Sony PCGA-DDRW1 User Manual

4-674-548-11 (1)
DVD±RW Drive
Operating Instructions Bedienungsanleitung Mode d’emploi
2003 Sony Corporation
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture.
Dangerously high voltages are present inside the unit. Do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.
Use this product only with the supplied AC adapter.
• To disconnect this product completely from mains voltage, unplug the AC adapter.
• Make sure that the socket outlet is easily accessible.
For customers in the U.S.A. Owner’s Record
The model number and the serial number are located on the bottom of the drive. Record the serial number in the space provided below. Refer to this number whenever you call your Sony dealer regarding this product.
Model No. PCGA-DDRW1 Serial No. ________________________________
FCC Notice
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference using one or more of the following measures:
– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. – Increase the separation between the equipment and
– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is connected.
– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
The shielded interface cable recommended in this manual must be used with this equipment in order to comply with the limits for a digital device pursuant to subpart B of Part 15 of FCC.
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.
For questions regarding your product or for the Sony Customer Information Service Center nearest you, call 1-888-476-6972 in the United States or 1-800­961-7669 in Canada.
The number below is for FCC related matters only.
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY Model No.: PCGA-DDRW1 Responsible Party: Sony Electronics Inc. Address: 680 Kinderkamack Road
Telephone No.: 201-930-6972
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Oradell, NJ 07649 USA
The use of optical instruments with this product will increase eye hazard. As the laser beam used in this product is harmful to eyes, do not attempt to disassemble the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.
For customers in Canada
This Class B digital apparatus complies with
Canadian ICES-003.
For customers in Europe
This product conforms with the following European
Directives: 73/23/EEC (Low Voltage Directive), 89/ 336/EEC, 92/31/EEC (EMC Directives), 93/68/EEC (CE-Marking Directive)
This equipment complies with EN 55022 Class B and EN 55024 for use in the following areas: residential, commercial and light-industrial.
Audio and picture distortion may occur if this equipment is positioned in close proximity to any equipment emitting electromagnetic radiation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits set forth in the EMC Directive for using connection cables not longer than 3 metres (9,8 feet).
• Both a UK and continental power cord are supplied with this product.
• Use the UK version only in the United Kingdom. The continental one can be used in all other countries.
This DVD±RW drive is classified as a CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT and complies with the Laser Products Safety Standard EN 60825-1. Repair and maintenance only by authorized Sony technicians. Improper use and repairs can create a safety hazard.
TO EN 60825-1
Before using the PCGA-DDRW1, be sure to read the End User Software License Agreement that accompanies it.
• Copyright laws prohibit reproducing the software or the manual accompanying it in whole or in part, or renting the software without the permission of the copyright holder.
• In no event will SONY be liable for any financial damages, or loss of profits, including claims made by third parties, arising out of the use of the software supplied with this drive.
• In the event a problem occurs with this product as a result of defective manufacturing, SONY will replace it. However, SONY bears no other responsibility.
• The software provided with this drive cannot be used with other drives.
• Please note that, due to continued efforts to improve quality, the software specifications may be changed without notice.
• Making copies of and using CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, DVD video discs, or music CDs may violate copyright laws or the terms of the End-user Licenses provided with such discs. Be sure to comply with the copyright laws and terms of the End User Software License when making or using original CDs and DVDs. If you have any questions regarding the copyright laws or the terms of the End-user Software License, please consult with the appropriate legal experts.
• Operation of this drive with software other than that provided is not covered by the warranty.
Per evitare rischi di incendio o scariche elettriche, non esporre l’apparecchio a pioggia o umidità.
Gli alti voltaggi presenti all’interno dell’apparecchio costituiscono un pericolo. Non aprire il rivestimento. Per gli interventi di manutenzione, rivolgersi esclusivamente a personale qualificata.
• Utilizzare il presente apparecchio solo con l’alimentatore CA in dotazione.
• Per scollegare completamente l’apparecchio dalla corrente domestica, scollegare l’alimentatore CA.
• Accertarsi che la presa di rete sia facilmente accessibile.
Per i clienti in Europa
Questo prodotto è conforme alle seguenti Direttive europee: 73/23/CEE (Direttiva sul basso voltaggio), 89/336/CEE, 92/31/CEE (Direttive EMC), 93/68/CEE (Direttiva relativa al marchio CE) Questo apparecchio è conforme a EN 55022 Class B e EN 55024 per un utilizzo nei seguenti campi: residenziale, commerciale ed industria leggera. Se il presente apparecchio viene posizionato in prossimità di dispositivi che emettono radiazioni elettromagnetiche, è possibile che l’audio e l’immagine risultino disturbati. Questo apparecchio è stato sottoposto a controlli ed è in conformità con i limiti stabiliti nella direttiva EMC sull’uso di cavi di collegamento di lunghezza non superiore a 3 metri.
• In dotazione con il presente apparecchio, vengono forniti sia un cavo di alimentazione per il Regno Unito che un cavo di alimentazione per l’Europa continentale.
• Utilizzare il cavo per il Regno Unito esclusivamente in tale paese. È possibile utilizzare il cavo di alimentazione per l’Europa in tutti gli altri paesi.
La presente unità DVD±RW è stata classificata come CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT (prodotto laser di classe 1) ed è conforme allo standard sulla sicurezza relativa ai prodotti laser EN 60825-1. Per gli interventi di riparazione e manutenzione, rivolgersi esclusivamente a tecnici Sony autorizzati. L’utilizzo e le riparazioni impropri possono costituire un pericolo per la sicurezza.
TO EN 60825-1
Prima di utilizzare il PCGA-DDRW1, accertarsi di leggere il contratto di licenza del software per l’utente finale in dotazione con l’apparecchio.
• Le leggi sul Copyright proibiscono la riproduzione sia in parte che completa del software o del manuale allegato nonché l’affitto del software senza il permesso del detentore del copyright.
• In nessun caso SONY sarà responsabile di danni finanziari o perdite di profitto, inclusi i reclami presentati da terzi dovuti all’utilizzo del software fornito con la presente unità.
• Nel caso in cui il prodotto presenti problemi dovuti a difetti di fabbrica, SONY lo sostituirà. SONY esclude ogni altra responsabilità.
• Il software fornito con la presente unità non può essere utilizzato con altri apparecchi.
• Si noti che, a causa dei continui tentativi volti al miglioramento del prodotto, le specifiche del software potrebbero venire modificate senza preavviso.
• La duplicazione e l’utilizzo di CD-ROM, DVD­ROM, dischi DVD video o CD musicali potrebbe violare le leggi sul copyright o i termini del contratto di licenza del software per l’utente finale fornito con tali dischi. Durante la creazione o l’utilizzo di CD e DVD originali, assicurarsi di non violare le leggi sul copyright e i termini del contratto di licenza del software per l’utente finale. Consultare l’esperto legale appropriato nel caso di dubbi relativi alle leggi sul copyright o ai termini del contratto di licenza del software per l’utente finale.
• Il funzionamento della presente unità con software diversi da quello in dotazione non è garantito.
Om het gevaar van brand of elektrische schokken te voorkomen, mag het apparaat niet worden blootgesteld aan regen of vocht.
De binnenkant van dit toestel staat onder gevaarlijke hoogspanning. Open de behuizing nooit. Laat het toestel alleen nakijken door bevoegd vakpersoneel.
• Gebruik dit produkt alleen met de meegeleverde netspanningsadapter.
• Ontkoppel de netspanningsadapter als u de verbinding met het lichtnet geheel wilt verbreken.
• Zorg dat het stopcontact gemakkelijk toegankelijk is.
Voor klanten in Europa
Dit produkt beantwoordt aan de volgende Europese Richtlijnen: 73/23/EEG (Laagspanningsrichtlijn), 89/ 336/EEG, 92/31/EEG (EMC Richtlijnen), 93/68/EEG (CE Markeringsrichtlijn) Dit toestel beantwoordt aan de normen EN 55022 Klasse B en EN 55024 voor gebruik in de volgende omgevingen: residentieel, commercieel en licht industrieel. Wanneer dit toestel te dicht bij apparatuur wordt geplaatst die elektromagnetische straling produceert, kunnen beeld en/of geluid worden gestoord. Dit toestel werd getest en is conform de limieten bepaald in de EMC Richtlijn over verbindingskabels niet langer dan 3 meter.
• Bij dit produkt worden een netsnoer voor Groot­Brittannië en een netsnoer voor Europa geleverd.
• Gebruik het netsnoer voor Groot-Brittannië alleen daar. Het netsnoer voor Europa kan in de andere landen worden gebruikt.
Deze DVD±RW drive is geklasseerd als CLASS 1 LASER PRODUKT en beantwoordt aan de Laser Products Safety Standard EN 60825-1. Dit toestel mag uitsluitend door erkende Sony technici worden gerepareerd en nagekeken. Onoordeelkundige aanwending en reparaties kunnen de veiligheid in het gedrang brengen.
TO EN 60825-1
Alvorens de PCGA-DDRW1 in gebruik te nemen, moet u de bijgaande software licentieovereenkomst voor eindgebruikers lezen.
• De wet op de auteursrechten verbiedt het geheel of gedeeltelijk reproduceren van de software of de handleiding, alsook het verhuur van de software zonder toestemming van de eigenaar van de auteursrechten.
• SONY kan in geen geval aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor financiële verliezen noch winstderving, met inbegrip van claims ingediend door derden, ten gevolge van het gebruik van de software die bij deze drive wordt geleverd.
• Indien dit produkt problemen geeft door constructiefouten, zal SONY het vervangen. SONY draagt echter geen enkele andere verantwoordelijkheid.
• De software die bij deze drive wordt geleverd, kan niet met andere drives worden gebruikt.
• Merk op dat in het kader van ons permanent streven naar kwaliteitsverbetering de software specificaties steeds kunnen worden gewijzigd zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving.
• Het kopiëren en gebruiken van CD-ROM’s, DVD­ROM’s, DVD’s of muziek-CD’s gaat wellicht in tegen de wetgeving op het gebied van copyright of tegen de voorwaarden van de eindgebruikerslicenties die bij dergelijke discs worden geleverd. Zorg dat u de wetgeving op het gebied van copyright en de voorwaarden in de softwarelicenties voor eindgebruikers naleeft wanneer u CD’s en DVD’s maakt en gebruikt. Indien u vragen hebt omtrent de wet op de auteursrechten of de bepalingen van de softwarelicentie voor eindgebruikers, raadpleeg dan de nodige juridische experts terzake.
• Gebruik van deze drive met andere software dan de bijgeleverde is niet gedekt door de waarborg.

Table of Contents

Overview ................................................ 7
Compatible notebooks..................... 8
Compatible discs ............................. 9
Supplied Accessories............................ 12
Locating the Controls and Connectors... 13
Setting up the Drive.............................. 14
Vertical installation ....................... 14
Connecting the Drive............................ 15
Connecting the drive to your
notebook with the supplied
peripheral cable ........................... 17
Connecting the drive to your
notebook with the supplied i.LINK
cable ............................................ 19
Connecting a Digital Video Camera
Recorder ...................................... 21
Limitations (wrong connection
example)...................................... 26
Disconnecting the drive from the
notebook...................................... 26
Basic Operation .................................... 27
Power management information ... 27
Inserting a disc .............................. 27
Removing a disc ............................ 29
Transporting the unit (using the
cable clip)................................... 30
Installing the software .......................... 32
About the supplied software.......... 32
Installing........................................ 33
Precautions before use .......................... 36
Precautions when writing data ...... 36
Playing an Audio CD............................ 40
Playing a DVD video............................ 40
Notes about playing a DVD
video............................................ 40
Notes about DVD video discs ....... 41
Performing a System Recovery on a
Notebook........................................... 42
Precautions ........................................... 43
Maintenance ......................................... 44
Getting Help ......................................... 45
Specifications ....................................... 46
Troubleshooting.................................... 48
• VAIO and are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
• Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
• i.LINK™ is a designation referring to IEEE 1394-1995 and IEEE 1394a-2000. i.LINK and the i.LINK logo “ ” are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
• Click to DVD is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
• Copyright © 2001 DigiOn Inc. and Easy Systems Japan Ltd. All rights reserved. Drag’n Drop CD+DVD is a trademark of Easy Systems Japan Ltd and DigiOn Inc.
• All other names of systems, products and services are trademarks of their respective owners. In the manual, the ™ or ® marks are not specified.
In this manual, Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition and Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional are referred to as Windows XP.


This product is a DVD±RW drive compatible with i.LINK (IEEE 1394) interface. The drive has the following features.
Supports 2× writing speed for DVD+R discs (2700 KB/s).
Supports 2× writing speed for DVD+RW discs (2700 KB/s).
Supports 1× writing speed for DVD-R discs (1350 KB/s).
Supports 1× writing speed for DVD-RW discs (1350 KB/s).
Supports 16× writing speed for CD-R discs (2400 KB/s).
Supports 8× writing speed for CD-RW discs (1200 KB/s).
CD-RW, and CD-ROM discs. DVD-ROM discs are read at a speed of 5× max. (6750 KB/s), and CD-ROM discs at a speed of 24× max. (3600 KB/s).
Can be used either horizontally or vertically (see page 14).
If the notebook you are using comes equipped with a VAIO
peripheral device DC OUT connector, by connecting the VAIO notebook peripheral cable (80 cm) you can use this drive with power supplied from the notebook (see page 15).
Can connect a Digital Video Camera Recorder equipped with a DV terminal to the drive, and use the video captured with the Digital Video Camera Recorder to create your own original DVD videos (Using the supplied DVD video software) (see page 32).
Can play back digital audio CD using the notebook speakers, if the notebook supports this function (see page 40).
Can easily reinstall the operating system on the notebook using a recovery disc, if the notebook supports this function (see page 42).
This drive is only for use in the country of purchase.
z What is i.LINK?
i.LINK is a digital serial interface supporting very high transfer rates. It facilitates the exchange of high-volume digital audio and video data between components equipped with an i.LINK connector, and enables the control of other components. For details, refer to the manuals provided with your Sony notebook.
Continued on next page

Compatible notebooks

You can use the drive with Sony VAIO notebooks* with the Microsoft
Windows® XP operating system. (As of June, 2003)
* Except those with a built-in DVD-RW or DVD±RW drive.
This drive cannot be used with computers other than the Sony VAIO series computers.
This drive does not support Microsoft® Windows® Millennium Edition, Microsoft
Windows® 2000 Professional, Microsoft® Windows® 98 Second Edition or earlier versions of the Windows® operating system.
This drive does not support DTLA copy protection. It cannot be used in conjunction with digital CS tuners, D-VHS recorders, or other equipment using the DTLA copy protection system.
The connection method for this drive differs depending on the notebook model. For details, see Connecting the Drive on page 15.
This drive can be used for performing a system recovery on a notebook using a recovery disc. See Performing a System Recovery on a Notebook on page 42 for devices with which recovery is possible.

Compatible discs

Write-once discs for storing computer programs and data, video data, etc. Note that DVD+R and DVD-R are distinct standards. DVD+R discs can store up to 4.7 GB of data, roughly 7 times that of a CD-R.
Discs for storing computer programs and data, video data, etc. These discs can be erased and rewritten many times. Note that DVD+RW and DVD-RW are distinct standards. DVD+RW discs can store up to 4.7 GB of data, roughly 7 times that of a CD-RW.
Write-once discs for storing computer programs and data, video data, etc. DVD-R discs can store up to 4.7 GB of data, roughly 7 times that of a CD-R.
Discs for storing computer programs and data, video data, etc. These discs can be erased and rewritten many times. DVD-RW discs can store up to 4.7 GB of data, roughly 7 times that of a CD-RW.
Read-only discs with a high data capacity.
Write-once discs for storing computer programs and data. After having been written, data cannot be erased from these discs. However, data can be added to them, depending on the writing method and if there is enough space.
Rewritable discs for storing computer programs and data. The contents of these discs can be erased and rewritten many times.
Read-only discs on which you cannot write your data. Many computer programs, games, etc., are delivered on CD-ROM discs.
Continued on next page
On this drive, you can use all the discs with the following icons.
Disc type Icon
*1 *3
*1 *2 *3
Audio CD
*1 *3
*1 *2 *3
Photo CD ————
*1 Replay may not be possible, depending on the disc, settings and system used. *2 When using DVD-R discs, use DVD-R for general ver.2.0 or later.
DVD-R for Authoring is not compatible. When using DVD-RW discs, use DVD-RW ver.1.1 or later.
*3 Recording in DVD video format is possible. The Video Recording (VR) format is not
*4 Ultra Speed CD-RW not supported.
The following discs cannot be used in this drive:
Double Density CD-R/CD-RW (DDCD)
Use only circular discs in this drive. Do not use discs with any other shape (star, heart, etc.), as this may damage the drive.
Do not use scratched or damaged discs, as this may damage the drive.
To use photo CDs, special front-end software to search or access such discs must be
installed on the notebook.
Some types of CD players do not play music CDs created on CD-R discs. Music CDs created on CD-RW discs cannot be played in conventional CD players. To play these discs, use a drive that supports CD-RW.
To play discs containing program material, the playback software installed on the notebook must support the type of disc. For details, refer to the documentation of the playback software.
Some types of DVD players do not play DVD videos created on DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-R, or DVD-RW discs.
This drive uses special software to play DVD video discs. Depending on the type of disc used, some operations or functions may be limited, and normal playback may not be possible.

Supplied Accessories

After unpacking the unit, make sure that the accessories listed below are present. If anything is missing, contact the Sony dealer where you purchased this product or a Sony service representative in your area.
DVD±RW drive (1) Software CD-ROM (1)
VAIO notebook peripheral cable i.LINK cable (1)
(80 cm) (1)
AC adapter (1)
Vertical installation base (1) Cable clip (1)
Manual eject pin (1)
(stored at bottom of drive)
* A suitable power cord is supplied for your country or region. If the package contains
two power cords, use whichever matches your power outlet.
AC power cord (1 or 2*)
DVD±RW drive Operating
Instructions (this document) (1)
Warranty Card (1)

Locating the Controls and Connectors

1 POWER indicator 2 Manual eject hole 3 Eject button 4 BUSY indicator
5 DC IN connector 6 VAIO notebook peripheral cable
screw hole
7 VAIO notebook peripheral device
DC IN connector
8 i.LINK connector 9 i.LINK connector
0 Manual eject pin (see page 30)

Setting up the Drive

This drive can be used in either a horizontal or a vertical position. Positioning the drive vertically may help to save space.

Vertical installation

To use the drive in a vertical position, the supplied vertical installation base is used. Positioning the drive as illustrated below, place it into the vertical installation base. Push the drive all the way to the bottom of the vertical installation base.
To use this drive in a vertical position, always attach the supplied base. To attach the drive in the vertical position, first position the vertical installation stand with the VAIO logo facing forward. Insert the drive into the stand with its front facing forward and the POWER indicator up, as illustrated below.
Install the drive on a flat, stable surface.
Vertical installation base

Connecting the Drive

The procedure for connecting this drive varies depending on what notebook you are using.
If the notebook is equipped with a VAIO notebook peripheral device DC OUT connector (see page 17)
If the notebook is equipped with a VAIO notebook peripheral device DC OUT connector, use the supplied VAIO notebook peripheral cable (80 cm) to connect the drive to the notebook. If this method is used, power for the drive is supplied by the notebook, allowing you to use the drive in locations without a power outlet.
If you use a Digital Video Camera Recorder, you can connect it to the drive using the supplied i.LINK cable (see page 21).
VAIO notebook peripheral device DC OUT connector
i.LINK connector
If the notebook is not equipped with a VAIO notebook peripheral device DC OUT connector (see page 19)
If your notebook is not equipped with a VAIO notebook peripheral device DC OUT connector, use the supplied i.LINK cable to connect the drive to the notebook. In this case, the supplied AC adapter and AC power cord must be used.
If you use a Digital Video Camera Recorder, you can connect it to the drive using an i.LINK cable available separately (see page 21).
Continued on next page
If your notebook is not equipped with a VAIO notebook peripheral device DC OUT connector, use the supplied i.LINK cable to connect the drive to the notebook. For details about connection, see page 19.
Whenever an i.LINK device is connected, disconnected, or powered on or off, the computer performs processing that is referred to as a bus reset. If this happens while data is being read or written, data could be erased or corrupted. Before connecting or disconnecting this drive, be sure to close any active applications.

Connecting the drive to your notebook with the supplied peripheral cable

If your notebook has a VAIO notebook peripheral device DC OUT connector, use the supplied VAIO notebook peripheral cable to connect the drive to the notebook.
If your notebook is not equipped with a VAIO notebook peripheral device DC OUT connector, use the supplied i.LINK cable to connect the drive to the notebook (see page 19).
If you use a Digital Video Camera Recorder, you can connect it to the drive using the supplied i.LINK cable (see page 21).
When connecting this drive to a notebook that has multiple i.LINK connectors, please do not connect other i.LINK devices together with this drive. Furthermore, disconnect this drive before connecting any other i.LINK devices to your notebook.
z Hint
Also refer to the manuals provided with your notebook.
i.LINK connector VAIO notebook peripheral device
DC OUT connector
VAIO notebook peripheral cable (80 cm)
Continued on next page
1 Turn on the power of the notebook. 2 Insert the L-shaped plug of the supplied VAIO
notebook peripheral cable (80 cm) into the matching connector on the rear of the drive, and secure the plug with the screw.
Turn the screw until it is fully fastened.
3 Insert the straight-shaped plug of the supplied VAIO
notebook peripheral cable (80 cm) into the i.LINK connector on the notebook and into the VAIO notebook peripheral device DC OUT connector.
The green POWER indicator of the drive lights up, and the drive is detected and identified by the notebook.
i.LINK connector VAIO notebook peripheral
device DC OUT connector
z Hint
When connecting this drive to your notebook for the first time, it takes a moment for the drive to be detected.
4 Click the [Start] button, and then click [My Computer] to
verify that (E: or other drive name) has been added in the My Computer window.

Connecting the drive to your notebook with the supplied i.LINK cable

If your notebook is not equipped with a VAIO notebook peripheral device DC OUT connector use the supplied i.LINK cable to connect the drive to the notebook.
If you use a Digital Video Camera Recorder, you can connect it to the drive using a separately sold i.LINK cable (see page 21).
When connecting this drive to a notebook that has multiple i.LINK connectors, please do not connect other i.LINK devices together with this drive. Furthermore, disconnect this drive before connecting any other i.LINK devices to your notebook.
i.LINK connector
DC IN connector
i.LINK cable
AC adapter AC power cord
To AC outlet
i.LINK connector * Connect the cable directly
to the i.LINK connector on the notebook.
Continued on next page
1 Turn on the power of the notebook. 2 Connect the AC power cord to the supplied AC adapter then
plug the AC power cord into an AC outlet and plug the cable of the adapter into the DC IN connector on the drive.
The green POWER indicator of the drive lights up.
3 Connect the supplied i.LINK cable to the i.LINK connector on
the rear of the drive.
i.LINK connector
i.LINK cable
4 Connect the other end of the supplied i.LINK cable to the
i.LINK connector on the notebook.
The drive is detected and identified by the notebook.
i.LINK connector
i.LINK cable
z Hint
When connecting this drive to your notebook for the first time, it takes a moment for the drive to be detected.
5 Click the [Start] button, and then click [My Computer] to
verify that (E: or other drive name) has been added in the My Computer window.

Connecting a Digital Video Camera Recorder

Using the Click to DVDTM software provided, you can connect a Digital Video Camera Recorder to the drive and use video from the Digital Video Camera Recorder to create DVD videos. The procedure for connecting a Digital Video Camera Recorder to the drive is different than that for a notebook.
The Digital Video Camera Recorder that you can connect to the drive must be a Sony Digital Video Camera Recorder that:
Can record video in DV or MICROMV formats.
Is equipped with a DV output terminal, and can be connected to a
notebook using an i.LINK cable (a DV cable).
The drive does not support analog format and some types of Digital Video Camera Recorder formats.
The following models cannot be used. (As of June, 2003)
For Customers in the U.S.A. and Canada
DCR-VX1000DCR-VX700 (versions with an upgraded DV terminal)
For Customers in Europe
Use the supplied Click to DVD software to create DVD videos using the video captured with your Digital Video Camera Recorder. To install the supplied software, see Installing the Software (page 32).
Continued on next page
When connecting the drive to your notebook with the supplied
peripheral cable
To use the supplied Click to DVD software with the drive connected to your notebook using the supplied VAIO notebook peripheral cable, connect your Digital Video Camera Recorder to the drives i.LINK connector using the supplied i.LINK cable, as shown below.
Connect the drive to your notebook before connecting the Digital Video Camera Recorder (see page 17).
When connecting a Digital Video Camera Recorder to the drive, connect the Digital Video Camera Recorder’s AC adapter/charger to the Digital Video Camera Recorder and set the AC adapter/charger mode switch to “VCR/Camera/Player” before connecting the AC adapter/charger to a power outlet.
z Hint
Also refer to the manual for the Digital Video Camera Recorder you want to connect.
i.LINK cable
VAIO notebook peripheral cable (80 cm)
i.LINK connector
DV input/output terminal
* The connection diagram shows the DCR-TRV50 model Digital Video Camera
Recorder as an example.
1 Turn the Digital Video Camera Recorders power on, and set
it to video playback mode.
For details of Digital Video Camera Recorder operations, refer to your Digital Video Camera Recorder manual.
2 Connect the supplied i.LINK cable to the DV input/output
terminal on the Digital Video Camera Recorder.
DV input/output terminal
i.LINK cable
3 Connect the other end of the i.LINK cable to the i.LINK
connector on the back of the drive.
i.LINK cable
Digital Video Camera Recorder
VAIO notebook peripheral cable (80 cm)
Do not connect any i.LINK equipment other than a Digital Video Camera Recorder to the i.LINK connector on the drive.
i.LINK connector
4 Click the [Start] button, and then click [My Computer] to
verify that (Sony DV camcorder or other equipment) has been added in the My Computer window.
Continued on next page
When connecting the drive to your notebook with the supplied
i.LINK cable
To use the supplied Click to DVD software with the drive connected to your notebook using the supplied i.LINK cable, connect your Digital Video Camera Recorder to the drives i.LINK connector using another i.LINK cable (available separately), as shown below.
To connect your Digital Video Camera Recorder, purchase an i.LINK cable.
Connect the drive to your notebook before connecting the Digital Video Camera
Recorder (see page 19).
When connecting a Digital Video Camera Recorder to the drive, connect the Digital Video Camera Recorder’s AC adapter/charger to the Digital Video Camera Recorder and set the AC adapter/charger mode switch to “VCR/Camera/Player” before connecting the AC adapter/charger to a power outlet.
z Hint
Refer also to the manual for the Digital Video Camera Recorder you want to connect.
DV input/output terminal
i.LINK cable (available separately)
* The connection diagram shows the DCR-TRV50 model Digital Video Camera as an
i.LINK connector
i.LINK cable (supplied)
To AC outlet
AC adapter AC power cord
1 Turn the Digital Video Camera Recorders power on, and set
it to video playback mode.
For details of Digital Video Camera Recorder operations, refer to the Digital Video Camera Recorder manual.
2 Connect the sold separately i.LINK cable to the DV
input/output terminal on the Digital Video Camera Recorder.
DV input/output terminal
i.LINK cable
3 Connect the other end of the i.LINK cable to the i.LINK
connector on the back of the drive.
i.LINK cable (available separately)
Digital Video
i.LINK cable (supplied)
Do not connect any i.LINK equipment other than a Digital Video Camera Recorder to the i.LINK connector on the drive.
i.LINK connector
4 Click the [Start] button, and then click [My Computer] to
verify that (Sony DV camcorder or other equipment) has been added in the My Computer window.
Continued on next page

Limitations (wrong connection example)

Do not connect this drive to two notebooks as shown below.
i.LINK cable
VAIO notebook peripheral cable (80 cm)

Disconnecting the drive from the notebook

With the Windows XP operating system, no special procedures are needed to disconnect the drive. Simply make sure that no application programs are active and that the drives BUSY indicator is not on, then disconnect the VAIO notebook peripheral cable (80 cm) or i.LINK cable.
Before disconnecting the drive, close any running software.
When a Digital Video Camera Recorder is connected to the drive, disconnect the
i.LINK cable from the Digital Video Camera Recorder before turning off the Digital Video Camera Recorders power.
z Hint
To use the drive again after disconnecting the VAIO notebook peripheral cable (80 cm) or i.LINK cable, perform the steps described in the section Connecting the Drive on page
15. The drive will be detected automatically by your Windows operating system.

Basic Operation

Power management information

When using the power management function of the notebook, observe the following points:
Ensure that the power saving modes will not be activated while the BUSY indicator of the drive is flashing. For details, refer to the manuals provided with your notebook.
Before activating the power saving modes of the notebook, verify that the BUSY indicator of the drive is not on and close all running software applications.
While the notebook is in a power saving mode, do not connect or disconnect the VAIO notebook peripheral cable (80 cm), i.LINK cable or AC adapter.

Inserting a disc

Turn on the power of the notebook and connect this drive before inserting a disc.
z Hint
The illustrations show the drive in a vertical position, but operation is the same when the drive is positioned horizontally.
1 Press the eject button.
The tray pops out.
Eject button
Continued on next page
2 Pull the tray fully out until it stops. While supporting the tray
with your hand from the other side, place the disc on the hub in the center of the tray.
Make sure that the disc audibly clicks into place and is firmly seated.
Do not touch the lens assembly in the tray or the metal section on the rear.
If you close the tray while the disc is not properly seated, the disc may be damaged
and the tray may jam.
3 Close the disc tray by gently pushing it.
While data is being read, the BUSY indicator flashes.
BUSY indicator

Removing a disc

z Hint
The illustrations show the drive in a vertical position, but operation is the same when the drive is positioned horizontally.
1 Verify that the BUSY indicator is not flashing and press the
eject button.
The tray pops out.
2 Pull the tray fully out until it stops. While supporting the tray
with your hand, remove the disc.
To release the disc, push on the hub in the center.
Eject button
BUSY indicator
Do not touch the lens assembly in the tray or the metal section on the rear.
When using writing software or DVD playback software, you may not be able to
eject discs simply by pressing the eject button. For details, refer to Help or the Quick Reference manual provided with the writing software or DVD playback software.
Continued on next page
If the disc does not eject
1 Confirm that the BUSY indicator is not flashing. 2 Detach the manual eject pin from the holder at the bottom of
the drive, and insert the pin in the manual eject hole.
The tray pops out and you can remove the disc.
Manual eject hole
Manual eject pin

Transporting the unit (using the cable clip)

With the supplied cable clip, you can quickly and easily coil the VAIO notebook peripheral cable (80 cm) or i.LINK cable into a neat loop for transport as described below. When the drive is connected using the VAIO notebook peripheral cable (80 cm), you only have to remove the connector from the notebook. You can transport the drive with the cable attached.
Cable clip
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