Sony PCV-RX312 User Manual

About the software on your Sony VAIO desktop

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This product contains software owned by Sony and li censed by third partie s. Use of such softwa re is subject to the terms and c onditions of license agreements enclosed with this p roduct. Software specifications are subject to chang e without notice and may no t necessarily be identical to current retail versions. Updates and additions to software may require an additional charge. Subscriptions to online service providers may require a fee and credit card information. Financial services may require prior arrangements with participating financial institutions.
© 2002 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

End user software license agreement

About the software on your Sony desktop
This End User Software License Agreement (the EULA) is a legal agreement between you and Sony Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Sony), a corporation organized under Japanese Law, the manufacturer of your Sony computer system (the SONY HARDWARE). Please read this EULA ca refully before installing or using the so ftwa re distributed together with this EULA (the S ONY SOFTWARE). By installing or using the SONY SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. You may use the SONY SOFTWARE only in connection with the use of the SONY HARDWARE. SONY SOFTWARE is licensed; not sold.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, software distributed together with separate End User Software License Agreement (the Third Party EULA), including but not limited to Windows
EULA. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, please return the SONY SOFTWARE together with the SONY HARDWARE to the place
where you obtain ed it .
1. License. This SONY SOFTWARE and the related documentation are licensed to you by Sony. This EULA allows you to use the SONY SOFTWARE for your personal use for a single SONY HARDWARE outside a network and only to make one copy of the SONY SOFTWARE in machine-readable form for back-up purposes only.
operating system provided by Microsoft Corporation, shall be covered by the Third Party
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About the software on your Sony desktop
2. Restrictions. The SONY SOFTWARE contains copyrighted material and other proprietary material. In order to protect them, and except as permitted by applicable law, you may not decompile, reverse engineer or disassemble the SONY SOFTWARE in whole or in part. Except for the transfer of the SONY SOFT WARE to gether with the SONY HARDWARE and prior agre ement of the recipien t to be bound by the terms and conditions of this EULA, you may not sell or rent the SONY SOFTWARE and its copy to any third party.
3. Limited W arranty . S ony warrants the media on which the SONY SOFTWARE is recorded to be free from physical defects for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase as evidenced by a copy of the receipt. During the applicable warranty period, Sony will replace free of charge such media proved to be defec tive, provided they are returned properly packaged to the place whe re you obtained it, together with your name, address, and proof of date of purchase. Sony will have no responsibility to replace media damaged by accident, abuse, or misapplication. The above limited warranty replaces all other representations, conditions and warranties, whether express or implied, by statute or otherwise and Sony expressly disclaims all other warranties and all conditions including, but not limited to, the implied warranties and/or conditions of satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose. The terms of this limited warranty do not affect or prejudice your statutory rights as an ultimate consumer , neither do they limit or exclude any liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of Sony.
4. T ermination. This EULA is effective until terminated. You may terminate this EULA at any time by destroying the SONY SOFTWARE, related documentation, and all copies thereof. This EULA will terminate immediately without notice from Sony, if you fail to comply with any provision of this EULA. Upon termination you must destroy the SONY SOFTWARE, related documentation, and all copies thereof.
5. Governing Law. This EULA shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. Should you have any questions concerning this EULA or this limited warranty, please refer to the Customer Service Guide on how to
contact VAIO-Link .
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About the software on your Sony desktop
As an ENERGY STAR® Partner , Sony has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. The International E
of computers and their office equipment. The program backs the development and dissemination of products with functions that effectively reduce energy consumption. It is an open system in which business proprietors can participate voluntarily. The targeted products are office equipment such as computers, displays, printers, facsimiles and copiers. Their standards and logos are uniform among participating nati ons.
NERGY STAR is a U.S. registered mark.
Offi ce Eq u i pme n t Program is an international program that promotes energy saving through the use

Environmental information

Halogenated flame retardant is not used in cabinets. Cushion formed by corrugated board are used in packaging.
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About the software on your Sony desktop


Sony, DigitalPrint, DVgate, i.LINK and the i.LINK logo, Sony Style Imaging, MovieShaker, Smart Capture, UI Design Selector, VAIO Action Setup, VAIO System Information, SonicStage, Memory Stick and the Memory Stick logo, V AIO and the VAIO logo are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
i.LINK is a trademark of Sony used only to designate that a product contains an IEEE1394 connection. Microsoft, Microsoft Works, Windows and the Windows logo, Windows Media and Outlook are trademarks or registered trademarks
of U.S. Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Adobe, Adobe Acrobat Reader and Adobe Photoshop
QuickTime and the QuickT ime logo are trademarks used under license. QuickTime is registered in the U.S. and other countries. RealPlayer is a trademark or registered trademark of RealNetworks, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. Symantec Norton Antivirus is a trademark of Symantec. PowerDVD is a trademark or registered trademark of CyberLink Corporation.
All other names of systems, products and services are trademarks of their respective owners. In the manual, the ™ or specified.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Elements are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
marks are not

Registering your V AIO

Registering your VAIO
It only takes a few momen ts to register your Sony VAI O co mputer. By registering your comp uter , you can take ad va ntag e of Sony’ s co mm itment to quality custom er sup po rt
and receive the following benefits:
Club VAIO – Online support, tutorials, tips and tricks, news, news forums, competitions, free downloads
and software updates.
VAIO-Link – If you are experiencing any pro blem s with your com pu ter, you can check the VAIO-Link
website for a possi bl e soluti on :
Guarantee – Protect your investment. See the Guarantee sheet for the terms and conditions and refer
to your Customer Guide for more inform ati on .
To register your Sony VAIO computer, proceed as follows:
About the software on your Sony desktop
1 Connect your phone line and set up a modem con necti on (see Configuring you r mod em (page 60)). 2 Double-click the VAIO Online Registration icon on the de skto p. 3 Select your lang uage and click Next. 4 Select the Register Now option butto n and cl ic k Next.
You get to the website
5 Fill in your first and last name, the serial number of your computer and the place where you live. 6 Click Submit.
Your VAIO is re gi stered .
You can only register if you have administrator rights on your computer.

About the software on your computer

About the software on your computer
Your Sony computer is ready to help you work, play, learn, and communicate as soon as you turn it on. This section gives you an overv iew of what y ou can do with the softw are on your co mpu ter.

Sony software


Sony Electronics
DigitalPrint i s easy- to-use software design ed to help you get the most enj oyment out of your photogra phs taken with a digital camera or taken fro m a CD, flopp y disk or Mem or y Stick™. Wi th Di gital Pri nt, you can easily load photos into your computer, create photo albums, labels and make pr ints.
About the software on your Sony desktop


Sony Electronics
DVgate is a kit of 3 complementar y app lications: DVgate Motion, DVgate Still , and DVgate Asse mble. This collection makes it easy to select and edit digital video clips, then bring them together into a professional­looking home video. Use i.LINK™ to connec t your digital video camera, and the computer operates as an editing desk that can capture, preview, cut and assemble your selection and save the sequences in AVI or MPEG 1 & 2 formats. DVgate Still displays digital video images sent from a digital videocassette recorder or a digital video camera recorder (only poss ible if you have DV In/Out on your camera), and saves them as graphic files on your hard drive.
About the software on your computer


Sony Electronics
MovieShaker text. All you do is import your clips, pick the tune you want and MovieShaker choose to take control and produc e your very own m ovi e. You choo se the exact clips ord er, sp ecial effe cts, and transitions. You can also import your own music and MovieShaker of the song to the leng th of your movie.
creates personal movies - complete with transitions, special effects, background music, and

Smart Ca pt u re

Sony Electronics
Connect a digital camera to your computer to shoot still images and video clips, which you can view or send by e-mail. The Smart Capture Finder displays images from the camera and allows you to adjust the settings
About the software on your Sony desktop
or create effects. Smart Capture enables you to capture images via i.LINK™ compatible devices or create a panorama picture us i ng the panoram a a ssist functi on.


Sony Electronics
SonicStage is software using the OpenMG technology, a copyright protection technology developed by Sony Corporation and designed to allow recording and playback of digital music data on a personal computer. Once the data is encrypted and record ed on to the hard disk, SonicStage technology allo ws it to be played back on the PC but prevents unauthoriz ed di stri bu ti on. The purpose of SonicS tage technology is to cr eate an environmen t in w hi ch larg er quantities of high -quality music can be dis tri bu ted w ith out subsequent unauthorized distribution of the music files. The SonicStage softw are en crypts and manage s musi c files ei ther downloaded to a person al computer by using the EMD services or adopted (or created) fro m your ow n CD or the Internet.
does the rest. You can also
will automatically match the length
About the software on your computer

Sony Style Imaging (shortcut to website)

Sony Electronics
Your computer is installed with a shortcut to the Sony Style Imaging website. Sony Style Imaging is an easy way to share your digital pictures and videos with family and friends. Use Sony Style Ima gi ng wit h the SmartCapture and Movi eS haker softw are to mak e the most of your images and movies. W hen you sign up as a Sony Style Imaging memb er, you can sto re y ou r pictures and even orde r prints.

UI Design Selector

Sony Electronics
You can chang e the wi ndow design of the Sony software compatible with UI De si gn Sele ct or.
About the software on your Sony desktop

VAIO Action Setup

Sony Electronics
VAIO Action Setup helps you manage application settings that control hardware events on your computer. For instance, this software enables you to start your favourite software with the shortcut keys (S Keys). It manages the se ttings for the Shortcut key s and mo re.

VAIO Edit Components

This software is on the application CD-ROM*
Designed as a plug-in for Adobe your i. LI NK™ -DV de vi ce s, so y ou can p rod uc e s up er io r qu al i ty hom e mo vi es ev en af t er edit i ng . No w you c an control the DV device from your c ompu ter, imp ort and edit the movie, and then export it back to the DV device.
*To be able to use the Sony software VAIO Edit Components, you must first install Adobe® Premiere® version 6.0 (available for purchase).
Premiere®, VAIO Edit Components includes special featu res to supp ort
About the software on your computer

VAIO System Information

Sony Electronics
With VAIO System Information, you can check the product information (model name, serial number, BIOS version, OS versio n an d OS seri al num ber ) an d the system information (CPU, clock fre que nc y, sy stem memory and cache memory) of your computer at all times.

Product Recovery CD-ROMs

Sony Corpo rat i on
The Product Recovery CD-ROMs allow you to reinstall the system, the software shipped with your computer and the bundled device drivers if they are corrupted or accidentally erased. Reinstalling an individual device driver may correct a problem you are experiencing with your computer, without you having to recover the entire system.
About the software on your Sony desktop
You can only use the Recovery CD-ROMs on the Sony computer you purchased, and not on any ot her Sony PC or other manufacturer's PC.
About the software on your computer

Operating system and other pre-installed software

Windows® XP Home Edition

Micr osoft Corporation
Windows®XP Ho m e Edition is Windows® exciting new operating system which is built on the
2000. At the same time, Windows®XP maintains the best support for older Windows-based
XP Home Edition integrates new features such as Fast User Switching which allows users to leave
About the software on your Sony desktop
Microsoft groundbreaking features introduced with Windows Windows applications and tech no lo gi e s. Windows each other’s application s run ning even as they switc h in and ou t of the ir acco unt s and a Simp lifi ed V isual Design which put s the featu res y ou use m ost o ften up fron t and center to access them more qu ic kly. For questions and technical assistance, go online to:

Internet Explorer 6.0

Micr osoft Corporation
Internet Explorer is the Mi cr oso ft In tern et browser allowing y ou to surf the World Wide We b. The Se tup Wizard configure s your com pu ter to c onnect auto m atica lly to you r serv ice pro vid er. A full e-mail pa ckag e enables you to send and receive mail - includ in g atta ch ed fi les - a cro ss the Inter net. Ne tMeeting, Outlo ok Express and Microsoft Chat are just some o f the co m po nen ts bundled with Intern et Exp l orer 6.0. Inte rnet Explorer 6.0 also includes 128-bit encry pt ion, the highe st pos sible level of prot ection for all your Internet communications, including credit card use and financial transactions. A complete online tutorial helps new users become co m for tabl e usi ng the In tern et. For questions and technical assistance, go online to:
98 and Windows® Millennium and on the stability of
About the software on your computer

Microsoft® Works

Micr osoft Corporation
Works gives you the basi c tool s you need for workin g on you r PC. Use the v ario us components for your everyday emailing, accounting, organizing and much more. The software includes an online Getting Star ted guide. For more informati on and support, visi t the w e bsi te:
Please be aware that if you need to perform a system recovery, Microsof t
supplied Microsoft
Works CD-RO M.

Adobe® Acrobat® Reader 5.0

Adobe Systems Inco rpo rated
About the software on your Sony desktop
Acrobat Document Format (PDF), an open file format th at is inten ded to preserve the conf ormi ty of docum e nts created on all major computer platforms. Once Acrobat from within your We b br ow ser by cl icki ng a PDF file em bedded in an HTML file. Y ou qu ickl y see the fir st page while the rest of the document is bei ng dow nl oaded. For questions and technical assistance, go online to:
Reader software allows you to view, navigate, and print electronic documents in Adobe Portable
Works will n o lon ger be ins talle d. You can reinstall th e soft wa re fr o m the
Reader is installed, you can open and view PDF files
About the software on your computer

Adobe® Photoshop® Elements

Adobe Systems Inco rpo rated
Adobe features that offer something for every user. Delivering the broadest and most productive toolset available, Photoshop quality results across all image media. For questions and technical assistance, go online to:
Photoshop® Elements software introduces the next generation of image editing with powerful new
Elements helps you explore your creativ ity, wo rk at peak eff iciency, and ac hieve the high est

PowerDVD for VAIO

CyberLink Corporation
About the software on your Sony desktop
Create, define and save DVD video profiles of your own with this CyberLink software designed for the VAIO. Based on PowerDVD XP Standard, PowerDVD XP for VAIO helps you customize how your DVDs are played. Enjoy a range of interactive navigation and toolbar settings as well as video/audio controls that can deliver the hi ghest quality viewing and listening experience.
For more information and support, go to the website:

QuickTime 5.0

QuickTime is the Apple technology that makes video, sound, music, 3D and virtual reality come alive for your Internet browser and Windows. For further inform ation, see the website at:
About the software on your computer


RealPlayer is the RealNetworks video and audio player, which lets you access 2,500 radio stations featuring music, news and sports. For further inform ation, see the website at:
Symantec Norton AntiVirus (incl. free virus definition updates for 90 days)
With Norton An tiVi rus , you can scan fi les , folders, or entire drives for viruses, and qu arantine infected files for submission to the Symantec AntiVirus Research Center (SARC). Files submitted to SARC are analyzed and
About the software on your Sony desktop
the results are reported automatically within seven days. When you configure Norton AntiVirus adequately, your computer is safe. Norton AntiVirus can automatically check boot records for viruses at system startup, check programs for viruses at the time you use them, scan all local hard drives for viruses once per week, and monitor your computer for any activity that might indicate the work of a virus in action. It can also scan files you download from the Internet an d ch eck fl op py dis ks for bo ot viruses when yo u us e them . You must launc h the N or ton AntiVirus ins tal lation, and you will then be prompted to upd ate the v ir us definitions. This is norm al as new viru ses w ill have c om e out since your VAIO left the fac tory . For more informati on , see the onl i ne help fi les and the website at:
About the software on your computer

VAIO Web Phone

CallServe Communications Ltd.
This Internet telephone software turns your PC into a phone, allowing you to make low cost telephone calls to any ordinary telephone in the world, straight from your PC. Because most of the journey your phone call makes is over the Internet, call rates are very low compared to those of regular phone companies.
For more informati on , see the onl i ne help fi les and the website at:
About the software on your Sony desktop

Using Video software

Using Video software
The following video softw are app l icati ons are installed on your VAIO:
DVgate (page 15) MovieShaker (page 30) Smart Capture (page 36)

Using DVgate

DVgate is a software application that enables you to capture and then edit images taken with digital video devices (DV devices), such as digital video camera recorders, on your personal computer. It also gives you the ability to output the edited material for recording on a DV device.
About the software on your Sony desktop
With DVgate, you can easily perform image editing with your computer and a DV device. DVgate consists of 3 applications:
DVgate Motion; DVgate Still; DVgate Assemb le.
Depending on the computer settings, frames may be lost during video capture and frame duplication when recording edited video. Please make sure
you configure your computer according to the recommended settings to prevent this from happening. To configure your computer to use DVga te , ref e r to the Online help of DVgate.
Using Video software

Using DVgate Motion

With DVgate Motion you can capture video an d record edited videos on a DV device.
Capturing video:
You can automatically or manually capture any scene or portion of the imag es rec orded on a DV device, such as a digital video camera recorder. What is more, you can specify the exact scenes that you want to capture while watching the tape playback on the monitor. You can then choose to save the selected scenes as separate fi les or as one file.
Recording e dited video on a DV device
You can reco rd th e edited vid eo on tape us in g a DV device, such as a digit al video ca mera recorder*, connected to the c om pu ter. With DVgate, you are not limi ted to reco rd in g sin gl e clip s, bu t you can record a series of clips on the DV device at one time.
To launch DVgate Motion, proceed as foll ow s:
About the software on your Sony desktop
1 Connect the camera to the computer wi th th e i.LIN K ™ cable and turn on the cam era. 2 Click Start, All Programs, DVgate, DVga te Motio n.
DVgate Motion and the Monitor windows appear.
* The digital video camera recorder must have a DV-IN connector.
Capturing videos
You can automatically or manually import videos onto your computer.
To automatically impo rt v ideos on to your computer, proceed as fo llow s:
1 Launch DVgate Motion. 2 Click the down arrow and select Import-Auto from the Mode drop-down list.
Use the DVgate cam era controls buttons to play, rewind or fast forward the tap e to the sel ec ted ti m e code to begi n ca p t uring.
Using Video software
About the software on your Sony desktop
3 Press Play to start the video.
The video begins to play in the Monitor window.
4 Click Mark to mark the beginning of the fi rst seg m ent.
The first frame of the segment to be captured, is displayed in the In/Out list window. Click Mark again to mark the end of the segment to captur e. The last frame of the segment to be captured, is displayed in the In/Out list window. Continue to mark as many segments as you want.
5 Click Capture to import the selected video segm ent or click Capture All to import them all at on ce.
The Save as a file window appears.
6 Select the location to save the file . 7 Click the Save button.
DVgate captures the segments. The Capturing complete message appears.
Using Video software
8 Click OK in the DVgate Motion window to fini sh.
Information about the capturing process is displayed in the Report window.
9 Click OK. 10 Exit DVgat e Moti on.
The Dvmotion2 window appears on the screen. You can then save the In/Out list, which allows you to capture the same video sequ ences later on, or change the In/Out s e t tings.
Make sure that the camera is in Video Tape Recorder mode (VTR) when capturing or playing back video from or to a tape.
If you want to manually import vide o onto your computer, refer to the DVgate online help file.
Recording edited vi deos on a DV device
To record edited videos on a DV device, proceed as follows :
About the software on your Sony desktop
1 Adjust the recording correction values. 2 Add files to the Reco rd L ist . 3 Recor d remo t ely or manua lly the v ideo on the DV device.
Adjusting the recording correcti on val ues
To ensure accurac y in the rec ord in g, you can spec ify rec ord in g co rrec ti on values. A djustment of the recor ding correc t ion values is es p e ciall y i mport a nt when performing spli c e recording. You can ch oo se to specify the valu es yourself or to have them autom atically adjust ed by usi ng the automatic ca libration feature. The values generated by the automatic calibratio n feat ure are usuall y correc t.
To automatica lly adju st th e re co rdi ng corr ection values, proceed as fol l ow s:
1 Launch DVga te Motion. 2 Click the down arrow and select Export - Auto from the Mode drop- down list.
Using Video software
3 Select Adjust on Recording… from the Settings menu.
The Adjust on Recording dialog box appears.
4 Click the AutoAdjust button.
DVgate Motion ac tiva t es the co nnected DV devic e and automatically finds the adjustment va lues.
5 Click OK.
To manually adjust the recording correction values, refer to the DVgate online h elp file.
Adding files to the Rec ord List
To add files to the Record List, proceed as follow s:
1 Launch DVgate Motion. 2 Click Add in the DVgate Motion – AVI file list.
The Add dialog box appears.
3 Select a file and click Open.
About the software on your Sony desktop
The specified file is added a nd th e seri al nu m ber, first and last images, time cod e, file leng th and file name are displayed.
DVgate Motion adds all serial numbered files with the same name if you select Add all divided files saved with the same name. Ser ial numbered files are created when you specify to save files as multiple files in DVgate Motion and DVgate Assemble.
All newly added files are appended to the end of the list.
You can drag multiple fil es at one time; however, the order in which they are added is unpredictable. You can record AVI files wit h different sound modes on a DV device, but about one seco nd of no sound (depending on the DV device) may occur at
the point where the sound modes change. You can only add AVI files using DV Codec a s video compression; MPEG files are not support ed. When recording a video sequence , make sure that all images are saved in the same mode . Reco rding in di fferent modes might cause sound or image
distortions during playback. After adding the files you want to the Record List, you can still change the order of the files, add or delete files.
Using Video software
After adding the files to the Record List, you can still change the order of the files, add or delete files.
To change the order of the files in the Record List, pro ceed as fol lows :
1 Click the file you want to move while holding down the mouse button. 2 Drag the file to the appropriate positi on an d then release the m ou se bu tto n.
To remove a file from the Record List, procee d as fol lows:
1 Click the file you want to remove. 2 Click Delete.
The removed file is filled by the subsequ ent file and th e files are ren umbered. Click Delete Al l w he n to remove a ll files.
You can select multiple AVI or still picture files from the Record List by clicking them while holding down the <Shift> or <Ctrl> key.
When you move multiple files, the y are all moved together.
About the software on your Sony desktop
You can undo changes by c hoosing Undo from the Edit menu immediately after insertin g, moving or deleting (a) file(s). You can save a Record List for future use. Record List files can only be used in DVgate Motion.
To preview a clip, proceed as follows:
1 Select the file you want to preview in the DVgate Motion – AVI file list window. 2 Click Preview.
The Monitor window and the Preview window appear. The Monitor window shows the first frame of the file. Click on the Previous File button or on the Next File button to select the file yo u w ant to preview. Click Preview All to preview all the fi les show n in the list.
Previous File and Next File are buttons for moving the preview from one selected file to another. They are not for designed for navigation purposes
within the list. Consequently, you cannot click o n them when only one file is selected. When you select only one file, Previous File and Next File do not function.
Using Video software
Recording on the DV devic e
You can automatically or manually export videos from your computer to a DV device.
To automatically export videos from your computer to a DV device , proceed as follows:
1 Connect the camera to the computer wi th th e i.LIN K ™ cable and turn on the cam era. 2 Launch DVgate Motion. 3 Click the down arrow and select Export-Auto from the Mode drop-down list. 4 Click the Add button in the DVgate Motion - AVI file list window and select the video file you want
to export.
5 Click Record or Record A ll.
The Output dialog box appears.
6 Select the Add blank image option button.
About the software on your Sony desktop
Y ou can add blank frame(s) during recording if you select the Append option button in the Output
Y ou can specify the length of a blank image by entering the number of frames in the Length box in
7 Click OK.
The Output dialog box closes and recording starts. Video sequences are recorded on the DV devi ce in the order in wh ich they are arranged in the Record List.
Clicking Record All will send all the video files shown in the Record List to the connected device. Clicking Record will send only t he video files selected from the Record List to the connected device.
dialog box. Blank frame(s) can be plac ed in the foll ow ing locat io ns:
Head: A blank image is placed befo re th e start of th e video sequenc e dur ing reco rd in g. Tail: A blank image is placed after the end of the video sequence during recording. Both: Blank images are placed before the start and after the end of the video seq uen ce duri ng
the Output dialog box.
Using Video software
Even if you specify not to add blank frames, several blank frames are always placed at the end of the recorded segment regardless of the settings.
This is to prevent image noise from being recorded when recording stops. Do not quit or log off from Windows Disable the screen saver in Windows Do not start other applications or move any active window while recording. Recording from the very beginning of the tape may not be successful if you record by controllin g the video device through DVgate Motion. Do no t tu rn t h e po w e r switch on the d ig ital video ca me r a re c or d e r t o Camera or turn it o f f w hi le DV g at e Mo ti on is recording . N ever switch the i np u t
sources when recording on a digital videocassette recorder as this might prevent r ecording. If you want to export manually videos from your computer to a DV device, refer to the DVgate online help file.

Using DVgate Still

DVgate Still is an appli cation that displays digital video imag es sen t from DV devic e s suc h as a digital
About the software on your Sony desktop
videocassette reco rder or a digital video cam era rec order and that captures them as sti ll pi ctu res. The following fu nc tio ns are featured:
Control the connected DV device and display a video image on the scr een of your VAIO. Capture 30 frames of still pictures in total with respectively 15 frames in the forward and backward
Capture only one frame of a still picture. Save a captured still picture in BMP, JPEG, GIF or DVF format.
The sound recorded with the image, is not played.
while recording. Otherwise, recording will fail.
Capturing pictures
There are two capture modes in DVgate Still: the Cont inuous Capture mode an d the Single Frame Capture mode.
Using Video software
Continuous Capture mode:
If you capture pi ctures duri ng Play mode, you can capture 30 frames of still pictures in total with respectively 15 frames in th e forward and backward direction s. All still pictures al read y captu red , are lost. If you capture during Pause mode, you can capture only on e fr am e of a sti ll pic ture.
Immediate ly after you capture during Play mode in Continuous Capture mode, the DV device pauses.
Single Frame Capture mode:
You can capture one frame of a still picture. The captured result is the same even if you capture during Play or Pause mode.
Capturing 30 frames in Continuous Cap t ure mode replaces all 30 frames. Capturing only one frame overwrites the first frame of the still picture,
capturing the next frame overwrites the second frame, and so on.
To toggle between Continuous Capture mode and Single Frame Cap ture mode, proceed as follows:
1 Click Settings in the DVgate St ill win d ow.
About the software on your Sony desktop
2 Choose Capture…
The Capture Settings window appears.
3 Select the Capture frames continuously option butto n to capture in Continuous Capture mode.
Clear the Capture fr ames continuously option button to capture in Single Frame Capture mode.
To capture picture s, proceed as f ol lows:
1 Connect the DV dev ice to y our computer. 2 Launch DVgate Still (Start/All Programs/DVgate/DVgate Still).
The DVgate Still wind ow appears.
Using Video software
About the software on your Sony desktop
3 Set the DV device to the Play or Pause mode.
The video image appears in the Monitor window.
4 Click the Capture button.
The video image in the Monitor window is being captured.
Dragging the slider in the Capture window to the left or right lets you display the still picture before or after the current one.
! If you exit DVgate Still without saving the captured still picture, it i s cleared. ! Even if you attempt to capture continuous pictures, you may not be able to capture some frames. In this case, exit all applications other than DVgate
Still and then retry to capture them.
Using Video software
Saving the captured pictures
You can save the still pictures displayed in th e DVgate Still - Still wind ow in e it her on e o f th e f ollow ing formats: BMP, JPG, GIF or DVF.
To save the captured pictures, proceed as follows:
1 Launch DVgate Still and capture images. 2 In the DVgate Still - Still window , select a still picture you want to save.
About the software on your Sony desktop
3 Click the Save button.
The Save As dialog box appears. Use the Locati on to Save drop-down list to select a folder. Select a file format from the File For mat dro p- d own list.
4 Click Save.
The captured picture is saved.
Using Video software

Using DVgate Assemble

DVgate Assem bl e enab les you to edit video files an d sti ll image files captured wi th DVgate Motio n and DVgate Still. Afterwards you can splice them together to form one single file. You can save the resulting spliced video sequences as AVI, MPEG1, or MPEG2 format files.
To launch DVgate Assemble, proceed as follows:
1 Click Start. 2 Point to All Programs, DVgate and then to DVgate Assemble.
The DVgate Assemble main window appears.
Creating an Assemble List
You can create an Assemble List with files you want to splice together. Afterwards you can always edit the Assemble List by changing the order of the files and adding or deleting files.
About the software on your Sony desktop
To add files to an Assemble List, proceed as follows:
1 Launch DVgate Assemble. 2 Click the Add button.
The Add dialog box appears.
3 Choose AVI file in the Files of type drop-down box.
If you select Add all divided files saved with the same name, DVgate Assemble will add all serial numbered files with the same name to the list. Serial numbered files are files that are created when DVgate Motion saves files th at are spl it and applies consecutive numbers to them. The numbers of the split files have 4 digits and increase one unit at a time starting with 0001.
4 Select a file and click Open.
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