Stephan BAS 600 Specifications

Rework of residues -
easy made
advantages for you:
I At the manufacturing of baked goods residues
occur, whether it is dough from the production line like Pizza or Danish pastry, or residual bread like Baguette or Toast bread.
With the newly developed BAS System Stephan offers here now the opportunity, to feed back this rework into profit making production. Of course fully automatic, in line with the production. So the "Rests” become a high valued raw material, which is used as a component of the recipe and makes sure, that the product quality will always be reproduced.
Process and temperature controlled, the STEPHAN BAS System guarantees an always constant final product.
And in addition: a fast pay back of the plant by regaining high valued raw materials for the production process.
Improved taste
Extended shelf-life
Smoother texture and better dough handling
Re-integration of high value raw materials
Higher dough yield
Yeast savings
The new
BAS System
......ssoo yyoouu ssaavvee tthhee ""rreesstt""!!
I The dough or bread residues resulting from the
production process are fed into the STEPHAN BAS. This can be done manually or automatically via a conveyor belt. The machine system is then positioned on load cells, measuring the quantity of dough and equalizes it with the desired value. The necessary water quantity is fed into the BAS pre-mixing container. After the dosing process the blender is started to pre-grind and mix. The aim is to obtain a good and uniform suspension. With the help of a special mixing tool and a strong motor in the BAS 600, this result is achieved within 180 sec. The suspension is then fed through the outlet valve in the STEPHAN Microcut fine-cutter (0.5 mm cutting rings), in order to obtain the desired final consistency and homogeneity.
The result is a suspension, in which the starch is dissolved, while the protein (gluten) is preserved in small particles. The quality of the suspension thus obtained thanks to the application of STEPHAN technology is extraordinary.
The liquid dough is then pumped to the buffer tanks by a feeding pump / fine-cutter for storage before further processing as an addition to the new virgin dough. These buffer tanks are double jacketed in order to cool down the suspension for storage.
A heat exchanger can be interposed to ensure an exact temperature control. So it is guaranteed, that always a defined raw material goes back into production.I
The BAS System is
expandable and offers
a lot of possibilities.
The Plant
STEPHAN dough or bread crusher BAS
STEPHAN fine cutter Microcut-MCH
Electrical installation
Feeding pump
Heat exchanger
Double jacketed buffer tank(s)
ooff fflleexxiibbllee uussee!!
The STEPHAN Process Process description of Danish Pastry with STEPHAN BAS System
More efficiency with the new BAS System!
Dosing of raw materials
Rolling out, folding and
laminating of dough-fat band
Form stamping press
Recirculation of residual
Product transport to
proofer and freezer
Collecting of
residual dough
In case of production stop-
transport to freezer
Processing of
dough residuals
Sytem tanks/
Buffer tanks
The capacity of the described STEPHAN BAS System is, depending on product and process, approx. 1,200 to 2,000 kg/h.
AAnnyy ffuurrtthheerr qquueessttiioonnss ??
WWee wwoouulldd bbee ggllaadd ttoo ggiivvee yyoouu aaddvviiccee !!
Simply integration in every system.
Function of the STEPHAN Microcut System.
Mainly the plant BAS consists of:
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