OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
1/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point 3Dintegrated | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
2/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point 3Dready | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Detekterer kroppsbevegelser og
ansiktsuttrykk på publikum gjennom
innebygd kamerabasert sensor, og tilbyr tre
funksjoner for å komfortabelt se på TV.
3/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point BReye | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Gir et klart og skarpt bilde uten artifakter.
4/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point IDenhancer | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Reduserer bildestøyen i MPEG-komprimert
video for mer raffinerte bilder.
5/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point IMPEGNR | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Forbedrer mykheten på bildebevegelsen og
reduserer uskarphet.
6/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point Mflow | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Slår automatisk av bildet når sensoren ikke
detekterer noe publikum i løpet av en
forhåndsinnstilt tid og stiller deretter
TV-apparatet i standbymodus.
7/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point Psensor | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Oppdager lysforhold i omgivelsene
automatisk og endrer visningsinnstillingene
for å optimalisere bildekvaliteten.
8/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point Asensor | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Bringer videoer, filmer og mye mer gjennom
bredbånds Internett-tilkobling til ditt
9/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point BRIvideo | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Leverer interaktivt innhold når ditt
TV-apparat er koblet til Internett.
10/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point widgets | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Gir en trådløs nettverkstilkobling for TVapparatet ved å sette inn en trådløs USB
LAN-adapter i TV-apparatets USB-port.
11/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point WFready | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Gir en trådløs nettverkstilkobling for
TV-apparatet ditt med enkelt og hurtig
12/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point WFintegrated | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Avspiller bilder, musikk og videoer på
TV-skjermen ved å tilkoblet et Sony digitalt
stillkamera eller en annen USB-kompatibel
13/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point USB_AEP | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Hjelper deg til å tilkoble kompatibelt HDMIutstyr, slik som f.eks. en BD-spiller eller en
AV-forsterker, til ditt TV-apparat, og du kan
kontrollere det eksterne utstyret ved bruk
av TV-apparatets fjernkontroll.
14/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point BRsync | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Forvalter dine foretrukne TV-kanaler, bilder,
musikk, videoinnhold og eksterne innganger
for hurtig og enkel tilgang.
15/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point favourites_AEP | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Hjelper deg til å finne og forvalte de
programmene du ønsker å se ved bruk av
sjangersøk og registreringsfunksjoner.
16/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point EPGsony | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Velger et skjermformat fra en rekke
skjermtyper etter dine preferanser.
17/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point Sformat_AEP | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Gir tekstinformasjon som inkluderer
programrelaterte elementer, slik som f.eks.
teksting. Alt innhold leveres av sendere og
varierer avhengig av dette.
18/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point text_info | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Viser to bilder (PC-inngang og TV-program/
composite-video) på skjermen samtidig.
19/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point PIP_AEP | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Viser to bilder ved siden av hverandre
(TV-program/composite-video og eksterne
innganger) på skjermen samtidig.
20/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point PAP_AEP | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Viser det samme programmet ved ulike
tider på én kanal, eller gjør at du kan velge
det ønskede programmet fra flere
programmer i én kanal.
21/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point NVOD_MF | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Juster visningsvinkelen til venstre og høyre
slik som vist på illustrasjonen.
22/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point Swivel | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Hjem-meny for "XMB" (XrossMediaBar) gir
hurtig tilgang til programlister,
inngangskilder, menyen Innstillinger for ditt
TV-apparat og mer.
23/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point aboutHM_AEP | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Koble til en VCR- eller DVD-spiller til
TV-apparatet. Kabeltypen avhenger av
spillerens utgang.
24/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point VCRDVD_AEP | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Koble til en VCR- eller DVD-spiller til
TV-apparatet. Kabeltypen avhenger av
spillerens utgang.
25/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point VCRDVD_AEP_2a2_2a3 | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Koble til en lydforsterker eller et
hjemmekinosystem med digital inngang til
ditt TV-apparat.
26/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point Asystem_AEPGA | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Koble til en lydforsterker eller et
hjemmekinosystem med digital inngang til
ditt TV-apparat.
27/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point Asystem_AEP_2a2_2a3 | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Avspiller bilder, musikk og videoer på
TV-skjermen ved å koble til et Sony digitalt
stillkamera eller et videokamera som har et
28/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point DScamera | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Avspiller bilder, musikk og videoer på
TV-skjermen ved å koble til et Sony digitalt
stillkamera eller et videokamera som har et
29/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point DScamera_2a2_2a3 | App Link
OSIM | Project: Odyssey | Resolution-Width: | Resolution-Height: | Language: nor
Koble HDMI-utstyr, slik som f.eks. en
BD-spiller eller en AV-forsterker, til ditt
TV-apparat. Du kan kontrollere utstyret ved
å bruke TV-apparatets fjernkontroll.
30/ 464 | File Bravia_Reference_BRBD_nor_AEP.fm | Created at March 19, 2008 | Modified at June 22, 2010 4:29 pm | Section Entry Point HDMI_AEP | App Link
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