Sony VPL-ES7, VPL-EX7, VPL-EX7IN, VPL-EX70 Diagram

SERVICE MANUAL 1st Edition (Revised 2)
このマニュアルは,サービス専用です。 お客様が,このマニュアルに記載された設置や保守,点検,修理などを行うと感電や火災, 人身事故につながることがあります。 危険をさけるため,サービストレーニングを受けた技術者のみご使用ください。
This manual is intended for qualifi ed service personnel only. To reduce the risk of electric shock, fi re or injury, do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the operating instructions unless you are qualifi ed to do so. Refer all servicing to qualifi ed service personnel.
Die Anleitung ist nur für qualifi ziertes Fachpersonal bestimmt. Alle Wartungsarbeiten dürfen nur von qualifi ziertem Fachpersonal ausgeführt werden. Um die Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlages, Feuergefahr und Verletzungen zu vermeiden, sind bei Wartungsarbeiten strikt die Angaben in der Anleitung zu befolgen. Andere als die angegeben Wartungsarbeiten dürfen nur von Personen ausgeführt werden, die eine spezielle Befähigung dazu besitzen.
Ce manual est destiné uniquement aux personnes compétentes en charge de l’entretien. Afi n de réduire les risques de décharge électrique, d’incendie ou de blessure n’effectuer que les réparations indiquées dans le mode d’emploi à moins d’être qualifi é pour en effectuer d’autres. Pour toute réparation faire appel à une personne compétente uniquement.
万一,異常が起きた際に,お客様が電源を切ることが できるように,設置の際には,機器近くの固定配線内 に専用遮断装置を設けるか,機器使用中に,容易に抜 き差しできるコンセントに電源プラグを接続してくだ さい。
When installing the unit, incorporate a readily accessible disconnect device in the fi xed wiring, or connect the power cord to a socket-outlet which must be provided near the unit and easily accessible, so that the user can turn off the power in case a fault should occur.
Beim Einbau des Geräts ist daher im Festkabel ein leicht zugänglicher Unterbrecher einzufügen, oder das Netzkabel muß mit einer in der Nähe des Geräts befi ndlichen, leicht zugänglichen Wandsteckdose verbunden werden, damit sich bei einer Funktionsstörung die Stromversorgung zum Gerät jederzeit unterbrechen läßt.
For kundene i Norge
Dette utstyret kan kobles til et IT-strømfordelingssystem.
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type rec­ommended by the manufacturer. When you dispose of the battery, you must obey the law in the relative area or country.
Il y a danger d’explosion s’il y a remplacement incor-
rect de la batterie. Remplacer uniquement avec
une batterie du même type ou d’un type équivalent
recommandé par le constructeur.
Lorsque vous mettez la batterie au rebut, vous devez
respecter la législation en vigueur dans le pays ou la
région où vous vous trouvez.
Fara för explosion vid felaktigt placerat batteri.
Byt endast mot samma eller likvärdig typ av batteri,
enligt tillverkarens rekommendationer.
När du kasserar batteriet ska du följa rådande lagar
för regionen eller landet.
Fare for eksplosion, hvis batteriet ikke udskiftes
Udskift kun med et batteri af samme eller tilsvarende
type, som er anbefalet af fabrikanten.
Når du bortskaffer batteriet, skal du følge
lovgivningen i det pågældende område eller land.
Räjähdysvaara, jos akku vaihdetaan virheellisesti.
Vaihda vain samanlaiseen tai vastaavantyyppiseen,
valmistajan suosittelemaan akkuun.
Noudata akun hävittämisessä oman maasi tai
alueesi lakeja.
Explosionsgefahr bei Verwendung falscher Batterien.
Batterien nur durch den vom Hersteller empfohlenen
oder einen gleichwertigen Typ ersetzen.
Wenn Sie die Batterie entsorgen, müssen Sie die
Gesetze der jeweiligen Region und des jeweiligen
Landes befolgen.
Eksplosjonsfare hvis feil type batteri settes i.
Bytt ut kun med samme type eller tilsvarende
anbefalt av produsenten.
Kasser batteriet i henhold til gjeldende avfallsregler.
1 (P)

Table of Contents

1. Service Overview
1-1. Appearance Figure ..........................................................1-1
1-2. Board Location ................................................................ 1-1
1-3. Disassembly ....................................................................1-2
1-3-1. Upper Case Assembly ............................................ 1-2
1-3-2. Rear Case Pack Assembly......................................1-3
1-3-3. Main Board ............................................................ 1-3
1-3-4. Power Board and Thermal Sensor Board ..............1-4
1-3-5. Front Case Assembly and IR Sensor Board ........... 1-5
1-3-6. Fan (Exhaust)-1...................................................... 1-5
1-3-7. Fan (Exhaust)-2...................................................... 1-6
1-3-8. Optional Unit Assembly ........................................ 1-7
1-3-9. Lamp Power Supply...............................................1-8
1-3-10. Fan ......................................................................... 1-9
1-4. 3D GAMMA Service Tool Application Software ......... 1-10
1-5. Indicator ........................................................................1-10
1-6. Circuit Description ........................................................ 1-11
1-7. Replacing Fuse .............................................................. 1-13
1-8. Connecting/Disconnecting the Flexible Card Wire ....... 1-14
1-9. Lead-free Solder ............................................................ 1-14
2-7. Others .............................................................................. 2-9
2-7-1. Note When Replacing the Main Board ..................2-9
2-7-2. Status Information................................................2-10
2-7-3. ADC Calibration Value ........................................2-10
2-8. Memory Structure ......................................................... 2-11
2-9. Initial Values of Adjustment Items ................................ 2-13
3. Troubleshooting
4. Spare Parts
4-1. Notes on Repair Parts ......................................................4-1
4-2. Exploded Views ............................................................... 4-2
4-3. Electrical Parts List .........................................................4-4
4-4. Packing Materials & Supplied Accessories .................... 4-4
5. Block Diagrams
2. Electrical Adjustments
2-1. Preparation ......................................................................2-1
2-1-1. Required Equipment .............................................. 2-1
2-1-2. How to Enter the Service Mode ............................. 2-1
2-2. Adjustment of Main Board When it is Replaced ...........2-1
2-2-1. Save the Optical Data and Replacement ................2-1
2-3. EEPROM Replacement ...................................................2-2
2-4. ADC Calibration ............................................................2-2
2-4-1. RGB Alignment Procedure .................................... 2-2
2-4-2. YUV Alignment Procedure ................................... 2-3
2-5. V COM Adjustment ........................................................ 2-4
2-6. White Balance Adjustment .............................................. 2-6
2-6-1. HIGH Mode of PC ................................................2-6
2-6-2. MIDDLE Mode of PC ..........................................2-6
2-6-3. LOW Mode of PC ................................................. 2-7
2-6-4. HIGH Mode of VIDEO ......................................... 2-7
2-6-5. MIDDLE Mode of VIDEO .................................... 2-8
2-6-6. LOW Mode of VIDEO .......................................... 2-8
Overall (VPL-ES7) .......................................................... 5-1
Overall (VPL-EX70) ....................................................... 5-2
Overall (VPL-EX7) ......................................................... 5-3
Overall (VPL-EX7IN) ..................................................... 5-4
6. Schematic Diagrams
Frame Wiring (VPL-ES7) ............................................... 6-1
Frame Wiring (VPL-EX70) .............................................6-2
Frame Wiring (VPL-EX7) ...............................................6-3
Frame Wiring (VPL-EX7IN) .......................................... 6-4

1-1. Appearance Figure

Section 1

Service Overview

1-2. Board Location

Door detection switch
Lamp power supply
Thermal sensor
Door detection switch
IR sensor

1-3. Disassembly

1-3-1. Upper Case Assembly

Zoom adjust gear knob
Press here strongly.
Remove the Upper case assembly
in the direction of the arrow.
Disengage the claws at
the 17 locations respectively.
Upper case assembly
Lower case pack
Caution : Remove the upper case assembly from this corner. When attaching the upper case assembly, attach it while aligning with the lower case starting from this corner.
Upon completion of the upper case assembly attachment, check to see that the spacing in the top is equal to the
Caution : If the spacings in the top and bottom are not equal, go to method of optical unit assembly and Focus/Zoom (Refer to section 1-3-8. Steps 9 to 14.)
spacing in the bottom.
adjust assembly”.
 Upper case assembly
These portions are fragile. Be very careful not to damage them.
Remove the filter door in the direction of the arrow .
Loosen screw.
(+P M3 x 6)
Front Side of Unit
Lamp door
Lower case pack assembly
Front Side of Unit
Five screws
(+P M3 x 6)
(+P M3 x 6)
Two claws

1-3-2. Rear Case Pack Assembly

Rear case pack assembly, etc.
Rear Side
Two screws
(+K 3 x 12)
Six hexagon
of Unit
Rear Side of Unit
Route the speaker harness under the MB bracket.
Rear case pack assembly
Main board J11
Speaker harness
Rear case pack assembly
Rear case pack assembly
Four hexagon screws
Two screws (+K 3 x 12)
Rear case pack assembly
Eight hexagon screws
Two screws (+K 3 x 12)
Rear case pack assembly

1-3-3. Main Board

Rear case pack assembly, etc.
(Refer to section 1-3-2, steps 1 to 4.)
Two screws
(+PWH 3 x 6)
Main board
Eight hexagon screws
Two screws (+K 3 x 12)
(+PWH 3 x 6)
Two screws
Three screws
(+PWH 3 x 6)
Main board
Remove the
twelve connectors.
J24 J22

1-3-4. Power Board and Thermal Sensor Board

Check to see that the seven connectors are protruding from the MB bracket.
Be careful that the harnesses must not override on top of this port or must not be pinched by this portion.
Lamp nozzle assembly
n board
(Refer to section 1-3-3, steps 2 to 6.)
Five tapping screws
(PAN M3 x 7)
(+PSW M4 x 6)
MB bracket
Door detection switch board
Caution : When attaching the MB bracket, bind the four harnesses into the shape of “U” and attaching them to the MB bracket.
Power board
Miniature fuse-links (F602)
Fuse (H.B.C.) (F601)
Power board
Tapping screw
(PAN M3 x 7)
Thermal sensor board
Lamp nozzle assembly
Lamp nozzle assembly
Power board
Remove the three connectors.
Remove the fan in the
direction of the arrow.

1-3-5. Front Case Assembly and IR Sensor Board

Tapping screw
(PAN M3 x 7)
Front case assembly
Lens cap
Four claws

1-3-6. Fan (Exhaust)-1

IR sensor board
Lamp door
(Refer to section 1-3-1, steps 2 to 4.)
(Refer to section 1-3-4, steps 2 to 8.)
Door detection switch
Caution : Because the harness has the shape of flat cross-section, do not insert the harness into the harness clamp section with excessive force. Find out the direction in which the harness can be inserted easily, and then insert the harness.
No good
Lamp connector
MB bracket
Power board
(Refer to section 1-3-5.)
case assembly
(+PWH 3 x 6)
Lamp box assembly
Harness clamp section
Lamp assembly
Loosen two screws.

1-3-7. Fan (Exhaust)-2

Caution : When attaching the lamp box assembly, insert the door detection switch harness into the groove of the lower case pack assembly.
Fan (Exhaust)
80*25 AD0812HB/HB
Remove the door detection switch
harness in the direction of the arrow .
Remove the protrusion in the
direction of the arrow .
UB mark is indicated.
HB mark is indicated.
Lower case pack assembly
Caution : Two exhaust fans are the two different fans having the difference characteristics. Be careful not to make mistake in choosing the desired fan by confirming the indication on the fans.
Door detection switch board
Two tapping screws
(PAN M3 x 7)
Lamp box assembly
Remove the fan harness in the direction of the arrow .
Tapping screw
(PAN M3 x 7)
Door detection switch board
Lamp box assembly

1-3-8. Optional Unit Assembly

Lamp box assembly
(Refer to section 1-3-6, steps 5 to 9) and (refer to section 1-3-7, steps 1,2, 4 to 6.)
amp nozzle assembly
Lamp connector assembly
CON thermal 145MM wire
Door detection switch harness
Lamp nozzle assembly
Tapping screw
(PH W/FLA M3 x 10L PT ZN)
Three tapping screws
(PAN M3 x 7)
Optical unit
Caution : When attaching the lamp nozzle assembly, route that harnesses in between the lamp nozzle assembly and optical unit assembly.
Two tapping screws
(PAN M3 x 7)
Thermal sensor harness, Fan harness
Two tapping screws
(PAN M3 x 7)
Focus/Zoom adjust
Assembling method of optical unit assembly and Focus/Zoom adjust gears assembly
Attach the Focus/Zoom Adjust assembly into the two dowels of the lower case pack assembly after rotating the Focus/Zoom Adjust assembly as far as it can be rotated in the direction of clockwise direction.
Lens: Rotate the Focus/Zoom gears in the counter-clockwise direction as far as it can be rotated.
Lower case pack assembly
 Fix the Focus/Zoom Adjust assembly tentatively with the screw.
Two dowels
Lens: Focus/Zoom gears
Zoom adjust gear
Focus adjust gear
 Rotate the zoom adjust gear in the counter-clockwise direction by one tooth. Then, engage these gears with the corresponding lens gears.
 Attach the other screw while fixing the gear position.
 Tighten the screw finally that has been tightened tentatively.

1-3-9. Lamp Power Supply

Fan (Exhaust)
80*25 AD0812HB/HB
Lamp box assembly
Lamp nozzle assembly
Optical unit assembly
Focus/Zoom adjust
(Refer to section 1-3-6, steps 5 to 9) and (refer to section 1-3-7, steps 1 to 6.)
Lamp power supply
 Claw
Door detection
switch board
Caution : When re-assembling the machine, route the respective harnesses and wires at the specified locations as shown.
Route the Lamp connector assembly
between them.
Two tapping screws
(PAN M3 x 7)
(Refer to section 1-3-8, steps 2 to 8.)
Mylar ballast
 Door detection switch board
Remove the lamp power supply
in the direction of the arrow .
Mylar ballast
Lamp connector
 Lamp power supply
Lamp power supply
Route the harness through the hole of this sheet.
Door detection switch board

1-3-10. Fan

Lamp box assembly
Lamp nozzle assembly
Optical unit assembly
Focus/Zoom adjust
(Refer to section 1-3-6, steps 5 to 9) and (refer to section 1-3-7, steps 1,2, 4 to 6.)
Prism duct
 Two tapping screws (PH W/FLA M3 x 10L PT ZN)
70*70*25 240MM AB07012UB
 Tapping screw (PH W/FL M3 x 35 NI D-PT)
Two tapping screws
(PAN M3 x 7)
(Refer to section 1-3-8, steps 2 to 8.)
Tapping screw
(PAN M3 x 7)
 Washer
75*75*30 145MM AB7512UB
Prism duct
Prism duct
Thermal sensor board

1-4. 3D GAMMA Service Tool Application Software

The Ernie Service Tool is the application software for performing the tasks such as reading out and writ­ing of the 3D GAMMA data on the projector that is connected to a PC via a communication function. The Ernie Service Tool has the following features.
. It can read 3D GAMMA data from a set and save it in a le. . It can write 3D GAMMA data in a PC into a set.
When the optical unit is replaced, write 3D GAMMA data recorded on the CD-ROM, which is supplied together with the optical unit, into a set using the application software.
. VPL-ES7 set has not RS-232C terminal, use the QUICK ACCESS Assy. . Remove the rubber cap on the upper left of the rear side of the unit.
Set Main board CN
Straight cable
(Parts No. A-1568-125-A)
CN J8 5pin

1-5. Indicator

The error status of the this units are indicated by the type of fl ashing of indicator. The top cover has the ON/STANDBY indicator and the LAMP/COVER indicator. Various error contents are indicated by the type of fl ashing of indicator. For details of the types of indicator fl ashing and the error statuses, refer to the list shown below.
ON/STANDBY Indicator (Red fl ashing)
Error Name
Temperature Error
Fan Error
Power Error
LAMP/COVER Indicator (Orange fl ashing)
Cover Error
Lamp Error
Flash Frequency
Flash FrequencyError Name Status
2 Times
4 Times
6 Times
2 Times
3 Times
The temperature of the equipment is high.
Each fan dose not work normally.
The power is not turned on correctly.
The lamp or filter cover is opened.
The UHP lamp is not lighting.

1-6. Circuit Description

Main Board:
Video input block
The video input has two channels: Composite video and S-Video. The 2-channel inputs are sent directly to the video processor, and converted to the digital data by the built-in AD converter of the video processor.
PC input block
There are two channels: Input A and Input B, one of which is selected with the toggle switch. The selected output is input to the video processor and the video buffer. At the video processor, the signal is converted to the digital data by the built-in AD converter. The signal input to the video buffer is output as a monitor out. To Input A, PC signals, component signals, and video GBR signals can be input. To Input B, only PC signals can be input. (VPL-EX7IN can input only PC signals.)
Audio input block
Stereo mini jack input. The L/R input is synthesized internally into a monaural signal. The signal is syn­thesized by a resistance, so the output level varies between the case where only one channel is input and the case where both channels are input. The standard is prescribed under the condition where only one channel is input.
Monitor output block (PC)
The signals input to Input A and Input B are output. The signal of the channel that is selected with the input toggle switch is output. No output is made if Video or S-Video is selected.
Monitor output block (Audio)
The signal input to the audio input is output. This output is variable with the volume control. If a cable is connected to this connector, the output from the built-in speaker stops.
Video processor & System control block
PW-190 made by Pixelworks Inc. is used. This IC performs pixel number conversion, aspect conversion, and OSD addition to the input signals. This IC also controls brightness, sharpness, chroma, and hue. In addition, the built-in CPU controls the system. Control target: Control panel, OSD display, lamp cover switch, fi lter door switch, LED control, serial control
LCD timing generator (DSD) block
The IC for LCD panel made by Sony is used. This IC generates the timing for driving the LCD panel. This uses the method that inverts the driving direction for each frame. In addition to timing generation, this IC performs white balance adjustment, gamma adjustment, and color shading adjustment.
LCD driver block
The drive IC for LCD panel made by Sony is used. This drives the LCD panel in a 12-phase drive method at the timing generated by the timing generator IC. The GBR and the circuit for three channels are equipped.
*1: Not valid for VPL-EX7IN.
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