Startup guide
Xperia™ TX
Sony Mobile Communications AB
SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden
Important information
Please read the Important information leaflet
before you use your mobile phone.
To remove the battery cover
To insert the memory card and the micro
SIM card
The memory card may not be included at
purchase in all markets.
To attach the battery cover
Press down firmly on all edges of the battery
cover to make sure it gets attached tightly.
Phone basics
Phone overview
1. Light sensor
2. Proximity sensor
3. Ear speaker
4. Front camera lens
5. Notification LED
6. Volume/Zoom key
7. Camera key
8. Main microphone
9. Touchscreen
10. Power key
11. Headset connector
12. Camera lens
13. Camera LED light
14. Second microphone
15. Strap hole
16. Speaker
17. NFC detection area
18. Connector for
charger/USB cable
Use the accessories provided with your phone,
or other compatible accessories, for optimal
Turning on the phone
To turn on the phone
Press and hold down the power key on the
left side of the phone until the phone vibrates.
Wait a while for the phone to start.
Waking up the screen
To activate the screen
Briefly press the power key
To unlock the screen
Drag to the right across the screen.
Using the keys
Go back to the previous screen
Close the on-screen keypad, a dialog
box, an options menu, or the
Notification panel
Go to the Home screen
Tap to open a window showing your
most recently used applications and a
small apps bar
Set up your phone
What is Android™?
Android is your phone's operating system. Since
it's developed by Google™, your phone is
preloaded with several Google™ services, such as
Google Maps™ and Google™ web search. To use
some of the services provided by Google™, you
need a Google account.
What is different about Android?
Android™ is an open system, which means that
you're not limited to using applications and
services from only one provider.
Google™ account
With a Google™ account, you can use Gmail™ to
send emails, Google Talk™ to chat with friends,
and Google Play™ to download applications and
games, music, movies and books.
To set up a Google™ account in your phone
From your Home screen, tap
Find and tap Settings > Accounts & sync > Add
account > Google.
Follow the registration wizard to create a
Google™ account, or sign in if you already have
an account. Your phone is now ready to use with
Gmail™ , Google Talk™ and Google Calendar™.
You can also sign in or create a Google™
account from the setup guide the first time you
start your phone. Or you can go online and
create an account at
Basic settings
The first time you start your phone, a setup guide
explains basic phone functions and helps you enter
essential settings. You can also access the setup
guide later.
To access the setup guide manually
From the Home screen, tap
Find and tap Setup guide.
Transferring contacts
to your new phone
Transferring contacts to your new phone can
sometimes be complicated, but help is available.
You can transfer contacts from several phone
brands, including iPhone, Samsung, HTC and
You need:
An Internet-connected PC running Windows®
A USB cable for your old phone
A USB cable for your new Android™ phone
Your old phone
Your new Android™ phone
If you don't have access to all of the items listed
above, go to www.sonymobile.com to find out
about other ways to transfer your contacts.
Get started transferring your
Use the PC Companion program to transfer your
contacts. It's free, and the installation files are
already saved on your new phone. PC Companion
also offers a range of other features, including help
to update your phone software.
To install PC Companion
New phone: Turn on your new Android™ phone
and connect it to a PC using a USB cable.
New phone: Tap Install to install PC Companion
on the PC.
Computer: If a popup window appears, select
Run Startme.exe. In the new popup window that
appears, click Install to start the installation and
then follow the instructions to complete the
To transfer contacts to your new phone
using PC Companion
Make sure that PC Companion is installed on
your PC.
Open the PC Companion program on the PC,
then click Contacts Setup and follow the
instructions to transfer your contacts.
Finding your way
Home screen
Your phone Home screen is the equivalent of the
desktop on a computer. You can customise your
Home screen with widgets, shortcuts, folders,
themes, wallpaper and other items.
The Home screen extends beyond the regular
screen display width, so you need to flick left or
right to view content in one of the screen's four
The items in the bar at the bottom of the screen are
always available for quick access.
To go to the Home screen
To browse the Home screen
Flick right or left.
To change your Home screen wallpaper
Tap an empty area on your Home screen, then
Tap Wallpaper and select an option.
Widgets are small applications that you can use
directly on your Home screen. For example, the
Music player widget allows you to start playing
music directly.
Some widgets are resizable, so you can expand
them to view more content or shrink them to save
space on your Home screen.
Application screen
The Application screen, which you open from your
Home screen, contains the applications that come
installed with your phone as well as the
applications you download.
The Application screen extends beyond the regular
screen width, so you need to flick left and right to
view all content.

To open the Application screen
From your Home screen, tap .
To open an application
From your Home screen or the Application
screen, tap the application.
An application is a phone program that helps
you perform a task. For example, there are
applications to make calls, take photos and
download more applications.
Status and notifications
The status bar at the top of your screen shows
what's going on in your phone. For example,
new message and calendar notifications appear
A notification light also gives you battery status
information and some notifications. For
example, a flashing blue light means there is a
new message or a missed call. The notification
light may not work when the battery level is low.
Checking notifications and
ongoing activities
You can drag down the status bar to open the
Notification panel and get more information. For
example, you can use the panel to open a new
message or view a calendar event. You can also
open some applications that run in the
background, such as the music player.
To open the Notification panel
Drag the status bar downwards.
Phone settings menu
View and change your phone settings from the
Settings menu.
To access the phone settings
From your Home screen, tap .
Tap Settings.
You can also drag the status bar downwards
on the Home screen and tap to access
the phone settings.
More basics
To make a call by dialling
From your Home screen, tap .
Find and tap Phone.
Enter the number of the recipient and tap Call. To
delete a number, tap
To end a call
Tap .
To answer a call
Drag to the right across the screen.
Multimedia and text
To create and send a message
From your Home screen, tap , then find and
Tap .
, then select the desired recipients from
the Contacts list. If the recipient is not listed as a
contact, enter the contact's number manually
and tap
When you are finished adding recipients, tap
Tap Write message and enter your message text.
If you want to add a media file, tap
and select
an option.
To send the message, tap Send.
My wired headset does not
Make sure the wired headset that you are using
complies to the CTIA standard. Your phone
supports the CTIA standard, and may not be fully
compatible with other standards such as OMTP.
If you have a wireless headset that is compatible
with your phone, try using that instead.
Legal information
Sony LT29i/
Google Play™ is not available in all countries. Some of the services
and features described in this Startup guide are not supported in all
countries/regions or by all networks and/or service providers in all
areas. Without limitation, this applies to the GSM International
Emergency Number 112. Please contact your network operator or
service provider to determine availability of any specific service or
feature and whether additional access or usage fees apply.
This Startup guide is published by Sony Mobile Communications AB
or its local affiliated company, without any warranty. Improvements
and changes to this Startup guide necessitated by typographical
errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to
programs and/or equipment, may be made by Sony Mobile
Communications AB at any time and without notice. Such changes
will, however, be incorporated into new editions of this Startup
© 2012 Sony Mobile Communications AB. All rights reserved.
Publication number: 1266-4893.1
Your mobile phone has the capability to download, store and
forward additional content, e.g. ringtones. The use of such content
may be restricted or prohibited by rights of third parties, including
but not limited to restriction under applicable copyright laws. You,
and not Sony, are entirely responsible for additional content that you
download to or forward from your mobile phone. Prior to your use of
any additional content, please verify that your intended use is
properly licensed or is otherwise authorized. Sony does not
guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of any additional content
or any other third party content. Under no circumstances will Sony
be liable in any way for your improper use of additional content or
other third party content.
This Startup guide may reference services or applications provided
by third parties. Use of such programming or services may require
separate registration with the third party provider and may be
subject to additional terms of use. For applications accessed on or
through a third-party website, please review such websites’ terms of
use and applicable privacy policy in advance. Sony does not warrant
or guarantee the availability or performance of any third-party
websites or offered services.
All product and company names mentioned herein are the
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Any
rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. All other
trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Visit www.sonymobile.com for more information.
All illustrations are for illustration only and may not accurately depict
the actual phone.
This product is protected by certain intellectual property rights of
Microsoft. Use or distribution of such technology outside of this
product is prohibited without a license from Microsoft.
Get support
User guide
A User guide is available in the Help application in
your phone and at www.sonymobile.com.
Support in the phone
Get user support directly in your phone using the
Help application.
To access the Help application
From your Application screen, find and tap .
Find and tap the required support item.
Support on the web
Visit www.sonymobile.com to access a range of
support and get the most from your phone.
Customer support
Customer support – if all else fails. Access the
relevant support number at www.sonymobile.com
by clicking the Contact us link at the bottom of the
page. You can also find the relevant support
number in the supplied Important information

FCC Statement
Declaration of Conformity
Sony LT29i

Important Information
nited States & Canada
The LT29 i Ser ies mobile ph ones have been designed to
com ply w ith a pplicable saf ety r equir ement s for exposur e to
rad io wa ves. Your wireless phon e is a rad io transmitte r and
rec eiver . It is designed t o not exce ed th e limits* of expos ure t o
rad io fr equen cy (RF) energ y set by g overn mental author ities .
The se li mits establish per mitte d lev els o f RF energy f or th e
gen eral popul ation. The gu ideli nes a re ba sed on standa rds
tha t wer e dev eloped by int ernat ional scie ntific organi zatio ns
thr ough perio dic and thoro ugh e valua tion of scientific stud ies.
The stan dards include a sa fety margi n des igned to assu re th e
saf ety o f all individuals, rega rdles s of age and healt h.
The radi o wav e exposure gu ideli nes e mploy a unit of
mea surem ent k nown as the S pecif ic Ab sorpt ion Rate (SAR ).
Tes ts fo r SAR are conducte d usi ng st andar dized methods with
the phon e tra nsmitting at its h ighes t cer tified power level in a ll
use d fre quenc y bands. Whil e the re ma y be differences
bet ween the S AR levels of vario us ph one m odels, they a re al l
des igned to m eet the relev ant g uidel ines for exposure to ra dio
wav es. F or mo re informatio n on SAR, pleas e refer to th e saf e
and effi cient use chapter in th e Use r Gui de.
The high est S AR value as r eport ed to the authorities f or th is
pho ne mo del w hen tested fo r use by t he ea r is 1.08 W/k g*,
and when worn on the body is 0. 81 W/ kg* f or speech and
1.4 2 W/k g* fo r data calls. For body- worn operation, th e pho ne
has been test ed when posit ioned a mi nimum of 15 mm fro m
the body with out any metal part s in the v icinity of th e pho ne or
whe n pro perly used with an appr opria te So ny accessory and
wor n on the b ody. For devi ces w hich inclu de “WiFi hots pot”
fun ction ality , SAR measure ments for the d evice operati ng in
WiF i hot spot mode were tak en us ing a sepa ration distan ce of