Sony Built-In AIT User Manual

Built-In AIT for AIT-1 Turbo (IDE)
User’s Guide
• Make sure you read this manual before using the product. After reading this manual carefully, store it in a safe place.
Microsoft and the Microsoft logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Advanced Intelligent Tape is a trademark of the Sony Corporation.
The company and product names contained in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies.
Windows 2000 is an abbreviation for Microsoft
Windows® 2000 Professional, Microsoft
Windows® 2000 Server, and Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Advanced Server.
Windows XP is an abbreviation for Microsoft® Windows® XP Professional and Microsoft Windows® XP Home Edition.
Windows Server 2003 is an abbreviation for Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003 Standard Edition, Microsoft Server™ 2003 Datacenter Edition, and Microsoft
Windows Server™ 2003 Enterprise Edition, Microsoft® Windows
Windows Server™ 2003 Web Edition.
All names used in the sample applications are fictitious. They have no relation with any product, party or individual names.
Für kunden in Deutshland
Diese Ausrüstung erfüllt die Europäischen EMC-Bestimmungen für die Verwendung in folgender / folgenden Umgebung(en):
• Wohngegenden
• Gewerbegebiete
• Leichtindustriegebiete (Diese Ausrüstung erfüllt die Bestimmungen der Norm EN55022, Klasse B.)
(1) Reproduction of this document or portions thereof without prior approval is prohibited. (2) The information contained in this document is subject to change at any time, without
prior notice. (3) Reprinting or changing of this document without prior approval is prohibited. (4) All efforts have been made to ensure that the contents of this manual are correct;
however, should any doubts arise, or errors or missed entries be detected, it would
be greatly appreciate it if our dealers are informed about it. (5) Please note that in no event the vendor be liable for any damages whatever arising
out of the use of this device, regardless of item (4) above.
2 Safety Consideration
Keep this User’s Guide at hand for quick reference at anytime necessary.

Safety Considerations - Must Read -

Follow the instructions given in this User’s Guide for proper operations and safe use of the device.


This User’s Guide describes the device components with possible danger, hazards and preventive actions against such hazards. In the User’s Guide or warning labels, “WARN­ING” or “CAUTION” is used to indicate a degree of danger. These terms are defined as follows:
Failure to heed this sign could result in serious
Precautions and notices against hazards are presented with one of the follow-ing three symbols. The individual symbols are defined as follows:
injury or death.
Failure to heed this sign could result in personal injury or damage to properties.
Prohibited Action
Mandatory Action
This symbol indicates the presence of a hazard if the instruction is ignored. An image in the symbol illustrates the hazard type.
This symbol indicates prohibited actions. An image in the symbol illustrates a particular prohibited action.
This symbol indicates mandatory actions. An image in the symbol illustrates a mandatory action to avoid a particular hazard.
Safety Consideration 3
(Electric shock) (sample)
(Do not disassemble)
(Disconnect the power cord)
A symbol for arousing attention
A content of possible danger
A term indicating a hazard level
Do not install the device while the power is turned on.
Unplug the Power cord from the main power source when installing/ uninstalling the device to/from basic processing unit or connect it with the enclosure. Failure to follow this warning may cause an electric shock.


Indicates that improper use may cause an electric shock.
Indicates that improper use may cause fingers to be caught.
Indicates that improper use may cause personal injury.
Indicates that improper use may cause fumes or fire.
Indicates a general notice or warning that cannot be specifically identified.
Prohibited Action
Indicates a general prohibited action or warning that cannot be specifically identified.
Mandatory Action
Unplug the power cord. Otherwise, an electric shock or fire may be caused.
4 Safety Consideration
Do not disassemble, repair, or modify the device. Otherwise, an electric shock or fire may be caused.
Indicates a general mandatory action or warning that cannot be specifically identified.


This section provides several precautions to enable you to use the product safely and correctly and to prevent injury and property damage. Read this section carefully to ensure proper and safe use of the product. For symbols, see “SAFETY INDICATIONS” provided earlier.
General Attention
Do not use in life-critical applications or applications requiring high reliability.
This device is not intended for integration with or control of facilities or equipment that may affect human life or that require a high degree of reliability, such as medical equipment, nuclear power facilities, aerospace instruments, and transportation equipment. The manufacturer does not assume any liability for accidents resulting in injury or death, or for any damages to property that may occur as a result of using this device in such facilities, equipment, or control systems.
Do not use the Built-in AIT if any smoke, odor, or noise is present.
If smoke, odor, or noise is present, immediately turn off the POWER switch and disconnect the power plug from the outlet, then contact your sales agent. Using the Built-in AIT in such conditions may cause a fire.
Keep needles or metal objects away from the Built-in AIT.
Do not insert needles or metal objects into ventilation holes in the Built-in AIT. Failure to follow this warning may cause an electric shock.
Keep water or foreign matter away from the Built-in AIT.
Do not let any kind of liquid (water etc.) or foreign matter (e.g.,pins or paper clips) enter the Built-in AIT. Failure to follow this warning may cause an electric shock, a fire, or a failure of the Built-in AIT. When such things accidentally enter the Built-in AIT, immediately turn off the power and disconnect the power plug from the outlet. Do not disassemble the Built-in AIT. Contact your sales agent.
Safety Consideration 5
Attention to Power or Power Cord
Do not hold the DC cable with a wet hand.
Do not disconnect/connect the cable while your hands are wet. Failure to follow this warning may cause an electric shock.
Do not install the device while the power is turned on.
Unplug the Power cord from the main power source when installing/ uninstalling the device to/from basic processing unit or connect it with the enclosure. Failure to follow this warning may cause an electric shock.
Insert the DC cable into the outlet as far as it goes.
Heat generation resulting from a halfway inserted DC cable (imperfect contact) may cause a fire. Heat will also be generated if condensation is formed on dusty blades of the halfway inserted cable, increasing the possibility of a fire.
Do not connect the Built-in AIT by unspecified cabling.
Connecting or cabling with DC cable should be done in accordance with the procedure specified in the User’s Guide. Unspecified connecting or cabling may cause an electric shock or a fire.
Do not use any damaged power cord.
If the power cord is damaged, immediately replace it with a new part of same type. Do not repair the damaged section for reuse. Otherwise, the section repaired with vinyl tape or the like will be overheated to cause an electric shock or a fire.
Use the authorized cable only.
Use only the specified cable when connecting the Built-in AIT with a basic processing unit. Use of an unspecified cable or connection by unspecified cabling may cause a fire.
6 Safety Consideration
Attention to Installing, Moving, Storing, Connection
Do not close the ventilation hole.
Do not close the ventilation hole in the front side of the Built-in AIT. Otherwise, Its internal temperature will rise to cause malfunctions or a fire.
Do not connect/disconnect the interface cables before unplugging the power plug.
Before connecting/disconnecting the interface cables, disconnect the power plug of the main power unit from the outlet. If the power is off but the power plug is still connected, you may get an electric shock.
Do not use the unspecified interface cables.
Use only the cable authorized and locate the device and connector before connection. Use of an unauthorized cable or displaced connection may cause a short circuit, resulting in a fire.
When handling or connecting the interface cables, keep the notes as follows:
• Do not tread on cables.
• Do not load on the cable.
• Insert the cable connector as far as it goes.
• Do not use damaged cables.
• Do not use damaged connectors.
• Make sure that screwing or the like be done firmly.
Do not use or store this product in corrosive environment.
Avoid the usage or storage of this product in an environment which may be exposed to corrosive gases, such as those including but not limited to : sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen dioxide, chlorine, ammonia and/or ozone. Avoid installing this product in a dusty environment or one that may be exposed to corrosive materials such as sodium chloride and/or sulfur. Avoid installing this product in an environment which may have excessive metal flakes or conductive particles in the air. Such environments may cause corrosion or short circuits within this product, resulting in not only damage to this product, but may even lead to be a fire hazard. If there are any concerns regarding the environment at the planned site of installation or storage, please contact your sales agent.
Safety Consideration 7
High temperature
Immediately after the server is powered off, its internal components such as hard disks are very hot. Leave the server until its internal components fully cool down before installing/ removing any component.
Attention to Handling or Maintenance
Do not disassemble, repair, or alter the Built-in AIT.
Never attempt to disassemble, repair, or alter the Built-in AIT on any occasion other than described in this User’s Guide. Failure to follow this instruction may cause an electric shock or a fire as well as malfunctions of the Built-in AIT.
The following can be performed by the Built-in AIT user. Do not perform any other type of disassembly than described here.
• Remove or install brackets
• Remove or install the DC signal cable
Do not handle while the power plug is connected.
Before handling or cleaning the Built-in AIT, disconnect the power plug of the main power unit from the outlet. If the power is off but the power plug is still connected, you may get an electric shock.
Insert the cables into the connectors as far as it goes.
Heat generation resulting from a halfway inserted cables or Interface cables (imperfect contact) may cause a fire. Heat will also be generated if condensation is formed on dusty blades of the halfway inserted cable, increasing the possibility of a fire.
8 Safety Consideration
Attention to Operation
Do not insert your hands into the cartridge load compartment.
Do not insert your hands into the cartridge load compartment. Otherwise, the fingers will be caught/pinched by the Built-in AIT to cause an injury.
Do not touch the Built-in AIT when it thunders.
If it starts thundering, do not touch any part of the Built-in AIT. Failure to follow this warning may cause an electric shock or a fire.
Keep away pets.
Keep away pets from the Built-in AIT. Insertion their hair or excrements may cause a fire or an electric shock.
Do not use a cellular phone or a pager
Tu rn off the power of the cellular phone or a pager. Otherwise, malfunction may be caused.
Safety Consideration 9

For Correct Operation

To operate the Built-In AIT correctly, observe the following points. For considerations on handling the AIT data cartridge, refer to the chapter “AIT Data Cartridge”.
• Set the Built-In AIT’s jumper so that it will not duplicate with the jumper of other IDE
equipment. Otherwise, an operation error will occur.
• Do not turn off the basic processing unit when the TAPE MOTION LED on the front of
the Built-In AIT is blinking. This may cause a machine failure or damage of backup data.
• Do not store the Built-In AIT in a place subject to corrosive gas, chemicals or splash of
chemicals. A Built-In AIT part may be deformed or damaged and may not be able to operate
• Do not store the Built-In AIT in a place subject to strong vibrations.
This may cause a machine failure.
• As the data cartridge set in the Built-In AIT, use our “AIT Data Cartridge” (models: AIT-
1, AIT-1 Turbo). If you use a data cartridge of other manufacturer, a read/write error may occur.
• Clean the Built-In AIT on a regular basis.
For details about cleaning the Built-In AIT, see “Cleaning” (page 42).
• When cleaning the Built-In AIT, use our “AIT Cleaning Cartridge”.
If you use a cleaner of other manufacturer, a machine failure may occur.
• Do not transport the Built-In AIT with a data cartridge inserted.
Shocks may damage the Built-In AIT and/or data cartridge.
• Eject the data cartridge when you are done performing a backup.
This may shorten the operational life of the data cartridge and/or cause malfunc-
10 Safety Consideration

Organization of the User's Guide

The User's Guide function as a guide that enables you to set up and use the Built-In AIT correctly. You can refer to this manual whenever you encounter a question or problem during setup and daily operation.
The User's Guide consists of two chapters: the first covers the considerations on the safe use of the Built-In AIT (setup, daily operation and maintenance) and the second covers the considerations on the safe use of the AIT data cartridge available on the Built-In AIT (operation and maintenance).

Order of priority when the Built-In AIT is used for the first time

When the Built-In AIT is being used first time, refer to the User's Guide in the following sequence to perform the setup after unpacking the driver.
1. Check the contents in the package................ Package Contents (→P. 14)
2. Learn the operational precaution. .................. Safety Consideration ( P. 3 to 9)
3. Learn the parts of the Built-In AIT .................
4. Set before installation. ................................... Setup (→ P. 20 to 23)
5. Mount the drive in the basic processing unit. Setup (→ P. 24 to 26)
6. Install the tape driver.
7. Learn how to handle the cartridge ................ AIT Data Cartridge ( P. 44 to 49)
8. Set the cartridge. ........................................... Handling ( P. 38 to 41)
9. Check the LED indication. ............................. Handling ( P. 41)
10. Clean the Built-In AIT..................................... Cleaning (→ P. 42 to 43)
Part Name and Function ( P. 18 to 19)
Installing the tape driver ( P. 27 to 36)
Only necessary when using the Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003 standard backup feature.
For details on data storage methods and settings, such as data save format, refer to the instruction manual provided with the backup software.
Safety Consideration 11

Symbols Used in This Text

The following symbols are used in this text to indicate cautions and notes concerning the operation of this device. (Refer to the beginning of this document for an explanation of the symbols used for safety-related cautions.)
This symbol indicates important information concerning the handling of the device or the operation of the software.
Indicates useful information and operational help.
12 Safety Consideration


Transfer to a third party

If you transfer or sell the Built-In AIT to a third party, make sure that the transfer or sale satisfies the following. When you transfer or sell the Built-In AIT, be sure to include the instruction manual.
Other accessories
Accessories accompanying the Built-In AIT are necessary during setup and other proce­dures, therefore be sure to include them.
Data on tape It is the responsibility of the transferring or selling party to dispose of important data stored on
tape (such as sales forecasts or budgets) to avoid divulging it to a third party. To this end, we strongly recommend that you dispose of all backed up data through your backup software before transferring or selling the unit. For details about how to perform this operation, refer to your backup software documentation. The vendor does not accept responsibility for information leaks to third parties.
Supplied software
When you transfer or sell the Built-In AIT, make sure that you include all the software supplied with the unit and do not keep any copies of said software. Also, make sure that the transfer satisfies the conditions specified in each supplied software user license agreement.

Disposal of consumed parts and equipment

For the disposal of the Built-In AIT and its cartridge, observe the waste disposal rules of your local government. For details, contact the local government office.

Product life

The life of the Built-In AIT is five years.
Safety Consideration 13

Package Contents

Many accessories are included with the Built-In AIT. Verify the packed contents with the part list given below and ensure that all the components and parts are present. Also, check that each item is undamaged. If a component or part is missing or damaged, contact your dealer.
The brackets (2) are shipped screwed (4).
Cleaning cartridge
Instructions on handling the AIT unit
Screws (4)
* Only use when
installing the device on the basic processing unit.
Startup Guide
CD (User’s Guide, Device driver)
• Locking parts contained in the package or box will be required when removing the Built-In AIT for transportation. Store them securely.
• Depending on the environment connected to, some parts may not be usable. However, when the environment is changed, these parts may become usable, therefore store them securely.
•To ensure that you do not lose the device driver, make sure that you back up the supplied CD. Once you do, store the master disk in a safe location and use the copy.
14 Safety Consideration

Table of Contents

Tr ademarks ....................................................... 2
- Must Read -
Built-in AIT
SAFETY INDICATIONS .................................... 3 SYMBOLS USED IN THIS USER’S GUIDE
AND WARNING LABELS ................................4
SAFETY NOTES ............................................... 5
For Correct Operation .....................................10
Organization of the User's Guide ....................11
Order of priority when the Built-In AIT is
used for the first time .............................. 11
Symbols Used in This Text .........................12
Others ............................................................. 13
Tr ansfer to a third party .............................. 13 Disposal of consumed parts and
equipment ............................................... 13
Product life .................................................13
Package Contents ........................................... 14
Features ..........................................................17
Usable Cartridges and Compatibility Chart..... 17
Part Name and Function ................................. 18
Front........................................................... 18
Front (when the dust cover is open)........... 18
Rear ........................................................... 19
Bottom........................................................ 19
Setup ...............................................................20
Removing and installing the brackets ........ 20 Setting the Built-In AIT
- Setting with the jumper pins - ............... 22
Setting the Built-In AIT
- Setting with the DIP switch - .................23
Mounting on the basic processing unit....... 24
Installing the tape device driver..................27
Using the ASR function ...................................37
Handling ..........................................................38
Setting the AIT data cartridge .................... 38
Ejecting the AIT data cartridge .................. 40
LED indication ............................................ 41
Reading/writing data .................................. 41
Table of Contents 15
Cleaning ..........................................................42
Cleaning the read/write head .....................42
Cleaning the Built-In AIT ............................43
AIT Data Cartridge
Data Cartridge Part Name and Function ......... 44 Operation, Storage and Transportation
Requirements ................................................ 45
Label ............................................................... 45
Label paste position ...................................45
Precautions on entry to label ..................... 46
Write-protect ................................................... 46
Precautions on Handling .................................47
Operational precautions ............................. 47
General precautions................................... 47
Usage Inhibition Standard ............................... 48
Service Life ..................................................... 48
Storing Important Data ....................................49
Managing 3-generation Data........................... 49
Data cartridge storage .................................... 49 Establishing backup and disaster
recovery procedures ..................................... 49
Specifications ..................................................50
Customer’s Application Sheet .........................52
Troubleshooting Checklist ............................... 53
16 Table of Contents

Built-in AIT

This chapter explains setup, installation and daily operation of the Built-In AIT.


This unit has the following features:
• You can record large amounts of data cartridges using AIT (Advanced Intelligent Tape) format.
• When using the data compression function, the following volumes of data can be stored.
Tape standard Tape length Compressed memory capacity (GB)
AIT-1 Turbo 186 m Approx. 80 GB
AIT-1 230 m Approx. 70 GB
170 m Approx. 50 GB
• The basic processing unit automatically determines whether data recorded on the AIT data cartridges is compressed. It can also read data recorded on AIT data cartridges with conventional AIT drives.
• Upon shipment, the 5.25-in device comes with brackets installed at both ends of the drive. Removing the brackets makes the drive only a 3.5-in device.
5.25-in device, installed (Upon shipment) 3.5-in device, installed

Usable Cartridges and Compatibility Chart

Please use Sony AIT data cartridges only with this unit. Using other types of AIT data cartridges may cause read and write errors.
Built-in AIT 17
The following AIT cartridges are compatible with this drive:
Tape standard Read from Write to Tape length
AIT-1 Turbo Yes Yes 186 m
Ye s Ye s
230 m 170 m

Part Name and Function

The Built-In AIT and magazine have the following parts and functions.
The part names, functions, and settings of the installed 5.25-in device and installed 3.5-in device (drive only) are the same. (For clarity, we use the 5.25-in device in the explanations below.)


56 4 3

Front (when the dust cover is open)

1 Dust cover
Protects the cartridge slot against dust. ( P. 38)
2 Ventilation holes
(The drive does not have ventilation holes.)
3 EJECT button
Press this button when ejecting a data cartridge. ( P. 40)
LED that shows that the AIT data cartridge needs to be replaced. (→ P.41)
LED that shows the Built-In AIT cleaning status. (→ P. 41)
LED that shows the AIT data cartridge status. (→ P. 41)
7 Brackets 8 Cartridge slot
Slot in which the AIT cartridge is set. ( P. 39)
Built-in AIT
+ 40 hidden pages