Sony DSCH2 Owner’s Manual

To reduce fire or shock hazard, do
not expose the unit to rain or moisture.
alert lhe user to file presence of uninsulated "dangerous voltage" within the producl's
enclosure thai lnay be of
sulficient magnitude 1o constitute a risk <if electric
shock to persons.
alert the user 1o file plvsence of important operating and maintenance (sm_'icing)
instructions in tile literalurc accompanying the appliance.
For your protection, please read these safety instructions completely before operating
the appliance, and keep this manual for luture reference.
Carefully observe all warnings, precautions and instructions (m the appliance, or the one
described in the operating instructions and adhere to them.
Tiffs sel shouM be operated ()Ill}'h'onl tile type oI power source indicated on the marking label. If you are nol sure of tile type ol eleclrical power supplied to your llome, consult your dealer or local power company. For those sets designed to
operate fl'oln battery porter, or other sources, l'et_r
to tile operalillg illslltlctiolls.
Tiffs sel may be equipped with a polari/cd ac power coM phlg (a plug ha_ing one blade wider
than file other). Tlds plug will fil into tile power outlet only one
way. This is a salcty Ieature. If you are unable Iv) insert llle plug hilly into llle ol/llet, 1W reversing the plug. lfthe plug should still tail to fit, contact your electrician to lmve a suitable outlet installed. Do nol defimt the salcly purpo_ of file polarized plug by Iorcing il ill,
Do nol overload vvilll outlets, extensioll cords or
corn enience receptacles beyond their cupacity, since this call result ill fire or electric shock.
Never push objects of any kind into tile set through openings as tile}' may much dangerous
_,ollage poilltS or sborl o/11 pill'lS thai could res/llt
in a tim or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on lhe sel.
Do not use all[lcbnlelltS not r_2COllllllended by file
manulltcturer, as l]ley may cause bzlzards.
Unplug tile set fl'om tile wall oullet belore cleaning or polishing il. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a cloth lightly dampened with water lot cleaning the exterior ol the set.
Do nol use power-lhle oper_lled sets lle_tr w_ller
Ior example, near a batlmlb, washbowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, ill a wet basement, or near a
swinlnlhlg pool, elc.
Roule tile power cord so tllat it is llOt likely to be walked on or pinched by ilcms placed upon or againsl tllenl, paying particular attention to the plugs, receptacles, and llle poinl where file cord exits flom tile appliance,
Do not place tile set Oil all unstable cart, stand. tripod, bracket, or table. The _t may tall. causing serious injuly to a child or all adult, and serious
damage to tile set. Use only a carl, stand, tripod,
bracket, or table recomnlended by tile
Tile slots mM openings in tile cabinet arc provided Ior necessaly ventilation. To ensure reliable operation of tile sel, and to protect it troll]
overllealing, these slots and openings must never be blocked or covered.
Never cover the slots and openings wil]l a cloth or other nlaterials.
Never block tile slots and openings by placing tile sel on a bed, sola, rug, or olller shllilar
Never place the _1 in a confined space, sucll as a bookcase, or built-in cabinet, unless proper
venlilation is provided.
Do not place tile set near or over a radiator or Ileal mgisler, or where it is exposed to direct
For added protection torthis set during a lightning storm, orwhen it is lelt unattended and unused lor
long periods ol time, unphlg it l_'oln tile wall outlet and disconllect tile illltelllla or cable system.
This will prevent danlage to file set due to
lightning and power-line surges.
Unphlg tile sel h'onl tile wall outlel and rcler ser_ icing to qm,lilied selvice personnel under tile Io]lowing conditions:
Wllen tile power cord or plug is danlaged or
If liquid llas been spilled or ob.iects Ilaxe l.dlen into the _t.
If tile set llas been exposed to rain or water. If the set has been subject to excessive sbock by
being dropped, or the cabinet Ilas been danlaged.
If tile set does not operate nornlzdly when R_llowing file operating instructions. Adjust only those controls tllat are specified in file operating instructkms. Improper a¢{justment of otller controls nlay result in danlage and will often require extensive work by a qualified lechnician to restore lhe set to nornlal operation.
Wllen file set exhibits a distinct change in perlormance this indicates a need lot service.
Do not at_enlpl to selwice tile set yo/irself as opening or removing covers nlay expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards.
RelPr all servicing to qualified service personnel.
Wllen replacenlent parts arc required, be sure tile sel_ ice technician llas used replacement parts specified by tile manulactul+er that have tile same
characteristics as tile original parts. Unautllorb'cd substitutions may rcsull in fire,
electric sllock, or other hazards.
Upon completion of any sel_ ice or repairs to tile set, ask the sel's ice technician to perfi)rnl ro/llhle salety checks (as specified by file lllanulacturcr) to determine tbal file set is in salP operaling
Readthis first
Nickel Metal Hydride batteries are recyclable.
You can help preserve ollr
envirollnlenl by returlling your
used l'echargeable batteries to the collection and recycling Iocalion nearest you.
For more intormation regarding recycling of rechargeable balleries, call toll flce
1-800-822-8837, or visit bltp://
Catltion: Do not handle damaged or leaking Nickel Metal Hydride balleries.
If you have any questions abom tbis producl, you may call:
Sony (-'list(Miler hllorlnalion Selwices ('enter
1-800-222-SONY (7669)
The number below is lot tbe FCC relaled nlz_tlers only.
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Name: SONY Model No.:DSC-H5
Responsible Party: Sony Electronics lnc. Address: 16530 Via Esprillo.
San Diego, CA 92127 U.S.A.
Telephone No.: 858-942-2230
This device colnplies with P*_rt15 of the FCC Rules. Operalion is subject 1o llle lollowing two conditions: (1)This device may nol cause harmfifl interim'fence, and (2) dds device must accepl any imerlerence received, including interlPrence thai may cause undesired operation.
Declaration of Conformity
Trade Nalne: SONY Model No.:DSC-H2 Responsible Party: Sony Electronics lnc. Address: 16530 Via Esprillo.
San Diego. CA 92127 U.S.A.
Telephone No.: 858-942-2230
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject lo ltle lollowing two conditions: (1)This device may nol cause harmlul interlcrence, and (2) dds device must acccpl _my interlerence received, including
intcrlPrence thai may catlse undesired
You are cautioned that any changes or
modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipmenl.
This equipnlcnt llas been tested and lound to
conlply wifll tile limits lor a Class B digital de_icc, pursuant to Part 15 of tile FCC Rules.
Tlle_ limits are designed to pz'm ide reasonable
protccfiozl against harmfifl interlez_:no: in a rcsidezltial installation. This equipznent generates,
uses, and can radiate radio fi'cquency energy and,
il not installed and used in accordmlce wfill tile
instructions, ill,iN CtltlSe ]l_lrlllfill interlerence IO
radio colnlnunications. However, there is no guarantee thai interlerencc will not occur in a
particular installation. If fills equipment does cause llamlfifl imerlerence to radio or television
reception, which tun be determined by mining file
equipnlent off and on, the user is encouraged to
tl3' tO correct tile interlerence by one or more of tile Rdlowing measures:
Ueoriem or relocate the receiving alltenlla, Increase file separation between file
equipment and receiver. Connect file equiplnent into an outlet on a
circuit dillPrcnl hO[ll lhal to which tile receiver is connected.
Consult tile dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician k_r help.
Tile supplied interlace cable must be used with the equipnlent ill order to comply witll tile limits fi>ra
digital device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 ol FCC Rules.
This product has been tested and round compliant
with the limits set out in the EMC Directive lot using connection cables shorter than 3 meters (9.8
Tile electromagnetic fields at tile specific
Ii+cquencies may intfilence tile picture and sound of this camera.
II static electricity or electronlagnetisln causes data translcr to discontinue nddway (lail), restart the application or disconnect and connect the conlmunication cable (USB, etc.) again.
Disposalof Old Electrical & Electronic
EuropeanUnionand other European countrieswith separatecollection systems)
This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that Ibis product shall not be treated as
housellold waste. Instead it shall be banded over to tile applicable collection point lor file lvcycling
of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you
will help prevent potential negative con_quences Ior tile environment and lmman health, which
could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste Ilandling of this product. Tile recycling of
nlaterials will help to conselwe natural resources. For more detailed inlbrmafion about recycling of
this product, please contact your locul Civic Olfice, your household waste disposal service or
tile shop where you purchased file product.
A nloulded plug conlplying with BS 1363 is fitted to this equiplnent Ior your salety and convenience.
Should the filse in the plug supplied need to be replaced, a filse of the same rating as the supplied
one and approved by ASTA or BSI to BS 1362, (i.e., marked with an @ or _ mark) must be
used. If file phlg supplied with tllis equipnlent has a
detacbuble fuse cover, be sure to attach the fuse cover afier you change file luse. Never use file plug witllout the filse cover. If you should lose the ItlSe cover, please conlacl your nearcsl Sony
service slalion.
Typesof"Memory Stick" that can be
The IC recording nmdimn used by this camera is a "Memory Stick Duo". There are two types of "Memory Stick".
"Memory StickDuo": youcan use a "Memory StickDuo" with your
"Memory Stick":youcannotuse a "Memory Stick" withyour camera.
Other memorycardscannothe used.
For details on "Memory Stick Duo"+ see
page 10g.
When usinga "Memory Stick Duo" with "Memory Stick" compatible
Yuu c:m use the "Mmnor_ Stick Duo" by inserting it into the Mmnory Stick Duo
Adaptor (not supplied).
Memory Stick Duo Adaptor
Notes onthe Nickel-Metal Hydride
Charge both of the Ni-MH batteries (supplied)
belorc using tile camera for tile first time. (_ _ru_ l in "Read Thi_ ia_r")
Tile batteries call be charged even if they are not completely discharged. Also, even if baueries are not lully charged, you can use the partially charged capacity of the batteries as is.
lfyou do not intend to use the bat/cries fin a
long lime, use up the existing charge and
remove them fl+Oli]your canlera, then store thenl
in a cooh dry place. This is to maintain the batteries+ flmctions (page 110).
For details on tile usable baueries, see page 110.
This camera is equipped with a Carl Zeiss lens which is capable of reproducing sharp images with excellent contrast. The lens for this camera has been produced under a quality assurance systmn certified by Carl Zeiss in accordance with the quality standards of Carl Zeiss in Germany.
No compensationfor contentsofthe
Tile contents ol tile rccording cunnol be
conlpensated 1or il recording or playback is not
possible dtle to a nlaJ[/inctiOll of yotlr Calllera or
recording media, etc.
Internalmemoryand "Memory Stick
Do not turn ()1_ tile calnera or r_lno_e tile battery
or "Menlory Stick Duo _while tile access lamp
is lightcd, as tile internal nlcnlo W data or "Memory Stick Duo +data may be destroyed. Always protect your data by making a back up
copy. See page 30 1or the data back up method.
This cmnen, is neither dust-proof, nor spktsh-
proo[, nor watt2r-prool. Read + PrecutltJOllS _
(page 112) belorc operating tile camera.
Belore you record one-time evems, make a trial recording to make sure that the canlera is
working correctly.
Be carclul not IDget file camera wet, Water entering the inside of the camera may cause
illall/incdolls which ill sortie cases nlay 11ol be
Do nol aim tile canlera at tile sun or other bright
ligla. This may cause irrecoverable damage to
your eyes. Or it nlay cause tile mallunction of your camera.
Do not use the camera near a location lhat generates strong radio waves or emits radiation.
The camera may not be able to record or play
back properly.
Using tile canlera in sandy or dusty' locath)ns nlay cause lnalfllnclions.
If HlOiSturc condensaflon occurs, renlove it before using the calnera (page 112).
Do not shake or strike the calnera. In adddion to malflmctions and an inability to record images.
this may render the recording mediuln unusable, or cause image data breakdown, danlage or loss.
Clean the flash surlitce belore use. The Ileal of flash emission may cause dirt on the flash
surlace to become discolored or to stick to lhe flash surlace+ resulling in insuflicienl light
Notes on the LCDscreen, LCDfinder
Tile LCD screen and tile LCD finder are manulbcmrcd using extremely high-precision
teclmology so over 99.99q+ ol tile pixels arc
operational tbr eflcctive u_. However, there
may be some tiny black points mid/or brighl
points (white, red, bble or green m co]or) fllat constanfly appear on the LCD screen and file
LCD finder. These points arc normal in the
manutacmring process and do not aflPct the
recording in any way.
Black, white, red,
blue and green
Exposing the LCD screen or tile lens to direct sunlight for long periods may cau_ nlalflmcflons. Be careflll when placing lhe
camera near a window or outdoors.
Do not press against tile LCD Sclven. Tile screen may be discolored and dlat [nay cause a
hnages [nay trail across on the LCD screen in a cold Iocaflon. This is not a mallflnction.
This camera is equipped with a power zoom lens. Be carelul not to bump the lens. and be
careflfl not to apply Iorce to it.
This camera contorlns with DCF (Design rule lot Camera File system) universal standard
established by JEITA (Japan Electronics and
Inlormation Technology Industries Association).
Playback of images recorded with your camera on other equipmem and playback of images recorded or edited with other equipment on your camera are nol guaranleed.
Warningon copyright
Television programs, fihns, vMeotapes, and odler materials may be copyrighted. Unauthorized recording of such lnatel'ials may be contraly to tile provisions ol tile copyflghl laws.
The pictures used inthis manual
The photographs used as examples ol pictures in this Illanual al_2 reprodllc_d illlages, alld are llOt actual images shot using tiffs camera.
Illustrations used in this manual arc ol the DSC- H2 unless noted olllel'wi_.
Forfull useof the digital still camera
Prepare the camera and shoot images easily
Get more friendly with your camera
Shoot with your li_vorite settings (Program auto shooting/ Manual exposure shooting) -.+ page 33
EI_joy various shooting/playback using the menu --_ page 43
Change the delhult settings --_ page 56
Tableof contents
Read this first ............................................................................................ 5
Notes on using your camera ..................................................................... 7
Basic techniques for better images ......................................................... 13
Focus Focusing on a subject successfully ................................................... 13
Exposure Adjusting the light intensity ........................................................... 14
Color On the effects of lighting ..................................................................... 16
Quality On "image quality" and "image size". .............................................. 16
Identifying parts ...................................................................................... 18
Indicators on the screen .......................................................................... 22
Changing the screen display ................................................................... 27
Number of still images and recording time of movies ............................. 28
When you do not have a "Memory Stick Duo" (Recording with the internal
memory) .................................................................................................. 29
Battery life and number of images that can be recorded/viewed ............ 31
Using the jog dial .................................................................................... 32
Using the mode dial ................................................................................ 33
Shooting with manual adjustment ........................................................... 35
Continuous shooting ............................................................................... 41
Using menu items ..............................................................................43
Menu items ..........................................................................................44
Shooting menu ........................................................................................ 45
COLOR (Color Mode)
[] (Metering Mode)
WB (White Bal)
41. (EQuality)
BRK (Bracket Step)
1_ (lnter_ al)
,_± (Flash Level)
(]_ (Contrast)
[_] (Sharpness)
Viewing menu .......................................................................................... 49
_-1 (Folder)
e[_ (Print)
--_ (Resize) _: (Rotale) "_ (Divkle)
Using Setup items ..............................................................................56
Camera 1 .......................................................................................... 57
AF Mode Digital Zoom
Function Gukle Red Eye Reduclion
AF llluminalor Auto Review
Camera 2 .......................................................................................... 60
Expanded Focus Flash Sync.
Conversion Lens
Internal Memory Tool......................................................................... 62
Memory Stick Tool ............................................................................. 63
Create REC. Folder
Change REC. Folder Copy
Setup 1 ............................................................................................... 65
LCD Backlight (DSC-H5 only) EVF Backlighl
Setup 2 ............................................................................................... 67
File Number USB Connecl
Video Out
Ck)ck Sel
Enjoying your Windows computer ........................................................... 69
Installing the software (supplied) ............................................................ 71
Copying images to your computer .......................................................... 72
Viewing image files stored on a computer with your camera (using a
"Memory Stick Duo") ............................................................................... 78
Using the "Cyber-shot Viewer" (supplied) ............................................... 79
Using your Macintosh computer ............................................................. 83
How to print still images .......................................................................... 85
Printing images directly using a PictBridge compliant printer ................. 86
Printing at a shop .................................................................................... 89
Viewing images on a TV screen ............................................................. 91
Troubleshooting ....................................................................................... 93
Warning indicators and messages ........................................................ 105
On the "Memory Stick". ......................................................................... 108
On the battery charger and the batteries .............................................. 110
Precautions ........................................................................................... 112
Specifications ........................................................................................ 114
This section describes the basics so you can e_joy your camera. It tells you how to use
various camL_ra f/inctions Stlch as till mode dial (page 33), .jog dial (page 32), tile menus
(page 43), and so on.
FO_IIS Focusing on a subject successfu//y
the shutter button balrM'ay down, the camera ad usls the locus automatically
Remember to press the shutler button only hallway down.
Press the shutter Press lhe s]ltloer AE/AF lockindicator Then press the button fullydown bulton hallway Flashing _ Ill/beeps shulterbultoll
straight away. down• hilly down•
To shool a still image difficult Io locus on _ "Choosing a focus method" (page 38) I1'Ihe image looks blurred even after focusing, it may be because of camera shake. _ See "Hinls lor preventing blur" (as lk)llows).
Hints for preventing blur
HoM the camera steadib, keeping your arms at your side. Also, you can stabilize the camera by leaning against a tree or a building beside you. Using the 2_second delay self-
timer or a tripod, or turning on the anti-blur lunction may be elTcctive. Also. using the flash in dark places is also recommended.
= too much light
Whitish image
Correct exposure
= too little light Darker image
Shutter speed = Length of time Ihe cmnera receives
Aperture = Size of the opening allowing light to pass
ISO = Recording sensitivity
The exposure is automatically set to the proper value in the auto adjustment mode.
However. you can adjust it manually using
the functions below.
Manual exposure:
Allows you to a(liust the shutter speed and aperture value manually. --+ page 37
Image Brightness (EV):
Allows you to a@_st the exposure that has been determined by the camera.
-_ st_'!_5 in "Read This Fi_;_t",page 37
Metering Mode:
Allows you to change the part of the subject to be measured to determine the exposure. --, page 45
Hintsfor adjustingthe exposure(EV)
When shooting a whitish uvurall image such as a backlit su[_iect or a suowy scene
The camera judges that the subject is bright so that the
exposure is darker.
When shooting a darker overall unage
The camera judges that the Adjust inthe - subject is dark so that the direction
exposure is brighter.
You can check the exposure relcrring to the histogram chart. Be careful not to uverexpose or underexpose your subject (giving a whitish or darkish image). -+ s_¢p5 in "Read This
FirS', page 38
Adjust in the + direction
IS() is unit of measurement (sensitivity), estimating how much light an image pickup device (equivalent tu photu fihns) receives. Even when the exposure is the same, images difli:r
depeuding on the ISO sensitivity. To atljust the IS() sensitivity -...+page 47
High ISO sensitivity
Records a bright image even when shooting in a dark location. However, the image tends to become noisy.
Low ISO sensitivity
Records a smoother image. Howe; er, when the exposure is insufficient, the image may become darker.
Daylight Cloudy Fluorescent Incandescent
The colur tones are adjusted automatically in the m,tu ac{justment mode. However. you can a@lst color tones manually with [White Ball (page 46).
On "image qua/ity" and "image size"
If ins a large number of pixels, the picture becomes large, it takes up more memory, and the image is displayed in line detail. "Image size" is shown by the number of pixels.
Although you cannot see the difl'crences on the screen of the camera, the fine detail and data processing time differ when the image is printed ur displayed on a computer screen.
Description of the pixels and the image size
.[2" 3072_@ hnage size: 7M IDSC-H5 only)
_'_ 2316_"H_ mH_ I@ hnage size: 6M IDSC-H2 onl'v
[p34o s_ tg) ' _ 2816pixelsx2112pixels=5,947,392pixels
ixel @ hnage size: VGA
:>of a collection of small dots called pixels.
3072 pixels x 23(}4 pixels = 7,077,888 pixels
om 64(}pixels x 480 pixels = 307.200 pixels
Selectingthe image sizefor use(--* step 4 in "Read This First'_
Pixel Example: Printing in
The default settings are marked with _.
Many pixels (Fine up to A3 size (DSC- inlage quality and H5)/A4 size (DSC- large tile size) H2)
Few pixels (Rough inlage quality but Exalnple: An attached
small tile size) image to be sent by e-
7M (3072x2304)
Larger Up to A3/I 1x 1T'prinl
(DSC-H5 only) 3:21}(3072x2048)
Malch 3:2 Aspecl Ralio
(DSC-H5 only) 6M (2816x2112)
Up to A4/g×10"print
(DSC-H2 only) 3:2I! (2816x1872)
Malch 3:2 Aspecl Ralio
(DSC-H2 only) 5M (2592x 1944)
(DSC-H5 only) 3M (2048x 1536) 2M (1632x 1224)
VGA (640x480)
16:92)(1920x 1080)
I) Images are zecorded in the sazne 3:2 aspect ratio as photogzapb printing paper oz postcards, etc.
2) Boih edges of the image may be cut off when priming (page 102).
3) By using a MenloiT Slick slot or USB connection you can elxioy higher qualiP¢ images.
] [ Up to A4/gxlO"print
Up to 13x 18cm/5xT'print
Up to I0x 15cnl/4x6"print
For E-mail
Display On 16:9 HDTV 3)
640(Fine) (640x480) Approx. 30 Display on TV (high qualily)
6401Standard) (640x480) Approx. 17 Display on TV (standard)
160 ( 160x I 12) Approx. 8 For E-mail
The larger the image size, the higher tile quality is.
The more flames per second you played back, the smoother playback can be.
You can select the compression ratio when digital images are saved. When you select a high
compression ratio, the image lacks the fineness of detail, but has a smaller file size.
See the pages in parentheses lot details of operation.
[] POWER lamp (_ swp 2 in "Read This
[] Mode dial (33) [] [_/BRK button (41)
[] Shutter button (_ step 5 in "Read This
[] Jog dial (32) [] FOCUS button (38)
[] Microphone [] Self-timer lamp (4 Stel) 5 in "Read This
FM_t")/AF illuminator (59)
[] Lens [] Flash (_ st U) 5 in "Read This First")
[] Hook liw shoulder strap (20) [] A/V OUT jack (91) [] _ (USB)jack (73)
[] Jack cover
[] [] (Playback) button (4 stU) 6 in
"Read This First")
[] FINDER/LCD button (_ step 5 in
"Read This FM_t")
[] Finder (_ ,rrep 5 in "Read This First" [] Finder ac[justment dial (_ ste1) 5 in
"Read This FM_t") [] LCD screen (27) [] Control button
Menu on:J,/VI_II_'IO (_ st<p 2 in
"Read This FMft")
Menu off: €_/_v)/[_/_ (_ st U) 5 in
"Read This FMft") [] -%"/'_ (hnage Size/Delete) hutton
(_ step 4 and 6 in "Read This First"
[] Access lamp (_ st<p 4 ill "Read This
[] "_ (STEADY SHOT) button (_ ste!)
5 in "Read This First")
[] POWER button (4 step 2 in "Read This
[] For shooting: Zoom (W_) button
(_ step 5 in "Read Thi,r Firs't') For viewing: (_/_ (Playback zoom)
button/[_ (Index) button (4 s,te!) 6 in "Read This Fi_;*t")
[] I[_1 (Screen display switch) button (27) [] MENU button (43)
[] Hook lk)r shoulder strap (20) [] AC Adaptor cord cover
When using an AC-LS5K AC Adaptor
(not supplied) For details, relcr to the operalion malmal supplied with the AC adaptor.
[] Tripod receptacle (bottom)
Use a tripod with a screw length of less than
5.5 mm (7/32 inch). You will be unable to firmly secure the camera m tripods having screws longer than 5.5 mm (7/32 inch), and
nlay danlage the canlera.
Do not I?inchdie cord whenyou ch)se die
[] Speaker (bottom) [] "Memory Stick Duo" cover (bottom)
(_ step 3 in "Read This Fins't")
[] OPEN button (bottom) (_ step 1 in
"Read This Fi_;*t")
[] Battery cover (bottom) (4 step 1 in
"Read This First")
Attachingtheshoulderstrapandthe lenscap
Attachingthe lenshood
When yuu shuot in bright lighting
cuuditious, such as outdoors, we recommend that you use the lens hood to
reduce the image quality deterioration caused by unnecessary light.
@ Attach tile adaptor ring.
@ Position the lens hood as shown below and
turn the lens hood clockwise until it clicks.
You can attach the lens cap with the lens hood
When using the lens hood, be carelul thai the
The AF illuminator lighl may be blocked. The flash lighl may be blocked, causing the
shadow to appear when using the built-in flash.
Storing the lens hood
The lens hood can be attached in the reverse direction to slore it with the camera when it is nol in use. Position the lens hood :is shown below and lure the lens hood clockwise unlil il clicks.
Attachinga conversionlens(not supplied)
When you want to do enhanced wide-angle shots or zoomqn shots on distant o/!jects,
attach :, conversioll ]ens. (_) Attach the adaptor ring.
@ Attach a comersion lens.
For details, see the operating instructions supplied with your conversion lens.
Indicatorsonthe screen
See the pages in parentheses lot details of operation.
Whenshootingstill images
=_ p _ <_>RE_I/30" 400t-i'1
2 5 10 gOcm
_' E_125 F3,5 +2,0EV
=_ STBY 00:00:00[00:28:251m_
t. + _J I'_
PeakingLow I /
P S A M Mode dial (33) I_ Camera mode (--+ st_7) 5 in
,_SL @ Flash mode (_ st,7) 5 irl
W_T Zoolll scaling (57, _ ,_tep.5 X1.3 irl "Read This Firat' )
"Read This FMst")
"Read This FMst' )
Flash charging
The LCD screengets dim while charging. (DSC-H5
Red-eye reduction (58)
REAR Flash synchro (60)
E_ Sharpness (48) (]_ Contrast (48)
grwD:v_c Conver<on]_nsi_m
_ON AF ilhuninator (59) [] [] Metering mode(45)
VIVID Color mode (45)
Battery remaining (_ stu) 1 in "Read This First")
AE/AF lock (_ stu_ 5 irl
"Read This FMst ')
Recording mode (33, 41)
b_m,__WB_,6: WMte balance(46)
STBY Standby/Recording a movie
REC (_ step 5irl "Read This
1_6 .._ *'_ Mode dial (Scene '_ r-_' [] Selection) (_ stl'l_5 irl
_ "Read This FMst ')
# Peaking High Peaking Low # Peaking Off
2 5 10 90cm
0_ 2 5m
J_- Manual fi>cus (40) SAF M,_F CAF AFmode(57)
m m _ AF range finder frame
Peaking (40)
Manual fi_cus bar (40)
Flexible spot AF (39) Manual l_cus (40)
Macro (_, step 5 in "Read
This Firat' )
indicator (38)
atep 5 in "Read This Fit_t')
_TM I_ I_ss_a hnage size (_ step 4 irl _.._ _ _'_ "Read This Fii:st') _1 L-'_GA11_6.._ _1 and E_sMarc displayed
_ g¢_ only lor the DSC-H5.
FINE STD hnage quality (47) _1 Recording fi_lder (63)
I_1 Remaining internal
_] Remaining 'Memory
00:00:00 Recording time [maximum [00:28:05] recordable time] (28, 29)
1/30" Multi Burst intela al (48) 400 Remaining number of
_:10 _._ Self timer (_ Srel) 5 in
C:32:00 Self diagnosis display
IS0400 ISO number (47)
I_ is displayed only lot the DSC-H2.
I_ is displayed only when
tile MIIIIi Btlrst is activated,
This does nol appeal when
using internal nlemory.
memory capacity (29)
Stick" capacily (28)
recordable images (28, 29)
"Read This Fi_:st ')
ndication ..................................................................
Vibration _ arning (13)
lndicales vibration nlay prevent you [lOf/l shooting
clear images due to insullicienl lighling. Even if
tile vibralion warning appears, you cam slill shoot
images. However, we
reconllnend tbal you turn on
tile anti-blur flmction, you
use lhe flash ltlr better
lighting or using a tripod or
()tiler means to stabilize lbe
Low battery warning (31,
Spot metering cross hair (45)
AF range finder fiame (38)
Histogram (27, 38)
ga! NR slow shutter (36)
When using certain s[lulter speeds a', the NR slow
s]luller tunction activales automatically lwreduce the
piclurc noise.
* When [lSOI is [Autol,
[801 to [2001:116 second or slower
When [ISOI is [4001 to [10001, or the mode dial is set to I_ (High Sensitivity): 1125 second
or slower
125 F3.5
.............. Menu (43)
(not displayed on the screen
on the pre'_ ious page)
Shutter speed (36) Aperture vahle (36)
Exposure Value (37, s,'u)5 itz "Read This Fi_:st")
Flexible spot AF (39) Manual focus (40)
When playing backstill images
I I , 1¢:3_:oo
__2.0EV ISO400
_2006 1 1 9:30AM
I _ I°-"1OPOFI_ I _ I _ I>L
Ballery remaining (_ step
1 irl "Read This First")
O, x1.3
Step 12/16
Recording mode (33, 41) hnage size (_ swp 4 irl
"Read This First')
Playback mode (_ step 6 itz "Read This First')
Protect (50) Print order (DPOF) mark
(89) Change folder (49)
This does not appeal: when iising internal men/ory,
Zoom scaling (_ ste1) 6 i*_
"Read This First") Frame by frame phlyback
(42) Playback (_ stop 6 irl
"Read This Fil:st") Vohlme (_ st U) 6 #1 "Read
This First')
101-0012 Fokler-file number (49)
i_ i Playback bar (_ stu_ 6 in
"Read This First")
ndication ..................................................................
PictBridge connecting (87) Recording folder (63)
This does not appear when using inlernal memo W.
Playback loller (49)
This does not appear when using inlernal memo W.
Remaining internal memory capacity (29)
Remaining "Memory Stick" capacity (28)
8/8 12/12
hnage number/Number of images recorded in selected
foMer Self-diagnosis display
Counter (_ step 6 in "Read
This Fir,_t')
_C_g_> PiclBridge connecling (88)
IS0400 ISO number (47)
[] r_] Metering mode(45)
_'_) Flash
t:xmz:t{_WB@,<- White balance (46)
Do not disconnect the USB cable, _ hile the icon
is displayed.
Exposure Value (37,_ ,stU_
5 it* "Read This First')
500 Shutter speed (36)
F3.5 Aperture vahle (36)
PIwback image (_. stu) 6 irl "Read Thi,_Fir,_t')
Hislogram (27, 38)
[] appears whenhistogram
display is disabled.
2006 1 1 Recorded date/time of the 9:30 AM playback image
o__or_ = _ > Menu (43)
PAUSE PIwing back Multi Burst
PLAY images in series (41) ._D- BACK/ Select images
# VOLUME Adjust volume
Each gme you press Ihe IFql (Screen display switch) button, the display changes as
lDI (Screen
display switch) button
Histogram on
L_ Histogram display
Indicators off
Indicators on
By pressing the [E_] (Screen display switch)
btlll(in longer, you can brighten the LCD backlighl (DSC-H5 only)/linder backlight
(page 65, -_+ vrU) 5 itl "R_ ad Thi_ ,<_t").
When you set tile histogram display to on, image inlormation is displayed during playback.
The Ifistogram does not appear in the lollowing
situations: While shooting
When the menu is displayed. When recording movies
During playback
When tile menu is displayed. In index mode
When you arc using playback zoom. When you arc rolaling slill images.
During playback of movies
A large dill_rcnce in the histogram displayed when shooting and during playback may occur
The flash strobes. The sllutler speed is slow or high.
The lfistogram may not appeal" lot images
recorded using ol]ler cameras.
Numberof still imagesandrecordingtime of movies
The tables show the approximate number of still images and the length of time %r movies that can be recorded on a "Memory Stick Duo" lk}rmatted with this camera. The values may vary depending on the shooting conditions. For image size and image quality, _ step 4 in "Read Thi,_First", see page 16.
Thenumberofstillimages(Theimagequalityis [Fine]ontheupperlineand [Standard]onthelowerline.) (units:hn&.mes,'
7M (DSC-H5 9 18 37 67 137 279 573 only) 18 36 73 132 268 548 1125
3:2 (DSC-H5 9 18 37 67 137 279 573 only) 18 36 73 132 268 548 1125
6M (DSC-H2 10 21 42 77 157 322 660 only) 19 39 79 142 290 592 1215
3:2 (DSC-H2 10 21 42 77 157 322 66(} only) 19 39 79 142 290 592 1215
5M (DSC-H5 12 25 51 92 188 384 789 only) 23 48 96 174 354 723 1482
3M 20 41 82 148 302 617 1266
37 74 149 264 537 1(}97 225(I
2M 33 66 133 238 484 988 2(}25
61 123 246 446 907 1852 3798
VGA 196 394 79(} 1428 29(M 5928 12154
491 985 1975 3571 7261 14821 30385
16:9 33 66 133 238 484 988 2025
61 123 246 446 907 1852 3798
The number of images listed is tot when the normal mode is selected.
When tile nunlber of remaining sl/oot_ble images is greater lhan 9,999 the ">9999" indicator appems.
You can resize the images later ([Resi/cl, page 52).
Therecordingtime ofmovies (Units: hour: minule :second)
640(Fine) 0:02:50 0:06:00 0:12:2(} (}:25:I0 640(Standard) 0:01:20 0:02:50 0:05:50 0:10:40 0:21:4(1 0:44:20 1:31:00
16(} 0:22:40 0:45:30 1:31:3(} 2:51:2(} 5:47:00 I1:44:2(} 24:18:20
Movies with the size set It) [640(Fine)] can only be recorded on a "Memoly Stick PRO Duo".
When images recorded using earlier Sony models are played back on this camera, the display nmy ditlbr fl'onl tile actual image size.
Whenyoudonothavea "Memory Stick Duo" (Recordingwith the internalmemory)
The camera has 30 MB of internal memory. This memory is trot removable. Even when there is tto "Memory Stick Duo" inserted in the camera, you can record images using this internal
Movies wilh lhe image size svtto [640(Fine)]cannot be recorded using tile inlcrnal memory.
When a "Memory Stick Duo" is inserted [Recording]: Images are recorded on tile "Men/cry Slick
Diio >>,
[Playback]: hnages onthe "Memory Slick Duo'"are played back.
]Menu, Setup, etc,]: V]lliOllS IIIIICliOnS can be pel:|Orl/led
on images on lhe "Memoly Stick Duo'2
When there is no <<Memory Stick Duo"
]Recording]:Images are recorded using the inlernal
[Playback]: Images stored illthe inlernal memory arc played back.
[Menu, Setup, etc,]: ¥,*riousfllnclionscan be per|_lrnled
O11 illlziges ill tile inlerna] ii/elnol T.
Recordable number of still images and lime of movies in the internal menaory are as lollows.
Thenumberofstill images(Theimagequalityis[Fine]ontheupperlineand
[Standard]onthe lowerline.)
(Units: hnages)
30MB 8 8 9 9 12
17 17 18 18 22
1)DSC-H5 only
2)DSC-H2 only
The recording time of movies
(Units: hour : mitmte : second)
19 31 183 31
34 57 459 57
We recommend that yott copy (back up) data without fail ttsing one of the following methods.
To copy (back up) data on a "Memory Stick Duo"
Prepare a "Memor_ Stick Duo" with a capacit_ ol 32 MB or more. then perfornl the procedure explained in [Copy] (page 64).
Tocopy(hackup)dataona harddiskofyourcomputer
Perlorm the procedllre 0I/pages 72 to 74 without a "Memor> Stick [)lit}" inserted ill the
Youcannolmove image dat_Jona "Memory Slick Duo" 1olhe internal memory.
Youcancopy dala slomd inlhe internal memory 1oacomputer via aUSB connection between acomputer
and your canlera, bill you ctlnnot copy dala on a conlplltcr lo file internal nlelllory,
+ 90 hidden pages