Sony DSC-TX1 Marketing, DSC-TX1/H, DSC-TX1/L, DSC-TX1/P Specifications

The DSC-TX1’s the professional quality Carl Zeiss 4x optical zoom (
35mm equivalent) lens paired with the “Exmor R” CMOS sensor, lets you capture clear, crisp images, even in low-light. Users will enjoy taking and reviewing images on large 3”touch screen LCD a decisive moment with fast capture of and create wide 185-degree panoramic shots as easy as press and sweep with Sweep Panorama.
Take clearer photos with less grain in low-light conditions
The DSC-TX1 features a 10.2 megapixel, back­illuminated “Exmor R” CMOS image sensor. This advanced technology leverages the full resolving power of the camera’s Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar stunning low-light sensitivity for capturing extraordinarily clear images with drastically reduced grain. Working together, the BIONZ image processor and “Exmor R” CMOS sensor also enable the camera’s extremely fast 10fps, Anti Motion Blur, Hand-held Twilight and 720p movie modes.
lens, plus gives the camera
Review your shots with the touch of a fi nger
The large 3” Clear Photo LCD Plus™ touch screen display¹ (230K pixels) allows you to scroll through images by simply touching the display.
Be sure to catch all those once-in-a lifetime moments
The DSC-TX1 can capture up to ten full 10.2 megapixel resolution images per second. So now you can be sure to capture the bat hitting the game-winning homerun, the lead runner crossing the fi nish line, and other decisive moments. The camera also uses a mechanical shutter to help reduce distortion when continuously shooting moving subjects.
Capture breathtaking panoramic shots
Sweep Panorama mode lets you go far beyond the capabilities of traditional wide-angle lenses to capture stunningly expansive shots. Simply
press the shutter button and sweep the camera horizontally or vertically over your desired scene. The camera shoots continuously at a high speed, automatically adjusts the position
of each image, then seamlessly stitches up to 100 pictures together into one panoramic photo. Available in wide and ultra-wide options, this feature lets you take panoramic shots up to an amazing 185 degrees.
Get sharper night shots without a tripod
The Hand-held Twilight Mode captures six images in a fraction of a second with one press of the shutter, combining the data from all six to create a single image of extraordinary detail and low noise.
Take clearer photos of moving subjects
The Anti Motion Blur Mode takes six images in a fraction of a second using a higher shutter speed. The camera then combines the data from all six images to create a single photo of extraordinary detail with minimal blur.
. Never miss
MP4 for PC: 720p
MP4 is ideal for enjoying and sharing HD movies on your PC, Mac can record video up to 1280x720 at 30fps. A MP4 HD fi le is a compressed single fi le format, perfect for uploading to computers and Web sharing sites like YouTube computer with Internet compatibility required.
or the Internet. You
. (Compatible
Additional features:
• High sensitivit y ISO 3200
• Find your photos using simple folder or calendar viewing modes
• Function Guide helps explain menus and settings
• Intuitive touch screen operation (Flick, Drag & Drop
• Card slot for optional Memory Stick Duo
• Includes PMB (Picture Motion Browser Software
Sony Electronics Inc. | 16530 Via Esprillo | San Diego, CA 92127 | 1.800.222.7669 |
Specifi cations
T-SERIES Digital Still Camera
Camera Typ e Slim and Sleek wi th 3" Touch Scre en Image D evice 1/2.4"(7.59mm)"Exmo r R" CMOS Effective Pixels Resolution 10.2MP Processor BIONZ
Optics & Lens
Lens Type Carl Zeiss® Vario-Tessar
Lens Constructi on
Aper ture Rang e Auto(F3.5- F7.1(W)) / Program Auto(F3.5- F7.1(W Focal Length 6.18-24.7mm
35mm Equivalency
Optical Zoom 4x Digita l Zoom Smar t Zoom / Precision Digital Zoom / O ff Total Zoom Approximately 8x with Precision Digital Zoom
LCD & View fi nder
LCD Type 3.0” Clear Photo LCD Plu s™ wide display1 (230K Viewfi nde r -
Media Slot MS PRO Duo™ media
Still Images
Microp hone / Spe aker Mono / Mo no
Intelli gent Auto Fo cus Yes
Macro Mode
Exposure Metering Multi Pattern / Center Weighted / Spot Exposure Compensation Plus / Minus 2.0EV, 1 / 3EV step ISO Auto / 125 / 200 / 40 0 / 800 / 160 0 / 3200 Backlight Corre ction HD R ­Dynam ic Range O ptimizer Standa rd / Off / Plus
White Ba lance
Shutter Speed iAUTO(2” - 1/1,250) / Program Auto(1” - 1/1,250
Burst Mode
Flash Type Built-In
Flash Ef fective Range
Flash Mode Auto / On / Slow Syncro / Off
12 elements i n 10 groups (
including 4 asph eric ele ments,1 prism
Still shots: 35-140m m / Movie 16:9: 38-152mm / Movie 4:3 :46 -184mm
10M (3,648 x 2,736) / 5M (2,592 x 1,944) / 3M (2,048 x 1,536) /VGA (640 x 480); 3:2 8M(3,648 x 2,432); 16:9 7M( 3,648 x 2,056) / 2M(1,920 x1,080); Panorama 7,152 x 1,080(185deg) / 4,912 x 1,080(127deg) / 4,912 x 1,920(127deg) / 3,424 x 1,920(88deg 1280 x 720(29.97fps, Progressive) (
Approx.9/6Mbps) / VGA
640 x 480, 29.97fps, Progressi ve) (Approx.3Mbps
9 points A F / Center Weighted AF / Spot AF / Flex­ible Sp ot AF(Touch
iAUTO(W:Approx.1cm (0.39”) to Infi nity, T:Approx. 50 cm (19.7”) to Infi nity”; Program Auto “W: Approx. 1cm (0.39”) to Infi nity, T:Approx. 50 cm (19.7”
Auto / Daylight /Cloudy / Fluorescent 1(White Fluorescent Lighting) / Fluorescent 2 (Natural White Fluorescent Lighting) / Fluorescent 3 (Day White Fluorescent Lighting) / Incandescent/ Flash / One Push
Normal / Hi-Speed Bur st(High/Mid/Low) (
Approx. 10fps at 10.2MP (Maximum 10 shots
ISO Auto: Approx.0.08 -Approx.3.0m (
Approx.0.26’-Approx.9.84’)(W) / Approx.0.5
- Approx. 2.4m (Approx.1.64’-Approx.7.87’)(T), ISO320 0: up to Approx.6.0m(Approx19.7)(W) / Approx. 4.8m(Approx15.7’)(T
Scene M odes
Image S tabiliza tion Optical Steady Shot GPS -
Multi -shot layering Handheld Twilight / Anti- Motion Blur Intelli gent Auto Yes Intelligent Scene Recognition 9 scenes
Face Detection
Motion D etection Yes Blink D etection Yes Smile S hutter Self- timer Off / 10s ec. / 2sec. In- Camera Editing Trimming / Red Eye Correction / Unsharp Masking TransferJet
Inputs & Output s
USB Yes - USB2.0 Hi -Spe ed HD Vide o Component(1080i SD Vide o Yes
Supplied Battery InfoLITHIUM® NP- BD1 3.6V Battery Life (Approx. Number of Images (Approx.)250
Weights & Measurements
Dimen sions (Approx.
Weights (Approx.
Technol ogy Yes
Technol ogy -
Soft ware
Supplied Software
Operating Syste m Requirements
Service & Warranty
Limite d Term Warrant y Limite d 1 Year Parts & Labor
Supplied Accessories
Battery InfoL ITHIUM® NP- BN1 Battery Charg er BC-CSN A/V Cable ­USB Cab le ­Multi -Con nector Cable ( Shoulder Strap ­Wrist Strap Yes Lens Cap Tether ­Paint Pen Yes CD ROM Yes
1. Viewable area measured diagonally
2. PMB requires Microsoft® Windows® XP SP3/ Windows Vista® SP2/Windows 7. Picture Motion Browser software not supported by Mac OS. Movie format is compatible with iMovie® ‘09 or later versions.
9. HD Movie mode records up to 1280x720p, at 30 fps, and 9Mbps.
High Se nsitivity / Twilight / Twilight Portrait / Soft Snap / Landscape / B each / Snow / Fireworks / Hi- Speed Shutter / Underwater / Gourm et / Pet
Sweep Panorama (
Horizontal / Veritcal u p to 185-degrees
8 Faces (
Auto / Touch / Child Prior ity / Adul t Priority
3 3/4” x 2 3/8” x 21/32”
93.8mm x 58.2mm x 16.5mm Approx. 4.2 oz. (120g) body only; Approx. 5.0 oz. (142g) ­With battery a nd Memor y Stick P RO Duo media.
Picture Motion Brow ser Ver 4.3(for Windows), Music Transfer Microsoft Wind ows XP SP3, Windows Vis ta SP2, Macintosh OS X(v10.3 - 10.5
image stabilization
© 2010 Sony Elect ronics Inc. Al l rights rese rved. Repr oduction in w hole or in pa rt withou t written p ermissio n is prohibi ted. Sony, Cyber -shot, Optic al Steady Shot, BIONZ , Xtra Fine LCD, Clea r Photo, Clear Ph oto LCD Plus, Stea dyShot, Memor y Stick PRO -HG, InfoLITH IUM, Par ty-Sh ot, AVCHD, Exmor, TruBlac k, TransferJet, Exm or R, Smile Shut ter, DVDirect, BR AVIA, Memor y Stick PRO Duo, Me mory Sti ck Duo and the Me mory Stick log o are tradema rks of Sony. Play Station is a tra demark of Sony Com puter Enter tainment. Mi crosoft, Win dows, and Win dows Vista are t rademarks o f Microsof t Corporat ion. Mac OS and Maci ntosh are trad emarks of App le Compute rs, Inc. Blu -ray Disc i s a trademar k. HDMI is a tra demark of HD MI Licensing LLC. A ll other trad emarks are tra demarks of t heir respec tive owners .
Featur es, specifi ca tions, avai labilit y, prices and ter ms of offers are subj ect to chang e without not ice. Non- metric weights an d measurem ents are appro ximate and ma y vary
3.0” LCD