SOMFY FX230 Installation Manual
- Installation manual
- Manual de instalación
- Manual de instalação
- Εγχειρίδιο εγκατάστασης
- 2 -
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
GENERAL __________________________________________________________________________________________________________2 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS
Warning 2 Safety instructions 2
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ____________________________________________________________________________________3
Field of application 3 Main functions 3 Dimensions 3 Electronic circuit board layout 4 Technical specications 4
INSTALLING THE CONTROLLER __________________________________________________________________________5
Preparing the case 5 Mounting the controller 5 Wiring 5
CONNECTING PERIPHERAL ACCESSORIES _________________________________________________________5
Automatic blinking 24V orange light 5 Photoelectric cells 6 Wired code keypad 6 Wired keylock contact 6
SET UP ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________7
Conguration 7 Choosing languages 7 Pairing remote controls 7 Re-engaging the motor drive system 8
PARAMETER SETTING MENU (PArAM) _________________________________________________________________9 LOGIC MENU (LoGIc)
________________________________________________________________________________________ 10
_________________________________________________________________________________________ 12
Checking 12
CLEARING REMOTE CONTROLS AND ALL SETTINGS _________________________________________12
Clearing all remote controls 12 Clearing all settings 12
TROUBLESHOOTING ________________________________________________________________________________________ 13
Meaning of the messages displayed on-screen 13
REMOVING THE CONTROLLER _________________________________________________________________________ 13
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
This product is compliant with the specication for the safety of household and similar electrical appliances, particular
requirements for powering gates and doors for residential use (EN 60335-2-2003). When installed in compliance with
these instructions and the "Installation Checklist", this product enables implementation in line with standards EN 13241-1
and EN 12453.
This product, installed in accordance with this guide, complies with EN 12453 and EN 13241-1 standards.
Failure to comply with these instructions releases Somfy from any liability for damage that may be entailed.
We, Somfy, declare that this product is compliant with the essential requirements and other relevant stipulations of
directive 1999/5/EC. A compliance declaration is available from the following address (FX230) This product can be used in the European Union and in Switzerland.
Important: Please comply with all instructions, for incorrect installation may cause serious injury.
Safety instructions
Before installing the motor drive system, make sure that the driven part is in good working order, that it is correctly
balanced and that it opens and closes correctly.
Ensure that danger areas (where pinching, cutting, trapping may occur) between the driven parts and xed surrounding
parts due to the opening motion of the driven part are avoided. Retain a clear 500 mm space behind each gate section when the gate is fully opened.
Any switch that does not lock into position (interphone, key switch, etc.) must be located in plain view of the driven part
but away from the moving parts.
Any switch installed must be at a minimum height of 1.5 meters and not be accessible to the public, except if it works
with a key. Ensure that the motor drive system cannot be used with gate section including a wicket gate inhibiting motion
(unless the motor drive cannot operate with the wicket gate open).
After installation, make sure that the mechanism is correctly adjusted and that the protection system and any manual
release mechanism operate correctly.
Permanently afx the label describing the manual release mechanism close to its operating mechanism.
Wear protective glasses while performing drilling work.
We recommend providing the installation with a surge arrester (in compliance with standard NF C 61740, with a maximum residual voltage of 2 kV).
In order to comply with standard EN 12453, an active edge sensor tted with autotest electronics (Bircher Reglomat ref.
ELE040/080A0J0/1/XXXX/2 + ref.ESA25-24ACDC) must be installed on the motorisation. After installing the active edge
sensor, it is essential that a stress test be carried out using measurement equipment which conforms to the requirements
set out in clause 5.1.1 of standard EN 12445.
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
Field of application
FX230 is intended to control one or two motors with a maximum power of 300 W, for opening and closing gates.
Main functions
Controlling two low voltage motors with a maximum power of 300 W.• Electronically adjusting torque with an obstacle detection function.
Controlling limiting devices. Controlling safety mechanisms.
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
Electronic circuit board layout
12 3
45678910 11 131415 16 17 1819 2021
31 32
Preset value
Increment/decrement parameters or switch ON/OFF
Scroll the menu
Simultaneously pressing the + and - buttons
is used to exit the menu and return to the
previous menu.
From the main menu level, simultaneously pressing the + and – buttons will exit the
programming mode. The display is switched off.
Programming in progress
Error in the value or function
Enter the value or function
Technical specications
Electronic controller
Power supply 230 V AC ± 10% - 50 Hz Mains/low voltage insulation
> 2 M W 500 V DC Operating temperature -10 / +55°C Motor output current level 1.25 A + 1.25 A max. Motor relay communication current 10 A Max. motor power 300 W (24 V DC) Accessory power supply 24 V AC Gate open indicator NO contact (24 V AC - 1 A max.) Blinking light 40 W
FX230 is supplied with standard settings entered. The electronic circuit board is provided with an unpluggable terminal block to facilitate maintenance. It is supplied with a
series of ready wired jumpers to facilitate installation.
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
Preparing the case
Remove the cover
Important: Do not remove the electronic circuit board.
Drill out the mounting holes taking care not to damage the circuit board. Use the controller case as the pattern for marking the mounting points on the gate post. Drill the gate post. Insert the cables and cut them to length.
The electric power line should:
be reserved exclusively for use by the gate opener,
have a minimum cross section of 1.5 mm
, be provided with a protection device (10A fuse or circuit breaker) and a residual current device (30 mA),• be tted with an omnipolar disconnection mechanism (refer to standard EN 60335-1),be installed in line with applicable safety standards.
Mounting the controller
Mount the FX230 on the gate post under the motor drive unit.
Automatic blinking 230V orange light
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
Photoelectric cells
Without self-test function
1 21 2 3 4 5
Wired code keypad
E - + H H P2 M P1 T3 C3 R3 T2 C2 R2 T1 C1 R1 V V
Wired keylock contact
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
Set up requires using controller buttons.
Press... To... OK Call up the menu and
submenu Validate a set up selection
+ or - Choose settings Change a
setting value + and – (pressed together)
Exit the active menu
The changes made are validated by pressing the OK button.
When the FX230 is switched on, the following information is displayed on-screen:
the controller software version,• the total number of open and close operations performed (a value displayed in hundreds). For the rst hundred
operations, the screen displays "0000".
Pressing OK during the presentation phase lets the user move straight to the rst menu.
Choosing languages
This function is used to choose the programming language on-screen:
Italian (ItA) French (FrA) German (dEU) English (EnG) Spanish (ESP)
[1] "LAnGUAGE" is displayed. [2] Press the OK button. [3] Use the + and - buttons on the control unit to
access the "LAnGUAGE" menu.
[4] Press the OK button to validate your choice.
Pairing remote controls
To pair a remote control: [1] Press the "PROG" button on the controller
for two seconds. The red indicator comes on.
[2] Press the remote control channel button
within two minutes of starting the process. The red indicator blinks. The remote control is paired.
Note: Performing this procedure for a channel that is already paired will clear it.
To add more remote controls: Repeat the same procedure.
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
To add a Telis type remote control: [1] Press the "PROG" button on the controller
for two seconds. The red indicator comes on.
[2] Press the "PROG" button on the back
of the Telis remote control within two minutes. The red indicator blinks. The remote control is paired.
To exit the programming mode without pairing a remote control: Briey press the "PROG" button on the controller.
Before starting up, check the electrical connections and the direction of motor rotation.
Position the gate half open.
When the button is pressed for the rst time, the gate should open. If not, reverse the connections to the
electric motors.
Before starting, move the gate by hand to bring it to the closed position.
Re-engaging the motor drive system
[1] Lift the lock cover. [2] Insert the release key and turn it counter clockwise by 90°. [3] Check gate motion and the action of the limiting devices.
The "Suc" message is displayed showing that the operation has been performed correctly. If the operation is performed
in any other way, the "nSuc" error message is displayed and the operation is not performed.
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
Press "OK" to display one of the following submenus:
Display By default Description Working time
(UorH. t)
10 s Set the working time value from 3 to 180 s
Pedestrian working time
(PEd. t)
6 s Set the control panel working time value from 3 to 90 s.
Automatic closure time
10 s Setting the automatic closure time (if tcA is active in LoGic).
Automatic closure time setting from 3 to 120 s.
Opening time delay
(oPEn dELAY t IME)
1 s Delay in starting motor 1 opening compared with motor 2, adjustable from 1 to 10 s.
Closing time delay
1 s Delay in starting motor 2 closing compared with motor 1, adjustable from 1 to 25 s.
Motor torque
(MOt torQUE)
50 % Adjust the minimum amount of motor torque required to move the gate.
Motor 1 torque setting value between 1% and 99%
Note: To adjust the limiting devices for the Ixengo S 230 V motor drive unit, use the "Working time" parameter.
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
Press "OK" to display one of the following submenus:
Display By default Description Automatic closure
OFF Automatic closure mode operation.
The gate will close automatically once the programmed time delay (tcA) times out.
ON: after a time delay, triggers automatic closure OFF: switches off automatic closure
3 steps
(3 StEP)
OFF “3 step”: semi-automatic mode operation (refer to the User's Manual).
“4 step”: sequential mode operation (refer to the User's Manual). ON: Switches on 3 step logic. Pressing START once has the following effect:
gate closed: the gate opens gate moving (opening): the gate stops and the automatic closure time is switched on (only if the latter function is set to ON) gate open: the gate closes gate moving (closing): the gate stops and opens again once the gate stops moving: the gate opens
OFF: Switches off 3 step logic.
Pushbutton inhibit
(IbL oPEn)
OFF Blocks out pushbutton functions while the gate is opening.
ON: while opening only OFF: no inhibit function
Prior alarm mode
OFF An indication before the motors start.
ON: The blinking light comes on for three seconds before the motors start. OFF: The blinking light lights at the same time as the motors start.
Fast closure
(FASt cLS)
OFF The gate closes three seconds after clearing the photoelectric cells and before reaching the
end of the congured automatic closure time.
ON: command enabled OFF: command disabled
Photoelectric cells during opening
(Photoc. oPEn)
in closing mode, the gate stops then reverses its movement.• in opening mode, cells are inactive.
in closing mode, the gate stops and reverses its movement once the cells are no longer
in opening mode, the gate stops then continues its movement once the cells are no longer
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
Display By default Description Gate open indicator
(ScA 2ch)
ON Activates the gate open indicator.
ON: The output between terminals 15-16 is congured as the gate open indicator.
Active motors
(1 Mot on)
OFF Selects the active motors.
ON: Only motor 2 is active (terminals 7-8-9). The pedestrian entrance is enabled. OFF: Both motors are active.
Extra opening force
(rAM bLoU c. oP)
OFF To be used in the presence of a closing limit stop.
ON: The motor continues travel for 2 s after detecting the closing limiting device or until the
mechanical limit stop. In this way, by slightly anticipating when the closing limit stop acts, the
two gate sections will close up perfectly against the limit stop.
OFF: Motion is stopped by closing limit stop action.
START – OPEN selection
(StArt oPEn)
OFF ON: The input between terminals 17-20 works as OPEN.
OFF: The input between terminals 17-20 works as START.
PED – CLOSE selection
ON: The input between terminals 17-21 works as the CLOSE action. OFF: The input between terminals 17-21 works as the PEDESTRIAN action.
Pedestrian opening
OFF Pedestrian opening mode.
A short press on the button partially opens the gate while a long press fully opens the gate.
ON: enables pedestrian opening OFF: disables pedestrian opening
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
The FX230 checks the operating relays and safety mechanisms before running the opening and closing cycles.
If a malfunction occurs, make sure that the connected devices operate correctly and check the wiring. During the opening and closing phases, the screen displays four digits separated by a decimal point, e.g. 35.40. The
digits are updated during motion and represent the maximum torque reached by motor 1 (value 35) and by motor 2
(value 40).
If the maximum torque value reached during motion is close to the set value, operating anomalies may appear due to
wear or to any slight deformation affecting the gate section.
Clearing all remote controls
Press the controller's "PROG" button for more than seven seconds. The indicator blinks to show that all of the remote controls are cleared.
Clearing all settings
[1] Press OK twice to access the menus. [2] Use the + and – buttons to call up the preset
menu. [3] Press OK to clear all of the settings. The motor drive system is reset and reverts to its
initial conguration.
Before using the motor drive system, perform
a new learning cycle.
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
Meaning of the messages displayed on-screen
Before accessing the list of menus, the FX230 screen displays the following information:
Somfy Product name FX230 software version level
Number of cycles performed (a value expressed in hundreds). During the rst 100 operations, the screen displays 0000.
If incorrect operation occurs, a message is displayed showing which mechanism should be checked. If the problem found cannot be corrected, contact Somfy technical support.
The screen located on the electronic circuit board displays useful information during normal operation and when faults occur.
The following messages indicate which mechanism to check:
Message Meaning Comments
OK Learning successful KO Learning failed
Awaiting a value or function
End Exit programming mode SuC Closing limit stop enabled SuO Opening limit stop enabled AMP Obstacle detected PED Pedestrian entrance function on Ensure that the peripheral that controls the pedestrian entrance is
operating properly.
START START input on Ensure that the peripheral that controls the START input is operating
STOP STOP input on Ensure that the peripheral that controls the STOP input is operating
properly. PHOT PHOT input on Ensure that nothing is blocking out the photoelectric cells. CLOSE CLOSE input on Ensure that the peripheral that controls the CLOSE input is operating
properly. OPEN OPEN input on Ensure that the peripheral that controls the OPEN input is operating
properly. SWO1 Motor 1 opening limit stop input on Electro-magnetic detection system failure. Replace it. SWC1 Motor 1 closing limit stop input on Electro-magnetic detection system failure. Replace it. SWO2 Motor 2 opening limit stop input on Electro-magnetic detection system failure. Replace it. SWC2 Motor 2 closing limit stop input on Electro-magnetic detection system failure. Replace it. TH Software thermal protection function triggered Wait for this message to be cleared before continuing to use the motor
drive system.
Warning: This operation must be performed by qualied personnel.
If the FX230 controller is to be removed and retted elsewhere:
cut the power supply and disconnect the entire electrical installation,• if some components cannot be removed or are damaged, replace them
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
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Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
INTRODUCCIÓN _________________________________________________________________________________________________2 INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD
Advertencia 2 Instrucciones de seguridad 2
DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PRODUCTO ___________________________________________________________________________3
Ámbito de aplicación 3 Funciones principales 3 Dimensiones 3 Presentación de la tarjeta electrónica 4 Características técnicas 4
INSTALACIÓN DEL MANDO _________________________________________________________________________________5
Preparación de la carcasa 5 Colocación del mando 5 Cableado 5
CONEXIÓN DE PERIFÉRICOS _____________________________________________________________________________5
Luz naranja auto-intermitente 24 V 5 Células fotoeléctricas 6 Contacto alámbrico con código 6 Contacto alámbrico con llave 6
AJUSTES __________________________________________________________________________________________________________7
Conguración 7 Selección de idiomas 7 Memorización de los mandos a distancia 7 Re-embragar la motorización 8
MENÚ PARÁMETROS (PArAM) _____________________________________________________________________________9 MENÚ LÓGICO (LoGIc)
______________________________________________________________________ 12
Vericación 12
Borrado de todos los mandos a distancia 12 Borrado de todos los ajustes 12
DIAGNÓSTICO _________________________________________________________________________________________________13
Signicado de los mensajes que aparecen en la pantalla 13
DESMONTAJE DEL MANDO ______________________________________________________________________________13 NOTAS
Copyright © 2008 Somfy SAS. All rights reserved.
Este producto cumple la norma “seguridad, reglas particulares para la motorización de cancelas y puertas” de uso
residencial (norma EN 60335-2-203). La instalación de este producto según las presentes instrucciones y conforme a la
“cha de comprobación de la instalación”, se ajusta a lo dispuesto en las normas EN 13241-1 y EN 12453. Este producto, instalado conforme a las presentes instrucciones, permite una puesta en servicio conforme a las normas
EN 12453 y EN 13241-1.
En caso de incumplimiento de estas instrucciones, Somfy declina toda responsabilidad por cualquier daño que pudiera
Somfy declara que este producto se ajusta a los requisitos básicos y a otras disposiciones pertinentes de la directiva 1999/5/CE. Existe una declaración de conformidad para su consulta en (FX230). Producto
utilizable en la Unión Europea y en Suiza.
Importante: observe todas las instrucciones, ya que una instalación incorrecta puede dar lugar a lesiones graves.
Instrucciones de seguridad
Antes de instalar la motorización, compruebe que el batiente esté en buen estado mecánico, correctamente equilibrado
y que se abra y cierre sin problemas.
Asegúrese de que no haya zonas peligrosas (aplastamiento, cizallamiento, atoramiento) entre el batiente y las partes jas circundantes, a causa del movimiento de apertura.
Deje despejada una zona de 500 mm por detrás de cada hoja en posición de apertura total. Cualquier interruptor sin bloqueo (interfono, contacto con llave, etc.) debe estar situado a vista directa del batiente,
aunque alejado de las partes móviles. Debe estar instalado a una altura mínima de 1,5 m y no ser accesible al público, excepto si funciona con llave. Compruebe que la motorización no se active si un batiente con portilla está obstaculizado (excepto si la motorización no
puede funcionar con la portilla abierta).
Tras la instalación, compruebe que el mecanismo esté ajustado correctamente y que el sistema de protección y todo
dispositivo de desembragado manual funcionen correctamente.
Fije de manera permanente la etiqueta relativa al dispositivo de desembragado manual junto a su mando de maniobra.
Utilice gafas durante el taladrado.
Se recomienda incorporar un pararrayos a la instalación (según la norma NF C 61740, tensión residual máxima de 2 kV). Con el n de adecuarse a la norma EN 12453, en la motorización se debe instalar un borde palpador activo con un
dispositivo electrónico que garantice un autotest (Bircher Reglomat ref. ELE040/080A0J0/1/XXXX/2 + ref.ESA25-
24ACDC). Tras la instalación del borde palpador activo, es obligatorio realizar una medición de esfuerzo con un aparato de medición de acuerdo con las exigencias descritas en la cláusula 5.1.1 de la norma EN 12445.
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