‘Sony’, ‘like. no.other’, ‘Handycam’ a nd their logo s are trademar ks or regis tered trade marks of Sony Cor poration.
Claim form
Please send your completed form, receipt and guarantee to:
Sony Handycam promotion, PO Box 100, Diss, Norfolk IP98 1SY by 25 Februar y 200 8.
For any questions please call our hotline: 01379 649 499
Addres s
Phone/M obile number
Date of pu rchase (DD/MM/Y Y)
Store name and location
Please tick the model codes for all Sony product s purcha sed:
Standard Defi nitio n:
High Definit ion:
Please tick the offer(s) you are claiming on:
£30 cashba ck as I’ve purc hased a s electe d Standa rd Defini tion HD D Handycam
Addit ional £10 cashback as I’ve purch ased a se lected Standard H DD Hand ycam alo ng with a N PFH70.CE bat tery
£50 cashba ck as I’ve purchased a selecte d High Definition HDD Handycam mo del
Free AVC HD Sony Veg as 7 edit ing sof tware a s I’ve purcha sed a sel ected High Defini tion HD D Handycam
Tick to s how you’ve remembered to include:
Orig inal sa les rece ipt Europe an Guara ntee Informatio n Document
Name of who the ch eque sh ould be m ade paya ble to
The res t of our qu estions are optional. Thank yo u in advance if you have time to an swer.
What wa s the ONE m ain reason for ch oosing to buy a Sony Handyca m?
Ease of u se Desi gn Sony bra nd Cashback offer Othe r
Which age group are you in?
16-24 25-34 35- 44 45+
How many c hildren are the re in your ho useho ld?
0 1 2 3+
Which of the fol lowing product s do you inte nd to purc hase in the future?
DVD Recorder:
Digi tal came ra:
Register here fo r the My So ny newsletter and receive al l the late st from the world of S ony Elect ronics .
Plea se read the followi ng infor mation careful ly and ti ck the box i f you agree to t he terms b elow*
6mths 12mths 18mths+ Never
6mths 12mths 18mths+ Never
6mths 12mths 18mths+ Never
6mths 12mths 18mths+ Never
Terms and Conditions
1. Customers pu rcha sing a selected S ony HD D Han dycam model at pa rtic ipat ing s tores b etwe en
the 22 November 2 007 and 24 Decemb er 2007 i nclusive may claim a £3 0 cash back, a dditi onal
£10 cas hbac k or £50 cashba ck (in the fo rm of a c hequ e). Customer s purc hasi ng a selected Sony
High Defin ition HDD Handycam model at par ticipati ng stores between the 22 November 2007 and
24 December 20 07 incl usive may also c laim a fre e copy of AVC HD Sony Veg as 7 edit ing sof tware.
All pu rchase s and mai ling address es must be withi n the UK.
2. Models incl uded in thi s promotio n are: H andyc am: DC R-SR32E, D CR-S R33E , DCR- SR52 E, DCR -SR72 E,
DCR-SR190E, DCR -SR290E, HDR-SR 5E, HDR-SR7E and HDR-S R8E. Bat tery model includes : NPFH70.
3. To claim your £ 30 cas hback , addit ional £10 cashback or £50 ca shba ck (in the form of a che que)
plea se send yo ur comp leted cla im form, c learl y statin g who the cheque s hould b e made payable to,
toget her w ith your ori ginal sales rec eipt(s) and Europea n Guarantee I nfor mati on Doc ument to:
Sony Ha ndycam p romotio n, PO Box 10 0, Diss, Norfolk IP98 1SY.
4. To rece ive your free copy of AVC HD Sony Veg as 7 editing sof tware p lease s end your complete d claim
form, to gether w ith your o rigin al sale s receipt (s) and Europea n Guarantee Infor mation Docume nt to:
Sony Ha ndycam p romotio n, PO Box 10 0, Diss, Norfolk IP98 1SY.
ACCEPTED A FTER TH IS DATE. (If th e purcha se was via a credit agreement, pleas e suppl y a copy of the
agree ment as we ll as the s ales rec eipt.)
6. The cas hbac k is not avai labl e on product whic h has n ot bee n sup plied and dist ribu ted by
Sony Unite d Kin gdom Limi ted within t he UK and Re publ ic of I reland. Pl ease check with your
deal er to ensu re your Handycam is eligi ble before purcha sing to avoid dis appoi ntment.
7. Your origi nal sales receipt and E urope an Guarante e Info rmat ion Document will be return ed to you
with your cheque.
8. Shou ld you have a ny queri es on your a pplication , pleas e phone t he Sony Hot line on: 01379 649499.
9. O nly ori gin al c lai m for ms w ill be ac cept ed. W e sugges t you mak e cop ies of all do cum ents before
posting them and send claim s via sig ned for po st.
10. P roof of po sti ng w ill not b e acc epte d as proo f of re cei pt. No res pon sib ili ty c an be acc epte d for
clai m forms lo st, dama ged or de layed in t ransi t.
11. I llegible or a ltered claim form s will be d eemed vo id, as will claim forms n ot compl eted in accordance
with these Term s and Conditions.
12. P lease all ow 28 days for recei pt of you r che que. S houl d your cheque not a rrive, or sh ould there be
a probl em with yo ur cheque on recei pt please call the hotline on: 01379 649499.
13. There i s no credi t altern ative to th is offer.
14. E mployee s of Sony Un ited Kin gdom Li mited, t heir ag ents, their fam ily and a nyone con nected a re not
elig ible to pa rtic ipate in t his prom otion.
15. All in structions g iven within thi s leaflet a nd clai m form are part of these Terms a nd Cond ition s.
16. B y claim ing the £ 30 cas hback , additional £10 cashbac k, £50 cashb ack or free AVC HD Sony Vegas 7
editing sof tware, applica nts wil l be deem ed to have rea d and acce pted these terms a nd conditions .
Sony United Kingdom Limited, The Heights, Brooklands, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 0XW.
Plea se do not send claim forms to th is add ress)
Get up to £50 cashback
on selected Handycam models
Ready when you are.
Capture life.
Sign ature
Email addres s
*This Agreement to use pe rsonal data is between you and S ony e-So lution s Europ e B.V. in Th e Nethe rlands , who ad ministe rs person al data
colle cted by So ny group com panies in Europe. Th e perso nal data provided (“Pe rsonal Data ”) may b e used b y Sony e -Solution s Europe B.V.
and other So ny gro up c ompani es wo rldwide (together, “Sony”) to ad vise of, offer and s upply g oods and ser vices fo r othe r ma rketing
purpo ses, an d for addi tional purpose s described in the ter ms of sal e and/or use relatin g to your tra nsactio n (if any). T his Pers onal Data will
assi st Sony in its effort s to furt her improv e product s and ser vices. On you r request to Sony e- Soluti ons Europ e B.V. you r Person al Data sto red
will be provi ded, corrected, amended or delete d (as required by law). For qu estion s, e -mail us at: privacy@eu. sony.com or call th e Sony
ANY PERSONAL DATA.For more information on the privacy statement visit: http://www.sony.co.uk/pages/privacy/Privacy_statement_en_GB
*Promotion runs from 22 November until 24 December 20 07. Terms and Conditions apply.
Subject to ava ilability. Selected Handycam models only, please check in-store for detail s.
Cashback paid by cheque via redemption.

Pick up a Sony HDD Handycam
Standard Definition or High Definition,
Capture everything.
and claim up to £50 Cashback
Holding on to your memories is easy with a Sony HDD Handycam.
Pick one up today, capture every moment and claim up to £50 cashback.
Choose a simple to use, high quality Sony HDD Handycam to shoot and
watch your autumn adventures. All our models deliver the kind of quality
and ease of use that you’d expect from a Sony Handycam.
You also have the opportunity to receive a FREE AVC HD editing software
when you purchase selected High Definition Handycam models. Whether
you’re a beginner or an advanced user; Sony Vegas editing software 7 offers
you an easy learning curve while maintaining the integrity and power of a
professional editing suite.
£30 cashba ck* When you purchase se lected Standard
Additional £10
£50 cashback and
Vegas 7
editing software*
Definition HD D Handycam camco rders
When you purchase selected Standard
Definition HD D Handycam camco rders
and a selected ba ttery together in a
sing le transactio n
When you purchase selected High
Definition HD D Handycam camco rders
DCR-SR72E, DCR-SR190E an d the DCR-2 90E
DCR-SR72E, DCR-SR190E an d the DCR-2 90E
Battery mod el: NPFH70.CE
HDR- SR5E, H DR-S R7E and the HDR-SR8E
we’ve the right Handycam for you
Sony HDD Handycam models are available in both Standard Definition
and High Definition models. So however you wish to relive your memories,
there’s a Sony Handycam to suit you.
Standard Definition
With a Standard Definition (SD) Sony HDD Handycam, your memories
will be captured with the same quality that you’ve been watching
on TV for years. Delivering great results when played back on your SD TV.
High Definition
Pick a High Definition (HD) Sony HDD Handycam, record and replay
your favourite moments with up to four times more detail and clarity.
HD standard technology uses 720 lines to improve picture quality.
However, market leaders Sony use HD1080 (1080 lines) AVC HD recording.
The future of home entertainment.
Keep the best bits
You’ll get the versatility of recording onto a built-in hard drive and editing
movies in camera as well as on your PC. It’s up to you. At the heart of all
of our HDD Handycam models is a massive built-in hard drive, so you can
just keep shooting, capturing everything directly on to the Hard Disk Drive.
And because it’s HDD, connecting to your PC is simple – you can back
up movies, burn DVDs with one touch and edit your own movies either
on the camera or on your PC. It can even synchronise with your PC
automatically, detecting any new files and backing them up*. Easy.
We’ve also created Visual Index and Easy Search to make sure you
can find the shots you want easily, and without having to trawl through
hours of footage.
*Plea se refer to instruction ma nual for f ull com patib ilit y instr uction s
How to claim your cashback
To claim up to £50 cashback, simply fill in your details overleaf then post
it to us by 25 February 2008. We’ll also need you to include your original
sales receipt and European Guarantee Information Document, which
we’ll return when we send you your cheque.
*Via redemption