Sony ALC-F55A User Manual

a Lenses
a creation
Stellar choices for photographic expression
Photography is creative. A photographer must make a number of critical choices that will determine the outcome. One of the most influential choices is the lens itself. What is being photographed, under what lighting conditions, and where? What lens will provide the necessary control over composition and perspective, or how motion is captured? Which areas of the image are to be in sharp focus and which are to be out of focus? How will the lens function with filters that might be needed to change the characteristics of the captured light? There is no single right answer for every photographer and subject. The only certainties are that a choice must be made and that more high-quality options mean more creative freedom.
So ny’s a lens lineup offers everything the creative photographer needs to realize their vision. Economy, luxury, versatility, precision, legendary optical performance… it’s all there. The choice is yours.
Lenses: How they capture and control light 06
Projecting an image 06 A look inside/Read your lenses 07 Lens mount and sensor formats 08 Aperture, f-numbers and depth of field 09 Focal length, angle of view and perspective 10 Macro photography 11 Hoods and filters 12 Carl Zeiss® optics 13 Making sense of MTF 14 Choosing the right lens 15
lens technology 16
A-mount Lenses
Zoom Lenses 18
DT 11–18mm F4.5–5.6 SAL1118 19 DT 16–50mm F2.8 SSM SAL1650 20 DT 16–105mm F3.5–5.6 SAL16105 21 DT 18–55mm F3.5–5.6 SAM SAL1855 22 DT 18–200mm F3.5–6.3 SAL18200 23 DT 18–250mm F3.5–6.3 SAL18250 24 28–75mm F2.8 SAM SAL2875 25 DT 55–200mm F4–5.6 SAM SAL55200-2 26 75–300mm F4.5–5.6 SAL75300 27
Fixed Focal Length Lenses 28
16mm F2.8 Fisheye SAL16F28 29 20mm F2.8 SAL20F28 30 28mm F2.8 SAL28F28 31 DT 35mm F1.8 SAM SAL35F18 32 50mm F1.4 SAL50F14 33 DT 50mm F1.8 SAM SAL50F18 34 85mm F2.8 SAM SAL85F28 35 135mm F2.8 [T4.5] STF SAL135F28 36 DT 30mm F2.8 Macro SAM SAL30M28 37 50mm F2.8 Macro SAL50M28 38 100mm F2.8 Macro SAL100M28 39
G Lenses 40
70–200mm F2.8 G SAL70200G 41 70–300mm F4.5–5.6 G SSM SAL70300G 42 70–400mm F4–5.6 G SSM SAL70400G 43 35mm F1.4 G SAL35F14G 44 300mm F2.8 G SAL300F28G 45
1.4x Teleconverter SAL14TC 46 2x Teleconverter SAL20TC 46
Carl Zeiss® Lenses 47
Vario-Sonnar T* 16–35mm F2.8 ZA SSM SAL1635Z 48 Vario-Sonnar T* DT 16–80mm F3.5–4.5 ZA SAL1680Z 49 Vario-Sonnar T* 24–70mm F2.8 ZA SSM SAL2470Z 50 Distagon T* 24mm F2 ZA SSM SAL24F20Z 51 Planar T* 85mm F1.4 ZA SAL85F14Z 52 Sonnar T* 135mm F1.8 ZA SAL135F18Z 53
E-mount Lenses
Exclusive to E-mount cameras
E 16mm F2.8 SEL16F28 56 Fisheye Converter VCL-ECF1 57 Ultra Wide Converter VCL-ECU1 57 Sonnar T* E 24mm F1.8 ZA SEL24F18Z 58 E 18–55mm F3.5–5.6 OSS SEL1855 59 E 18–200mm F3.5–6.3 OSS SEL18200 60 E 55–210mm F4.5–6.3 OSS SEL55210 61 E 50mm F1.8 OSS SEL50F18 62 E 30mm F3.5 Macro SEL30M35 63
Main specifications of a lenses 64
lens accessories 65
Ultra wide angle
11m m (16m m)
Wide angle
28mm (42mm)
35mm F1.4 G SAL35F14G
Distago n T* 24mm F2 ZA SSM SAL 24F20Z
Vario-Sonnar T* 1635mm F2.8 ZA SSM SAL1635Z
Vario-S onnar T* DT 16–80mm F3.5 –4.5 ZA SAL1680Z
Vario-S onnar T* 24–70mm F2.8 ZA SSM S AL2470Z
16mm F2.8 Fisheye SAL16F28
20mm F2.8 SAL 20F28
DT 11–18mm F4.5–5.6 SAL1118
DT 16–50mm F2.8 SSM S AL1650
DT 16–105mm F3.5–5.6 SAL16105
DT 18–55mm F3.5– 5.6 SAM SAL1855
DT 18–200mm F3.5– 6.3 SAL18200
DT 18–250mm F3.5–6. 3 SAL18250
E 16mm F2.8 SEL16F28 Sonnar T * E 24mm F1.8 Z A SEL24F18Z E 50mm F1.8 OSS SEL50 F18
E 18–55mm F3.5– 5.6 OSS SEL1855
E 18–200mm F3.5– 6.3 OSS SEL18200
28–75mm F2.8 SAM SAL 2875
28mm F2.8 SA L28F28
DT 30mm F2.8 Mac ro SAM SAL30M28
DT 35mm F1.8 SAM SAL3 5F18
E 30mm F3.5 Mac ro SEL30M35
50mm (75mm)
Planar T * 85mm F1.4 ZA SAL8 5F14Z
50mm F1.4 SAL50F14
50mm F2.8 Mac ro SAL50M28
DT 50mm F1.8 SAM SAL5 0F18
DT 55–200 mm F4–5.6 SAM SAL5520 0-2
DT 55–200 mm F4–5.6 SAM SAL5520 0-2
E 55–210mm F 4.5–6.3 O SS SEL55210
Mid-range Telephoto
85mm (128mm)
85mm F2.8 SAM S AL85F28
Mid-range Telephoto
100 mm (150 mm)
70–200m m F2.8 G SAL70200 G
75–300 mm F4.5–5.6 SAL75300
70–30 0mm F4.5–5.6 G SSM SAL70 300G
70–40 0mm F4–5.6 G SSM SAL7040 0G
Sonnar T * 135 mm F1.8 Z A SAL13 5F18 Z
135mm F2.8 [T4.5] ST F SA L135F2 8
100mm F2.8 Macr o SAL10 0M28
200mm (300mm)
300mm (450mm)
300mm F2.8 G S AL300F28G
Super Telephoto
400mm (600mm)
Zoom Lenses
Fixed Focal Length Lenses
G Lenses
Carl Zeis s Lenses
E-mount Lenses
* Numbers shown in parentheses
represent the effective focal length equivalent in 35mm full-frame format when shooting with APS-C format interchangeable-lens digital cameras.
1.4x Teleconver ter SA L14TC
Fisheye Converter VC L-ECF 1 10mm (15m m
2x Teleconverter SAL20TC
Ultra Wide Converter VC L-ECU 1
12mm (18m m
Lenses: How they capture and control light
A look inside
The linguistic roots of the word “photography” are the Greek words meaning “light” and “drawing.” Photography is “drawing with light,” and lenses are the brushes. After their imagination, lenses are the photographer’s primary creative tools. The way a lens captures and presents an image to the camera’s sensor determines the visual outcome more than any other factor. The ability to choose the right lens and use it well is one of the most important skills an aspiring photographer should acquire.
In this brief guide we’ll look at some of the basics that will help you to choose lenses that are suited to your needs, and make the most out of them to create truly satisfying photographs.
Projecting an image
Our eyes do it, cameras do it, even a simple light-tight box with a tiny hole in one end will do it: the feat of turning light into an image can only be accomplished by first capturing the light from a scene and projecting it onto a surface. That surface, the “image plane,” can be a wall, a piece of film, a sensor, or the retina in our eye. In all cases the image is projected upside-down and horizontally reversed. Let’s take a look at the precursor of modern cameras, the simplest camera of all:
the pinhole camera. In a pinhole camera a tiny hole is all that’s needed to project an image.
To make this easier to understand, remember that light normally travels in straight lines, then try to imagine the subject being photographed as being made up of a multitude of points of light of appropriate brightness and color.
In the example in Figure 1, light from a point at the top of the tree travels in a straight line
through the pinhole and reaches a point at the bottom of the image plane, whereas light from a point at the bottom of the tree ends up at the top of the image plane after passing through the pinhole.
The real-world scene becomes an image projected on the image plane, upside-down and reversed left-to-right.
Elements and groups
All modern photographic lenses are “compound” lenses that use a number of lens “elements” precisely mounted along the same optical axis. The use of multiple elements allows lens designers to effectively reduce optical aberrations so you get nice sharp, clean images.
“Elements” are the individual pieces of specially shaped glass that make up the lens. A “group” consists of two or three elements that have been glued together to function as a unit. Sometimes groups consist of different types of glass that have been combined in order to control some form of aberration. Lenses are sometimes described in terms of the number of elements and groups they contain. You’ll hear terms such as “7-group 9-element lens.”
Zoom and focus mechanisms
The job of varying focal length in a zoom lens requires a fairly complex mechanism that translates zoom ring rotation into precise group movement along the optical axis of the lens. Zoom mechanisms must be precisely manufactured to exacting tolerances so that all elements and groups stay in perfect alignment throughout the zoom range.
Fixed focal length lenses, also known as “prime” lenses, generally have the simplest construction with the fewest groups and elements. Zoom lenses require a larger number of groups/ elements to support the zoom functionality.
While most lens elements are “spherical,” meaning that one or more surfaces form part of a sphere, some lenses include “aspherical” elements. Aspherical elements have more complex shapes than simple spherical elements, and are much more difficult and more expensive to produce. Aspherical elements are sometimes used in wide-angle and fast standard lenses, where they can be effective in reducing certain types of aberration.
Focusing is sometimes accomplished by moving the entire lens closer to or further away from the image sensor plane, although some lenses employ a “floating construction” in which groups of elements move independently in order to maintain optimum optical performance at all shooting distances.
Lens configura tion exa mple: 7 groups/9 elements
Lens element Lens group
Lens barrel
Aspherical lens (see pag e 16 for more details
ED glass (see pag e 16 for more details
How len s elements and grou ps move in a zoom le ns
A pinhole camera is basically a light-tight box with a small hole in one end
Figure 1. A simple pinhole of appropriate size is capable of projecting a sharp but dim image
If a little hole can do all of this, why do we need lenses?
Pinholes can “project” images, but they are limited and inflexible. In order for the projected image to be sufficiently sharp, the hole must be very small, but this also means that the projected image is very dim. In principle, lenses work similarly to the pinhole, but they are capable of capturing more light from each point on the subject, and therefore project a much brighter image. A lens can also bring more light into sharp focus. That’s helpful because it means we can use short sub-
A simp lified cro ss sec tion o f a modern lens and a ty pica l SLR (Single Lens Reflex) type digital camera
Pentaprism (flips the image so it can viewed in proper or ientation
Focal point
Light Lens element
Optical axis
Interchangeable-lens (
objective lens
Light reflected by the subject is ef fecti vely collected and focused by the l ens elements to p roject an image on the cam era’s image sensor p lane.
Focal length
second exposures rather than having to make sure that both the camera and subject stay perfectly still for many minutes or even hours, which is usually the case with a pinhole camera. Other advantages are that lenses can be made in a variety of focal lengths from wide-angle to capture expansive scenes or telephoto to photograph distant subjects. Modern lenses are precision optical devices that give photographers boundless freedom to realize their creative vision by “drawing with light.”
Image sensor plane
Figure 2. A lens uses the principle of “refraction” to gather more light from the subject and project a sharp, bright image
Refraction: bending light
The physical principle that allows lenses to gather and focus light is c alled “refraction.” Refraction causes lightwaves to change speed and dire ction when they pass from one medium (
air, for example) to anothe r (glass, for example), and allows lenses to be designed to “bend” light in a contro lled way. The “refract ive index” of an optically transparent medium is a measure of the spe ed of lig ht in that medium, and the refore the deg ree to which light will be “bent” by that medium. Optical materials that have different refractive indices—conventional optical glass and ED glass, for example—are sometimes combined in lenses to achieve the desired characteristics.
Read your lenses
There is a lot of pertinent information printed or engraved on the outside of lenses that can help you understand their characteristics and how to best use them.
Here are a few examples.
Focal length
This is the most basic, most important characteristic of any lens. Focal length plays a primary role i n determ ining what ty pes of subjects and compositions the lens is suitable for (see pag e 10 for more details).
AF/MF switch
This switch lets yo u switch betwee n autofocus and manual focus modes.
Distance scale
The distance scale indicates the approximate distance from the camera’s image plane to the object that the camera i s focuse d on.
Autofocus drive type
Lenses m arked “SAM” or ”SS M” feature built-in motors that drive the lens’s focusing mechanism. Lenses that don’t ha ve intern al motors are driven by a motor in the camera body (
see pag e 17 for more detail s).
Maximum aperture
This number represents the maximum aper ture, or “ f-number,” of the lens and tells you how “bright” the lens is (
see pag e 9 for more details).
Lens format
Sony len ses marked “DT” (Digital Technology) have been specifically designed for use on APS -C fo rmat A-mount cameras (see pag e 8 for more details).
6 7
Lens mount and sensor formats
Aperture, f-numbers and depth of field
Sony A-mount and E-mount systems
Sony a series interchangeable-lens digital cameras are currently produced in two categories, each of which uses a different lens mount and different types of lenses. A-mount SLR (single lens reflex) type cameras have a more traditional shape and utilize moving mirrors or advanced translucent mirrors. Ultra-compact E-mount cameras don’t use reflex mirrors at all. Despite their remarkable compactness and portability, E-mount cameras feature APS-C format sensors and are capable of delivering image quality on a par with A-mount cameras.
In addition to overall size, the main difference between A-mount and E-mount lenses is their “flange back distance.” The flange back distance is the distance from the rear of the lens to the image (sensor) plane. Since many A-mount cameras have a reflex mirror between the rear of the lens and the sensor, precipitating the need to have a flange back distance that allows space for the mirror. E-mount cameras, on the other hand, are mirror-less and therefore can be designed with a much shorter flange back distance, allowing the body of the camera to be much smaller and consequently the lenses as well.
Sensor formats: 35mm full frame and APS-C
You may have heard the term “full-frame” in reference to cameras, but did you know it refers to the frame size of 35mm film? The image area of a frame of 35mm film is approximately 36mm x 24mm (
“35mm” is the width of the strip of film), and that’s the size of the image sensor in a 35mm full-frame format camera. Many interchangeable-lens digital cameras use slightly smaller “APS-C” format sensors that measure approximately 24mm x 16mm or less. There are a number of other sensor formats, including smaller sensors in digital point-and-shoot type cameras, but APS-C and 35mm full-frame formats are the two most commonly used in interchangeable-lens cameras.
It is important to understand that there are two “formats” for A-mount interchangeable lenses as well. Lenses with an image circle large enough to cover a 35mm full-frame sensor, and lenses with a smaller image circle that is sufficient for APS-C format sensors. Sony lenses that have “DT” in the model name are compatible with APS-C format SLR cameras only, while all other lenses will work with both APS-C and 35mm full-frame format cameras.
Image area with
35 mm full-frame image sensor
Image area with
APS-C type sensor
Alignment mark
Electrical contacts
Locking pin
Aperture lever
AF coupler
Flange back distance
Image sensor plane
Lens mou nt
Sony DT lenses
Lenses m arked “DT” (Digital Technology) should only be used on AP S- C format camera s because their image circle isn’ t large e nough to f ully cover a 35mm full frame sensor. If you do us e a DT lens on a full- frame camera, ex pect to se e a darkening of the i mage towa rds the edges of the fram e (vignetting). Although only E-mount lenses can be directly mounted on E -mount camera s, DT lenses can be mounted on t hese cameras via an optional adaptor.
Aperture and exposure
The aperture in a lens—also known as the “diaphragm” or “iris”—is an ingenious piece of mechanical engineering that provides a variable-size opening in the optical path often used to control the amount of light that passes through the lens. Aperture and shutter speed are the two primary means of controlling exposure. For a given shutter speed, dimmer lighting will require a larger aperture to allow more light to reach the image sensor plane, while brighter light will require a smaller aperture to achieve optimum exposure. Alternatively, you could keep the same aperture setting and change the shutter speed to achieve similar results. The size of the opening provided by the aperture also determines how “collimated” the light passing through the lens is. Since this directly
“F-numbers” or “f-stops”
All lenses have a maximum and minimum aperture, expressed as “f-numbers,” but it is the maximum aperture that is most commonly quoted in lens specifications. Take the Sony SAL35F14G, for example. This is a 35mm F1.4 lens: 35mm is the focal length and F1.4 is the maximum aperture. But what exactly does “F1.4” mean? See the “F-number math” box for some technical details, but for a practical understanding it’s enough to
F-number =
Focal length
Effective aperture
Effective aperture
size of the e ntrance pu pil
Focal length
Aperture and depth of field
affects depth of field, you’ll need to be in control of both aperture and shutter speed to create images that look the way you want them to.
Circular aperture (see pag e 16 for details
know that smaller f-numbers correspond to larger apertures, and that F1.4 is about the largest maximum aperture you’re likely to encounter on general-purpose lenses. Lenses with a maximum aperture of F1.4, F2, or F2.8 are generally considered to be “fast” or “bright.”
The standard f-numbers you’ll use with camera lenses are, from larger to smaller apertures:
Effective aperture
25 mm
50 mm
Aperture and focal length values in the illustration are approximate.
200 mm
F-number math
The f-numbe r is the foc al length of the l ens div ided by the ef fective diamete r of the ap erture. So in the case of the SAL3514G lens, when the aper ture is set to its ma ximum of F1.4, the effective diameter of the aperture will be 35 ÷ 1.4 = 25mm. Note th at as the focal length of the lens changes, the diameter of the aperture at a given f-number will change too. For example, an aperture of F1.4 in a 30 0mm telephoto lens would require an effective aperture diameter of 30 0 ÷ 1.4 ≈ 214mm! That would end up being a huge, bul ky and ve ry exp ensive l ens, which is why you do n’t see to o many lon g telephoto lenses with ver y large maximum aper tures. T here’s really n o need for the photo grapher to know what the actual aperture diameter is, but it’s helpful to understand the principle.
1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22 and sometimes 32 (
for you mathematicians those are all powers of the square root of 2). Those are the full stops, but you’ll also see fractional stops that correspond to a half or a third of the full stops. Increasing the size of the aperture by one full stop doubles the amount of light that is allowed to pass through the lens. Decreasing the size of the aperture by one stop halves the amount of light reaching the sensor.
Shorter focal lengths only require moderate effective apertures for sufficient brightness
100 mm
Longer focal lengths require proportionately larger effective apertures for the same “f-number” and brightness
“Depth of field” refers to the range between the nearest and farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp. In extreme examples of narrow depth of field, the in-focus depth might be just a few millimeters. At the opposite extreme, some landscape photographs show very deep depth of field with everything in sharp focus from just in front of the camera to many kilometers away. Controlling depth of field is one of the most useful techniques you have for creative photography.
47° angle
Lens Lens
Image s ensor
*The angle of view values in this example correspond to those of a 50mm lens.
8 9
of view
Same foc using
distance (50 mm
32° angle
of view
Image s ensor plane
Open (large
F2 F2.8 F4 F5.6 F8 F 11 F16 F22
Shallow Depth of field Deep
Aperture Close (small
Basically, larger apertures produce a narrower depth of field, so if you want to shoot a portrait with a nicely defocused background you’ll want a wider aperture (
lower F-number). There are times when other factors come into play. Lenses of longer focal lengths are generally capable of producing narrower depth of field. This is partly because an F1.4 aperture in an 85mm lens, for example, is physically larger than an F1.4 aperture in a wide-angle 24mm lens. Additionally, the distance between objects in the scene being photographed will have an effect on the perceived depth of field as well.
Three keys to effective defocusing
There’s actually more to shooting images with beautifully defocused backgrounds than simply choosing a bright lens and opening the aperture up all the way. That’s the first “key,” but sometimes a large ap erture alone won’t pro duce th e desire d resu lts. The second key is the distance b etween your subject and t he background. If the background is ver y close to your subject it might fall withi n the depth of field, or be so close th at the am ount of defocusing isn’t suf fici ent. When ever possible, keep plenty of distance between your subject a nd the background you want to defocu s. The third key is the focal len gth of the lens you u se. As mentio ned above, it’s eas ier to get a narrow depth of field with longer focal lengths, so take advantage of that characteristic as well. Many photographers find that focal lengths betwe en abou t 75mm and 100mm are ideal for shooting portraits with nicely blurred backgrounds.
Focal length, angle of view and perspective
Macro photography
Focal plane (image sensor plane
Angle of view (
measured diagonally
Focal length
Secondary principal point of lens
Focal l engt h vs. angle of view
With 35mm full-frame image sensor Wit h APS- C type im age sensor
16 mm
16 mm 16 mm
18 mm 18 mm
24 mm 24 mm
35 mm 35 mm
70 mm 70 mm
100 mm 100 mm
135 mm 135 mm
250 mm 250 mm
400 mm 400 mm
* Focal len gth in ( ): equivalent focal length when mounted on
interchangeable-lens digital cameras with 35mm full-frame sensors.
16 mm
24 mm
27 mm
36 mm
105 m m
150 mm
205.5 mm
375 mm
600 mm
Focal length
Focal length, or focal length range in the case of zooms, will usually be the foremost consideration when choosing a lens for a specific photograph or type of photography. The focal length of a lens determines two characteristics that are very important to photographers: magnification and angle of view.
Maximum magnification ratio
As mentioned on the previous page, the magnification of any lens is determined by its focal length. For macro photography we are also concerned with how close we can get to our subject. These two factors, focal length and minimum focusing distance, determine the lens’s maximum magnification
ratio, sometimes referred to as “reproduction ratio.” The closer you can get to Longer focal lengths correspond to higher magnification, and vice-versa. Wide-angle lenses with short focal lengths have low magnification, which
your subject with a lens of a given focal length, the higher the magnification
ratio you’ll achieve. means you have to get physically close to an average-size subject to fill the frame. But that also means you can fit large subjects in the frame without having to shoot from a distance. Telephoto lenses with long focal lengths have high magnification, so you can fill the frame with subjects that are further away from the camera.
The classic definition of a macro lens is one that has a maximum magnification
ratio of at least 1:1, or “1x” in lens specifications. This means that a subject can
be reproduced at full size on the camera’s image sensor: a 10mm object can
be projected onto the sensor as a 10mm image when the lens is sufficiently
close to the subject. A maximum magnification ratio of 1:2 or “0.5x” would
mean that the maximum size that an image of the same 10mm object could
A technical definition of focal length
The focal length of a lens is d efine d as the distance from its secondary prin cipal point to it s rear focal point w hen focus is set to infinit y. The secondary principal point is o ne of six “cardinal points” that are us ed as points of reference in a n optical lens (front and rear focal points, primary and secondary nodal points
Wide Mid-range Telephoto
and primary and secondary principal points). There’s no predefined location for the secondary principal point in a compound lens—it could be somewhere inside the lens barrel o r at some p oint out side th e barrel, depending on the design of the lens—so there’s no easy way to accurately measure the focal length of a lens yourself.
be projected onto the sensor would be 5mm, or just half its true size.
Other macro lens characteristics you should know about
Macro lenses are specifically designed to deliver optimum optical performance
at very short focusing distances, and will usually be sharpest at close range,
but that doesn’t mean that you can only use them for macro photography.
Many macro lenses are also capable of excellent performance when shooting
normal subjects at normal distances as well.
Focal length and angle of view
“Angle of view” describes how much of the scene in front of the camera will be captured by the camera’s sensor. In slightly more technical terms, it is the angular extent of the scene captured on the sensor, measured diagonally.
It is important to remember that angle of view is entirely determined by both the focal length of the lens and the format of the camera’s sensor, so the angle of view you get from any given lens will be different on 35mm full frame
Another important characteristic of macro lenses used at short range is that
they have very narrow depth of field. That means they have to be focused very
carefully to get the desired details in perfect focus. A tripod can make focusing
easier in some situations. You might have to stop the aperture down quite a bit
to achieve sufficient depth of field with some subjects. But shallow depth of
field can be an advantage, emphasizing the essential in-focus detail while
defocusing and de-emphasizing distracting background.
1.0 x
and APS-C format cameras. Different lenses of equal focal length will always have the same angle of view when used with the same-size sensor.
The “Focal length vs. angle of view” comparison to the left illustrates this
30mm M acro lens (SAL30M28
relationship for both 35mm full frame and APS-C format cameras.
Working distance (approx. 2 cm/0.8 in. at 1x magnification
With long focal lengths, foreground and background objects will often appear
Minimum focusing distance (approx. 13 cm/5.1 in. at 1x magnification
to be closer together in the final image. This effect is sometimes called “telephoto compression,” although it is not actually caused by the lens itself. What really
happens is that when using a telephoto lens, you will need to be further away from your subjects. As such, the distance of the subject from the background relative to the subject’s distance from the camera lens becomes smaller and
Working distance (approx. 16 cm/6.3 in. at 1x magnification
smaller the further away the photographer stands. From that perspective they actually are closer together! Another way of saying this is that since both
the foreground and background objects are at a considerable distance
Minimum focusing distance (approx. 35 cm/13.8 in. at 1x magnification
from the camera, their relative sizes in the final image will be closer to reality. When shooting with a wide-angle lens you normally need to get close to the foreground subject so that it is sufficiently large in the frame, which is why more distant objects look comparatively smaller. The difference in apparent
perspective is actually a result of how far you are from your subject.
Minimum focus and working distance
The “minimum focusing distance” lens specification can be confusing.
Minimum focusing distance is measured from the subject to the rear focal
point of the lens, which is at the image sensor plane in the camera body.
The term “working distance” is used to describe the distance between the
subject and the front element of the lens.
If a lens is specified as having an 0.2 meter (20 centimeter) minimum
focusing distance, for example, depending on the thickness of the
24mm focal length,* 84° angle of view
* 35mm format equivalent
300mm focal length,* 8° angle of view
camera body and the length of the lens, you might only have a few
Image sensor plane
100mm Macro lens (SA L10 0 M2 8
Image sensor plane
centimeters of working distance when focused at the minimum focusing distance in order to take a 1:1 macro shot. Being that close to your subject can make lighting difficult (special macro flashes and ring lights are available to overcome this type of lighting problem), focusing can be difficult if the subject or camera moves even slightly, and you’re likely to scare away living subjects at such close distances. If any of those problems occur, you need to choose a macro lens that has a longer focal length for more working distance.
10 11
Hoods and filters
Carl Zeiss® optics
Without lens hood (flare, poor contrast
Visible ghosts
How len s hoods work
Extraneous light
Light needed for image formation
Lens hood
With lens hood (no flare, high contrast
Enlarged view No ghosts
Use your lens hood!
The lens hoods provided with most interchangeable-lenses are not just accessories to be used occasionally. They are an important part of the lens’s optical system and should always be used in order to ensure optimum performance. There are exceptions, such as when an on-camera flash is used and the lens hood casts a shadow, but for most shooting situations the lens hood should be on the lens, not in your bag. If your lens has a built-in extending hood, it should be extended when you’re shooting.
Even though a lenses are uncompromisingly designed with multi-coated elements and other internal features that minimize flare and ghosting, these problems can still occur if extraneous light is allowed to enter the lens. And although the effects of flare might not be obvious in all images, it can subtly degrade contrast and prevent you from capturing the strongest possible image. Strong backlighting, particularly near the edge of the image, can cause ghosts even when a lens hood is used. In such situation the only solution is to reframe the shot so that the problematic light source is excluded.
Lens hoods block extraneous light
Any light entering the lens that does not come directly from the scene being photographed is extraneous light that needs to be eliminated. Light that grazes the front element at a steep angle or bounces around inside the lens barrel will degrade image quality. A lens hood that is properly designed for the lens on which it is used will effectively block extraneous light that does not contribute directly to the image, ensuring that the lens will deliver the highest resolution and contrast it is capable of. Although most lens hoods for normal to telephoto focal lengths are basic round designs, lens hoods for wide angle lenses often have a “petal” shape that is designed to block unwanted light without intruding into the corners of image area.
For many photo enthusiasts, Carl Zeiss lenses have long been the ultimate
choice. Many models are available, but the only autofocus Zeiss lenses
currently available for use on interchangeable-lens digital cameras are
those that have been created through close cooperation between Carl Zeiss
AG and Sony for the a series cameras.
The scientific approach
It was Ernst Abbe of Carl Zeiss AG who first
applied scientific principles to lens design, rather
than relying on trial-and-error experience. A
significant portion of the history of photographic
lens development centers on the Protar, Planar
and Sonnar designs that featured advanced
optical paths based on those principles. In many
ways the history of Carl Zeiss AG is the history
of photographic lenses.
189 0 -
1896 -
The Carl Zeiss lenses that started it all
Developed by Dr. Paul Rudolph in 1890, this
lens was one of the original Anastigmat series.
The design was named “Protar” (from the Latin
“proto,” or “first”/”origin”) in 1900. The front
group was a standard achromatic combination
of low-refractive-index crown glass and high-
refractive-index flint glass, but the rear group
was an innovative achromatic doublet using
Jena glass, with high-refractive-index crown
glass and low-refractive-index flint glass. The front
and rear elements were located on either side
of the diaphragm,
effectively suppressing
chromatic aberration.
This design evolved to
become the Unar lens
and later the Tessar.
Another Paul Rudolph design, developed in 1897. Initially this design was called the “Anastigmat Series IA.” It features a symmetrical 6 -element 4-group Gaussian design that facilitates the use of large apertures. The “Planar” name is derived from the flatness of the image. Planar lenses are appreciated for their superb image depth and rich color reproduction.
Tessar® (
The Carl Zeiss traditions of innovative technology and uncompromising quality are alive in today’s
series lenses as well.
192 9 -
Petal hood Round hood
The unmatched T* (T-star) coating
The fact that lens coating technology—vapor deposition of a thin, even
Circular polarizing filters for improved contrast and color
Circular polarizing (PL) filters can be used to eliminate reflections and glare from reflective surfaces such as glass and water, but landscape photographers find them most useful for increasing contrast and saturation in skies, foliage and other icons of the landscape genre. In all cases the filter works by eliminating reflections, but in the latter, it is eliminating reflections from airborne dust and
Without circular PL filter (
reduced contrast
With circular PL filter (
increased contrast and deep saturation
water vapor, thus removing a veil of glare and allowing the true colors of the scene to come through.
Neutral density filters
Sometimes the light is so bright that you’re forced to use smaller apertures or faster shutter speeds than you want to. Neutral density (ND) filters reduce the amount of light entering the lens without affecting the color or tonal balance in any way, and can be very useful in this type of situation. Suppose you want to shoot a waterfall using a shutter speed that’s slow enough to blur the moving water and create a sense of motion, but the lighting at the scene is
Without ND filter With ND filter
12 13
reduce d light for slower shutter speed
too bright. An ND filter will reduce the light intensity so that you can use the relatively slow shutter speed required to achieve the desired effect.
coating on the lens surface to reduce reflections and maximize transmission—
was originally a Carl Zeiss patent is well known. The Carl Zeiss company also
developed and proved the efficacy of multi-layer coatings for photographic
lenses, and this is the technology that became the T* coating.
Until the introduction of coated lenses, the lens surface would reflect a large
percentage of the incoming light, thus reducing transmission and making
it difficult to use multiple elements in lens designs. Effective coatings made
Light source
Image sensor
Reduced reflection
it possible to design more complex optics that delivered significantly improved performance. Reduced internal reflection contributed to minimum flare and high contrast.
The Carl Zeiss T* coating is not simply applied to any lens. The T* symbol only appears on multi-element lenses in which the required performance has been achieved throughout the entire optical path, and it is therefore a guarantee of the highest quality.
Uncoated lensCarl Zeiss coated lens
Light source
Image sensor
Uncontrolled reflection
Making sense of MTF
Choosing the right lens
Those MTF (Modulation Transfer Function) graphs that often accompany lens specifications are really not as impenetrable as they look, and they can give you a good idea of how a lens will perform, so it might be worth taking a few minutes to learn what they mean.
MTF describes a lens’s ability to resolve finely spaced black and white lines printed on a test target. As the lines get closer together they start to blur and blend together as the limits of the lens’s resolving ability are reached. MTF is plotted for multiple levels of subject detail (Y axis) at a number of points from the optical center of the lens to its periphery (X axis). The more lines per millimeter the lens can resolve, the better the resolution and contrast of the lens.* This resolving power is expressed as line pairs per millimeter (lp/mm), and sometimes as the more scientific sounding “spatial frequency.”
* For more info about these closely related terms, refer to the “Resolution, contrast
and sharpness” column below.
Take a look at the sample chart below to see how it all works to describe lens performance. The solid green line shows radial contrast values for 10 lp/mm detail with the lens wide open. The line is almost flat, indicating that resolution is constant at approximately 93% from the center to the periphery of the lens. Very good. The solid red line shows contrast with the same parameters except that the aperture has been stopped down to F8. The red line is higher than the green line, indicating that stopping down has improved resolution somewhat.
Basically, the higher and flatter the line, the better the performance for the corresponding set of parameters. The smaller the distance between the green and red lines, the more consistent the performance of the lens is over a range of aperture settings. The smaller the gap between the solid and dotted lines, the more attractive the defocusing is likely to be.
That’s really all you need to know to glean useful information from an MTF chart. Just remember that comparing MTF graphs of different lenses is really only meaningful if both lenses have similar focal lengths.
Green: Contrast value at maximum aperture
The X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) axes of the chart correspond to the following values:
• X: Distance from the optical center of the lens to a point near its periphery, measured in millimeters.
• Y: The degree of contrast measured at each point,
expressed as a percentage.
A number of parameters are represented by different line types on the MTF chart, as defined by a legend that accompanies each chart. Those parameters are:
• Two lp/mm values: often 10 lines per millimeter and 30 lines
per millimeter.
• Two different aperture settings: lens wide open and F8.
• Two orientations of line pairs in relation to the lens: “R” (radial =
lines parallel to the radius of the lens), and “T” (tangential = lines perpendicular to the radius of the lens).
All of the MTF char ts that accompany the lens descriptions in the latter part of this brochure follow these conventions.
Indicates excellent performance with high contrast and resolution at the center of the lens.
Indicates the level to which resolution and contrast are maintai ned at the periphery of the lens.
Contrast (%)
Distan ce from optical center of le ns (mm
Spatial frequency
10 line pairs/mm 30 line pairs/mm
Resolution, contrast and sharpness
Although it is possible to have high resolution and low contrast, or vice versa, in the context of MTF measurements these terms mean almost the same thing. Both good resolution and contrast are necessary for a lens to be perceived as “sharp.” We’re talking about “micro-contrast” here, which is the ability of a lens to differentiate between tiny details that have similar tonal values. Micro-contrast is different from global contrast, the overall range of tones in an image that people usually associate with the term “contrast.” MTF measurements are useful because they show us the relationship between a lens’s resolution and contrast in graphic form that makes it easy to judge how the lens will perform in real-world applications.
Red: Contrast value at F8
Max. aperture
F8 aperture
For most portraits, the person being photographed is the most important element of the photograph, so it can be effective to de-emphasize other non-essential elements. The usual way of doing this is to defocus the background so the viewer gets a sense of location without being distracted from the main subject by too much surrounding detail. Choose a lens that has a large maximum aperture and a focal length between about 75mm and 150mm for flattering perspective, and so that you don’t have to get uncomfortably close to your subject. The Planar T* 85mm F1.4 ZA (SAL8514Z), DT 50mm F1.8 SAM (SAL50F18), 85mm F2.8 SAM (
SAL85F28), 135mm F2.8 [T4.5] STF (SAL135F28) and E-mount 50mm F1.8
SEL50F18) are excellent choices for this type of photography.
Although you can use anything from wide angle to telephoto lenses for landscape photography, you’ll probably get the most use out of wide lenses that can capture the grandeur and scale of nature at its best. A wide-angle zoom such as the Vario-Sonnar T* 16-35mm F2.8 ZA
SSM (SAL1635Z) would be an excellent choice because it covers a range of focal lengths that are extremely useful for landscape photography with outstanding resolution and contrast. Stopped down to F8 or F11 lenses in this focal length range will give you sufficient depth of field to keep the entire scene in sharp focus. Hint: include prominent foreground objects to give your landscape images a greater sense of scale.
The term “snapshot” refers to any photo opportunity that arises spontaneously. You’re shooting snapshots when you take your camera for a walk in the park, or on vacation, or even when you’re in “serious” street-shooting mode. The key is to capture the moment, and that requires mobility and speed. Some photographers prefer to use a prime lens with a
focal length they’re comfortable with for this type of shooting: a “simple is faster and better” approach. Others choose a compact mid-range zoom like the 28-75mm F2.8 SAM (SAL2875) for maximum versatility. If you’re going to be shooting snaps indoors or in evening or early morning light you’ll want to choose a lens with a large maximum aperture.
In the product pages that follow, this star icon identifies lenses: prime lenses that offer outstanding value in compact, lightweight designs that are ideal for photographers at all levels. Each lens in the series is suited for a particular type of photography, such as portraiture or macro, for example.
Macro and close-ups
“True” macro lenses that can be used to shoot extremely clear, detailed images of very tiny subjects have a maximum magnification ratio of 1:1 (1x), and that limits your choices. Use the DT 30mm F2.8 Macro SAM (SAL30M28), 50mm F2.8 Macro (SAL50M28), or E-mount 30mm F3.5 (
SEL30M35) for stationary subjects that you can get very close to, or the 100mm F2.8 Macro (SAL100M28) where a bit more working distance is required. You can also shoot impressive close-ups such as flowers with any lens that has a maximum magnification ratio of about 0.25x or more and a sufficiently short minimum focusing distance. The 75-300mm F4.5-5.6 zoom (
SAL75300) is good for this type of close-up shooting, or you could use the 70-300mm F4.5-5.6 G SSM (SAL70300G) for truly stunning image quality.
Since sports almost invariably involve fast action, usually at a distance, you’ll want to use a telephoto lens that’s “fast” enough to allow the use of action-freezing shutter speeds. The 300mm F2.8 G telephoto prime (SAL300F28G) is an outstanding choice for this genre, but if you want the framing versatility of a zoom the 70-200mm F2.8 G (SAL70200G) is a great alternative. You could even use the SAL14TC 1.4x Teleconverter or SAL20TC 2x Teleconverter with either of these lenses to provide more reach for distance subjects or to grab close-ups of the action. Of course there are always exceptions: if you can get close to the action you might be able to use a fast wide-angle prime or zoom to capture a more dynamic perspective.
Since you can rarely get close, super-telephoto is the first focal length choice for shooting wildlife. Of course you won’t need that much magnification if you’re shooting pets at home, but in the wild you’ll want to be as far away as possible, to avoid scaring off your subject and for safety. The 300mm F2.8 G telephoto prime (SAL300F28G) with the 1.4x or 2x Teleconverter (SAL14TC or SAL20TC) is probably the most suitable choice. Not only does that combination give you the reach you’ll need, but the quiet, responsive operation of the SSM autofocus drive will be an advantage as well. Hint: the above lens/teleconverter combination will give you even more reach when used on an APS-C format body.
14 15
lens technology
The technology required to produce first-class interchangeable camera lenses is very sophisticated indeed, and that applies to every phase of the production process from design through precision parts manufacturing and assembly to stringent quality assurance testing and more. Sony brings a distinguished history of excellence in all of these areas to bear in producing the a lenses. You’ll feel the difference in the way a lenses handle, and you’ll see the difference in the superior image quality they deliver.
Aspherical lens elements
Spherical aberration, slight misalignment at the image plane between light that has passed through the center and periphery of a simple spherical lens, can become a noticeable problem in large-aperture lenses. The most effective solution is to use one or more specially shaped aspherical elements near the aperture stop to restore perfect alignment at the image plane, thus maintaining high contrast even with the aperture wide open. Aspherical lenses arranged far from the aperture stop can minimize image distortion and flatness of the image plane. Well-designed aspherical lens can reduce the number of elements in the lens for less overall size and weight.
Aspherical lens ED glass
Image sensor plane
Image sensor plane
ED and Super ED glass
Chromatic aberration in conventional optical glass elements can reduce contrast, resolution, and color fidelity, particularly at longer focal lengths. ED (Extra-low Dispersion) and Super ED glass were developed with refractive index and dispersion characteristics specially tailored to counter this problem. Lenses that include ED or Super ED glass elements provide superior contrast and resolution throughout the image even at large aperture settings.
Conventional glassSpherical lens
Image s ensor plane
Image s ensor plane
Super ED glass
Image s ensor plane
Internal focusing mechanism
In this type of lens, focusing is achieved by moving only the internal elements. The overall length of the lens remains constant, and the filter mounting thread at the front of the lens remains stationary during focusing. The latter characteristic is an advantage when using a polarizing filter. Other advantages include fast autofocus response and reduced minimum focusing distances.
Rear focusing mechanism
This focusing configuration has similar advantages to internal focusing, described above, but focusing is achieved by moving the rear lens elements rather than the internal elements.
SSM (Super Sonic wave Motor
SSM is an advanced direct-drive piezoelectric motor that is capable of delivering high torque even at low speeds, with almost instantaneous start/ stop response. Its fast response and low-noise operation translate directly into quick, quiet autofocus operation. SSM lenses also include position detection for enhanced focusing precision. Other advantages of this advanced drive system are that the focus ring does not rotate during autofocus operation, and you can directly switch to manual focusing by simply rotating the focus ring.
SAM (Smooth Autofocus Motor
SAM is another type of internal lens motor for autofocus drive. While the SSM motor described above is piezoelectric, the SAM motor is electromagnetic in operation, but provides similar benefits: responsive autofocus operation that does not require mechanical coupling from the camera body.
STF lens
A unique a lens feature currently available only in the SAL135F28, STF (
Smooth Trans Focus) is an optical technology that is aimed specifically at creating the smoothest, most visually pleasing defocusing effect possible while retaining full resolution and contrast at in-focus areas. STF technology employs a special “apodization” element that causes the intensity of defocused point light sources to fade out radially so that no sharply defined edges or geometry remain. The result is extraordinarily creamy defocusing that goes beyond the capabilities of conventional lens technology.
STF lens
Apodization optical element
Auto clutch
The auto clutch mechanism decouples the focus ring so that it does not rotate during autofocus operation. This allows the lens to be cradled in one hand without interfering with autofocus operation, for improved shooting comfort and versatility.
Circular aperture
Standard lens apertures appear as a flat-sided polygon when the lens is stepped down, the number of sides corresponding to the number of blades in the aperture. This results in the familiar polygonal out-of-focus highlights seen in many photographs. Almost all a lenses feature a unique circular aperture that contributes to smooth, natural defocusing.
Comparison of aperture design
Conventional aperture Circular aperture
Floating lens mechanism
This focusing feature is particularly important in certain lenses that are designed for close focusing. It maintains optimum lens performance and therefore maximum sharpness right down to the minimum focusing distance by moving “floating” elements independently when focusing, rather than moving the entire optical assembly as a whole.
Focus hold button
Press this button to lock focus at the current setting. The focus hold button is on the lens barrel right under your fingertip for convenient, fast operation.
Focus range limiter
This feature can be used to limit focus range when you need the quickest possible autofocus response. On some lenses a single “limit” range will match the characteristics of the lens (near focus limit on macro lenses, for example), while some lenses have a “near/far” limit range switch.
AC voltage, Phase B
AC voltage,
SSM con sists of a rotor (left), and a stator (right) on which plexoelectric elements are mounted.
Phase A
Conventional lens
Defocu sing of STF lens (
around focus point “a”
Defocusing of conventional lens (around focus point “a”
16 17
Zoom Lenses
The advent of the digital age—both in terms of photography itself and the tools used for optical design—has made high­performance zoom lenses more accessible and easier to use than ever before. Not only are zoom lenses a great way to be ready for any photo opportunity, but the freedom to rapidly change framing and composition without having
to change the camera position offers creative flexibility that is just too appealing to ignore. In many situations, that speed and freedom can be the key to grabbing shots that would otherwise be missed. Advanced Sony design and manufacturing technology delivers outstanding image quality with unparalleled zoom versatility and convenience.
At 11 mm
Contrast (%)
Distance from optical center of lens (mm)
Spatial frequency
10 line pairs/mm 30 line pairs/mm
Wide-angle zoom
DT 11–18mm F4.5– 5.6 S A L1118
One ED glass ele ment and three aspheri cal ele ments for superior image quality High contrast throughout zoom range Flare and aberrations effectively subdued Circular aperture for attractive defocusing 35mm equivalent focal length: 16.5–27mm
Aspherical lens ED glass
At 18 mm
Contrast (%)
Distance from optical center of lens (mm)
Max. aperture
R: Radial values T: Tangential values
F8 aperture
This lens fits squarely in the “wide zoom” category, offering a range of focal lengths that are indispensable for serious indoor and architectural photography as well as any other situation that demands wide-angle coverage. City scenes, crowded markets, historical ruins… all of these are subjects that can benefit from the wide perspectives this lens provides. It’s also a great lens for shooting dynamic images with deep perspective. Although wide angles present more opportunities for image-degrading lens flare, the SAL1118 features special elements and design that reduce flare and aberrations to a minimum for crisp, high-contrast images even under difficult conditions.
• Weight (approx): 360 g
• Dimensions (Dia. x L): 83 x 80.5 mm
• Max. magnification ratio: 0.125x
M mode, 1/1250 sec., F8, ISO 20 0, Auto white balan ce; Photo: Goh F ujimaki
M mode , 1/250 sec., F5.6, I SO 400, Manual w hite bal ance
M mode, 1/100 sec., F8, ISO 200, Da ylight w hite bal ance, Landscap e Creative Styl e; Photo: Nori fumi In agaki
At 16 mm
Contrast (%)
Distance from optical center of lens (mm)
Spatial frequency
10 line pairs/mm 30 line pairs/mm
Mid-range zoom
DT 16–50mm F2.8 SSM SAL16 50
Three ED gl ass ele ments and two as pheri cal elements fo r superior image qual ity Bright constant F2.8 maximum aperture SSM (Super Sonic wave Motor) for fast, quiet autofocus operation Circular aperture for attractive defocusing Dust and weather resistant desi gn 35mm equivalent focal length: 24–75mm
Aspherical lens ED glass
At 50 mm
Contrast (%)
Distance from optical center of lens (mm)
Max. aperture
R: Radial values T: Tangential values
F8 aperture
The SAL1650 packs first-class optical performance and a versatile zoom range into a lens that is remarkably compact and lightweight. At the wide end you have a 16mm focal length that is ideal for interiors, sweeping landscapes, or creating visual impact with powerful perspective. Zoom out to the 50mm end for mid-range telephoto reach that can bring details and distant subjects closer. What’s more, you have a constant F2.8 maximum aperture throughout the entire zoom range. That makes shooting in low light easy, especially when the lens is used with a body that includes SteadyShot INSIDE™ body-integrated image stabilization. A large maximum aperture also provides plenty of margin to stop down for increased depth of field or to freeze fast motion. The SAL1650 additionally features a circular aperture that, combined with the F2.8 maximum aperture, contributes to beautiful defocusing effects.
• Weight (approx): 577 g
• Dimensions (Dia. X L): 81 x 88 mm
• Max. magnification ratio: 0.2x
At 16 mm
Contrast (%)
Distance from optical center of lens (mm)
Spatial frequency
10 line pairs/mm 30 line pairs/mm
Mid-range zoom
DT 16–105mm F3.5–5.6 SAL1610 5
O ne ED gla ss elem ent and t wo asph erica l elements for superior image quality High resolution and contrast throughout zoom range Circular aperture for attractive defocusing Focus ring with auto clutch does not rotate during autofocus 35mm equivalent focal length: 24–157.5mm
Aspherical lens ED glass
At 105 mm
Contrast (%)
Distance from optical center of lens (mm)
Max. aperture
R: Radial values T: Tangential values
F8 aperture
Zoom range can be a very subjective and personal choice, hinging on individual shooting style and preferred subjects. The 16–105mm range of this lens is a “sweet spot” for many photographers, wide enough at the 16mm end to capture indoor scenes and long enough at 105mm to fill the frame with relatively distant subjects. Comfortable handling is another plus, facilitated by a compact, lightweight design and an auto­clutch mechanism that prevents focus ring rotation during autofocus operation, so you can comfortably cradle the lens in your hand while shooting. Of course comfort isn’t everything. A precision optical design delivers superb image quality throughout the entire zoom range.
• Weight (approx): 470 g
• Dimensions (Dia. x L): 72 x 83 mm
• Max. magnification ratio: 0.23x
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