Sony KDL-40BX420, KDL-32BX320, KDL-26BX320, KDL-22BX320 User Manual [sr]

Digitalni LCD TV prijemnik
Uputstvo za upotrebu
Upotreba TV-a
Upotreba dodatne opreme
Upotreba Meni funkci� a
Dodatne informacije
KDL-40BX420 / 32BX320 / 26BX320 / 22BX320
Zahvaljujmo se na odabiru Sony proizvoda. Pre upotrebe TV-a, molimo vas da pa ljivo pro itate ovo uputstvo i sa uvate ga za kasniju upotrebu.
The illustrations used in this manual are of the KDL-32BX320 unless otherwise stated.
is a registered trademark of the DVB Project.
HDMI, the HDMI Logo, and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
, DivX Certified® and associated logos are trademarks of DivX, Inc. and are used under license.
is a digital video format created by DivX, Inc. This is an official DivX Certified
device that plays DivX video. Visit for more information and software tools to convert your files into DivX video.
device must be registered in order to play purchased DivX Video-on-Demand (VOD) movies. To obtain your registration code, locate the DivX VOD section in your device setup menu. Go to for more information on how to complete your registration.
BRAVIA” and are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
Labels for Model No. and Power Supply rating (in accordance with applicable safety regulation) are located on the rear of the TV.
If a television is not positioned in a sufficiently stable location, it can be potentially hazardous due to falling. Many injuries, particularly to children, can be avoided by taking simple precautions such as:
Using cabinets or stands recommended by the manufacturer of the television.
Only using furniture that can safely support the television.
Ensuring the television is not overhanging the edge of the supporting furniture.
Not placing the television on tall furniture (for example, cupboards or bookcases) without anchoring both the furniture and the television to a suitable support.
Not standing the televisions on cloth or other materials placed between the television and supporting furniture.
Educating children about the dangers of climbing on furniture to reach the television or its controls.
Trademark information
Location of the identification label
Položaj identikacione nalepnice
Zahvaljujemo se na odabiru Sony proizvoda.
Pre upotrebe TV-a, molimo vas da pažljivo pročitate ovo uputstvo i sačuvate ga za kasniju upotrebu.
Ilustracije korišćene u ovom priručniku su za model KDL-32BX320 sem ako drugačije nije navedeno.
Informacije o zaštitnom znaku
je registrovani zaštitni znak DVB Project.
• HDMI, logotip HDMI i High-Denition Multi­media Interface su zaštitni znakovi ili registrovani zaštitni znakovi HDMI Licensing LLC u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama i drugim zemljama.
• Proizvedeno po licenci kompanije Dolby Labora­tories. Dolby i simbol duplo D su zaštitni znaci kompanije Dolby Laboratories.
• DivX®, DivX Certied® i povezani logotipi su zaštitni znaci kompanije DivX, Inc. i koriste se sa
O DIVX VIDEO: DivX® je digitalni video format koji je osmislila kompanija DivX, Inc. Ovaj uređaj ima službeni DivX sertikat i reprodukuje DivX video zapise. Više informacija i softverske alate za konvertovanje datoteka u DivX video potražite na
O DIVX VIDEO-NA-ZAHTEV (VOD) : Uređaj sa oznakom DivX Certied® potrebno je registrovati kako bi mogao da reprodukuje sadržaje DivX Video­na-zahtev (VOD). Da biste dobili registracioni kod, pronađite odeljak DivX VOD u meniju za postavlja­nje uređaja. Kod unesite na da biste završili postupak registracije i saznali više o DivX
• “BRAVIA” i su zaštitni znaci Sony korporacije.
Nalepnice sa brojem modela i specikacijom napa­janja (u skladu sa primenjivim sigurnosnim propi­sima) nalaze se na zadnjoj strani TV-a.
Ako televizor nije postavljen na dovoljno stabilnom mestu, može biti potencijalno opasan zbog mogućeg pada. Mnoge povrede, posebno dece, mogu se izbeći jednostavnim merama predostrožnosti kao što su:
• Upotreba ormarića ili stalaka koje je preporučio proizvođač televizora.
• Upotreba samo onog nameštaja koji sigurno podržava televizor.
• Osiguravanje da televizor ne viri preko ivice nameštaja na kojem stoji.
• Ne postavljanje televizora na visok nameštaj (na primer, na ormariće ili police za knjige) bez pričvršćivanja i nameštaja i televizora za stabilnu podlogu.
• Ne postavljanje televizora na stolnjake ili druge materijale postavljene između televizora i nameštaja na kojem stoji.
• Učenje dece o opasnostima penjanja na nameštaj kako bi dohvatila televizor ili njegove kontrole.
Uputstvo za brzi početak
Provera pribora ........................................................ 4
1: Pričvrščćivanje postolja ................................. ...... 4
2: Priključivanje antene/kabla/videa ................ ........ 5
3: Sprečavanje prevrtanja televizora ........................ 5
4: Inicijalno postavljanje........................................... 6
Gledanje TV-a .......................................................... 6
Odvajanje postolja od TV-a ..................................... 6
Sigurnosne informacije ............................................ 7
Mere opreza ............................................................. 8
Upotreba TV-a
Pregled daljinskog upravljača .................................. 9
Pregled tipki TV-a i indikatora................................ 11
Upotreba dodatne opreme
Spajanje dodatne opreme ....................................... 12
Gledanje slika sa spojene opreme .......................... 13
Gledanje PIP (slika u slici)...................................... 14
Upotreba funkcija menija
Prolaz kroz menije ................................................. 15
Upotreba Digital Favourite liste .................. 15
Upotreba digitalnog elektronskog programskog
vodiča (EPG) ................................................. 16
Reprodukcija slika/muzike/video snimaka
putem USB-a ......................................................... 17
Upotreba BRAVIA Sync sa Control for HDMI ..... 20
Podešavanje postavki ............................................. 21
Slika ....................................................................... 21
Zvuk ....................................................................... 22
Ekran ...................................................................... 24
Podešavanje kanala ................................................ 26
Parental Lock ......................................................... 28
Podešavanje ........................................................... 29
Eko ......................................................................... 30
Dodatne informacije
Instaliranje pribora
(zidni nosač) .......................................................... 31
Tabela dimenzija za postavljanje TV-a .................. 32
Dijagram/tabela položaja vijaka i kuke ................. 33
Rešavanje problema ............................................... 34
Tehnički podaci ...................................................... 36
: samo za digitalne kanale
Pre upotrebe TV-a, molimo pročitajte “Sigurnosne informacije” (str. 7). Sačuvajte ovaj priručnik za buduću upotrebu.
1: Attaching the stand
Refer to the supplied stand leaflet for proper
attachment for some TV models
B KDL-40BX420/KDL-32/26BX320
B KDL-22BX320
Start-up Guide
1: Attaching the stand
Refer to the supplied stand leaflet for proper
attachment for some TV models
B KDL-40BX420/KDL-32/26BX320
Push to open
attachment for some TV models
1: Attaching the stand
Refer to the supplied stand leaflet for proper
attachment for some TV models
B KDL-40BX420/KDL-32/26BX320
B KDL-22BX320
1: Attaching the stand
Refer to the supplied stand leaflet for proper
attachment for some TV models
B KDL-40BX420/KDL-32/26BX320
B KDL-22BX320
Uputstvo za brzi početak
Provera pribora
Postolje (1) i vijci (7) Daljinski upravljač RM-ED046 (1) Veličina AA baterija (tip R6) (2)
Za umetanje baterija u daljinski upravljač
Pritisnite da otvorite
1: Pričvršćivanje postolja
• Pogledajte isporučeni prospekt postolja za ispravno pričvršćivanje nekih TV modela.
• Pričvrstite TV za postolje prema oznakama strelica koje navode otvore za vijke pomoću isporučenih vijaka.
• Ovaj TV je veoma težak, pa je potrebno dvoje ili više ljudi da bi se TV postavio na
• Ako koristite električni odvijač, podesite mo­ment zatezanja na oko 1.5 N•m (15 kgf•cm).
• Proverite da li je kabl napajanja udaljen od otvora za vijke tokom instaliranja postolja kako se kabl ne bi oštetio.
1: Attaching the stand
Refer to the supplied stand leaflet for proper
attachment for some TV models
B KDL-40BX420/KDL-32/26BX320
B KDL-22BX320
Start-up Guide
2: Connecting an antenna/ cable/VCR
Connecting cables are not supplied.
Connecting an antenna/cable
3: Preventing the TV from toppling over
Install a wood screw (4 mm in diameter, not supplied) in the TV stand.
Install a machine screw (M4 × 16, not supplied) into the screw hole of the TV.
Tie the wood screw and the machine screw with a strong cord (not supplied).
z 
  
2: Priključivanje antene/ kabla/ videa
• Spojni kablovi nisu isporučeni. Priključivanje antene/kabla
Antenna cable
Kabl anatene
3: Sprečavanje prevrtanja televizora
Start-up Guide
Priključivanje antene/kabla i videa
Connecting an antenna/cable and VCR
AV cable
AV Kabl
Antenna cable
Kabl anatene
Kabl anatene
Antenna cable
1 Postavite drveni vijak (4 mm u promeru, nije isporučen) na postolje za televizor. 2 Ugradite mašinski vijak (M4 × 16, nije isporučen) u otvor vijka na televizoru.
3 Zavežite drveni i mašinski vijak jakim užetom (nije isporučen).
z • Možete koristiti i Sony pojas za učvršćivanje TV-a. Kontaktirajte najbliži Sony servisni centar kako biste kupili ovu opremu. Imajte spremno ime modela vašeg TV-a.
Watching TV
Press 1 on the TV to turn on the TV.
Press DIGITAL/ANALOG to switch between digital and analogue modes.
Press the number buttons or PROG +/ to select a TV channel.
Press 2 +/ to adjust the volume.
Detaching the stand from the TV
Do not remove the stand for any reason other than to wall-mount the TV.
4: Performing the initial set-up
Watching TV
Press 1 on the TV to turn on the TV.
Press DIGITAL/ANALOG to switch between digital and analogue modes.
Press the number buttons or PROG +/ to select a TV channel.
Press 2 +/ to adjust the volume.
Detaching the stand from the TV
Do not remove the stand for any reason other than to wall-mount the TV.
B KDL-40BX420/KDL-32/26BX320
* The shapes of AC power plug and AC power outlet
differ depending on the region.
**When the TV is in standby mode (the 1 (standby)
indicator on the TV front panel is red), press "/1 on the remote to turn on the TV.
4: Performing the initial set-up
Watching TV
Press 1 on the TV to turn on the TV.
Press DIGITAL/ANALOG to switch between digital and analogue modes.
Press the number buttons or PROG +/ to select a TV channel.
Press 2 +/ to adjust the volume.
Detaching the stand from the
4: Inicijalno postavljanje
1: Attaching the stand
Refer to the supplied stand leaflet for proper
attachment for some TV models
B KDL-40BX420/KDL-32/26BX320
B KDL-22BX320
* Oblici utikača naizmenične struje i utičnice se razlikuju u zavisnosti od regiona. **Kada je TV u pripravnom stanju (indikator 1 (standby) na prednjoj strani TV-a svetli crveno), pritisnite “/1 na daljinskom upravljaču da uključite
Gledanje TV-a
1 Pritisnite 1 na TV-u da uključite TV.
2 Pritisnite DIGITAL/ANALOG za promenu između digitalnih i analognih modova.
3 Pritisnite brojčane tipke ili PROG +/– za odabir TV kanala. 4 Pritisnite 2 +/– da podesite glasnoću.
Odvajanje postolja od TV-a
• Ne skidajte postolje ni iz kog razloga osim ako ćete postavljati TV na zid.
B KDL-40BX420/KDL-32/26BX320
Sledite uputstvo na ekranu.
“Redosled programa”: Ako želite da promenite redosled analognih kanala, sledite korake u “Redos­led programa”
Pritisnite HOME za izlaz.
• Takođe možete podešavati kanale ručno (str. 26).
(str. 26).
B KDL-22BX320
When lifting or moving the TV set, hold it firmly from the bottom.
When transporting the TV set, do not subject it to jolts or excessive vibration.
When transporting the TV set for repairs or when moving, pack it using the original carton and packing material.
Never cover the ventilation holes or insert anything in the cabinet.
Leave space around the TV set as shown below.
It is strongly recommended that you use a Sony wall-mount bracket in order to provide adequate air-circulation.
Installed on the wall
AC power cord
Handle the AC power cord and outlet as follows in order to avoid any risk of fire, electrical shock or damage and/or injuries: The shape of AC power plug, which is
supplied with the TV set, varies depending on the regions. Be sure to connect the appropriate supplied AC power cord with the plug that fits into the AC power outlet.
Use only Sony supplied AC power cords,
not those of other brands. Insert the plug fully into the AC power outlet. Operate the TV set on a 110-240 V AC
supply only. When wiring cables, be sure to unplug the
AC power cord for your safety and take
care not to catch your feet on the cables. Disconnect the AC power cord from the
AC power outlet before working on or
moving the TV set. Keep the AC power cord away from heat
sources. Unplug the AC power plug and clean it
regularly. If the plug is covered with dust
and it picks up moisture, its insulation may
30 cm
10 cm 10 cm
10 cm
When lifting or moving the TV set, hold it firmly from the bottom.
When transporting the TV set, do not subject it to jolts or excessive vibration.
When transporting the TV set for repairs or when moving, pack it using the original carton and packing material.
Never cover the ventilation holes or insert anything in the cabinet.
Leave space around the TV set as shown below.
It is strongly recommended that you use a Sony wall-mount bracket in order to provide adequate air-circulation.
Installed on the wall
Installed with stand
AC power cord
Handle the AC power cord and outlet as follows in order to avoid any risk of fire, electrical shock or damage and/or injuries: The shape of AC power plug, which is
supplied with the TV set, varies depending on the regions. Be sure to connect the appropriate supplied AC power cord with the plug that fits into the AC power outlet.
Use only Sony supplied AC power cords,
not those of other brands. Insert the plug fully into the AC power outlet. Operate the TV set on a 110-240 V AC
supply only. When wiring cables, be sure to unplug the
AC power cord for your safety and take
care not to catch your feet on the cables. Disconnect the AC power cord from the
AC power outlet before working on or
moving the TV set. Keep the AC power cord away from heat
sources. Unplug the AC power plug and clean it
regularly. If the plug is covered with dust
and it picks up moisture, its insulation may
deteriorate, which could result in a fire.
Do not use the supplied AC power cord on
any other equipment.
Do not pinch, bend, or twist the AC power
cord excessively. The core conductors
may be exposed or broken.
Do not modify the AC power cord.
Do not put anything heavy on the AC
power cord.
Do not pull on the AC power cord itself
30 cm
10 cm 10 cm
10 cm Leave at least this space around the set.
30 cm
10 cm
10 cm
6 cm
When lifting or moving the TV set, hold it firmly from the bottom.
When transporting the TV set, do not subject it to jolts or excessive vibration.
When transporting the TV set for repairs or when moving, pack it using the original carton and packing material.
Never cover the ventilation holes or insert anything in the cabinet.
Leave space around the TV set as shown below.
It is strongly recommended that you use a Sony wall-mount bracket in order to provide adequate air-circulation.
Installed on the wall
Installed with stand
To ensure proper ventilation and prevent the collection of dirt or dust: Do not lay the TV set flat, install
upside down, backwards, or sideways.
Do not place the TV set on a shelf, rug,
bed or in a closet.
Do not cover the TV set with a cloth,
such as curtains, or items such as newspapers, etc.
Do not install the TV set as shown
AC power cord
Handle the AC power cord and outlet as follows in order to avoid any risk of fire, electrical shock or damage and/or injuries: The shape of AC power plug, which is
supplied with the TV set, varies depending on the regions. Be sure to connect the appropriate supplied AC power cord with the plug that fits into the AC power outlet.
Use only Sony supplied AC power cords,
not those of other brands. Insert the plug fully into the AC power outlet. Operate the TV set on a 110-240 V AC
supply only. When wiring cables, be sure to unplug the
AC power cord for your safety and take
care not to catch your feet on the cables. Disconnect the AC power cord from the
AC power outlet before working on or
moving the TV set. Keep the AC power cord away from heat
sources. Unplug the AC power plug and clean it
regularly. If the plug is covered with dust
and it picks up moisture, its insulation may
deteriorate, which could result in a fire.
Do not use the supplied AC power cord on
any other equipment.
Do not pinch, bend, or twist the AC power
cord excessively. The core conductors
may be exposed or broken.
Do not modify the AC power cord.
Do not put anything heavy on the AC
power cord.
Do not pull on the AC power cord itself
when disconnecting the AC power cord.
Do not connect too many appliances to
the same AC power outlet.
Do not use a poor fitting AC power outlet.
Prohibited Usage
Do not install/use the TV set in locations, environments or situations such as those listed below, or the TV set may malfunction and cause a fire, electrical shock, damage and/or injuries.
Outdoors (in direct sunlight), at the
seashore, on a ship or other vessel, inside
a vehicle, in medical institutions, unstable
locations, near water, rain, moisture or
If the TV is placed in the changing room
of a public bath or hot spring, the TV may
be damaged by airborne sulfur, etc.
Places that are hot, humid, or excessively
dusty; where insects may enter; where it
might be exposed to mechanical
30 cm
10 cm 10 cm
10 cm Leave at least this space around the set.
30 cm
10 cm
10 cm
6 cm
Leave at least this space around the set.
Air circulation is blocked.
Safety information
Install and use the TV set in accordance with the instructions below in order to avoid any risk of fire, electrical shock or damage and/or injuries.
The TV set should be installed near an easily accessible AC power outlet.
Place the TV set on a stable, level surface to avoid it from falling down and cause personal injury or damage to the TV.
Only qualified service personnel should carry out wall installations.
For safety reasons, it is strongly recommended that you use Sony accessories, including: KDL-40BX420/32BX320:
Wall-mount bracket SU-WL50B
Wall-mount bracket SU-WL100
Be sure to use the screws supplied with the Wall-mount bracket when attaching the mounting hooks to the TV set. The supplied screws are designed as indicated by illustration when measured from the attaching surface of the mounting hook. The diameter and length of the screws differ depending on the Wall-mount bracket model. Use of screws other than those supplied may result in internal damage to the TV set or cause it to fall, etc.
Before transporting the TV set, disconnect all cables.
Two or more people are needed to transport a large TV set.
When transporting the TV set by hand, hold it as shown below. Do not put stress on the LCD panel.
When lifting or moving the TV set, hold it firmly from the bottom.
When transporting the TV set, do not subject it to jolts or excessive vibration.
When transporting the TV set for repairs or when moving, pack it using the original carton and packing material.
Never cover the ventilation holes or insert anything in the cabinet.
Leave space around the TV set as shown below.
It is strongly recommended that you use a Sony wall-mount bracket in order to provide adequate air-circulation.
Installed on the wall
Installed with stand
To ensure proper ventilation and prevent the collection of dirt or dust: Do not lay the TV set flat, install
upside down, backwards, or sideways.
Do not place the TV set on a shelf, rug,
bed or in a closet.
Do not cover the TV set with a cloth,
such as curtains, or items such as newspapers, etc.
Do not install the TV set as shown
AC power cord
Handle the AC power cord and outlet as follows in order to avoid any risk of fire, electrical shock or damage and/or injuries: The shape of AC power plug, which is
supplied with the TV set, varies depending on the regions. Be sure to connect the appropriate supplied AC power cord with the plug that fits into the AC power outlet.
Use only Sony supplied AC power cords,
not those of other brands. Insert the plug fully into the AC power outlet. Operate the TV set on a 110-240 V AC
supply only. When wiring cables, be sure to unplug the
AC power cord for your safety and take
care not to catch your feet on the cables. Disconnect the AC power cord from the
AC power outlet before working on or
moving the TV set. Keep the AC power cord away from heat
sources. Unplug the AC power plug and clean it
regularly. If the plug is covered with dust
and it picks up moisture, its insulation may
deteriorate, which could result in a fire.
Do not use the supplied AC power cord on
any other equipment.
Do not pinch, bend, or twist the AC power
cord excessively. The core conductors
may be exposed or broken.
Do not modify the AC power cord.
Do not put anything heavy on the AC
power cord.
Do not pull on the AC power cord itself
when disconnecting the AC power cord.
Do not connect too many appliances to
the same AC power outlet.
Do not use a poor fitting AC power outlet.
Prohibited Usage
Do not install/use the TV set in locations, environments or situations such as those listed below, or the TV set may malfunction and cause a fire, electrical shock, damage and/or injuries.
Outdoors (in direct sunlight), at the
seashore, on a ship or other vessel, inside
a vehicle, in medical institutions, unstable
locations, near water, rain, moisture or
If the TV is placed in the changing room
of a public bath or hot spring, the TV may
be damaged by airborne sulfur, etc.
Places that are hot, humid, or excessively
dusty; where insects may enter; where it
might be exposed to mechanical
vibration, near flammable objects
(candles, etc). The TV set shall not be
exposed to dripping or splashing and no
objects filled with liquids, such as vases,
shall be placed on the TV.
Do not place the TV in a humid or dusty
space, or in a room with oily smoke or
steam (near cooking tables or
humidifiers). Fire, electric shock, or
warping may result.
Screw (supplied with the Wall-mount bracket)
Mounting Hook Hook attachment on rear of
TV set
Min. ~ 26 TV: 6.5 ~ 10mm 32 TV ~ Max.: 8 ~ 12mm
KDL-26BX320/ KDL-22BX320
KDL-40BX420/ KDL-32BX320
30 cm
10 cm 10 cm
10 cm Leave at least this space around the set.
30 cm
10 cm
10 cm
6 cm
Leave at least this space around the set.
Air circulation is blocked.
Safety information
Install and use the TV set in accordance with the instructions below in order to avoid any risk of fire, electrical shock or damage and/or injuries.
The TV set should be installed near an easily accessible AC power outlet.
Place the TV set on a stable, level surface to avoid it from falling down and cause personal injury or damage to the TV.
Only qualified service personnel should carry out wall installations.
For safety reasons, it is strongly recommended that you use Sony accessories, including: KDL-40BX420/32BX320:
Wall-mount bracket SU-WL50B
Wall-mount bracket SU-WL100
Be sure to use the screws supplied with the Wall-mount bracket when attaching the mounting hooks to the TV set. The supplied screws are designed as indicated by illustration when measured from the attaching surface of the mounting hook. The diameter and length of the screws differ depending on the Wall-mount bracket model. Use of screws other than those supplied may result in internal damage to the TV set or cause it to fall, etc.
When lifting or moving the TV set, hold it firmly from the bottom.
When transporting the TV set, do not subject it to jolts or excessive vibration.
When transporting the TV set for repairs or when moving, pack it using the original carton and packing material.
Never cover the ventilation holes or insert anything in the cabinet.
Leave space around the TV set as shown below.
It is strongly recommended that you use a Sony wall-mount bracket in order to provide adequate air-circulation.
Installed on the wall
Installed with stand
To ensure proper ventilation and prevent the collection of dirt or dust: Do not lay the TV set flat, install
upside down, backwards, or sideways.
Do not place the TV set on a shelf, rug,
bed or in a closet.
Do not cover the TV set with a cloth,
such as curtains, or items such as
AC power cord
Handle the AC power cord and outlet as follows in order to avoid any risk of fire, electrical shock or damage and/or injuries: The shape of AC power plug, which is
supplied with the TV set, varies depending on the regions. Be sure to connect the appropriate supplied AC power cord with the plug that fits into the AC power outlet.
Use only Sony supplied AC power cords,
not those of other brands. Insert the plug fully into the AC power outlet. Operate the TV set on a 110-240 V AC
supply only. When wiring cables, be sure to unplug the
AC power cord for your safety and take
care not to catch your feet on the cables. Disconnect the AC power cord from the
AC power outlet before working on or
moving the TV set. Keep the AC power cord away from heat
sources. Unplug the AC power plug and clean it
regularly. If the plug is covered with dust
and it picks up moisture, its insulation may
deteriorate, which could result in a fire.
Do not use the supplied AC power cord on
any other equipment.
Do not pinch, bend, or twist the AC power
cord excessively. The core conductors
may be exposed or broken.
Do not modify the AC power cord.
Do not put anything heavy on the AC
power cord.
Do not pull on the AC power cord itself
when disconnecting the AC power cord.
Do not connect too many appliances to
the same AC power outlet.
Do not use a poor fitting AC power outlet.
Prohibited Usage
Do not install/use the TV set in locations, environments or situations such as those listed below, or the TV set may malfunction
Screw (supplied with the Wall-mount bracket)
Mounting Hook Hook attachment on rear of
TV set
Min. ~ 26 TV: 6.5 ~ 10mm 32 TV ~ Max.: 8 ~ 12mm
30 cm
10 cm 10 cm
10 cm Leave at least this space around the set.
30 cm
10 cm
10 cm
6 cm
Leave at least this space around the set.
Sigurnosne informacije
Instalacija/postavljanje Postavite i koristite TV prijemnik u skladu sa instrukcijama datim ispod kako biste izbegli rizik od požara, električnog udara ili štete i/ili povreda.
• TV prijemnik treba postaviti blizu lako dostupne utičnice.
• Postavite TV prijemnik na stabilnu, ravnu površinu kako ne bi pao i izazvao ličnu povredu ili se oštetio.
• Samo kvalikovano servisno osoblje
treba da izvodi postavljanje na zid.
• Zbog sigurnosnih razloga, preporučuje se da koristite Sony pribor, uključujući: – KDL-40BX420/32BX320: Zidni nosač SU-WL50B – KDL-26BX320/22BX320: Zidni nosač SU-WL100
• Obavezno koristite vijke isporučene sa zidnim nosačem kada postavljate montažne kuke na TV prijemnik. Isporučeni vijci su napravljeni kako je prikazano ilustracijom kada se meri od spojne površine montažne kuke. Prečnik i dužina vijaka razlikuju se u zavisnosti od modela zidnog nosača. Upotreba vijaka koji nisu isporučeni može rezultirati unutrašnjim oštećenjem TV prijemnika ili izazvati njegov pad,
i sl.
Min. ~ 26 TV: 6.5 ~ 10mm 32 TV ~ Max.: 8 ~ 12mm
• Pre prenošenja TV prijemnika, odspojite sve kablove.
• Potrebno je dve ili više osoba za prenošenje velikog TV prijemnika.
• Kod nošenja držite TV prijemnik kao što je prikazano ispod. Zaštitite LCD ekran od udaraca.
Vijak (isporučen sa nosačem za zid) Montažna kuka Učvršćenje kuke na zadn­joj strani TV prijemnika
• Prilikom podizanja ili pomeranja TV prijemnika, držite ga čvrsto sa donje
• Prilikom prenošenja TV prijemnika, zaštitite ga od udaraca i vibracija.
• Prilikom prenošenja TV prijemnika na popravak ili kod preseljenja, zapakujte ga u originalnu ambalažu.
• Nikada nemojte prekrivati ventilacione otvore i ne stavljajte nikakve predmete
• Ostavite slobodan prostor oko TV prijemnika kao što je prikazano ispod.
• Preporučuje se da koristite Sony zidni nosač kako bi se obezbedila adekvatna cirkulacija vazduha.
Postavljanje na zid
Ostavite bar ovoliko prostora oko prijem­nika.
Instalacija sa postoljem
Ostavite bar ovoliko prostora oko prijem­nika.
• Za ispravnu ventilaciju i sprečavanje nakupljanja prašine i prljavštine: – Ne postavljajte uređaj površinom ekrana okrenut prema podlozi, ne insta­lirajte ga naopako, na zadnju stranu ili bočnu stranu. – Ne stavljajte uređaj na policu, tepih, krevet ili u vitrinu. – Ne prekrivajte TV pokrivačima poput
zavesa ili novina i sl.
– Ne postavljajte TV prijemnik kao što je prikazano ispod.
Protok vazduha je blokiran.
Kabl napajanja
S kablom i strujnom utičnicom postupajte kao što je opisano, kako biste sprečili opasnost od požara, električnog udara ili štete i/ili povreda: – Oblik strujne utičnice, koja je ispo­ručena sa TV prijemnikom, razlikuje se u zavisnosti od regije. Obavezno spojite odgovarajući isporučeni mrežni kabl sa utikačem koji odgovara struj-noj utičnici. – Koristite isključivo isporučene Sony kablove napajanja, ne kablove drugih proizvođača. – Umetnite utikač do kraja u utičnicu. – TV koristite isključivo na napajanju
110-240 V.
– Prilikom povezivanja kablova, oba­vezno odspojite kabl napajanja i pazite da nogom ne zapnete i povučete kabl. – Odspojite kabl napajanja pre preme­štanja ili rada na TV-u. – Držite kabl napajanja dalje od izvo-ra
– Redovno odspojite i očistite utikač napajanja. Utikač pokriven prašinom može nakupiti vlagu zbog čega može doći do oštećenja izolacije, a time i do opasnosti od požara.
• Ne koristite isporučeni kabl napaja-nja na drugoj opremi.
• Nemojte prelamati, savijati ili uvrtati kabl. Može doći do oštećenja izolacije oko provodnika ili prekida provodnika.
• Nemojte praviti prepravke na kablu
• Nemojte stavljati teške predmete na kabl
• Ne vucite kabl, već uhvatite utikač prilikom odspajanja iz utičnice.
• Ne spajajte previše uređaja na istu utičnicu.
• Ne koristite labave strujne utičnice.
Zabranjena upotreba
Ne instalirajte/ne koristite TV prijem-nik na mestima, u okruženjima ili okolnostima poput dole opisanih, kako biste sprečili nepravilnosti u radu TV prijemnika, požar, električni udar, štetu i/ili povrede.
• Na otvorenim mestima (na direktnom uticaju sunca), na obali, na brodu i ostalim plovilima, u vozilima, u me-dicinskim ustanovama, na mestima izloženim mehaničkim vibracijama, blizu vode, kiše, vlage ili dima.
• Ako je TV smešten u svlačionicu javnog kupatila ili vrućeg izvora, TV može biti oštećen sumporom iz vazduha, itd.
• Mesta koja su vrela, vlažna ili veoma prljava; gde mogu ući insekti; gde može biti izložen mehaničkim vibracijama, blizu zapaljivih predmeta (sveća, itd). TV prijemnik se ne sme izlagati kapanju ili prskanju. Ne stavljajte posude napunjene vodom (npr. vaze) na TV prijemnik.
• Ne postavljajte TV u vlažan ili praš-njav
prostor, ili u prostoriju sa uljanim dimom
ili parom (blizu radnih stolova u kuhinji ili osveživača prostorija). Može doći do požara, električnog udara ili uvijanja.
Nastavlja se
• Ne rukujte uređajem mokrim ru­kama, kad je otvoreno kućište uređaja ili sa priključcima koje nije preporučio proizvođač. Odspojite TV prijemnik iz strujne utičnice i antene tokom olujnog nevremena.
• Ne postavljajte televizor tako da viri u otvorenom prostoru. Može doći do povrede lica ili štete objekta koji se
sudare sa televizorom.
Slomljeni delovi:
• Ne bacajte stvari na TV prijemnik. Staklo ekrana bi se moglo razbiti i uzrokovati ozbiljne povrede.
• Ukoliko površina TV ekrana pukne, ne dodirujte je dok ne odspojite kabl napajanja. U suprotnom bi moglo doći do električnog udara.
Kad se ne koristi
• Ukoliko ne planirate da koristite TV prijemnik nekoliko dana, odspojite ga iz napajanja radi očuvanja okoline i iz sigurnosnih razloga.
• TV prijemnik je odspojen iz napajanja tek nakon odspajanja kabla
• Međutim, neki TV prijemnici su možda opremljeni funkcijom koja
zahteva da budu u pripravnom stanju
kako bi pravilno funkcionisali.
Za decu
• Ne dozvolite deci da se penju na TV prijemnik.
• Sitne delove čuvajte van domašaja dece, kako ih ne bi slučajno progutala.
U slučaju problema...
Isključite TV prijemnik i odmah ga odspojite iz napajanja u slučajevima opisanim u nastavku. Obratite se Sony ovlašćenom servisu kako bi uređaj proverio kvalikovani tehničar.
– je oštećen kabl napajanja. – je loš kontakt sa strujnom utičnicom. – je TV prijemnik oštećen, budući da je pao, udaren ili je nešto bačeno na njega. – tečnost ili neki predmet dospe u otvore uređaja.
O temperaturi LCD monitora
Kad se LCD monitor koristi duže vreme, prostor oko ekrana postaje topao. Možda ćete osetiti vruće kad pipnete rukom.
Mere opreza
Praćenje TV prijema
• Pratite program na TV-u pri umeren­om svetlu, jer gledanje duže vreme pri slaboj rasveti opterećuje oči.
• Kod korišćenja slušalica, podesite glasnoću kako biste sprečili preterane promene u glasnoći i tako sprečili oštećenje sluha.
LCD ekran
• Iako je LCD ekran izrađen uz upotre­bu visokoprecizne tehnologije i ima
99.99% ili više aktivnih piksela, može doći do trajne pojave crnih ili tačkica u boji (crvenih, plavih ili zelenih). To je karakteristika LCD ekrana i ne predstav­lja kvar.
• Nemojte pritiskati ili ogrepsti prednji lter i ne stavljajte nikakve predmete na TV prijemnik. Slika u tom slučaju može biti neujednačena ili se LCD ekran može oštetiti.
• Ako koristite TV prijemnik na hlad­nom mestu, slika može biti razmazana ili previše tamna, no to ne predstavlja kvar. Ovaj fenomen nestaje zajedno sa
porastom temperature.
• Ako na ekranu duže vreme stoje mirne slike, može doći do pojave dvostrukih slika. To može nestati nakon nekoliko trenutaka.
• Ekran i kućište TV prijemnika se zagrevaju tokom upotrebe. Ovo ne pred­stavlja kvar.
• LCD ekran sadrži malu količinu tečnog kristala. Neke uorescentne sijalice ugrađene u ovaj TV prijemnik takođe sadrže živu. Poštujte lokalne propise o odlaganju otpada.
Rukovanje i čišćenje površine ekrana/kućišta TV-a
Pre čišćenja, odspojite TV prijemnik iz
Kako biste sprečili propadanje materijala ili premaza ekrana, uzmite u obzir sledeće.
• Prašinu sa površine ekrana/ kućišta obrišite mekom tkaninom. Tvrdokornu nečistoću uklonite mekom krpom umočenom u rastvor blagog deterdženta.
• Ne prskajte TV direktno vodom ili deterdžentom. Mogli bi da iscure u donji deo ekrana ili spoljne delove i uzrokuju kvar.
• Nikada nemojte upotrebljavati abraziv­ne sunđere, kisela ili alkalna sredstva za čišćenje, erozivni prašak ili zapaljiv rast­vor poput alkohola, benzina, razređivača ili insekticida. Upotreba takvih sredstava ili duži kontakt sa gumom ili vinilom može oštetiti površinu ekrana i kućište.
• Kako bi se osigurala pravilna ventilaci­ja, preporučujemo da usisivačem povre­meno očistite ventilacione otvore.
• Ukoliko je moguće podesiti nagib TV prijemnika, budite pažljivi kako se ne bi
prevrnuo sa postolja.
Dodatna oprema
Držite dodatne komponente i svu opremu koja emituje elektromagnetno zračenje dalje od TV prijemnika. U suprotnom može doći do deformacije slike ili zvuka. (Upozorenje o rukovanju daljinskim upravljačem)
• Prilikom umetanja baterija obratite pažnju na ispravan polaritet.
• Ne koristite različite vrste baterija istovremeno i ne mešajte stare i nove
• Iskorišćene baterije odložite na ekološki prihvatljiv način. Neke regije imaju zakonski uređeno odlaganje baterija. Upoznajte se sa lokalnim
• Pažljivo rukujte daljinskim upravljačem. Ne ispuštajte i ne gazite po njemu i ne prolivajte nikakvu tečnost po njemu.
• Ne ostavljajte daljinski upravljač
na mesta blizu izvora toplote, na
direktnu sunčevu svetlost ili u vlažnoj
Operating the TV
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In Text mode: Holds the current page.
Press to display the BRAVIA Sync Menu and then select connected HDMI equipment from HDMI Device Selection. The following options can be selected from BRAVIA Sync Menu: “Device Control: Use the Device Control menu to operate equipment that is compatible with Control for HDMI. Select options from Home (Menu), Optionsand Content Listto operate the equipment. “Speakers: Selects TV Speakersor “Audio System to output the TVs sound from the TV speakers or connected audio equipment. “TV Control”: Use the “TV Control menu to operate the TV from the HOME (Menu) or “Optionsmenu. Return to TV”: Selects this option to return to TV programme.
You can operate the BRAVIA Sync-compatible equipment that is connected to t he TV. Some other buttons on the remote control may also operate BRAVIA Sync equipment.
Press to switch between digital and analogue mode.
Changes the picture size. Press repeatedly to select the desired wide mode (page 10).
Press to display the Scene Selectmenu. When you select the desired scene option, the optimum sound and picture quality for selected scene are automatically set. The options you can select may vary. Unavailable options are greyed out. “Auto”: Delivers optimum picture and sound quality which is automatically set according to input source. There may not be any effect depending on the connected equipments.
“General”: Current user settings. Photo”: Delivers picture that reproduces the texture and colour of a printed
“Music”: Delivers dynamic and clear sound effects like at a concert. “Cinema”: Delivers theatre-like picture and dynamic sound. “Game”: Delivers the best picture and sound quality for fullest game playing
enjoyment. “Graphics”: Delivers clearer detailed pictures to reduce fatigue for prolonged viewing. Sports”: Delivers realistic picture with surround sound like in a stadium.
Press to display the Digital Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) (page 16).
Returns to the previous screen of any displayed menu.
When playing a photo/music/video file: Press to stop the playback (the display returns to the file or thumbnail view).
Displays or cancels the menu.
Selects channels. For channel numbers 10 and above, enter the next digit quickly.
In Text mode: Enters the three digit page number to select the page.
In Text mode: Displays Text broadcast. Each time you press /, the display changes cyclically as follows: Text t Text over the TV picture (mix mode) t No Text (exit the Text service)
Adjusts volume.
Press to mute the sound. Press again to restore the sound.
TV standby
Operating the TV
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In Text mode: Holds the current page.
Press to display the BRAVIA Sync Menu and then select connected HDMI equipment from HDMI Device Selection. The following options can be selected from BRAVIA Sync Menu: “Device Control: Use the Device Control menu to operate equipment that is compatible with Control for HDMI. Select options from Home (Menu), Optionsand Content Listto operate the equipment. “Speakers: Selects TV Speakersor “Audio System to output the TVs sound from the TV speakers or connected audio equipment. “TV Control”: Use the “TV Control menu to operate the TV from the HOME (Menu) or “Optionsmenu. Return to TV”: Selects this option to return to TV programme.
You can operate the BRAVIA Sync-compatible equipment that is connected to t he TV. Some other buttons on the remote control may also operate BRAVIA Sync equipment.
Press to switch between digital and analogue mode.
Changes the picture size. Press repeatedly to select the desired wide mode (page 10).
Press to display the Scene Selectmenu. When you select the desired scene option, the optimum sound and picture quality for selected scene are automatically set. The options you can select may vary. Unavailable options are greyed out. “Auto”: Delivers optimum picture and sound quality which is automatically set according to input source. There may not be any effect depending on the connected equipments.
“General”: Current user settings. Photo”: Delivers picture that reproduces the texture and colour of a printed
“Music”: Delivers dynamic and clear sound effects like at a concert. “Cinema”: Delivers theatre-like picture and dynamic sound. “Game”: Delivers the best picture and sound quality for fullest game playing
enjoyment. “Graphics”: Delivers clearer detailed pictures to reduce fatigue for prolonged viewing. Sports”: Delivers realistic picture with surround sound like in a stadium.
Press to display the Digital Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) (page 16).
Returns to the previous screen of any displayed menu.
When playing a photo/music/video file: Press to stop the playback (the display returns to the file or thumbnail view).
Displays or cancels the menu.
Selects channels. For channel numbers 10 and above, enter the next digit quickly.
In Text mode: Enters the three digit page number to select the page.
In Text mode: Displays Text broadcast. Each time you press /, the display changes cyclically as follows: Text t Text over the TV picture (mix mode) t No Text (exit the Text service)
Adjusts volume.
Operating the TV
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In Text mode: Holds the current page.
Press to display the BRAVIA Sync Menu and then select connected HDMI equipment from HDMI Device Selection. The following options can be selected from BRAVIA Sync Menu: “Device Control: Use the Device Control menu to operate equipment that is compatible with Control for HDMI. Select options from Home (Menu), Optionsand Content Listto operate the equipment. “Speakers: Selects TV Speakersor “Audio System to output the TVs sound from the TV speakers or connected audio equipment. “TV Control”: Use the “TV Control menu to operate the TV from the HOME (Menu) or “Optionsmenu. Return to TV”: Selects this option to return to TV programme.
You can operate the BRAVIA Sync-compatible equipment that is connected to t he TV. Some other buttons on the remote control may also operate BRAVIA Sync equipment.
Press to switch between digital and analogue mode.
Changes the picture size. Press repeatedly to select the desired wide mode (page 10).
Press to display the Scene Selectmenu. When you select the desired scene option, the optimum sound and picture quality for selected scene are automatically set. The options you can select may vary. Unavailable options are greyed out. “Auto”: Delivers optimum picture and sound quality which is automatically set according to input source. There may not be any effect depending on the connected equipments.
“General”: Current user settings. Photo”: Delivers picture that reproduces the texture and colour of a printed
“Music”: Delivers dynamic and clear sound effects like at a concert. “Cinema”: Delivers theatre-like picture and dynamic sound. “Game”: Delivers the best picture and sound quality for fullest game playing
enjoyment. “Graphics”: Delivers clearer detailed pictures to reduce fatigue for prolonged viewing. Sports”: Delivers realistic picture with surround sound like in a stadium.
Press to display the Digital Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) (page 16).
Returns to the previous screen of any displayed menu.
When playing a photo/music/video file: Press to stop the playback (the display returns to the file or thumbnail view).
Displays or cancels the menu.
Selects channels. For channel numbers 10 and above, enter the next digit quickly.
In Text mode: Enters the three digit page number to select the page.
In Text mode: Displays Text broadcast. Each time you press /, the display changes cyclically as follows: Text t Text over the TV picture (mix mode) t No Text (exit the Text service)
+/– – Volume
Operating the TV
Text over the TV picture (mix mode) t No Text (exit the Text service)
Operating the TV
Text over the TV picture (mix mode) t No Text (exit the Text service)
Operating the TV
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In Text mode: Holds the current page.
Press to display the BRAVIA Sync Menu and then select connected HDMI equipment from HDMI Device Selection. The following options can be selected from BRAVIA Sync Menu: “Device Control: Use the Device Control menu to operate equipment that is compatible with Control for HDMI. Select options from Home (Menu), Optionsand Content Listto operate the equipment. “Speakers: Selects TV Speakersor “Audio System to output the TVs sound from the TV speakers or connected audio equipment. “TV Control”: Use the “TV Control menu to operate the TV from the HOME (Menu) or “Optionsmenu. Return to TV”: Selects this option to return to TV programme.
You can operate the BRAVIA Sync-compatible equipment that is connected to t he TV. Some other buttons on the remote control may also operate BRAVIA Sync equipment.
Press to switch between digital and analogue mode.
Changes the picture size. Press repeatedly to select the desired wide mode (page 10).
Press to display the Scene Selectmenu. When you select the desired scene option, the optimum sound and picture quality for selected scene are automatically set. The options you can select may vary. Unavailable options are greyed out. “Auto”: Delivers optimum picture and sound quality which is automatically set according to input source. There may not be any effect depending on the connected equipments.
“General”: Current user settings. Photo”: Delivers picture that reproduces the texture and colour of a printed
“Music”: Delivers dynamic and clear sound effects like at a concert. “Cinema”: Delivers theatre-like picture and dynamic sound. “Game”: Delivers the best picture and sound quality for fullest game playing
enjoyment. “Graphics”: Delivers clearer detailed pictures to reduce fatigue for prolonged viewing. Sports”: Delivers realistic picture with surround sound like in a stadium.
Press to display the Digital Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) (page 16).
Returns to the previous screen of any displayed menu.
When playing a photo/music/video file: Press to stop the playback (the display returns to the file or thumbnail view).
Displays or cancels the menu.
Selects channels. For channel numbers 10 and above, enter the next digit quickly.
In Text mode: Enters the three digit page number to select the page.
Operating the TV
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In Text mode: Holds the current page.
Press to display the BRAVIA Sync Menu and then select connected HDMI equipment from HDMI Device Selection. The following options can be selected from BRAVIA Sync Menu: “Device Control: Use the Device Control menu to operate equipment that is
Optionsand Content Listto operate the equipment. “Speakers: Selects TV Speakersor “Audio System to output the TVs sound from the TV speakers or connected audio equipment. “TV Control”: Use the “TV Control menu to operate the TV from the HOME (Menu) or “Optionsmenu. Return to TV”: Selects this option to return to TV programme.
You can operate the BRAVIA Sync-compatible equipment that is connected to t he TV. Some other buttons on the remote control may also operate BRAVIA Sync equipment.
Press to switch between digital and analogue mode.
Changes the picture size. Press repeatedly to select the desired wide mode (page 10).
Press to display the Scene Selectmenu. When you select the desired scene option, the optimum sound and picture quality for selected scene are automatically set. The options you can select may vary. Unavailable options are greyed out. “Auto”: Delivers optimum picture and sound quality which is automatically set according to input source. There may not be any effect depending on the connected equipments.
“General”: Current user settings. Photo”: Delivers picture that reproduces the texture and colour of a printed
“Music”: Delivers dynamic and clear sound effects like at a concert. “Cinema”: Delivers theatre-like picture and dynamic sound. “Game”: Delivers the best picture and sound quality for fullest game playing
enjoyment. “Graphics”: Delivers clearer detailed pictures to reduce fatigue for prolonged viewing. Sports”: Delivers realistic picture with surround sound like in a stadium.
Press to display the Digital Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) (page 16).
Returns to the previous screen of any displayed menu.
When playing a photo/music/video file: Press to stop the playback (the display returns to the file or thumbnail view).
Displays or cancels the menu.
Selects channels. For channel numbers 10 and above, enter the next digit quickly.
In Text mode: Enters the three digit page number to select the page.
Operating the TV
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In Text mode: Holds the current page.
Press to display the BRAVIA Sync Menu and then select connected HDMI equipment from HDMI Device Selection. The following options can be selected from BRAVIA Sync Menu: “Device Control: Use the Device Control menu to operate equipment that is compatible with Control for HDMI. Select options from Home (Menu), Optionsand Content Listto operate the equipment. “Speakers: Selects TV Speakersor “Audio System to output the TVs sound from the TV speakers or connected audio equipment. “TV Control”: Use the “TV Control menu to operate the TV from the HOME (Menu) or “Optionsmenu. Return to TV”: Selects this option to return to TV programme.
You can operate the BRAVIA Sync-compatible equipment that is connected to t he TV. Some other buttons on the remote control may also operate BRAVIA Sync equipment.
Press to switch between digital and analogue mode.
Changes the picture size. Press repeatedly to select the desired wide mode (page 10).
Press to display the Scene Selectmenu. When you select the desired scene option, the optimum sound and picture quality for selected scene are automatically set. The options you can select may vary. Unavailable options are greyed out. “Auto”: Delivers optimum picture and sound quality which is automatically set according to input source. There may not be any effect depending on the connected equipments.
“General”: Current user settings. Photo”: Delivers picture that reproduces the texture and colour of a printed
“Music”: Delivers dynamic and clear sound effects like at a concert. “Cinema”: Delivers theatre-like picture and dynamic sound. “Game”: Delivers the best picture and sound quality for fullest game playing
enjoyment. “Graphics”: Delivers clearer detailed pictures to reduce fatigue for prolonged viewing. Sports”: Delivers realistic picture with surround sound like in a stadium.
Operating the TV
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In Text mode: Holds the current page.
Press to display the BRAVIA Sync Menu and then select connected HDMI equipment from HDMI Device Selection. The following options can be selected from BRAVIA Sync Menu: “Device Control: Use the Device Control menu to operate equipment that is compatible with Control for HDMI. Select options from Home (Menu), Optionsand Content Listto operate the equipment. “Speakers: Selects TV Speakersor “Audio System to output the TVs sound from the TV speakers or connected audio equipment. “TV Control”: Use the “TV Control menu to operate the TV from the HOME (Menu) or “Optionsmenu. Return to TV”: Selects this option to return to TV programme.
You can operate the BRAVIA Sync-compatible equipment that is connected to t he TV. Some other buttons on the remote control may also operate BRAVIA Sync equipment.
Press to switch between digital and analogue mode.
Operating the TV
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In Text mode: Holds the current page.
Press to display the BRAVIA Sync Menu and then select connected HDMI equipment from HDMI Device Selection. The following options can be selected from BRAVIA Sync Menu: “Device Control: Use the Device Control menu to operate equipment that is compatible with Control for HDMI. Select options from Home (Menu), Optionsand Content Listto operate the equipment. “Speakers: Selects TV Speakersor “Audio System to output the TVs sound from the TV speakers or connected audio equipment. “TV Control”: Use the “TV Control menu to operate the TV from the HOME (Menu) or “Optionsmenu. Return to TV”: Selects this option to return to TV programme.
Upotreba TV-a
Operating the TV
Operating the TV
Overview of the remote
1 / Input select / Text hold
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In Text mode: Holds the current page.
Press to display the BRAVIA Sync Menu and then select connected HDMI equipment from HDMI Device Selection. The following options can be selected from BRAVIA Sync Menu: “Device Control: Use the Device Control menu to operate equipment that is compatible with Control for HDMI. Select options from Home (Menu), Optionsand Content Listto operate the equipment. “Speakers: Selects TV Speakersor “Audio System to output the TVs sound from the TV speakers or connected audio equipment. “TV Control”: Use the “TV Control menu to operate the TV from the HOME (Menu) or “Optionsmenu. Return to TV”: Selects this option to return to TV programme.
3 N/X/x/m/M/./>
You can operate the BRAVIA Sync-compatible equipment that is connected to t he TV. Some other buttons on the remote control may also operate BRAVIA Sync equipment.
Press to switch between digital and analogue mode.
5 Wide Mode
Changes the picture size. Press repeatedly to select the desired wide mode (page 10).
6 SCENE Scene Select mode
Press to display the Scene Selectmenu. When you select the desired scene option, the optimum sound and picture quality for selected scene are automatically set. The options you can select may vary. Unavailable options are greyed out. “Auto”: Delivers optimum picture and sound quality which is automatically set according to input source. There may not be any effect depending on the connected equipments.
“General”: Current user settings. Photo”: Delivers picture that reproduces the texture and colour of a printed
“Music”: Delivers dynamic and clear sound effects like at a concert. “Cinema”: Delivers theatre-like picture and dynamic sound. “Game”: Delivers the best picture and sound quality for fullest game playing
buttons have tactile dots. Use the tactile dots as references
Operating the TV
1 / Input select / Text hold
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In Text mode: Holds the current page.
Press to display the BRAVIA Sync Menu and then select connected HDMI equipment from HDMI Device Selection. The following options can be selected from BRAVIA Sync Menu: “Device Control: Use the Device Control menu to operate equipment that is compatible with Control for HDMI. Select options from Home (Menu), Optionsand Content Listto operate the equipment. “Speakers: Selects TV Speakersor “Audio System to output the TVs sound from the TV speakers or connected audio equipment. “TV Control”: Use the “TV Control menu to operate the TV from the HOME (Menu) or “Optionsmenu. Return to TV”: Selects this option to return to TV programme.
3 N/X/x/m/M/./>
You can operate the BRAVIA Sync-compatible equipment that is connected to t he TV. Some other buttons on the remote control may also operate BRAVIA Sync equipment.
Press to switch between digital and analogue mode.
5 Wide Mode
Changes the picture size. Press repeatedly to select the desired wide mode (page 10).
6 SCENE Scene Select mode
Press to display the Scene Selectmenu. When you select the desired scene option, the optimum sound and picture quality for selected scene are automatically set. The options you can select may vary. Unavailable options are greyed out. “Auto”: Delivers optimum picture and sound quality which is automatically set according to input source. There may not be any effect depending on the connected equipments.
“General”: Current user settings. Photo”: Delivers picture that reproduces the texture and colour of a printed
Pregled daljinskog upravljača
– Odabir ulaza / Zadržavanje teksta
• Prikazuje listu spojene opreme i bira izvor ulaza (str. 13).
• U teletekst modu: Zaustavljanje odabrane stranice teleteksta.
Pritisnite za prikaz menija BRAVIA Sync, a onda izaberite spojenu HDMI opremu iz “HDMI Device Selection”. Sledeće opcije mogu biti izabrane iz menija BRAVIA Sync:
• Brojčana tipka 5, tipke,
z The number 5, N,
imaju ispupčenja. Ova ispupčenja služe kao refer-
when operating the TV.
entne tačke tokom upotrebe
“Device Control”: Koristite “Device Control” meni da upravljate opremom koja je kom­patibilna sa Control for HDMI. Izaberite opcije iz “Home (Menu)”, “Options” i “Content List” za upravljanje opremom. “Speakers”: Bira “TV Speakers” ili “Audio System” za izlaz zvuka TV-a iz zvučnika TV-a
ili spojene audio opreme.
“TV Control”: Koristite meni “TV Control” za upravljanje TV-om sa “HOME (Menijem)” ili “Options” menijem. “Return to TV”: Bira ovu opciju za povratak na TV program.
Možete upravljati BRAVIA Sync kompatibilnom opremom koja je spojena na TV. Neke druge tipke na daljinskom upravljaču mogu takođe upravljati BRAVIA Sync opremom.
Pritisnite za promenu između digitalnog i analognog moda.
– Wide Mode
Menja veličinu slike. Pritisnite više puta za odabir željenog moda širokog prikaza (str. 10).
SCENE – Mod odabira scene
Pritisnite za prikaz menija “Scene Select”. Kad izaberete željenu opciju scene, optimalni zvuk i kvalitet slike za odabranu scenu su automatski podešeni. Opcije koje možete izabrati mogu se razlikovati. Nedostupne opcije su u sivoj boji. “Auto”: Pruža optimalan kvalitet slike i zvuka koji se automatski podešava prema izvoru signala. Možda neće biti nikakvih efekata u zavisnosti od povezane opreme. “General”: Podešenja trenutnog korisnika. “Photo”: Pruža sliku koja reprodukuje teksturu i boju štampane fotograje. “Music”: Pruža dinamičan i jasan zvuk efekata kao na koncertu. “Cinema”: Pruža sliku i dinamičan zvuk nalik pozorišnom. “Game”: Pruža najbolji kvalitet slike i zvuka za uživanje u igranju igrica. “Graphics”: Pruža jasnije detaljne slike da smanji zamor od dužeg gledanja. “Sports”: Pruža realnu sliku sa surround zvukom kao na stadionu.
Pritisnite za prikaz digitalnog elektronskog programskog vodiča (EPG) (str. 16).
• Vraća na prethodnu stranicu prikazanog menija.
• Kod reprodukcije fotograje/muzike/video snimka: Pritisnite za zaustavljanje re­produkcije (prikaz se vraća na datoteke ili prikaz u sličicama).
Prikazuje ili otkazuje meni.
Brojčane tipke
• Odabir kanala. Za kanale preko 10, unesite drugu i treću cifru vrlo brzo.
• U teletekst modu: Unos trocifrenog broja stranice za odabir stranice.
– Teletekst
U teletekst modu: Prikaz emitovanja teleteksta. Svaki put kad pritisnete prikaz se menja na sledeći način: Teletekst Teletekst preko slike na TV-u (mix mode) Bez teleteksta (izlaz iz teletekst usluge)
Podešavanje glasnoće.
– Isključenje zvuka
Pritisnite za isključenje zvuka. Pritisnite opet za uključenje zvuka.
– Pripravno stanje TV-a
Pritisnite za uključenje TV-a i isključenje u pripravno stanje.
AUDIO – Dual Sound (str. 23)
Operating the TV
Nastavlja se
To change the Wide Mode
For TV, Video, Component or HDMI (except PC input)
PC or HDMI PC Input (PC timing)
qh / Info / Text reveal
Displays information. Press once to display information about the programme/ input you are viewing. Press again to remove the display from the screen.
In Text mode: Reveals hidden information (e.g. answers to a quiz).
qjF/f/G/g/ Item select / Enter
Selects or adjusts items.
Confirms selected items.
When playing a photo file: Press G to select the previous file. Press g to select the next file. When playing a music/video file: Press to pause/start the playback. Press and hold G/g to fast forward/fast reverse, then release the button at the point where you want to resume playback.
Press to display a list that contains shortcuts to some setting menus. The listed options vary depending on the current input and content.
ql Coloured buttons
When the coloured buttons are available, an operation guide appears on the screen.
w; Subtitle setting
Press to change the subtitle language (page 27) (in digital mode only).
wa PROG/CH +/–/ /
Selects the next (+) or previous (–) channel.
In Text mode: Selects the next ( ) or previous ( ) page.
ws Previous channel
Returns to the previous channel or input watched (for more than 15 seconds).
– Info / Otkrivanje teksta
Displays information. Press once to display information about the programme/ input you are viewing. Press again to remove the display from the screen.
In Text mode: Reveals hidden information (e.g. answers to a quiz).
/ Item select / Enter
Selects or adjusts items.
Confirms selected items.
When playing a photo file: Press G to select the previous file. Press g to select the next file. When playing a music/video file: Press to pause/start the playback. Press and hold G/g to fast forward/fast reverse, then release the button at the point where you want to resume playback.
Press to display a list that contains shortcuts to some setting menus. The listed options vary depending on the current input and content.
When the coloured buttons are available, an operation guide appears on the screen.
Press to change the subtitle language (page 27) (in digital mode only).
Selects the next (+) or previous (–) channel.
In Text mode: Selects the next ( ) or previous ( ) page.
Displays information. Press once to display information about the programme/ input you are viewing. Press again to remove the display from the screen.
In Text mode: Reveals hidden information (e.g. answers to a quiz).
/ Item select / Enter
Displays information. Press once to display information about the programme/ input you are viewing. Press again to remove the display from the screen.
In Text mode: Reveals hidden information (e.g. answers to a quiz).
/ Item select / Enter
Selects or adjusts items.
Confirms selected items.
When playing a photo file: Press G to select the previous file. Press g to select the next file. When playing a music/video file: Press to pause/start the playback. Press and hold G/g to fast forward/fast reverse, then release the button at the point where you want to resume playback.
Press to display a list that contains shortcuts to some setting menus. The listed options vary depending on the current input and content.
When the coloured buttons are available, an operation guide appears on the screen.
• Prikaz informacija. Pritisnite jednom za prikaz informacija o programu/ ulazu koji gledate. Pritisnite opet za skidanje prikaza sa ekrana.
• U teletekst modu: Otkrivanje skrivenih informacija (npr. odgovori u kvizu). – Odabir stavke / Enter
• Bira ili podešava stavke.
• Potvrđuje odabranu stavku.
• Pri reprodukciji datoteke sa fotograjama: Pritisnite G za odabir prethodne datoteke. Pritisnite g za odabir naredne datoteke. Pri reprodukciji muzičke/video datoteke: Pritisnite za pauzu/pokretanje reprodukcije. Pritisnite i zadržite G/g za brzo premotavanje unapred/unazad, zatim otpustite dugme na mestu odakle želite da nastavite reprodukciju.
Pritisnite za prikaz liste koja sadrži prečice do nekih menija podešenja. Navedene opcije se razlikuju u zavisnosti od trenutnog ulaza i sadržaja.
Brojčane tipke
Kad su brojčane tipke dostupne, na ekranu se pojavljuje vodič za upotrebu.
– Podešenje prevoda
Pritisnite za promenu jezika prevoda (str. 27) (samo u digitalnom modu).
• Odabir sledećeg (+) ili prethodnog (–) kanala.
• U teletekst modu: Odabir sledeće ili prethodne stranice.
– Prethodni kanal
Povratak na prethodni gledani kanal ili ulaz (na više od 15 sekundi).
Za promenu moda širokog prikaza slike Za TV, Video, Component ili HDMI (sem za PC ulaz)
Wide Zoom* Enlarges the centre portion of the
Uvećava centralni deo slike. Ivice sa leve i desne strane slike su razvučene da popune
picture. The left and right edges of
16:9 formata.
the picture are stretched to fill the 16:9 screen.
Normal Displays the 4:3 picture in its original
Prikazuje slike formata 4:3 u svojoj original­noj veličini. Linije sa strane su prikazane da
size. Side bars are shown to fill the
popune16:9 ekran.
16:9 screen.
Full Stretches the 4:3 picture horizontally
Razvlači sliku 4:3 formata horizontalno kako
to fill the 16:9 screen.
bi popunio 16:9 ekran.
PC ili HDMI PC ulaz (PC timing)
Normal Displays the picture in its original
Prikaz slike u svojoj originalnoj veličini piksela. Linije su prikazane na vrhu, dnu i
pixel size. Bars are shown at the top,
obe strane male slike.
bottom, and both sides for small picture.
Full 1 Stretches the original picture to fill
Razvlači originalnu sliku da popuni ekran vertikalno, zadržavajući njen originalni
the screen vertically, keeping its
razmer horizontalno-do-vertikalnog.
original horizontal-to-vertical aspect ratio.
Full 2 Stretches the Full 1 picture
Razvlači Full 1 sliku horizontalno da popuni
horizontally to fill the 16:9 screen.
16:9 ekran.
Zoom* Displays cinemascopic (letter box
Prikaz cinemascopic (letter box format) slike
format) broadcasts in the correct
u ispravnim proporcijama.
14:9* Displays 14:9 broadcasts in the
Prikaz slike formata 14:9 u ispravnim proporcijama. Na ekranu se vide i crne
correct proportions. As a result, black
border areas are visible on the screen.
* Gornji i donji delovi slike mogu da budu isečeni.
* Parts of the top and bottom of the picture may be cut
You cannot select Normal or “14:9 for HD signal
Ne možete izabrati “Normal” ili “14:9” za
source pictures.
HD signal izvornih slika.
Neke opcije možda neće biti dostupne
Some options may not be available depending on the PC input signal.
u zavisnosti od PC ulaznog signala.
Operating the TV
Press to turn the TV on or to switch to standby mode.
To disconnect the TV from the AC power completely, pull the plug from the AC power outlet.
Selects the next (+) or previous (–) channel.
In TV menu: Moves through the options up ( ) or down ( ).
Increases (+) or decreases (–) the volume.
In TV menu: Moves through the options right ( ) or left ( ).
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In TV menu: Selects the menu or option, and confirms the setting.
Displays or cancels the menu.
Receives IR signals from the remote. Senses room light level and adjusts the screen brightness accordingly. Do not put anything over the sensor, doing so may affect its function.
Operating the TV
Press to turn the TV on or to switch to standby mode.
To disconnect the TV from the AC power completely, pull the plug from the AC power outlet.
Selects the next (+) or previous (–) channel.
In TV menu: Moves through the options up ( ) or down ( ).
Press to turn the TV on or to switch to standby mode.
To disconnect the TV from the AC power
completely, pull the plug from the AC power outlet.
Operating the TV
Overview of the TV buttons and indicators
1 1 Power
Press to turn the TV on or to switch to standby mode.
To disconnect the TV from the AC power completely, pull the plug from the AC power outlet.
2 CH +// /
Selects the next (+) or previous (–) channel.
In TV menu: Moves through the options up ( ) or down ( ).
3 2 +/–/ /
Increases (+) or decreases (–) the volume.
In TV menu: Moves through the options right ( ) or left ( ).
4 / Input select / Enter
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In TV menu: Selects the menu or option, and confirms the setting.
Displays or cancels the menu.
6 Remote sensor / Light sensor
Receives IR signals from the remote. Senses room light level and adjusts the screen brightness accordingly. Do not put anything over the sensor, doing so may affect its function.
7 / Picture Off / Timer indicator
Lights up in green when you select “Picture Off” (page 30).
8 1 Standby indicator
Lights up in red when the TV is in standby mode.
9 " Power indicator
Lights up in green when the TV is turned on.
Flashes while the remote is being operated.
Make sure that the TV is completely turned off before unplugging the AC power cord. Unplugging the AC power cord while the TV is turned on may cause the indicator to remain lit or may cause the TV to malfunction.
z The CH + button has a tactile dot. Use it as a
reference when operating the TV.
Operating the TV
To disconnect the TV from the AC power completely, pull the plug from the AC power outlet.
down ( ).
or left ( ).
Operating the TV
Press to turn the TV on or to switch to standby mode.
To disconnect the TV from the AC power completely, pull the plug from the AC power outlet.
Selects the next (+) or previous (–) channel.
In TV menu: Moves through the options up ( ) or down ( ).
Increases (+) or decreases (–) the volume.
In TV menu: Moves through the options right ( ) or left ( ).
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In TV menu: Selects the menu or option, and confirms the setting.
Operating the TV
Press to turn the TV on or to switch to standby mode.
To disconnect the TV from the AC power completely, pull the plug from the AC power outlet.
Selects the next (+) or previous (–) channel.
In TV menu: Moves through the options up ( ) or down ( ).
Increases (+) or decreases (–) the volume.
In TV menu: Moves through the options right ( ) or left ( ).
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In TV menu: Selects the menu or option, and confirms the setting.
Displays or cancels the menu.
Operating the TV
1 1 Power
Press to turn the TV on or to switch to standby mode.
To disconnect the TV from the AC power completely, pull the plug from the AC power outlet.
2 CH +// /
Selects the next (+) or previous (–) channel.
In TV menu: Moves through the options up ( ) or down ( ).
3 2 +/–/ /
Increases (+) or decreases (–) the volume.
In TV menu: Moves through the options right ( ) or left ( ).
4 / Input select / Enter
Displays the connected equipment list and selects the input source (page 13).
In TV menu: Selects the menu or option, and confirms the setting.
Displays or cancels the menu.
6 Remote sensor / Light sensor
Receives IR signals from the remote. Senses room light level and adjusts the screen brightness accordingly. Do not put anything over the sensor, doing so may affect its function.
7 / Picture Off / Timer indicator
Lights up in green when you select “Picture Off” (page 30).
8 1 Standby indicator
Lights up in red when the TV is in standby mode.
9 " Power indicator
Lights up in green when the TV is turned on.
Flashes while the remote is being operated.
Make sure that the TV is completely turned off before unplugging the AC power cord. Unplugging the AC power cord while the TV is turned on may cause the indicator to remain lit or may cause the TV to malfunction.
The CH + button has a tactile dot. Use it as a
Press to turn the TV on or to switch to standby mode.
To disconnect the TV from the AC power
Pregled tipki TV-a i indikatora
– Napajanje
Pritisnite da uključite TV ili da prebacite na pripravno
• Kako biste u potpunosti isključili TV prijem­ nik, odspojite utikač iz utičnice.
• Bira sledeći (+) ili prethodni (–) kanal.
• U TV meniju: Kreće se kroz opcije gore ili dole
2 +/–/ /
• Povećava (+) ili smanjuje (–) glasnoću.
• U TV meniju: Kreće se kroz opcije desno
ili levo
– Odabir ulaza / Enter
• Prikazuje listu spojene opreme i bira izvor ulaza (str.
• U TV meniju: Bira meni ili opciju i potvrđuje podešenje.
Prikazuje ili otkazuje prikaz menija.
– Senzor daljinskog upravljača / Senzor svetla
Prima infracrveni signal sa daljinskog upravljača. Opaža nivo osvetljenosti prostorije i u skladu sa tim prilagođava svetlinu ekrana. Ne pokrivajte senzor jer mu time možete poremetiti funkciju.
– Isključenje slike / Indikator tajmera
Zasvetli zeleno kada izaberete “Picture Off” (str. 30).
– Indikator pripravnog stanja
Svetli crveno kad je TV prijemnik u pripravnom stanju.
I – Indikator napajanja
• Svetli zeleno dok je TV prijemnik uključen.
• Treperi dok se koristi daljinski upravljač.
• Proverite da li je TV prijemnik potpuno isključen pre odspajanja kabla napajanja. Odspajanje kabla napajanja dok je TV uključen može dovesti do toga da indikator ostane uključen ili do kvara TV-a.
• Tipka CH + ima ispupčenje. Koristite je kao referentnu tačku dok upravljate TV prijemnikom.
Operating the TV
Using Optional Equipment
Connecting optional equipment
You can connect a wide range of optional equipment to your TV.
Digital still camera
PC (HDMI- output)
Home theatre system
Blu-ray Disc player
Video game equipment
DVD player with component output
DVD player
S VHS/ Hi8/DVC camcorder
Audio system
DVD player with HDMI output
USB storage media
Hi-Fi audio equipment
Upotreba dodatne opreme
Spajanje dodatne opreme
Možete spojiti širok spektar dodatne opreme na vaš TV prijemnik.
Audio sistem
uređaj sa
HDMI izlazom
Blu-ray Disk
Hi-Fi audio oprema sa
optičkim audio ulazom
Hi-Fi audio oprema
DVD uređaj
sa komponentnim izlazom
Digitalna video
USB uređaj
Oprema za video igrice
Video rekorder
+ 28 hidden pages