Thank you for your purchase of this sewing machineThis machine will provide you with excellent performance in sewing from light to heavy material (lawn to
denim). Please refer to this booklet for proper use and optimum service.
Safety Cautions:
^ Be sure that the electrical voltage of the socket outlet (wail receptacle) is the same as the rated
voltage of the motor.
® Disconnect the powerdine plug from the socket outlet when changing needles, presser foot or
throat plate, or when leaving the machine unattended- This eiiminaies the possibility of start
ing the machine by accidentally pressing the speed controller.
^ Do not pull the fabric while you are stitching as this may deflect the needle, causing it to break^ Before cleaning your machine, disconnect the powerdine plug from the socket outlet.
^ Do not attempt to adjust the motor belt. Contact your nearest Service Center should any
adjustment be required.
Handle the foot controller with care and avoid dropping it on the fioor. Be sure not to place
anything on top of it.
^ When sewing closely watch the area being sewn to avoid injuries from needles and knives.
^ Use only the handle to lift and move the machine.
^ A Trademark of THS ЗШОВЯ COMPANY
Copyright €> 1986 THE SINGER COMPANY
Ah' Rights Reserved Throughout The World

1. Principal parts......................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Preparatiorx prior to sewing....................................................................................................................3
3. Threading the machine .......................................................................................................................... 4
« Setting up the thread guide holder......................................................................................................4
• How to open looper cover....................................................................................................... 5
® How to remove cylinder cover................................................................................................ 5
« How to thread your machine correctly.....................................................................................6
^ How to change threads ............................................................................................................ 9
4. Chain off and test sew ............................................................................................................................9
5. How to adjust thread tension .............................................................................................................. 10
6. How to adjust stitch length................................................................................................................... 12
7. How to adjust overedge seam width .................................................................................................. 12
8. How to roll hem................................................................................................................................. 13
9. Free arm sewing (tubular work)......................................................................................................... 15
10. Seam guide lines................................................................................................................................. 15
1 L Edge guide ......................................................................................................................................... 16
12. Variation stitch ................................................................................................................................ 16
Ornamental stitching....................................................................................................................... 16
« Blindstitching .................................................................................................................................. 18
« Braiding by chaining-off
^ Pin tucking....................................................................................................................................... 19
^ Reinforced (tapes) overedge stitching
» Turning square comers ..................................................................................................................... 20
13. How to replace needles........................................................................................................................ 21
14. How to replace stationary knife........................................................................................................... 21
15. How to exchange light bulb ................................................................................................................. 21
16. How to adjust presser foot pressure
17. Lubrication
18. Reasons for poor stitches and how to make adjustment.................................................................... 23
.................................. ...............
......................................................................................... 19
.................................................................................................... 22
19. Relationship between cloth, thread and needle
20. Accessories.......................................................................................................................................... 25
2L Speciñcation of the 14Ü64A machine
....................................................... , .......................

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Thread guide holder
Left hand iooper thread tension dial

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Connect the machine plug to the electncal receptacle of your machine and the power line plug to the wall
To run the machine and control the speed, press the speed controller. The harder you press, the faster the
machine will sew. To stop the machine from sewing, remove your foot from the speed controller.
^ Be sure that the e^ectncai voltage of the socket outlet (wah receptadei Is the same as the rated voltage of
the motor.
^ Handle the foot controller with care and avoid dropping It on the floor. Be sure not to place anything
on top of It.
® Disconnect the powerdine plug from the socket outlet when changing needles, presser feet or throat
plates, or when leaving the machine urnttended. This allmilnates the possibility of startingthe machine
by accidentally pressing the speed controller.
Before cleaning your machine, disconnect the power-line plug from the socket outlet.

Thread the :::cGh:::8
Setting up the thread guide holder
Extend the thread guide holder as far as possible and set
the thread guides so that they are located right above
the spool pins.
Place the thread on the spool stand as shown in the
figure at the left.
When using synthetic threads that easily spill off the cop
(cone), slip the anti-spill sleeve furnished with the
machine over the thread from the bottom of the cop
(cone) leaving the thread end hanging free at the top of
the anti-süiil sleeve as shown above.
When using a regular thread spool, fit the
spool cap supplied with the machine onto the
thread soooi as shown at left.

# How to open looper cover
Be sure rooper cover is ciossd when sewing.
• How to remove cylinder cover
0 Push the cover to the ri^ht
far as it will go and
(D Full cover down toward you.
To replace cover
0 While pulling the cylinder cover to the left,
0 Lift cover upward and off the machine.
Do not hold the cylinder cover when moving the maohme.
0 Place tab on top of cover under the
throat plate.
0 Press cover downward to the right.

• How to thread your machine correctly
Correct sewing cannot be obtained when machine is threaded incorrectly.
Threading is diagrammed on the inner side of the looper cover and identified with colors on the various
thread guides.
(1) Open looper cover. Thread the right looper in the order (T) to (|)- as indicated in the figure below,
(threading points marked in orange)

(2) Thread left looper in sequence from @ to 0 (marked in yellow color). Cylinder cover must also be
removed when threading this part. (Refer to page 5 for cylinder cover removal).
Wh^e holding thread with finger,
pass It between the tension discs
and puh thread down to make
certain It is properly located In
between the tension discs.
Turn hand wheel toward you
until left looper is at left as far
as it will go and thread looper
thread hole (§) from left to
right. (Use tweezers provided in
your accessory set).
Turn hand wheel toward you until
the looper is at right as far as
it will go passing the thread under
the throat plate, then using the
tweezers, thread the looper thread
hole 0 from front to back. Draw
about 5cmi (2 inches) of thread
from thread hole.