Locate the Parts Manual or Customer's Guide (containing the Parts Lists needed) number on the manufacturer's nameplate and refer to its drawings and part lists to identify the defective part. Write down the name of the part and its part number. Also write down the problem encountered while using the equipment.
It is very important that you refer to the Customer's Guide drawings and part lists that are specific to the bed needing repair.
Contact Stryker Bertec Technical Service department (see section 1.2) or your local representative and provide all the previously noted information.
Bed model
Serial number and production number
Name and part number of the defective part
Problem encountered
We will do our best to help you identify the parts to be replaced. However, if an error occurs when ordering, the user remains responsible for identifying parts to change. Stryker Bertec will take back wrong parts ordered but will not assume shipping charges and restocking fees will be charged to the user unless a Technical Service representative has been requested for an on-site diagnosis of the malfunction.
Chapter 1 The GO BED Maintenance Manual
Return Authorization
Merchandise cannot be returned without approval from the Stryker Bertec Technical Service department. An authorization number will be provided, which must be clearly printed on the returned merchandise. Stryker Bertec reserves the right to charge shipping and restocking fees on returned items.
Damaged Merchandise
Claims for damaged merchandise must be made with the carrier within fifteen (15) days of receipt of merchandise. DO NOT ACCEPT DAMAGED SHIPMENTS UNLESS SUCH DAMAGE IS NOTED ON THE DELIVERY RECEIPT AT THE TIME OF RECEIPT. Upon prompt notification, Stryker Bertec will file a freight claim with the appropriate carrier for damages incurred. Claims will be limited in amount to the actual replacement cost. In the event that this information is not received by Stryker Bertec within the fifteen (15) days period following the delivery of the merchandise, or the damage was not noted on the delivery notice at the time of receipt, the customer will be responsible for payment of the original invoice in full.
Claims for any short shipment must be made within 5 days of invoice.
It is important to ensure that the bed is working properly before it is put into service. The following list will help ensure that each part of the bed is tested.
q Install the foot and head boards on the bed. Insert the foot board carefully so that the board
connector connects smoothly to the foot end casing connector.
q Plug the power cord into a properly grounded hospital grade wall receptacle and ensure that
the Power LED light at the foot end of the bed comes on when the "On/Off" switch is turned on.
The bed is equipped with a hospital grade plug for protection against shock hazard. It must be plugged directly into a properly grounded receptacle. Grounding reliability can be achieved only when a hospital grade receptacle is used.
q Depress and engage the red "TOTAL BRAKE" side of the pedal at either side of the bed to
set the brakes. Two of the four wheels, diagonally opposed, should lock, ensure it is so. Ensure brakes disengage when the pedal opposite green "AXIAL STEER" side is depressed to bring pedal to neutral position (horizontal position).
q Depress the green "AXIAL STEER" side of the pedal on either side of the bed to engage the
5th wheel. Ensure the 5th wheel is engaged.
q Ensure the 5th wheel disengages when the pedal opposite red "TOTAL BRAKE" side is
depressed to bring pedal to neutral position (horizontal).
q Ensure the side-rails raise and lower smoothly and lock in the up position. q Run through each function on the foot board control panel and ensure that each function is
working properly.
q Ensure all functions are working properly on the side-rail control panels (inner and outer
Introduction Chapter 1
q Raise the bed to full up position and activate the Trendelenburg function (see
"Trendelenburg Switch (E)", Operations Manual, page 21). Ensure that the head end lowers to the full down position.
q Raise the bed to the full up position and activate the reverse Trendelenburg function (see
"Trendelenburg Switch (E)", Operations Manual, page 21). Ensure that the foot end lowers to the full down position.
q Ensure that the optional Auto Contour function works properly (see "Auto Contour",
Operations Manual, page 21).
q Leaving the bed in the Auto Contour position, pull the instant CPR release handle (optional
equipment) and ensure the Fowler and Knee Gatch will drop with minimal effort. Wait and listen for the typical noise indicating that the Fowler actuator has reset itself (during the resetting period, no bed functions are available).
q Check following optional equipment for proper operation: 120V auxiliary outlet, photoelectric
night light, two or three function pendant control, etc.
If any problems are found during bed set-up, contact our Technical Service department (see section 1.2).
Chapter 1 The GO BED Maintenance Manual
1.6 BED ILLUSTRATION (Bed may differ from illustration)
Figure 1.6
Preventive Maintenance Chapter 2
This section contains a recommended spare parts list as well as cleaning instructions and a checklist to assist with the preventive maintenance and cleaning of your equipment.
In the text, the words "right" and "left" refer to the right and left sides of a patient lying face up on the bed.
Do not use harsh cleaners, solvents or detergents. Do not steam clean, hose off or ultrasonically clean the bed. Do not immerse any part of the bed. The bed electrical parts may be damaged by exposure to water.
Germicidal disinfectant, used as directed, and/or Chlorine Bleach products are not considered mild detergents. These products are corrosive in nature and may cause damage to your bed if used improperly. If these types of products are used, ensure the beds are rinsed with clean water and thoroughly dried following cleaning. Failure to properly rinse and dry the beds will leave a corrosive residue on the surface of the bed, possibly causing premature corrosion of critical components. Failure to follow the above directions when using these types of cleaners may void this product warranty.
Cleaning Beds
Hand wash all surfaces of the bed with a soft cloth moistened with a solution of lukewarm
water and a mild detergent.
Wipe the bed clean and dry thoroughly to avoid build up of cleaning solution.
Bed Mattress Care
Failure to properly clean mattress or dispose of them if defective will increase the risk of exposure to pathogenic substances which may cause injury to the patient or user.
Implement local policies to address regular care, maintenance, and cleaning of mattresses
and covers. The cover cleaning and sterilization procedures can be found below and on the bed label.
Inspect mattress cover surface (also zip fasteners and cover inner surface if mattresses
have zip fasteners) regularly for signs of damage. If the mattress cover is stained, soiled, or torn, examine the mattress, and seek instructions from the infection control nurses, as the mattress may harbour micro-organisms. If the mattress is wet or badly stained, withdraw the mattress from service.
Seek the advice of infection control nurse in case of heavy soiling or infection, as general
cleaning procedures are unlikely to be adequate.
Cleaning and Sterilization
Wash with lukewarm water using a mild detergent. Rinse with water and let dry.
Tough stains and sterilization:
Use bleach diluted with ten parts of water.
Chapter 2 The GO BED Maintenance Manual
Listed below are the lubrication points and their recommended time interval check. When needed, lubricate these points with OG2 grease (Stryker Bertec part number M0027).
The use of types of grease other than the one recommended (OG2 grease) could lead to deterioration of critical parts and to mechanism failure, resulting in injury to the patient or user and damage to the bed.
The GO BED uses oil-impregnated shoulder spacers at hinge points. Do not lubricate these shoulder spacers. When shoulder spacers are found worn, replace them.
Annual Checklist:
q The Hi-lo lever nylon sliders and their shafts (see fig. 2.2A, page 15). Check that grease is
still present along the course of the sliders (inner surfaces (bottom and side) of the rail).
q Lower mounting points (see fig. 2.2A, page 15) of the lifting system stabilizer. q Side-rail plungers and plunger springs (see fig. 2.2B, page 15). q The side-rail arm glide rods (see fig. 2.2B, page 15).
Two Years Interval Checklist:
q The two Hi-lo actuator tubes (see fig. 2.2C, page 15) to facilitate their sliding into the
support tubes. Bring the bed to its highest position before greasing the tubes.
q Head, foot and Hi-lo actuator screws (see fig. 2.2C, page 15). q Head actuator screw guide (see fig. 2.2C, page 15). q Clevis pins and nylon washers linking the actuator tubes to the head and Knee Gatch
section lever arms and the two Hi-lo lever arms (see fig. 2.2C, page 15).
q Actuator bolts that hold actuators to their brackets as well as the inner sides of the brackets,
including the pivot pin (see fig. 2.2C, page 15).
q Micro-switch activator (see fig. 2.2E, page 15) of the optional Auto Contour mechanism.
Five Years Interval Checklist:
q The side-rail shafts and transfer plate handles (see fig. 2.2B, page 15). q Inside of the Hi-lo lever moulded bearings (see fig. 2.2A, page 15). q The damper bearings, the pivot shaft of the CPR support, and the activation rod pivot sleeve
(see fig. 2.2D, page 15) all from the instant CPR release mechanism.
Serial Number:_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
Completed by:______________________________ Date:_______________
Preventive Maintenance Chapter 2
Figure 2.2E
Figure 2.2C
Lubrication Points Illustrated
Figure 2.2A
Figure 2.2D
Figure 2.2B
Figure 2.2
Chapter 2 The GO BED Maintenance Manual
The following periodic maintenance and inspection program has been devised to ensure a long and productive life to your GO BED. Each item on the schedule should be checked and any necessary adjustment made during the preventive maintenance process. Persistence in performing it annually will help minimize bed failures and reduce downtimes.
Only qualified and authorized maintenance personnel should perform the procedures detailed in this maintenance guide. Failure to observe this restriction can result in serious damage to material and/or severe injury to people.
The GO BED uses oil-impregnated shoulder spacers at hinge points. Do not lubricate these shoulder spacers. When shoulder spacers are found worn at preventive maintenance, replace them.
q Inspection for excessive wear of all the oil-impregnated bronze shoulder spacers found in
the following components of the bed. Replace as needed
q Linkage of the mattress support sections together q Linkage of the head section lever arms to the head section and the fixed frame q 5th wheel activation mechanism
q Instant CPR release mechanism q Inspect and lubricate, if needed, bed lubrication points described in section 2.2 q Inspection of all bolt, locknut and screw tightening, tighten if necessary q Engage brake pedal and push on the bed to ensure that casters lock securely q Using the Axial Steer pedal, ensure that the 5th wheel engages and disengages properly q Side-rails move, latch and stow properly q All functions on the foot board control panel working properly (give special attention to lock-
out switches and their LED indicators). See "PC Board Integrated Maintenance Program", next page.
q Check the Fowler, Knee Gatch, Hi-lo, optional Auto Contour, and the Trendelenburg limits to
ensure that actuator built-in limit switches are working properly.
q All functions on side-rail control panels (inner and outer) working properly. See "PC Board
Integrated Maintenance Program", next page.
q On/Off switch and LED power indicator working properly q Optional 120 volt auxiliary outlet working properly q Optional photoelectric night light working properly q Optional instant CPR release working properly q Optional Auto Contour working properly q Fowler slides securely in tracks without making noise (grease applied on the assembly line
along the path of the mobile frame wheels and on the wheel shafts should last as long as the bed life. Should a problem occur with this part of the bed, please contact our Technical Service department (see section 1.2).
Preventive Maintenance Chapter 2
q Automatic foot prop rod working properly when Knee Gatch or Auto Contour function is
q No cracks or splits in head and foot boards q Head end bumpers tightly secured to frame and working properly q No rips or cracks in mattress cover q Power cord not frayed q No cables worn or pinched q All electrical connections tight q All ground secure to the frame q All casters roll properly. Check caster tire for cuts, wear, tread life, etc q Ground chain intact and in place q Measure bed current leakage and ground impedance (check with our Technical Service
department for the acceptable values).
q Measure optional 120V auxiliary ground impedance (check with our Technical Service
department for the acceptable value).
Preventive maintenance may need to be performed more frequently based on the usage level of the bed.
Serial Number: _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Completed By:___________________________________ Date:_______________
PC Board Integrated Maintenance Program
This bed has a PC Board equipped with a maintenance program. To activate and process the program, perform the following steps:
Unplug the bed power cord, remove the foot board and the foot end casing cover (see
section 4.7, step 1 through 4 and fig. 4.7A) to gain access to the PC Board.
Move the board four dip switches to the ON position and replace temporarily the casing
cover and the foot board (do not fasten the cover to the casing for the moment).
Plug the bed power cord and turn the main power switch on. Note that the LED of the
Trendelenburg function switch may light up, do not mind it.
Press all function switches of the control panels (foot board and side-rails) one after the
other. The green LED of the Fowler lock-out switch will be the maintenance test indicator. It should lit up when a function switch is pressed and go out when the same function switch is pressed again thus indicating that the wiring and the membrane are working properly. If the LED does not light up when a function switch is pressed, the wiring and/or the membrane may be defective.
After completion of the test, unplug the bed power cord, remove the foot board and the
casing cover, readjust the dip switches to their normal position (1= Off; 2= On; 3= Off; 4= Off), fasten the cover to the foot end casing, and replace the foot board.
Chapter 2 The GO BED Maintenance Manual
Recommended Spare Parts
The following is a list of recommended on hand spare parts for the GO BED.
Electronic/Electrical Assembly Parts
PC Board QDF14-0990 PC Board stand off pins QDF8011 Strain relief bushing QPNC0604 S.A. power cord 120V/Connector QDF17-0236/QDF8042 Micro switch 1325P003
Night light QDF9539
Actuator Assembly Parts
Hi-lo actuator QDF17-0005 Knee Gatch actuator QDF17-0006 Head actuator 17-0041
Control Panel Assembly Parts
Nurse control plate and membrane QDF17-0180/QDF17-0127 S.A. Fixed 3 way patient control (H-B-F) 13-0220 S.A. Fixed 3 way patient control (F-B-H) 13-0221 S.A. Fixed 2 way patient control (F-H) 17-0193 S.A. Fixed 2 way patient control (H-F) 17-0194
Side-Rail assembly parts
Head side-rail protector 17-0220 Foot side-rail protector 17-0221 3M adhesive tape #950 x 1" QDF7826 Side-rail right handed release 17-0306-P Side-rail left handed release 17-0307-P Dome cap DP1250 1-1/4" QDFP1514 Protective cap QPN-18748
Mattress support Assembly
Warm grey mattress retainer QPN-14034-2
Base Assembly Parts
"Tente" caster with locking system RT61C "Tente" caster without locking system T61CSW 5th wheel RL5 Pedal green treadle tip QPN-18028 Pedal red treadle tip QPN-18029 Anchor washer for 3/16 dia. stud VW00A06 Rue ring cotter dia. 3/8" p.z. QDF7878
OG-2 grease M0027 Tread locker - medium strength (blue) M008 "Sand Grey" aerosol spray paint DDCAP-GSP
Troubleshooting Chapter 3
This section contains a troubleshooting chart to assist you with the diagnosis of problems with your equipment.
In the text, the words "right" and "left" refer to the right and left sides of a patient lying face up on the bed.
Only qualified and authorized maintenance personnel should perform the procedures detailed in this maintenance guide. Failure to observe this restriction can result in serious damage to material and/or severe injury to people.
LED is off and bed does not respond to any command.
Power cord loosely or not connected to wall receptacle.
Bed connected into a defective
Make sure plug fits tightly in wall receptacle.
Check wall receptacle.
wall receptacle.
Power cord severed. Replace power cord
(see section 4.10).
Bed power cord connector
improperly or not connected to the PC Board power cord connector in the head end casing
PC Board power cord
improperly or not connected to PC Board
Check cable connection (see section 4.10). Refer to Connection Diagram in Appendix A for proper connecting position.
Check cable connection (see section 4.8). Refer to Connection Diagram in Appendix A for proper connecting position.
PC Board power cord
Replace PC Board power cord. See the "120V electrical system" parts list and drawing in the GO BED Parts List manual.
ON/OFF switch cable
ON/OFF switch or cable
PC Board defective. Replace PC Board (see
disconnected or improperly connected to PC Board.
Check cable connection (see section 4.9). Refer to Connection Diagram in Appendix A for proper connecting position.
Replace ON/OFF switch and cable (see section 4.9).
section 4.8).
Chapter 3 The GO BED Maintenance Manual
responds to commands but the LED power indicator does not light up.
ON/OFF switch is on but the bed fails to respond or responds erratically to: * foot board panel control **side-rail control panels
In the possible causes column, one * refers to causes affecting only the foot board control panel and two ** refer to causes affecting only side-rail control panels. * ** combined refer to causes affecting both control panels.
ON/OFF switch LED defective. Replace ON/OFF switch
(see section 4.9).
* Foot board control membrane cable improperly or
Check cable connection
(see section 4.3). not connected to the foot board connector.
* PC Board to foot end casing connector cable improperly or not connected to PC Board.
Check cable connection
(see G fig. 4.7A, section
4.7). Refer to Connection
Diagram in Appendix A for
proper connecting position.
* Foot board panel membrane defective.
* Foot board connector defective.
Replace membrane (see
section 4.3).
Replace connector (see
section 4.6). * Foot end casing connector
defective. ** Side-rail panel functions not
activated through the foot board control panel lock-outs.
** Side-rail bed function cable not connected to the bed.
Replace connector (see
section 4.7).
Turn the lock-out switches
on (see section 2.16 of the
User Guide).
Connect the side-rail cable
into receptacle located
under the centre section of
the mattress support. ** Side-rail panel membrane
(inner or outer) defective. ** Side-rail control cable
improperly or not connected to the PC Board.
Replace membrane (see
section 4.4).
Check cable connection
(see section 4.8). Refer to
wiring diagram in Appendix
A for proper connecting
position. ** Side-rail control cable
running from the control panel to the bed receptacle
Replace cable (see section
4.5, step 13 and note
following it.) defective.
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