Sony KDS-60A2020, KDS-55A2020, KDS-50A2020 Owner’s Manual

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SXRD Projection TV Operating Instructions
© 2006 Sony Corporation
Owner's Record
The modeland serinlnumbers arclocated attilerearol theTV. Record lhese numbers in the spaces pro_ided below. Relcr 1olhem whene_er
you calluponyour Sony de_,lerregarding lhis product.
Model No.
Serial No.
Please contact Sony directly if you:
Have questions on the use of your television after reading your manual
Experience difficulty operating your television
Contact Sony Customer Support at: pport
or to speak with a support representative:
United States Canada
1-800-222-SONY (7669) 1-877-899-SONY (7669)
Sony will work to resolve your questions more quickly than your retailer or place of purchase.
Please Do Not Return the Product to the Store
To reduce tile risk ol tire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to
l'_lin or inoisture.
This synlbol is intended to alert the u_r to tile presence of uninsulated "dangerous voltage" within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of eleclric shock lo persons.
This symbol is intended to alert tile u_r to tile presence of inlpoltant operating and maintenance (selvicing) instructions in the lileralure accompanying the appliance.
Tile apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no objects filled with lk]ukls, such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.
To pre_ ent electric shock, do not use this polarized AC phlg with an extension cord. receptacle or other outlel unless tile blades c_ul be fiflly
inserted to prevent blade exposure.
Note on Caption Vision
This TV prmides display ol TV closed captioning ill accordance with
]5. l 19 of tile FCC rules.
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY Model: KDS- 5t)A2020/KDS-55 A20211/KDS-60A2t)20
Responsible Party: Sony Eleclronics Inc. Address: 16530 Via Esprillo. San Diego, CA 92127 U.S.A.
Telephone Nmnber: 858-942-223(t
This device complies with pan 15 of tile FCC rules. Operation is subjecl to the %llowing two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmfifl
inlerlPrence, and (2) this device nmst accepl any interlcrence received, including inlerlcrence lhat inay cau_ undesired operation.
[] Reorient or relocate tile receiving antenna, [] Increase tile separation between tile equipment and receiver. [] Connect lhe equipment into an outlet on a circuil diltcrenl fronl lhlJt
to which file receiver is connected.
[] Consull the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician lor help.
Pursuant to FCC regulations, you are cautioned that ally changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your audlority to operate lhis equiplnenl,
For Customers in Canada
This Class B digital apparatus conlplies with Canadian ICES-003.
[] Opelale tile TV only on 120 V AC, [] The plug is designed, fi)r salcty purpo es. lo fil into the wall outlet
only one way. If you are unable to insert tile plug tully into tile outlet,
contacl your dealer.
[] If ally liquid or solid object should 1,111inside tile cabinel, unplug tile
TV immediately and have it checked by qualified service personnel belom operating it fimher.
[] If you will not be using tile TV lor _veral days. disconnect file power
by pulling file plug ilselL Never pull on file coM.
[] For details concerning salPty precautions, see "hnportanl Salcly
lnslrtlclions" on page 5.
[] Tile TV shouM be installed near an easily accessible power outlet. [] To prcvenl internal heat buildup, do not block tile _entilation
[] Do not install the TV ill a hot or humid place, or in a place subject to
excessive dust or mechanical vibration.
[] Use the TV at temperatures belween 41 °F (5°C) and 95°F (35°C). [] If tile TV is transported directly fl+oma cold to a warm location, or if
the room temperature changes suddenly, the picture may be blurred or show poor color due to lllOisturc condensation. In this case, please wait a tcw hours to let tile nloislure evaporate befi)re Iurning OH tile
[] To obtain tile besl piclure, do nol expo_ tile semen Iv)direct
illuminalion or direct sunlight. 11isrecommended to use spot lighling directed down lrom tile ceiling or to cover the windows that lace file semen with opaque drapery. It is desirable to install the TV in a room
where the floor and walls are not of a reflective materiah
[] See pages 11 and 12 lor more infi)rnlalion on tile installation,
Use tile lollowing Sony appliance(s) only with tile fi)llowing TV STAND. Use with other TV STAND may cause instability and possibly resull ill ifljul_.
This equipment has been lcstcd and lound to comply with tile limits lot a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ol tile FCC Rules. These limits am designed to provide reasonable protection againsl hamlfifl inlerlk:rcncc
illa residential installation. This equipnlent generates, uses and can radiate
radio fiequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
Jnstrucliolls, may cause harnltl/l inlerlkrence to radio colnlnllnicalions.
However. there is no guaranlee thai inlerlcrcncc will nol occur in a particular inslallation. If this equipment does cause harmlul interllrmncc 1o radio or televiskm reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment oil and on, the user is encouraged to try 1o correcl lhe
JnterlPrcnce by one or ii/ore of the fi)]]owJng measures:
To Customers
Suflkient expertise is required tot installing tile specilied producL Be sure
to s/ibcontract tile illstallation to Sony dealers or licensed contractors and
pay adequale allenlion to salcty during file inslallalion.
This digital television is capable o1 receiving analog basic and digit_d basic televiskm i_rogralnming by direct connection to a cable system providing
stlch pr<_lgralnmh]g+ Certain pren]itlll't, advallced and intelactP+'e digital
C_tb]e seI%'JCeS such _Ls _,,Jdco-on-(]elllall(]_ _L c_Lblc opcI'_LIOF_S €IIII_LIICC(]
pl-o_zram guide and data-enhmlced television services may require tile use
Ol a Set-top box, For lnore ]n]Ol_ll]aIioll ca]l yOlll loca] cab]e operaIor.
This television includes _ QAM delnodulator which should allow you to receive unscrambled digital cable television programming via subscription service to a cable service provider. Availability ot digital cable television
programming in your area depends on tile tyl?e ol plogramnfing and signal provided by your cable service provider.
Trademark Information
$R$ (_) ® Tl:uSurround XT, SRS and ( ) symbol are
-- technology is incOll?orated under license fiOln SRS
tradelmuks of SRS Labs, lnc, Tl+uSurround XT
Labs, hlc.
BBE ...... ....
DIGITAL lbllowing [IS patents: 5510752, 5736897, BBE and
BBE symbol are l+egistered trademarks (51'BBE Sound, Inc.
Macintosh is a tradenmrk licensed to Apple Computer, Inc., registered ill the U,S.A and other countries+
Blu-ray Disc is +_trademark+
SXRD, WEGA, Grand WEGA, Steady Sound, Digital Reality Creation and CineMotkm are registered Ii:adell]alks (51 Sony Corporation+
DD _ This TV is nmnutactul+ed undel + license fl+Ol]l Dolby
D I G | T A L trademarks ol Dolby Laboratories,
HDML the HDM1 logo and High-Definition Multimedia hlterface are tradelnarks or registered trademarks ol HDMI Licensing LLC,
® Licensed by BBE Sound, [nc, under one or more of the
Laboratories, "Dolby" and the double-D symbol are
Multimedia Interlace (HDMP M) technology.
Important Safety Instructions
I ) Read tllese instmctkms.
2) Keep tiles instructions.
3) Heed all warnings.
4) Follow all instructions.
5) Do nol u_ tllis apparalus near water.
6) Clean only with dly clotll.
Do not bh)ck any ventilatkm openings, hlstall in
accordance with the l/lal31d_actllrer's
Do not install near any heat sources Sllcb as radialors, heat regislers, sloves, or other apparalus (inchlding amplifiers) lllal produce
Do not deleat the salPty purpose of the polarized or grounding-type ph/g. A polarized phlg has
two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug llas two blades and a third
grounding prong. The wide blade or file fllird prong are provided lot your salcty. If the provided phlg does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician lot replacement of the
obsolele (till]el,
I0) Protect llle power cord ffonl being walked on or
pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point wllerc they exit fiom the apparatus.
12) Use only with tile cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by file nlanul, Lcturer, or sold with file apparzmlS. When a cart is u_d, use caution when lnoving tile carl/apparatus con]bin_Jlkm 1o avoid injuly fl'om tip-over.
or when tllltlsed lklr long periods ol Iilne.
13) Unplug fllis apparatus during lighlning storlns _
personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been dalnaged ill any way, sllch as power-supply cord or phlg is damaged,
14) Rel_r all servicing to qualified service __
liquid llas been spilled or o[_jects llave ldlen into file apparatos, the apparatlls has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operale normally, or has been dropped.
[] Be sure to obselve tile TV's "For gaiety"
section on page 6.
Outdoor Antenna Grounding
II an outdoor antenna is installed, follow tile precautions below. An
Olltdoor _lntenna sysleln S]lOllld not be located in tile "_'iCillily ol overJlead
power lilies or other electric light or po'_ver circldts, or _v]lere it can COllie
in contact with such power lilies or circuils. WHEN INSTALLING AN OUTDOOR ANTENNA SYSTEM.
Be sllre the antelllla systenl is grounded so as to provide some proleclioll
againsl voltage surges and btlill-ii 1)static charges. Section 810 of tile National Electrical Code (NEC) in USA and Seclion 54
ol tile Canadiall Electrical Code ill Callada provkies illlorlllatioll with respect to proper grOUlldHIg O1file lllasl and supporling slFtlclure, grounding ol the lead-in wire to an antenna discllarge uniL size of
grOllllding Collduclors, locatk)n of alltenna discharge Ullil, connect]oil to
grounding electrodes, and requirelnents lor tile grounding elecn'ode.
I l ) Only u_ altachnlents/accessories specified by
tile illanulacturer+
Antenna Grounding According to the NEC
Relcr to section 54-300 of Panadiml Electrical Pode lor Antenna
Antenna lead-in wire
i__ _ _// Antenna discharge unit | Electrica_ -- _" / (NEC Section 810-20)
| service
| equipment .... ,_- Grounding conductors
NEC: National electrode system (NEC Art Electrical Code 250 Part H)
Ground clam_
..... 4[_//_ (NEC section 810-21)
_ Ground clamps
_'_" __ - Power service grounding
[_ Clean the rear cover area of the TV regularly. Dust in the rear cover
area may cause a problem with the cooling system of the TV set.
[] Clean the cabinet ol tile TV with a dry soil
cloth. To remove dust lbonl the screen, wipe it [3 _ _,_
gen,,yw,tbasoI,c,otbetubbor,,snd..........ybeq ll
renloved wilh a cloth sligtllly daml)ened wilh IV_q{._::::2:::::y_tl } solution of mild soap and warm water. Ne_,er use strong solvents such as thinner or benzine for cleaning. If lhe picture becomes dark alter using the TV lhr a long period of time, il may be necessary lo clean the inside of the TV. Consull qualified service personnel,
[] Unplug the AC power cord when cleaning tills unil. Cleaning lids
unil wilh a plugged AC power cord may result in electric shock.
On Contamination on the Screen Surface
The screen surtace has a special coaling 1o reduce reflections. To prcvenl screen damage, clean the screen as lhllows:
[] Clean the screen with a soft cloth. [] To remove hard contaminalion, use a cloth moislened with a
solutkm of mild soap and warm waler. Do nol spray cleaning solurkm direcl/y onlo lhe TV. It should only be sprayed to moisten lhe cleaning cloth.
[] Do not use any type of abrasive pad, alkaline cleaner, acid cleaner,
scouring powder, chemical cloth, or solvent such as alcohol. benzene or lhinner, ;isl]les_ lnay scralc]l tile screen's coating.
Damage Requiring Service
Do not attempl to service the set by your_ll since opening )_
tile cabillel
Unl)lug tim set h'om lhe wall oullet and relEr servicing to L_{_'
qualified service personnel.
Replacement Parts
When replacemenl proIs are refluilwl, be sure tile sel_ ice teclmiciim cerlifies in writing time he has used replacement paris specified by the
ii/anul_lcnlrcr lhal have lbe same characlerislics as tile original parts. Unauthorized substitutions may resull ill fire, eleclric shock or other
See "Replacing the Lanq?" on page 51.
,nay expose you to da,,g.......... oltage or (,tile,"_{_ :,
For Safety
Be Careful When Moving the TV
When you ph,ce tile TV in position, be carehll llO110 drop it on your Loot or Lingers.
Watch your R)oling while inslalling lhe TV.
Carry the TV in the Specified
mentioned below. [] Carry tile TV wilh lbe specified number of persons (see page 1l ).
[] Hold tile TV tightly wllen carrying it. [] Belhre carrying the TV. disconnect any accessories or cables.
About the TV
Allbough tim TV is made with high-precision technology, black dots may appear or bright points oI light (red. blue, or green) may appear constmltly
on tim screen. This is it stl uctural properly ol tim panel and is not a detect.
[] If direcl sunlight or other strong illumination shines on tim screen.
part ol the screen may appear wldte due to reflections liom behind the screen. This is a structural properly of tile TV.
Do nol expose the screen to direct illuudnalion or direcl sunlighl,
[] The picture quality may be allPcted by your viewing position. For
lhe besl picture quality, install your TV according to "Recommended Viewing Alva" on page 13.
[] When installing your TV against a wall. keep it al leasl 4 inches ( 10
cm) away lrom file wall.
Projection Lamp
[] Your TV uses a projection lamp as its light source. 11is tinle to
replace tim lamp wilh a new one (nol supplied) when:
lhe message, "Pr(tieclion lamp is nearing end of lilP. Please replace the lamp." appeared on the semen,
lhe lamp replacement indicator on the flxmt panel blinks in red.
screen images become dark,
no image appears on the display alter prolonged u_.
[] In rare instances, the bulb may i?Ol?inside tim lamp unil, but the laml?
unit is designed lo contain all of broken glass pieces inside the lamp unit. (See "Replacing the Lamp" on page 510
[_ When the lamp eventually burns Out, you may hear anoticeable pop
sound. This is normal and is inhm_nt in this type of lmnp.
Cooling Fan
This TV u_s a cooling I,m. You may hear the noise of I,m running, depending on the placement ol your TV. Tile noise may be more noticeable during tim nighl or when tile background noise level is low.
Objects and Ventilation Holes
Never push objects of any kind into tile unit din)ugh tile cannel slols as they may touch dangerous xoltage points or shorl o/it parts thai CO/lidres/llI ill a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of ally
kind on the unil.
Disposal of Used Batteries
To prowl're our en'_'ironu/ent, dispose ol used biureries accordhlg to your
local laws or regulations.
Welcome ............................................................. 8
Features ........................................................ 8
Netes on the TV ............................................ 9
Screen ......................................................... 10
Prejectien Lamp .......................................... 10
Installing the TV ............................................... 11
Carrying Your TV ........................................ 11
Take Precaution during Installation ............. 11
Preventing the TV from Toppling Over ....... 11
When Installing Your TV against a Wall ...... 12
Recommended Viewing Area ..................... 13
Connecting the TV ........................................... 14
Cable System and VHF/UHF
Antenna System .......................................... 14
Cable Box/Digital Cable Box
and Antenna ................................................ 14
Cable Box/Digital Cable Box ....................... 15
Satellite Receiver and Cable/Antenna ........ 15
VCR and Cable ........................................... 16
VCR and Cable Box/Digital Cable Box ....... 17
When Connecting to Optional Equipment.....18
Front Panel ................................................. 18
Rear Panel .................................................. 19
Setting Up the Channel List - Initial Setup ....21
Replacing the Lamp ........................................ 51
How to Replace the Lamp .......................... 51
Troubleshooting .............................................. 55
Remote Control .......................................... 55
Picture ........................................................ 56
Sound ......................................................... 57
Channels .................................................... 57
General ...................................................... 58
PC Input Signal Reference Chart ................... 60
Specifications .................................................. 61
Index ................................................................. 62
Using the Remote Control .............................. 22
Programming the Remote Control ................. 26
Using Other Equipment with
Your Remote Control ....................................... 28
TV Controls ..................................................... 31
Overview of MENU ........................................... 32
Picture Settings ............................................... 34
Sound Settings ................................................ 37
Screen Settings ................................................ 39
Channel Settings ............................................. 41
Parental Lock Settings .................................... 42
Setup Settings .................................................. 45
PC Settings ....................................................... 49
We ome
Thank you for purchasing this Sony SXRD TM projection TV. This manual is for models KDS-50A2020, KDS-55A2020 and KDS-60A2020.
Some of the features that you will enjoy with your new TV include: [] SXRDr_f: SXRD is a Silicon X-tal Reflective Display technology that
delivers high-level resolution, greater contrast ratio, faster response speed and film-like reproduction compared to other conventional
[] WEGA Engine: Delivers superb picture quality from any video source
by minimizing the signal deterioration caused by digital-to-analog conversion and stabilizing the signal processing. This engine features unique Sony technology, including:
DRC ® (Digital Reality Creation)-MF Vl: Unlike conventional line doublers, the DRC Multifunction feature replaces the signal's
NTSC waveform with the near-HD equivalent by digital mapping processing. The DFtC Palette option lets you customize the level of detail (Reality) and smoothness (Clarity).
[] Integrated HDTV: You can watch digital televised programs and enjoy
the improved audio/video quality offered by these programs.
[] Advanced Iris: Automatically detects the brightness of the screen. By
adjusting the iris shutter, this feature can provide you with the best contrast and brightness from one scene to the next for your TV viewing.
[] Wide Screen Mode: Allows you to watch 4:3 normal broadcasts in
wide screen mode (16:9 aspect ratio).
[] CineMotion®: Using the reverse 3-2 pull down technology, the
CineMotion feature provides smoother picture movement when playing back movies or other video sources on film.
[] MENU: Sony's unique user interface provides easy access to the
popular and useful TV functions such as external inputs (switch among connected equipment), favorite channels (create a list of your favorite channels), cable channels (view cable channels), antenna channels (view antenna channels) or to customize your TV settings.
[] Parental Control: Downloadable digital rating and V-Chip technology
allows parents to block unsuitable programming from younger viewers.
[] Component Video Inputs: Offers a high-quality video for DVD (480p,
480i) and digital set-top box (1080i, 720p, 480p, 480i) connections.
[] S VIDEO Inputs: Provides high-quality image from connected
Getting Started
[] Favorite Channels: Using tile MENU function, you can view and
select from a list of up to 16 favorite channels without leaving the current channel.
[] Steady Sound®: Equalizes volume levels so there is consistent output
between programs and commercials.
[] PC Input: Allows you to connect your PC and display the PC screen on
your TV. _:_
[] HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface): Provides an
uncompressed, all-digital audio/video interface between this TV and _. any HDMI-equipped audio/video component, such as a set-top box,
Blu-ray Disc TM Player (BD), DVD player, and A/V receiver. HDMI supports enhanced, o1 high-definition video, plus two-channel digital
Notes on the TV
To enjoy clear picture
[] Prevent sunlight or other light sources fiom shining directly onto the
[] The screen surface is easily scratched. Do not rub, touch, or tap it with
sharp or abrasive objects (see "On Contamination on the Screen Surface" on page 6).
When not using the TV for a long period of time
[] Unplug the AC power cord from the outlet if you anticipate not using
the TV for more than a week.
When turning off the power
[] The cooling fan will continue to operate for about two minutes. Allow
several minutes before unplugging fiom the outlet or switching the breaker off.
moisture condensation
If your TV is moved directly from a cold to a warm location or is placed in a humid room, or if the room temperature changes suddenly, the picture may blur or show poor color This is caused by moisture
condensation on the lenses inside. Wait a few hours to let the moisture evaporate before turning on the TV. When the condensation has
evaporated, the picture will return to normal.
Getting Started
Projection Lamp
To minimize reflection, the screen surface has a special coating. Inappropriate cleaning methods could damage the screen surface. Special care is required.
Cleaning the Screen Surface
Dust and dirt on the screen can affect the picture quality. To dust off the screen use a soft cloth. Be sure to follow the cleaning instruction on page 6
for stubborn stains and dirt.
Temporary Image Retention
When high contrast non-moving images such as station logos and channel numbers are displayed for a long period of time, there may be some image
retention on the screen. This is only a temporary condition. Tnrning off the power for a while or letting the TV run on another channel will eliminate the
retained image.
Your TV uses a projection lamp as its light source. As with any lamp, it has a lifespan and needs to be replaced when the LAMP LED blinks or the screen becomes darker. Your TV also has a function to display a message "Projection lamp is nearing end of life. Please replace the lamp." to let you know that the lamp has reached its expected lifespan. Note the following: [] After turning on your TV. it may take a while (l minuteorless) before
the picture appears.
[] When the projection lamp wears out, the screen goes dark. Replace the
lamp with a new Sony XL-5200 replacement lamp (not supplied).
[] After the lamp is replaced, set the Lamp Replacement option in the
Setup settings (see page 47).
_ Until you Set the Lamp Replacement Option; a message announcing
that the lamp is at the end of its life will appear every time you turn On
'/_ The light emitted Irom the lamp iS quite bright when your TVis in use,
To avoid eye discomfort or injury, do not look !nto the !!ght housing when
the power ison.
Installing the TV
Getting Started
Carrying Your TV
Do not grasp the pedestal
or the front panel of the TV.
Take Precaution
during Installation
Preventing the TV from Toppling Over
Carrying the TV requires at least two people. Do not hold by the pedestal or the front panel of the TV. Doing so may cause these parts to break off.
When moving the TV. place one hand in the hole on the lower portion of the TV while supporting the top with the other hand, as shown in the illustration
If you have connected cables and cords, be sure to unplug them before moving the TV.
To ensure tile safety of children and tile TV, keep children away fiom the TV during installation. Climbing on or pushing the TV or its stand may cause it to fall and damage the TV.
As a protective measure, secure the TV as follows.
Using the TV stand with support belts
[] Sony strongly recommends using the TV stand SU-RSI IM (for KDS-
50A2020)/SU-RS 1IX (for KDS-55A2020, KDS-60A2020) with a support belt designed for your TV.
_ when using the sU-Rsi iM (for KDS-50A2020)/SU'RS11X (for KDS'
55A2020, KDS,60A2020) stand for your TV, you must use the support belt.
Getting Started
When Instalfing Your TV against a Wall
Keep your TV at least 4 inches (10 cm) away fioln tile wall to provide proper ventilation. Blocking the ventilation opening of the cooling fan may damage
the TV.
(approx. 30cm)
12 inches
4 inches
Never install the TV as follows
Air circulation is blocked
4 inches (10cm)
Air blown into the cooling fan
4 inches
'/,_ Do not inStall the TV near any Ventilation; as it may affect the normal TV
operating temperature.
Getting Started
Viewing Area
Your viewing position may affect tile picture quality, For the best picture quality, install your TV within the areas shown below,
Model Viewingdistance
KDS-50A2020 nlin. 6.6 ft. (approx. 2.0 m) KDS-55A2020 rain. 6.8 ft. (approx. 2.1 m)
KDS-60A2020 rain. 7.0 ft. (approx. 2.2 m)
Horizontal Viewing Area
,/a Install the TV in a location that avoids reflections from external light
_ Reflections from external light sources may cause unwanted
illuminations in certain areas of the picture (typically dark areas). These
types of illuminations can occur with the TV's power on or off.
VerticalViewing Area
O0 ' '-:rl_
i-_in _' _t, %,_
Getting Started
Connecting the TV
To display clear crisp pictures, you must connect your TV correctly and select the correct Wide Mode to display the picture in the correct aspect ratio (see "Changing the Wide Screen Mode" on page 25). It is strongly recommended that you connect the antenmdcable input using 75-ohm coaxial cable to receive optimum picture quality signal. A 300-ohm twin lead cable can be easily affected by radio noise and the like, resulting in signal deterioration. If you use a 300-ohm twin lead cable, keep it as far away from the TV as possible. Do not use an indoor antenna, which is especially susceptible to radio noise. You can also connect a variety of optional equipment to your TV (see page
15). For multiple equipment connections, please refer to the separate Quick
Setup Guide.
Cable System and
VHF/UHF Antenna
Cable Box/Digital Cable Box and
_" To change channels
using the cable box, set your TV to channel 3 or
4 depending on the cable box channel
CATVcable o;,_,E
f:_ Press ANTtoswitch between VHF/UHF and cable.
Use this hookup if
I_1 Your cable company scrambles some channels, such as premium
channels. Viewing all channels requires a cable box.
I_1 You do not intend to hook up any other audio or video equipment to
your TV.
Antenna cable
i o
Rearof TV
'/_ To set up the TV remote control see '!Programming the Remote
Contr01, on page 26_
,/_ Press SAT/CABLE to begin operating the cable box with the remote
control (see page 22). The indicat0r wil light up.
/_ Press ANTtoswitch between VHF/UHF and cable.
Getting Started
Cable Box/ Digital Cable Box
_" To change channels
using the cable box, set
your TV to channel 3 or
4 depending on the
cable box channel
Satelfite Receiver
and Cable/Antenna
Use this hookup if
I_1 You subscribe to a cable TV system that uses scrambled or encoded
signals requiring a cable box to view all channels, and
I_1 You do not intend to hook up any other audio or video equipment to
your TV.
Coaxial cable CABLE
Rear of TV
Cable box
To set up the TV remote centr01, see Pr0gramm_ng the Remote
Contror! on page 26.
f,_ Press SAT!CABLE to begin operating the cable box with the remote
control (see page 22). The indicator will light up.
Rear of TV
Coaxial cable
Satellite receiver
VIDEO (yellow)
......AUDIO-L (white)
AUDIO-R (red)
SVIDEO cable
'/,_ If your satellite receiver is net equipped With S VIDEO; use a VIDEO
cable (yellow) instead of the S VIDEO cable.
Getting Started
VCR and Cable
CATV Splitter
Coaxial cable
S VIDEO cable
Coaxial cable
'/-_ If your VCR is not equipped with S VIDEO, use a VIDEO cable (yellow)
instead of the S VIDEO cable.
VCR and Cable Box/
Digital Cable Box
Getting Started
Rear of TV
S VIDEO cable
"_"To change
channels using the cable box, set your
TV to channel 3 or 4 depending on
the cable box channel output.
Coaxial I_ AUDIO'L (white)_"
cca_J AUDIO R(red) Jr
'/_ If You[ VCR is not equipped With s VIDEO use a VIDEO cable (Yellow)
instead of the S VIDEO cable.
'/,_ If you are connecting a digital cable box, you will need a special
bidirectional splitter designed to work with your cable box.
,_i VIDEO(yellow)
AUDIO-L(white) o VCR
A/V ab,e
Getting Started
When Connecting to Optional Equipment
Front Panel
To open the cover
Be careful not to pinch your fingers when opening the cover.
[] HD/DVD IN 2 Connects to your equipment's component video (YPBPR) output jacks. Component video
(1080i/720p/ provides better picture quality than the S VIDEO ([_] of rear panel) or the composite video []
480p/480i) connection. When Auto is selected for the Video 2 (Component) option in the Setup
settings, the component video function will be the default stream when present (see page 46).
.... ci n;c;ss i g6p _
and 1080i formats. Note that this TV displays all format types of picture in a
resolution of 1,920 dots X 1,080 lines.
[] VIDEO IN 2 Connect to the composite video output jacks on your camcorder or other video equipment such
VIDEO as video game equipment.
[] AUDIO IN 2 Connects to the audio (L/R) output jacks of your eqnipment, including camcorders, video
k (MONO)-R- game equipment, to which you want easy access.
AUDIO _iii you have m0no equipmenil ;onnec{ iis aud o outpui jacki0i66
audio input Jack
'_ When connecting composite video te VIDEO IN 2, be sure to select Video 2 (Component) to Off in th e
Setup settings to activate both audio and video function for composite connection (see page 46).
Rear Panel
Getting Started
For service use only
[] HDMI IN 6/7
HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) provides an uncompressed, all-digital audio/video interface between this TV and any HDMI-equipped audio/video equipment, such as a set-top box, Blu-ray Disc Player. DVD player, and A/V receiver. HDMI supports enhanced, or high-definition video, plus two-channel digital audio. If the equipment has a DVI jack and not an HDMI .jack, connect the DVI jack to the HDMI IN 7 (with HDMI-to-DVI cable and/or adapter)jack, and connect the audio .jack to the AUDIO IN(L/R) jacks of HDMI IN 7. (DVI connector is for video signals only.)
HDMI-to-DVI cable
HDMI adapter
/a Be sure to use only an HDMI cable that bears the HDMI logo. J_ Do ncz connect a PC to the TV's HDMI input. Use the PC IN (RGB IN} input
instead when connecting a PC.
_ HDMI connection is necessary to view 480i. 480p, 720p. 1080i. and 1080p
formats. Note that this TV displays all format types of picture in a resolution of
1.920 dots x 1.080 lines.
Audio cable
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