reproduced, translated or reduced to any machine readable form without prior
written approval from Sony Electronics Inc.
•Sony is a registered trademark of Sony Electronics Inc.
•Betacam, Betacart, Jumbotron, and Umatic are registered trademarks
of Sony Electronics Inc.
•Z-Ring, Keyframe-LINK, Digital SKETCH, Advanced Shadow,
Digital SPARKLE, DME-LINK, E-File™, and Library Management
System are trademarks of Sony Electronics Inc.
Notice to Users
Sony reserves the right to make any modification to this guide or the information
contained herein at any time without notice.
The software described herein may also be governed by the terms of a separate end
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All features, functions, and specifications are subject to change without notice.
About This Guide................................................................................................................. 1
Let’s say your facility needs a new DME — the editors in the post division are
constantly remarking that the clients want new multi-channel effects, with cleaner
pictures and more dazzle. Let’s say that the same facility’s production unit needs a
new digital effects system for the weekly magazine now in production — some
simple moves plus a few page turns will suffice. And the same facility’s remote
unit could really use some sparkle — a certain sports director wants to fly each
replay with trails.
Three different boxes? Three different control panels and user-interfaces? How
about one, with the capability to handle all these requirements. Sony’s “DME”
series of Digital Multi Effects devices provides the answer. Both the DME-3000
and DME-7000 deliver superb picture quality plus a wide variety of effects — with
the advantage of one simple control panel, human interface, and operating style!
To assist you with assembling the optimum DME system for your customer’s needs,
this guide is divided into the following chapters:
•Chapter 1 — Features and Benefits
This chapter provides a detailed discussion of DME-3000 and DME7000 features and benefits.
DME-3000/7000 • Product GuideIntroduction •• 1
•Chapter 2 — Configuration Guide
This chapter provides itemized descriptions of DME-3000 and DME-
7000 features and options to assist with configuration planning. Two
quotation request forms are included to simplify the ordering process.
•Chapter 3 — Installation Guide
This chapter offers information and diagrams to assist with facility
engineering and equipment integration requirements.
•Appendix A — Feature List
This appendix provides a category-by-category description of DME
features and modes.
•Appendix B — Related Resources
This appendix lists additional written and visual reference material
available for further reading on the DME-3000 and DME-7000.
•Appendix C — Sales and Service
This appendix provides basic information about Sony sales, service,
emergency response, and software support.
The glossary provides a reference list of important special effects and
video terms used throughout this guide.
A comprehensive “Index” is also provided for your reference.
2 •• IntroductionDME-3000/7000 • Product Guide
Features and Benefits
DME-3000/7000 Feature Overview
This chapter provides a comprehensive discussion of DME-3000 and DME-7000
features, taking a complete approach to both the functionality and the benefits of the
system’s digital effects tools.
The following sections are included:
•The “Talent, Creativity, and Quality” section discusses the primary
reasons why production personnel will choose the DME-series.
•The “DME Toolbox” section discusses large categories of DME
features — both the basic features, and tools that operators value the
most on the DME-3000 and DME-7000.
For an itemized approach to system features, refer to Appendix A, “Feature List.”
This appendix provides tables and descriptions of many DME features.
Note that some features described in the following sections may apply only when
the Sony DME-3000 and DME-7000 are used with Sony DVS-7000 Series, DVS2000C, BVE-2000, and BVE-9100 systems.
DME-3000/7000 • Product GuideFeatures and Benefits •• 3
Talent, Creativity, and Quality
The DME-3000 and DME-7000 are artistic devices — for talented and creative
video professionals. Whether the application is post, production, or remote, a DME
effect can make the difference between an average transition and a spectacular one
— between an average commercial and one that gets attention, and gets results!
Its difficult to summarize just how important the DME-series has become to the
creative aspect of video production — from simple fixes (transparent to the viewer),
to remarkable “look at me” effects, ripe with creativity.
One thing is clear, however — the decision to buy a DME-3000 or DME-7000 is
not based exclusively on the number of tricks in the digital effects toolbox!
Granted, the DME-series has spectacular effects, including Digital SKETCH™,
Digital SPARKLE™, and with the DME-7000, Advanced Shadow™.
Granted, the DME-series offers superb system integration through DME-LINK™,
Keyframe-LINK™ and the powerful Processed Key functions offered by the DVS2000C and DVS-7000 series switchers.
These criteria alone, however, are not enough to convince a customer that the DME
is the right decision. There’s one more important factor — high quality real time
image manipulation.
DME Toolbox
Regardless of the application, image quality is the main ingredient in the DME’s
digital mix. No matter how spectacular the page turn, if the matchframe to the
source isn’t transparent — if the image quality isn’t crisp — the effect loses its
impact (and the customer can see the difference)!
Compact yet sophisticated, with a dynamic effects package backed by superb image
quality, the DME-series is the right choice — an artistic device for talented
This section reviews the wealth of basic and advanced features found in the DME3000 and DME-7000’s digital effects toolbox.
Picture Quality
The DME-series provides brilliant images and superb picture manipulation
capabilities. A number of innovative engineering and design factors make this
The DME-3000 sets the standard for Sony’s digital effects devices:
•Input Processing — All primary video and key signals are processed
in 4:2:2:4 mode with 10-bit resolution.
4 •• Features and BenefitsDME-3000/7000 • Product Guide
•Interpolation — Image interpolation uses an adaptive process that
compensates for motion in the processed picture.
•Filtering — To prevent noise, a high quality 33 x 33 multi-point anti-
aliasing filter adjusts the bandwidth in proportion to the image
The DME-7000 adds another layer of quality:
•Enhanced Interpolation — For remarkably clean effects, image
interpolation is calculated from an 8 x 8 pixel grid, one of the largest
sampling ranges in the industry. The benefit is very clear — the
greater the number of pixels sampled, the higher the interpolation
•Enhanced Filtering — Anti-alias filtering is pixel based. The
optimum parameters are calculated for each pixel according to its
position, which minimizes distortion and noise of the manipulated
Dynamic Visual Effects
Second only to picture quality, a DME’s toolbox must be fully loaded with effects,
both simple and advanced. Whether the operator is re-positioning a graphic,
designing a spectacular multi-channel move, solving a visual problem, or bringing a
complex storyboard to life, a DME must have the necessary tools at hand. Sony’s
DME-series delivers, with a full range of 2-D and 3-D tools.
DME-3000 Effects
The DME-3000’s toolbox is brimming with creative effects:
•Effect File Converter — An effect file converter is provided for effect
interchangeability between DME-3000 and DME-7000 systems.
•Basic — For the basic “bread and butter” moves, 2-D and 3-D effects
such as location, compression, rotation, perspective, aspect, skew and
axis location are standard.
•Recursive Effects — With the optional BKDM-3060 board installed,
recursive effects such as film, trail, motion-decay, multi-freeze, and
strobe are provided (... music videos are not included!).
•Non Linear Effects — If your world is looking a little too “flat,” a full
range of dramatic 3-D non-linear effects and modifiers are provided
with the optional BKDM-3030 board. These include Wave, Ripple,
Broken Glass, Lens, and Panorama effects.
It is also possible to use a second video source for the backside of the
page turn, with a single channel of DME-3000 or DME-7000. This
capability requires the BKDM-3040 plus BKDM-7020, BKDM-3021,
or BKDM-3023 boards.
•Lighting Effects — With the optional BKDM-3050 board, three
realistic lighting modes are available, along with additional shading
and highlight capabilities. The lighting modes may be applied to two
light sources on the DME-3000. (Please note that Target Spotlighting
and Spotlight modes share the same light source and are mutually
DME-3000/7000 • Product GuideFeatures and Benefits •• 5
The first lighting mode can be applied to the image prior to
manipulation, the second can be applied after manipulation, and the
third mode can be applied downstream of the first two lighting modes.
For example, in the case of a page turn:
–Lighting mode one (Spotlight) places a light on the surface of the
page, prior to 3-D transform. The light will be manipulated with
the page in a non-linear transform — as if the light is part of the
original image.
–Lighting mode two (Lighting) highlights the turning edge of the
image during the effect, and casts a shadow on the page. During
the page turn itself, lighting mode one is covered up by the
turning page. Note that this mode also occurs prior to 3-D
–The third mode (Target Spotlight) lights both the page and the
turning edge of the image.
With the benefit of the DME-3000’s lighting effects, the resulting
image greatly increases the viewers perception of realism.
The figure below illustrates the different video paths when each
lighting mode is enabled. Note that when Target Spotlight is
enabled, Spotlight is disabled. This occurs because the two modes
share the same light source, and are thus mutually exclusive.
Non-Linear In
Mode 1:
Lighting modes 1, 2, or 1 + 2 enabled
Mode 1:
Lighting modes 2, 3, or 2 + 3 enabled
Mode 2:
Non-Linear In
Mode 2:
Mode 3:
Target Spotlight
Mode 3:
Target Spotlight
•Wipe Patterns — With the optional BKDM-3040 board installed,
images can be cropped by a closed wipe pattern (such as Star, Heart, or
the Christmas Tree shape) without tying up an M/E bank on the
production switcher. The wipe generator also masks images, creates
spotlight effects, creates background color mixes and embossed color
mix effects. In addition, the Spotlight, Target Light (DME-7000), and
Target Spotlight modes can also use the wipe pattern.
With masks in particular, if you’re using a video modification such as
mosaic or posterization, you can create a mask for the edges of the
modification, position the resulting masked “window,” and manipulate
the mask within an effect.
6 •• Features and BenefitsDME-3000/7000 • Product Guide
•Graphic Display — Getting lost in 3-D space? With the BKDM-
3040 board installed, you can display graphic XYZ coordinates and
grid patterns on screen.
•Digital SKETCH™ Effects — For the artist hiding inside you (with
the optional BKDM-7041 piggyback board installed onto the BKDM-
3040), you can turn images into oil paintings and stylized drawings,
with a variety of creative beveled and colored “frames” available. In
addition, the highly useful “Color Grabber” function is also provided
with the Sketch option.
•Digital SPARKLE™ Effects — Your images will sparkle like
diamonds! With the optional BKDM-7031 board, effects such as
Explosion, Swirl, Multi-Mirror, Twist, and Kaleidoscope are provided.
DME-7000 Effects
The DME-7000’s toolbox adds even more creative effects:
•Effect File Converter — An effect file converter is provided for effect
interchangeability between DME-3000 and DME-7000 systems.
•Advanced Shadow™ Effects — With the BKDM-7070 board
installed, more natural shadows can be created with precise 3-D
positioning, perspective and depth defocus.
DME-7000 - Advanced Shadow Effects
Size ControlPerspective
DefocusPerspective and Fade
For even greater realism, shadow movement can be synchronized to
follow the light sources. Best of all, only a single DME-7000 channel
is needed.
•Duality Operation — This mode provides the ability for a second
video image to be manipulated within a single DME-7000 chassis.
The second or “sub” channel may positioned independently of the
main channel, or it can be locked in symmetry to the main channel.
The sub channel provides the following effects:
–3-D location and rotation–Bevel Edge
DME-3000/7000 • Product GuideFeatures and Benefits •• 7
The sub channel video is provided from the EXT/C input connector,
and must be an SDI signal. Duality operation requires either the
BKDM-3021, BKDM-3023, or BKDM-7020 input options. Video
effects require the BKDM-7021 board.
For added realism, shadow and lights may be applied to each video
channel of Duality Mode.
•Brick Effect — Ever try to create 3-D solids with a single channel?
It’s easy!
Side A:
Matte or
External Video
Side A
Brick Effect - External Key
Side B:
Brick Effect
Side B:
Primary Video
with External Key
With both the BKDM-7060 and BKDM 7070 boards installed, you can
create brick-shaped objects and map video and matte color onto the
surfaces — once again, with only a single DME-7000 channel! The
brick itself can be transformed and rotated in 3-D space.
•Defocus and Blur Effects — Here’s a chance to lose focus on
purpose. The DME-7000 supports advanced Defocus and Blur effects,
with reduced edge noise. The Blur can be independently adjusted for
luminance and chrominance in the horizontal and vertical directions.
•Glow Effect — For that misty-morning illusion, you can soften
highlighted areas and make them glow with both the optional BKDM-
7060 and BKDM-7070 boards installed.
•Advanced Lighting Effects — Building on the DME-3000’s lighting
capabilities (with two independent light sources), the DME-7000 adds
advanced spot light effects (providing a total of three light sources).
An additional target lighting mode provides a realistic light source
that can be added in space (as if it is originating from outside the
screen) and cast onto the background and foreground. This light
source can interact with the image location and transformation.
8 •• Features and BenefitsDME-3000/7000 • Product Guide
When the DME image is keyed over a switcher background, or when it
is used with the DME’s internal background capabilities, target
lighting provides three creative possibilities:
–In “Foreground Only” mode, lighting is applied to the image’s
foreground. The light is cast from space — when a DME image
moves under the light, the image is illuminated.
–In “Background Only” mode, lighting is applied to the image
over which the DME image is keyed. When the DME image
moves over the background, the background light is covered up.
–In “Foreground plus Background” mode, lighting is applied to
the foreground and background together. When the DME image
moves, it moves under the light cast from above, but the
background light is not affected.
You can also select lighting that tracks foreground movement, or you
can “fix” a target spot light in 3-D space that is not affected by
movement of the foreground.
•New Recursive Effects — With the optional BKDM-7060 board
installed on the DME-7000, additional recursive effects such as Wind,
Rainbow-colored Trail, Random-colored Trail and Defocus Trail are
•Color Correction — The Color Correction (CCR) process may be
applied to either the main or duality “sub” channel. By up converting
input signals to RGB, the BKDM-7021 board provides primary color
correction for gain, black level, gamma, and knee of red, green and
blue color space components.
A secondary color correction stage for luminance, saturation and hue
may be applied to each of the six color vectors (red, green, yellow,
blue, magenta, and cyan). Luminance process (Luma proc) may be
used to add color to the varying luminance values of an image.
In addition, two creative functions are available with the CCR process.
–A custom curve display provides direct access to primary CCR
functions, simply by clicking and dragging the trackball or mouse.
–An on-screen histogram provides clear indication of each RGB or
Y/R-Y/B-Y component signal level distribution.
Best of all, CCR adjustment values may be programmed on a
keyframe-by-keyframe basis, and stored as snapshots.
•Metallic Effects (ChromAlloy) — These attractive color effects add a
metallic luster to any input image. The base metal can be gold or
silver, and you can also modify the image with a rainbow of colors.
The metallic effect can be applied to either primary video or to video
provided from the EXT/C input connector. In addition, a mask
function is available for metallic effects when the BKDM-3040 board
is installed, and the BKDM-7020’s assignable frame store can also
function as the mask source.
Note that metallic effect settings can be stored and recalled as
keyframe or snapshot data.
Key Channel Input
With the optional BKDM-3060 (for DME-3000) or BKDM-7060 (for DME-7000)
installed, the DME-series processes externally supplied keys in parallel with the
video. This option allows you fly key and fill signals supplied by external devices
such as character generators and graphics systems.
DME-3000/7000 • Product GuideFeatures and Benefits •• 9
Keyframe Operation
Keyframes and timelines are integral parts of the DME-series. All effects are
created from a bank of available keyframes — 998 on the DME-7000 and 680 on
the DME-3000. Once created, effects can be stored in up to 99 registers (on both
systems). And, because almost all digital effects require some degree of fine-tuning
once they are programmed, a full complement of keyframe and motion path tools
are available including linear, spline, smooth and step. You can also apply motion
paths independently to each of the 3-D axes.
On the DME-7000, a separate memory system called “Snapshot” is provided. This
system allows you to store individual keyframes (or screen positions) in up to 99
registers — outside of effect timelines. For the immediate recall of effects in which
a single screen position is used, snapshots provide an economical and memoryefficient means of storage.
Floppy Disk Drive
For storage of keyframe and setup data, a high-density 3.5-inch floppy disk drive is
standard in the Control Panel. The drive also provides an easy method for software
Not enough hands to trigger the effect when the director points? Sony’s superb
DME-LINK is the answer! In conjunction with DVS-series switchers, DME-LINK
runs the DME timeline from the switcher, and enables specified DME-3000 and
DME-7000 effects to be run by the switcher’s fader or auto-transition button — just
like wipes and dissolves.
Over 30 basic effects are available for both single and dual-channel link-effect
transitions. These include Slide, Split, Squeeze, Door, and Page turn. And on the
DME-7000, up to 12 additional “user” defined effects can be recalled and run from
the switcher.
When the DME-series is combined with the DVS-series switchers, Sony’s
intelligent Keyframe-LINK function links DME and switcher timelines together.
All linked timelines are displayed simultaneously on the switcher’s display for easy
and intuitive adjustment of each device’s timeline.
Basic Switcher Interface
In addition to DME-Link and Keyframe-Link with Sony DVS-series switchers, an
interface is provided for controlling the learn, recall, and run functions of the DME-
7000. This interface works on switcher models from several different
manufacturers who support GVG peripheral-II protocol.
10 •• Features and BenefitsDME-3000/7000 • Product Guide
Editor Interface
To underscore Sony’s advanced systems integration, the DME-series can be serially
controlled (just like a VTR) from the Sony BVE-2000, the BVE-9100, and editing
systems from many other manufacturers. Taking control one step further, the BVE9100 system offers full keyframe control including keyframe modification.
System Versatility
With a variety of input options available, the DME-series easily handles digital
composite or digital component video signals with the BKDM-7020 I/O board.
Moreover, with the BKDM-3022 or BKDM-3023 I/O boards, both analog and
digital signals can be processed simultaneously. In digital component operation,
signal processing can be switched between 525/60 and 625/50 standards, while in
digital composite mode, only NTSC operation is available. The system is also
switchable between 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios!
Intuitive Operations with Graphical User Interface
The most magnificent effects are meaningless — if you have to be a rocket scientist
to operate them! To that end, the DME-series’ control panel and Graphical User
Interface (GUI) are designed with simplicity and clarity in mind. On the control
panel, keys are grouped by function for clarity, and the convenient track ball and ZRing™ make image manipulations a pleasure. The Z-Ring eliminates the interplay
between axes often found on other joystick-based DVE’s, and offers the extra
advantage of selectable fine or coarse control.
On the GUI, keyframes and timelines are clearly displayed and easily adjusted via
mouse or control panel. Best of all, you can display two individual windows (of
differing effect parameters) simultaneously, for accurate and efficient effect editing.
A wide variety of display options are available for viewing the DME’s user menus,
from large 20" displays to compact LCD displays.
For even faster operations, the following quick and easy “direct access” functions
are available:
•Top menu — one button takes you to the top of any menu tree.
•Last menu — one button takes you to the last menu you were using.
•Switch Window — one button switches between the windows that
you’re adjusting on the GUI.
•Color Grabber — quickly allows you to grab a color that’s on screen,
and copy it to any of the DME’s matte generators.
•Quick Enabler — allows you to conveniently add enhancements to an
effect, such as trail, shadow, lighting, sketch, or beveled edge.
Ask our current customers — ease-of-operations is no buzz-word with the DMEseries. It’s a daily fact.
DME-3000/7000 • Product GuideFeatures and Benefits •• 11
Multi-Channel Operation
You could be spoiled by the DME-series! No sooner will you be flying one channel
— then you’ll want to fly additional channels for even more dramatic effects. The
DME-series makes it possible, with convenience, and the optional BKDM-3050
combiner board.
•Up to two DME-3000 channels can be controlled and combined from
one BKDM-3010 control panel.
•Up to four channels of DME-7000 can be controlled and combined
from one BKDM-3010 control panel, providing up to eight images on
screen. In addition, the DME-7000 can access up to two DME-3000
channels, in place of two of the four DME-7000 channels.
Multiple pause points may be applied to each channel’s timeline. This allows you
to pause and manually re-start timelines as required, providing superb flexibility
when timing DME effects to external events that may not start at predictable times
— for example, an audience reaction during a show. Pauses on different timelines
may be staggered, per the requirements of your effect.
Note that the multi-pause feature is scheduled for release in the spring of 1998.
Effects Register Recall Menu
This feature provides a shot box that can be programmed with 24 effects. Each
effect can be instantly recalled and run from the BKDM-3010 control panel, or from
the user-supplied mouse.
Input Source Control
Input source control is the ability to change images on a keyframe-by-keyframe
basis or on an edge switch. DME-3000 and DME-7000 can provide input source
control through a variety of methods, for example, an internal A/B switch may be
utilized. In addition, control is provided for input source selection from switcher
AUX buses, or dedicated input routers (such as the DVS-V1201 or BVS-V1201).
An additional feature is the ability to hold (prevent the switch) of the input source
on a keyframe-by-keyframe basis.
Note that input source selection for external video sources can only be performed
from a switcher AUX bus.
12 •• Features and BenefitsDME-3000/7000 • Product Guide
Configuration Guide
DME-3000/7000 Configuration
This chapter provides itemized descriptions of DME-3000 and DME-7000 features,
configurations, and options. To assist with pre-sales planning and to simplify the
ordering process, two quotation request forms (one for each product) are included.
Note: * Keyframe control from an editor is available on the BVE-9100
equipped with the BKE-9402 option, or on the BVE-9100
Configurations and Features
This section includes two “Configuration and Feature” areas for both the DME3000 and DME-7000 products, and one common “DME Components” section.
Please note the following important points:
•Each “Product Configuration” section provides an illustration of a
fully-configured DME system.
•Each “Features per Board” section provides a comprehensive chart
of the optional boards that are required to obtain specific DME
features. Please note:
–Features are listed in alphabetical order within each category.
–An “X” denotes that the board is required for the specific feature.
–The functionality of most features is divided between several
boards. Eliminating an optional board typically affects the
availability of more than one feature.
•In the “DME Components” section, a component-by-component list is
provided of the standard and optional items that comprise each
product. All items are common to both products except where noted.
8.BKDM-3020 Digital (4fsc) Composite I/O Board
BKDM-3021 Digital (4:2:2) Component I/O Board
BKDM-3022 Digital (4fsc), and Analog Composite I/O Board
BKDM-3023 Digital (4:2:2), and Analog Component I/O Board
BKDM-7020 Digital (4:2:2 or 4fsc), switchable I/O Board
Note: customer may purchase multiple I/O boards, but only one board
can be installed at a time.
DME-3000 Features per Board
The chart below lists the boards that are required for specific DME-3000 features.
DME-3000 Features per Optional Board Configurations
The diagram below represents a fully-configured DME-7000 system.
VGA Monitor
BKDM-3010 Control Panel
BZDM-7020 Software
+ Manual
Microsoft Serial
Mouse Version 2
Note: Board "locations" as shown
do not represent the actual
chassis locations.
DME-7000 System Configuration
Standard Components
1.CPU Board, High Quality Video Processing Board
3-D Linear Address Board, Mother Board
Option Boards
2.BKDM-3030 Non-Linear Effects Board
3.BKDM-7031 (Piggyback) Digital SPARKLE Effects Board
4.BKDM-3040 Wipe / Graphics
5.BKDM-7041 (Piggyback) Digital SKETCH Effects Board
6.BKDM-3050 Combiner / Lighting Effects Board
7.BKDM-7060 Key Channel / Recursive Effects Board
8.BKDM-7070 Advanced Shadow Effects Board
9.BKDM-3020 Digital (4fsc) Composite I/O Board
BKDM-3021 Digital (4:2:2) Component I/O Board
BKDM-3022 Digital (4fsc), and Analog Composite I/O Board
BKDM-3023 Digital (4:2:2), and Analog Component I/O Board
BKDM-7020 Digital (4:2:2 or 4fsc), switchable I/O Board
Note: customer may purchase multiple I/O boards, but only one board
can be installed at a time.
The following sections describe the standard and optional components that
comprise the DME-3000 and DME-7000 systems. Five sections are included:
•Software and Manuals
•Control Panels and Monitors
•Input Boards
•Effects Boards
All items are common to both products except where noted.
This section describes the basic hardware and software components that comprise a
DME-3000 or DME-7000 system.
DME-3000Processor (DME-3000)
(DME-3000 only)
The DME-3000 Processor houses the main electronics, communication ports, all
input/output connectors, CPU Board, Video Processing Board, 3D Linear Address
Board, and Mother Board. Please note:
•The Operation Software BZDM-3020 or BZDM-3720 is required.
•The DME-3000 system supports up to 2 channels. For a second
channel, order a second DME-3000 processor.
In the “Installation Guide” chapter, refer to the “DME-3000/7000 Chassis”
section for a chassis diagram and list of chassis specifications.
Note that RS-422 interconnect cables are not provided. In the “Peripherals”
section, see the “System Cables” heading for part numbers and information. RS422 interconnect cables have a maximum length of 100 meters.
DME-7000Processor (DME-7000)
(DME-7000 only)
The DME-7000 Processor houses the main electronics, communication ports, all
input/output connectors, CPU Board, High Quality Video Processing Board, 3D
Linear Address Board, and Mother Board. Please note:
•The Operation Software BZDM-7020 or BZDM-7720 is required.
•The DME-7000 system supports up to 4 channels, two of which may
be DME-3000 processors. For a second, third, or fourth channel,
order the desired number of DME-3000 or DME-7000 processors.
In the “Installation Guide” chapter, refer to the “DME-3000/7000 Chassis”
section for a chassis diagram and list of chassis specifications.
Note that RS-422 interconnect cables are not provided. In the “Peripherals”
section, see the “System Cables” heading for part numbers and information. RS422 interconnect cables have a maximum length of 100 meters.
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