Deploying the Agent Using SMS
Using SMS 2003 for a Silent Sophos NAC Agent Installation
Deploying the Agent Using SMS 2003
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Document version 3.0
Published July 2007
Deploying the Agent Using SMS 2003
Table of Contents
Using SMS 2003 for a Silent Sophos NAC Agent Installation.......................................................4
General Approach................................................................................................................................................... 4
Packaging the Registry Setting with the Agent Installation.................................................................................... 4
Creating an SMS Package to Deliver the EXE File................................................................................................ 8
Deploying the Agent Using SMS 2003
Using SMS 2003 for a Silent Sophos NAC Agent Installation
You can use Microsoft
you install the Quarantine Agent on Windows 98SE, you must defer the Agent installation until the next time
the endpoint starts. Use the SMS Installer utility to complete this task because SMS alone cannot defer an
installation until an endpoint restarts. This document describes how to use the SM S Installer utility to defer the
Agent installation until an endpoint restarts.
General Approach
You must complete several steps for SMS to complete a silent installation of the Agent when an endpoint
restarts. The SMS package must update a registry entry that forces the Agent in stallation to run when an
endpoint restarts. SMS pushes the package to endpoints and the package is installed immediately. This
installation is not the Agent, only the package that includes the registry update a nd the Agent installation file.
The next time the endpoint starts, the Agent installs.
In the following example, the SMS Installer utility is used to package the registry update and the Agent
installation file. This utility is available from Microsoft at
System Management Server (SMS) 2003 to install the NAC Agent on endpoints. When
Packaging the Registry Setting with the Agent Installation
1. Place a copy of the Sophos NAC Agent installation MSI file in a temporary directory.
2. Open the SMS Installer utility.
3. From the Installation Attributes list , select Installation Interface.
4. Click Properties. The Installation Interface window displays.
Deploying the Agent Using SMS 2003
5. Click the Media tab, and then select the Single File Installation option button.
6. Click the Application tab, and then type a Software Title and Default Directory.
Note: Do not select the Place default directory und er Program Files check box.