Sony MZ-NHF800 SonicStage v2.0, MZ-N420D, MZ-N420DPS, MZ-NF520D, MZ-NH1 Specifications

MiniDisc Walkman®Armband Carry Case
Armband Style MiniDisc Walkman®Carry Case
Holds MiniDisc Walkman Recorder and Extra MD Media
Provides Comfort and Functionality for your MiniDisc Walkman recorder
Fits Comfortably on Arm
Fits MiniDisc Walkman recorder Models: MZ-N420D, MZ-N420DPSGray, MZ-NF520D, MZ-NH600D, MZ-NHF800, MZ-NH900, MZ-NH1
Step-up Feature New Feature
Sony Electronics Inc.
1 Sony Drive Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 Printed in USA 2/2004
MiniDisc Walkman®Armband Carry Case
©2004 Sony Electronics Inc. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. All rights reserved. Sony, ATRAC, HiMD, the MiniDisc logo and Walkman are trademarks of Sony. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. Non-metric weights and measures are approximate.