Sophos SAFEGUARD User and administrator help

SafeGuard® Enterprise 5.50
User and administrator help supplement: Manual for certification-compliant operation
Document date: April 2010


1 Preface............................................................................................................................................................. 2
3 Secure operation of SafeGuard Enterprise Device Encryption............................................................... 7
4 Copyright .................................................................................................................................................... 15
5 Technical Support ...................................................................................................................................... 16
SafeGuard® Enterprise 5.50, Manual for certification-compliant operation

1 Preface

This document is a supplement for the SafeGuard Enterprise User help and the SafeGuard Enterprise Administrator help.
It especially addresses those users who intend to use SafeGuard Enterprise Device Encryption as a certified security software product.
SafeGuard Enterprise User help, Utimaco Safeware AG - a member of the Sophos Group, 2010
SafeGuard Enterprise Administrator help, Utimaco Safeware AG - a member of the Sophos
Group, 2010
SafeGuard Enterprise Installation manual, Utimaco Safeware AG - a member of the Sophos
Group, 2010
SafeGuard® Enterprise 5.50, Manual for certification-compliant operation

2 Certification of SafeGuard Enterprise Device Encryption

SafeGuard Enterprise Device Encryption, Version 5.30, has passed a certification process according to Common Criteria (CC), version 2.3.
The Common Criteria provide a standard criteria catalog for the security evaluation of products and systems for information technology. The Common Criteria have been commonly prepared by governmental organizations of Australia/New Zealand, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom and the USA and are accepted as an international standard.
The certification has been performed by the German BSI ("Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik") as a certification body.
The Evaluation Assurance Level of SafeGuard Enterprise Device Encryption is "EAL3+". The specified minimum strength of the security functions of SafeGuard Enterprise Device Encryption, Version 5.30, is "SOF-medium".

2.1 Evaluation Assurance Level

In the scope of the Common Criteria, the Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) specifies the accuracy and the effort used to analyze and verify the correct implementation of the security functions of a certified product.
The Common Criteria specify seven different Evaluation Assurance Levels. Level "EAL1" defines the lowest, "EAL7" the highest Evaluation Assurance Level.
Depending on the EAL, different objectives and specified security criteria have to be fulfilled and verified. For level "EAL3+", this comprises providing a Security Target document including an analysis of the security functional requirements, a functional and interface specification and an informal architecture description (High Level Design) of the product to be evaluated. Furthermore, independent testing of the security functionality, evidence of developer testing based on the functional specification, selective independent confirmation of the developer test results and a vulnerability analysis demonstrating resistance to penetration attackers with a standard attack potential are required. User and administrator guidance must comply with specified requirements. Additionally, an automated configuration control system supporting development, appropriate measures for securing the development environment as well as an approved distribution method have to be applied.
SafeGuard® Enterprise 5.50, Manual for certification-compliant operation

2.2 Information concerning the Common Criteria

The Common Criteria originate from separate IT security criteria catalogs published by national authorities for the evaluation of IT security products and systems.
The following countries take part in the definition of the Common Criteria: Australia/New Zealand, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The Common Criteria are based on the following single criteria catalogs: CTCPEC (Canada), FC, TCSEC (both USA) and ITSEC (Europe).
The Common Criteria ensure comparable evaluations of IT security products and systems in all these countries. An automatic mutual approval of granted certificates was established in May
The Common Criteria were issued on an international level by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 3 and as an international standard titled ISO/IEC 15408 "Evaluation Criteria for Information Technology Security" in December 1998.

2.3 Information concerning the certification process

The following parties are involved in the certification process according to the Common Criteria: the certification body, an evaluation facility and the producer or the distributor of the product.
The certification body for SafeGuard Enterprise Device Encryption is the BSI ("Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik"), Bonn, Germany. The evaluation facility is SRC GmbH, Bonn, Germany.
The certification process is initiated on the request of the producer or distributor. The main part of the process is the technical assessment (evaluation) of the product according to the criteria catalog. Technical assessment is performed by an evaluation facility licensed by the certification body. Afterwards, the certificate is issued by the certification body on the basis of an Evaluation Technical Report (ETR) prepared by the evaluation facility.
Details of the certificate, for example the threats averted by the product, the scope of the certified security functions and possible requirements for the operation as a certified product, are published by the certification body in the certification report. The certification report and the Security Target document are made available to the public.
SafeGuard® Enterprise 5.50, Manual for certification-compliant operation

2.4 Scope of the certified product

The scope of evaluated parts of SafeGuard Enterprise Device Encryption consists of:
1. the installable program code of the Device Encryption client for SafeGuard Enterprise Version
5.30, English program version. The program code is a part of SafeGuard Enterprise, delivered on the SafeGuard Enterprise product CD-ROM and identified as "[SafeGuard® Enterprise ­Client Modules 5.30.1]".
2. the guidance documentation consisting of:
a) SafeGuard Enterprise User help
b) SafeGuard Enterprise Administrator help
c) SafeGuard Enterprise Installation manual
d) SafeGuard Enterprise User and administrator help supplement:
Manual for certification-compliant operation
Note: Only the device encryption client component of SafeGuard Enterprise is part of the certification. All other SafeGuard Enterprise modules - SafeGuard Enterprise Server, SafeGuard Management Center, SafeGuard Data Exchange, SafeGuard File & Folder Encryption, SafeGuard Configuration Protection and SafeGuard Partner Connect - are not part of the certification.

2.5 Scope of certified security functions

The following security features of SafeGuard Enterprise Device Encryption have been certified:
Power-on Authentication (POA):
Provides secure identification and authentication of authorized users by user name and password or by using a CryptoToken and the appropriate PIN.
Protection of data on protected devices (using device encryption):
User data on protected devices, which are under control of SafeGuard Enterprise Device Encryption, is protected against disclosure and intentional modification. This is achieved by encrypting the data on the maintained protected devices. The symmetrical encryption algorithms used comply with standards AES-128 (CBC mode) and AES-256 (CBC mode).
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