Star Micronics RS 232C User Manual

Federal Communications Commission
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communica­tions. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Unauthorized modifications of this product by the user will void his authority to operate the equipment unless expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance. For compliance with the Federal Noise Interference Standard, this equipment requires a shielded cable.
The above statement applies only to printers marketed in the U.S.A.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Depart­ment of Communications. Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe B prescrites dans le Réglement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le Ministère des Communications du Canada.
The above statement applies only to printers marketed in Canada.
VDE Statement
This device carries the VDE RFI protection mark to certify that it meets the radio interference requirements of the Postal Ordinance No. 243/1991. The additional marking “Vig. 243/P” expresses in short form that this is a peripheral device (not operable alone) which only individually meets the Class B RFI requirements in accordance with the DIN VDE 0878 part 3/11.89 and the Postal Ordinance 243/1991. If this device is operated in conjunction with other devices within a set-up, in order to take advantage of a “General (Operating) Authorization” in accordance with the Postal Ordinance 243/1991, the complete set-up must comply with the Class B limits in accordance with the DIN VDE 0878 part 3/11.89, as well as satisfy the precondi­tions in accordance with §2 and the prerequisites in accordance with §3 of the Postal Ordinance 243/1991. As a rule, this is only fulfilled when the device is operated in a set-up which has been type-tested and provided with a VDE RFI protection mark with the additional marking “Vfg 243”. Machine Noise Information Ordinance 3. GSGV, January 18, 1991: The sound pressure level at the operator position is equal to or less than 70 dB (A) according to ISO 7779.
The above statements apply only to printers marketed in Germany.
Radio Frequency Interference Statement
The Canadian Department of Communications
Statement of
Radio Interference Regulations
Copyright 1990 Star Micronics Co., Ltd.


The Serial to Parallel Converter is an EIA compatible serial device that can interface, STAR Printers with nearly every Micro-Processor which requires standard EIA (serial) interfacing.
Please read this manual completely before proceeding to “power-up”! This will ensure successful operation of your Serial to Parallel Converter.
Serial Connector
Connect to the Serial Cable.
Clear Button
Clears the internal buffer when this button is pressed.
Parallel Connector
Connect to the printer.
DIP Switch
Sets serial mode. Refer to the following section.
In addition to the converter, you will also need a proper serial cable. Consult with the dealer where you bought your printer if you are unsure about the type of serial cable you need for your system.

Connecting the serial-to-parallel converter

• Unplug the printer from its AC power outlet.
• Plug the interface converter’s Centronics connector into the socket on the side of the printer and secure it in place with the clips.
• Plug one end of a serial cable into the serial connector.
Serial Cable
Serial Connector
• Plug the other end of the serial cable into your computer’s serial ports. Serial ports are usually marked COM1, COM 2, etc. If your computer has only one serial port, it will be marked COM1.
Make sure that the serial-to-parallel converter is resting on a stable, level surface where it will not be subject to vibration or damage.
Setting the converter’s DIP switches
You should the converter’s DIP switches to they match the settings you make on your computer. The table to the right shows the parameter that each DIP switch on the serial-to-parallel converter controls.
The tables below show all of the settings you can make with the serial-to­parallel’s DIP switches to control certain parameters. The tables also include the matching settings you have to make in your MS-DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT file or with the Ports option of the Windows Control Panel. The highlighted cells in the tables indicate default settings for the serial-to-parallel converter.
Data Length
Data length is the number of bits that the computer transmits as one unit (byte) of data. This setting is normally 8.
Switch 1 Data Length DOS/Windows Setting
ON 8 bits 8
OFF 7 bits 7
Parity is a means of checking for errors in data transmissions.
Switch 2 Switch 5 Parity DOS/Windows Setting
Protocol is the communications convention that is used to allow the printer and computer to regulate the flow of data. DTR is the most commonly used protocol.
Switch 3 Switch 4 Protocol
In serial mode your computer will use one of three protocols to ensure that data is sent properly. Protocol (also sometimes called “handshaking”) means “who says what when”, and is the way your printer tells your computer it is ready to receive data. Your computer and printer communicate by sending protocol codes (at the start of the ASCII table).
Some programmers call the XON and XOFF control codes “kiss on and kiss off”; others call the same protocol DC1 and DC3 (for device control). Either way, these codes are used to let your printer control the flow of data, telling the computer when to start and stop sending data. Your printer asks to have data held back when its memory is nearly full or when it senses an ERROR condition. DTR (Data Terminal Ready) protocol does the same thing slightly differently. The printer sends a continuous high-voltage signal over the cable as long as it can accept data, but drops the voltage to send a request to the computer to stop transmitting. Conversely, it is the computer that controls the data flow with the ETX/ACK (End-of-text/Acknowledge) protocol. The computer sends an ETX control code after each string of data, and when the printer receives that code, it sends an ACK code back to the computer, asking for more. This protocol is less used by modern computers because it tends not to hold back data when the printer’s memory gets full.
Baud Rate
Baud rate indicates the speed, in bits per second, at which data is sent to the printer. The most common setting here is 9600 or 19200.
Switch 6 Switch 7 Switch 8 Baud Rate DOS/Windows Setting
OFF OFF OFF 150 bps 150 OFF OFF ON 300 bps 300 OFF ON OFF 600 bps 600 OFF ON ON 1200 bps 1200
ON OFF OFF 2400 bps 2400 ON OFF ON 4800 bps 4800 ON ON OFF 9600 bps 9600 ON ON ON 19200 bps 19200

Setting up a serial connection on a Windows computer

Remember that the settings you make on your computer must match those you have made using the converter’s DIP switches.
• In the Windows Program Manager, open the Main group by clicking on its icon.
• Double-click on the Control Panel icon.
• Double-click on the Printers icon in the Control Panel window.
• Highlight the STAR printer on LPT1 in the Installed Printers window, and then click on Connect.
• Click on the serial port (COMn) to which the serial-to-parallel converter is connected.
• Click OK to return to the Printers window.
• Click Close to return to the Control Panel window.
• Double-click on Ports, and the Ports dialog box appears.
• Click on the name of the port to which the serial-to-parallel converter is connected.
• Click on Settings.
• Use the pull-down menu or directly type in the appropriate settings for each of the parameters: Baud Rate, Data Bits, Parity, Stop Bits, and Flow Control (protocol).
• Click OK to return to the Ports window.
• Click Close to return to the Control Panel window.

Setting up a serial connection on an MS-DOS computer

Remember that the settings you make on your computer must match those you have made using the converter’s DIP switches.
• Modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that it includes the following line: MODE LPT1:=COMn This line tells the computer to send printer output to the COMn serial port. The letter n stands for the number 1, 2, etc. You should input COM1, COM2, etc. to identify the serial port to which the serial-to­parallel converter is connected.
• Also add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: MODE COMn:baud, parity, data length, stopbits, p This line sets up the COMn port according to the parameters you input for baud, parity, data length, and stopbits. To set up COM2 for 9600 bps, no parity, data length of 8 bits and 1 stop bit, you should input the following: MODE COM2:9600,N,8,1,p The letter “p” at the end of the line tells the computer that the printer will continually try to re-send data whenever an error occurs. If you need further information about the MODE command, see your MS-DOS User’s Guide.
Item Specifications
Interface RS-232C-level Synchronization System Asynchronous Baud rate 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,
Word length
Start bit: 1 bit Data bits: 7 or 8 bits (selectable) Parity bit: Odd, Even or None (selectable) Stop bits: More than 1 bit length
Signal polarity
Mark: Logic “1” (–3V to –15V)
Space: Logic “0” (+3V to +15V) Handshaking DTR, XON/XOFF, ETX/ACK Data buffer 8KB (standard)
Connector Signal and Functional Descriptions
Pin NO. Signal name Direction Function
8-10 NC
12-19 NC
21-25 NC
9600, 19200 BPS (selectable)
Printer’s chassis ground. This pin carries data from the printer. This pin carries data to the printer. Always Space. The printer does not check this pin. Unused. Signal ground. Unused. This line carries the same signal as pin
20. Unused. The printer sets this pin to Space when
it is ready to receive data. Unused.


Der Seriell-Parallel-Konverter ist eine EIA-kompatible serielle Schnittstelle, die STAR-Drucker mit nahezu jedem Mikroprozessor verbinden kann, der eine standardisierte (serielle) EIA-Schnittstellenverbindung benötigt.
Bitte lesen Sie dieses Handbuch vollständig durch, bevor Sie die Initialisierung durchführen. Dies gewährleistet erfolgreiche Arbeit mit Ihrem Seriellen Inter­face-Konverter.
Serieller Anschluß
Mit dem seriellen Kabel verbinden.
Löscht den internen Puffer, wenn diese Taste gedrückt wird.
Zum Anschließen des Druckers.
Zum Einstellen der seriellen Betriebsbedingungen. Siehe dazu den folgenden Abschnitt.
Zusätzlich zu diesem Konverter benötigen Sie ein geeignetes serielles Adapterkabel.


Anschließen des Seriellen Interface-Konverters

• Stecker des Druckers aus der Wandsteckdose herausziehen.
• Centronics-Anschluß des Interface-Konverters in die Buchse, die sich seitlich am Drucker befindet, einstecken und mit den dazugehörigen Klammern sichern.
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