Simrad AP35 Instruction Manual

Simrad AP35 Autopilot
Simrad AS makes every effort to ensure that the information contained within this document is correct. However, our equipment is continuously being improved and updated, so we cannot assume liability for any errors which may occur.
The equipment to which this manual applies must only be used for the purpose for which it was designed. Improper use or maintenance may cause damage to the equipment or injury to personnel. The user must be familiar with the contents of the appropriate manuals before attempting to operate or work on the equipment.
Simrad AS disclaims any responsibility for damage or injury caused by improper installation, use or maintenance of the equipment.
© 2003 Simrad AS
The information contained within this document remains the sole property of Simrad AS.
No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, and the information contained within is not to be communicated to a third party, without the prior written consent of Simrad AS.
Instruction Manual
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Instruction Manual
This manual is intended as a reference guide for operating and correctly installing the Simrad AP35 autopilot.
Great care has been paid to simplify operation and set-up of the AP35, however, an autopilot is a complex electronic system. It is affected by sea conditions, speed of the vessel, hull shape and size.
Please take time to read this manual to get a thorough understanding of the operation and system components and their relationship to a complete AP35 autopilot system.
Other documentation material that is included in this manual is a warranty card. This must be filled out by the authorized dealer that performed the installation and mailed in to activate the warranty.
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Document revisions
Rev Date Written by Checked by Approved by
– 05.02.96 NG IK ThH A 25.06.96 NG ThH B 08.09.97 NG IK ThH C 31.08.98 NG IK GHR D 31.05.99 NG IK ThH E 07.08.01 NG ThH
F 21.12.01 NG TR G 04.06.02 NG IK TR H 08.10.03
Document history
Rev. – Original Issue A Changes on modification record and table of contents. Page 2-5:
Amendment to operational sequence of R3000X. Page 2-13: Changes in text. Page 3-2: Amendment to specifications on Junction units. Page 4-1: New page references in text. Page 4-3 and 6-1: Call attention upon feedback alignment. Page 4-11: Included drawing of control unit connection. Remaining pages of chapter 4 changed due to displacement of text/s. Page 4-28 and 4-29: Changes in text. Page 4-30 and 4-31: New layout on interface setup table.
B RFC35R Rate Compass, RI35 Rudder Angle Indicator and S35 NFU
Steering Lever included. Page 2-5: Corrected course change rate of R3000X. Page 3-2: Supply voltage for junction units added. Max Clutch/bypass load added. Page 3-12: NMEA messages list updated. Page 4-6: Drawings for junction units terminal boards included. Page 4-26: Minor change in text. Table of contents, List of s and Distributor list updated.
C New V1R2 s.w. in AP35 Control Unit. Initial rudder ref. setting. Page 2-
6: Added note. Page 4-1: Added point 5g. Page 4-25: Added “Initial Rudder” to Dockside Items. Page 4-28: Added text. Page 4-29: Added “Initial Rudder” explanation. Page 4-36: Corrected text in 1st. and 3rd. paragraph.
D Added text on page 1-1 (4
paragraph), page 1-2 (table), page 2-10 (last paragraph). New display picture one page 4-29. Corrected specifications for Special Turn mode, page 3-1. Added “Modification on PCB”, page 5-
E New layout. RF45X included. Dataline drawings replaced by IS15
drawings. CI300X connection drawing replaced. Display pictures updated according to new software version, V1R3. NMEA compass added. CD100A included.
F Following corrections: STBY button section 2.3. Conductor color on
figure 4-19. HDM message on page 83. Added FU35 under Comm. Failure alarm page 95.
G Minor corrections in text on page 58, 83 and 85. Distributor list updated. H Updated according to software version V1R4. RFC35R substituted by
RC25. FU35 substituted by FU50. Modifications on RF45X.
Instruction Manual
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1 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................... 9
1.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 9
1.2 How to use this manual............................................................................................. 9
1.3 System components ................................................................................................ 10
1.4 AP35 Control Unit .................................................................................................. 10
1.5 Junction units .......................................................................................................... 11
1.6 Rudder Feedback units ........................................................................................... 11
RF300 Rudder Feedback Unit ................................................................................ 11
RF45X Rudder Feedback Unit ............................................................................... 11
1.7 Heading Sensors ..................................................................................................... 11
RFC35 Electronic Fluxgate Compass..................................................................... 11
RC25 Rate Compass............................................................................................... 12
CDI35 Course Detector Interface and CD100A (CD109) Course Detector........... 12
NMEA compass...................................................................................................... 12
Other compass models............................................................................................ 12
1.8 Optional equipment ................................................................................................ 12
R3000X Remote Control ........................................................................................ 12
S35 NFU Steering Lever ........................................................................................ 12
FU50 Follow-Up Steering Lever ............................................................................ 12
F1/2 NFU Remote .................................................................................................. 13
RI35 Mk2 Rudder Angle Indicator......................................................................... 13
2 OPERATION OF THE AUTOPILOT............................................................................... 15
2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................ 15
2.2 ON/OFF - Standby mode........................................................................................ 16
2.3 Follow-Up steering ................................................................................................. 17
2.4 Non-Follow-Up steering ......................................................................................... 17
2.5 NFU Steering lever ................................................................................................. 17
2.6 NFU Push button remote control ............................................................................ 17
2.7 R3000X Remote Control ........................................................................................ 18
2.8 S35 NFU Steering Lever ........................................................................................ 18
2.9 Automatic Steering ................................................................................................. 19
2.10 Automatic Speed selection ..................................................................................... 20
2.11 Manual speed selection........................................................................................... 20
2.12 Navigating with the AP35 ...................................................................................... 21
Selecting a different Navigator............................................................................... 22
2.13 WORK-mode.......................................................................................................... 23
2.14 TURN-mode ........................................................................................................... 24
2.15 Dodging .................................................................................................................. 25
Dodge in NAV........................................................................................................ 25
2.16 Multiple station system........................................................................................... 25
2.17 Lock function.......................................................................................................... 26
2.18 User Set-up Menu ................................................................................................... 27
3 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................... 29
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AP35 Autopilot System .......................................................................................... 29
3.2 AP35 Control Unit .................................................................................................. 30
3.3 Junction units .......................................................................................................... 30
3.4 RFC35 Fluxgate compass ....................................................................................... 32
3.5 RC25 Rate Compass ............................................................................................... 33
3.6 CDI35 Course Detector Interface ........................................................................... 33
3.7 RI35 Mk2 Rudder Angle Indicator ......................................................................... 34
3.8 RF300 Rudder Feedback Unit ................................................................................ 35
3.9 RF45X Rudder Feedback Unit ............................................................................... 36
3.10 R3000X Remote ..................................................................................................... 37
3.11 CI300X Compass Interface..................................................................................... 37
3.12 NI300X NMEA Interface ....................................................................................... 38
3.13 S35 NFU Steering Lever ........................................................................................ 38
3.14 F1/2 Remote Control .............................................................................................. 39
3.15 FU50 Steering Lever............................................................................................... 40
3.16 IP protection ........................................................................................................... 41
4 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................. 43
4.1 General.................................................................................................................... 43
4.2 Installation checklist ............................................................................................... 43
4.3 Unpacking and handling ......................................................................................... 44
4.4 Determine system configuration ............................................................................. 44
4.5 AP35 System Layout .............................................................................................. 45
4.6 RF300 Rudder feedback ......................................................................................... 45
4.7 RF45X Rudder Feedback Unit ............................................................................... 47
Electrical connection .............................................................................................. 48
4.8 Junction unit ........................................................................................................... 49
Cable connections................................................................................................... 49
Grounding and RFI................................................................................................. 50
Junction unit terminals............................................................................................ 50
4.9 Drive unit ................................................................................................................ 51
Connecting a reversible pump ................................................................................ 53
Connecting a hydraulic linear drive........................................................................ 53
Connecting a solenoid valve................................................................................... 54
4.10 Control unit............................................................................................................. 54
Panel mounting ....................................................................................................... 54
Bracket mounting ................................................................................................... 54
ROBNET network cables ....................................................................................... 55
4.11 RFC35 Fluxgate Compass ...................................................................................... 57
4.12 RC25 Rate Compass ............................................................................................... 58
4.13 R3000X Remote Control ........................................................................................ 59
4.14 FU50 Steering Lever............................................................................................... 59
4.15 S35 NFU Steering Lever ........................................................................................ 60
4.16 F1/2 Remote Control .............................................................................................. 60
4.17 RI35 Mk2 Rudder Angle Indicator......................................................................... 61
RI35 Mk2 illumination ........................................................................................... 61
Instruction Manual
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Zero adjust .............................................................................................................. 61
Reversed deflection ................................................................................................ 62
4.18 Interfacing............................................................................................................... 63
4.19 Single NMEA input/output..................................................................................... 63
4.20 Double NMEA input/output ................................................................................... 63
4.21 Additional NMEA output on Port 2........................................................................ 64
4.22 NMEA Compass in................................................................................................. 64
4.23 Radar Clock/Data.................................................................................................... 64
4.24 IS15 Instrument ...................................................................................................... 65
4.25 Analog Repeater ..................................................................................................... 66
4.26 Digital Repeater ...................................................................................................... 66
4.27 External Alarm ....................................................................................................... 67
4.28 NI300X NMEA Interface Unit ............................................................................... 67
4.29 CI300X Analogue Interface Unit............................................................................ 68
4.30 CD100A Course Detector....................................................................................... 69
4.31 CDI35 Interface ...................................................................................................... 70
4.32 Software Setup Procedure....................................................................................... 71
Description of Installation Settings ........................................................................ 71
Installation Settings Menu ...................................................................................... 72
Language selection ................................................................................................. 72
Dockside settings.................................................................................................... 73
Drive unit voltage selection .................................................................................... 74
Alignment for RF45X Rudder Feedback Unit........................................................ 75
Rudder Feedback Calibration ................................................................................. 75
Automatic Rudder Test........................................................................................... 77
Transition Speed ..................................................................................................... 77
Autotrim WORK .................................................................................................... 78
Initial Rudder.......................................................................................................... 78
Master reset............................................................................................................. 78
Interface Settings .................................................................................................... 79
4.33 Sea Trial.................................................................................................................. 83
Rudder zero adjust .................................................................................................. 83
Compass calibration................................................................................................ 84
Compass Offset....................................................................................................... 84
Automatic tuning .................................................................................................... 85
View parameters ..................................................................................................... 86
Manual parameter adjust......................................................................................... 87
4.34 Final sea trial .......................................................................................................... 88
4.35 Providing user training ........................................................................................... 89
5 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................. 90
5.1 Control unit............................................................................................................. 90
5.2 Junction Unit........................................................................................................... 90
5.3 Rudder Feedback .................................................................................................... 90
5.4 Compass.................................................................................................................. 90
5.5 Drive unit ................................................................................................................ 90
5.6 Exchange of software programme .......................................................................... 91
Modification on AP35 PCB.................................................................................... 92
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TROUBLE SHOOTING ..................................................................................................... 93
6.1 Alarms .................................................................................................................... 93
6.2 NMEA Test............................................................................................................. 96
6.3 System Data Menu.................................................................................................. 97
7 SPARE PARTS LIST .......................................................................................................... 98
8 SALES AND SERVICE WORLDWIDE (300903) ......................................................... 101
List of Figures
FIGURE 1-1 AP35 BASIC SYSTEM .................................................................................10
FIGURE 2-1 AP35 FRONT PANEL................................................................................... 15
FIGURE 3-1 AP35 CONTROL UNIT - DIMENSIONS DRW. NO. N3-208305...............30
FIGURE 3-2 J300X/J3000X JUNCTION UNIT - DIMENSIONS ..................................... 31
FIGURE 3-3 J300X-40 JUNCTION UNIT - DIMENSIONS .............................................31
FIGURE 3-4 RFC35 FLUXGATE COMPASS – DIMENSIONS ......................................32
FIGURE 3-5 RI35 MK2 DIMENSIONS............................................................................. 34
FIGURE 3-6 RF300 RUDDER FEEDBACK - DIMENSIONS.......................................... 35
FIGURE 3-7 TRANSMISSION LINK - DIMENSIONS.................................................... 35
FIGURE 3-8 RF45X RUDDER FEEDBACK UNIT .......................................................... 36
FIGURE 3-9 RF45 TRANSMISSION LINK...................................................................... 36
FIGURE 3-10 R3000X - DIMENSIONS ............................................................................37
FIGURE 3-11 CI300X AND NI300X - DIMENSIONS.....................................................38
FIGURE 3-12 S35 - DIMENSIONS.................................................................................... 39
FIGURE 3-13 F1/F2 - DIMENSIONS ................................................................................39
FIGURE 3-14 FU50 DIMENSIONS .................................................................................. 40
FIGURE 4-1 AP35 SYSTEM LAYOUT WITH OPTIONS................................................45
FIGURE 4-2 RF300 MOUNTING (019356)....................................................................... 46
FIGURE 4-3 RF300 CONNECTION .................................................................................. 46
FIGURE 4-4 RF45X RUDDER FEEDBACK UNIT - MOUNTING .................................47
FIGURE 4-5 RF45X CONNECTION .................................................................................48
FIGURE 4-6 J3XX MOUNTING........................................................................................ 49
FIGURE 4-7 J3XX – SCREEN TERMINATION............................................................... 50
FIGURE 4-8 CONNECTING A REVERSIBLE PUMP .....................................................53
FIGURE 4-9 CONNECTING A HYDRAULIC LINEAR DRIVE..................................... 53
FIGURE 4-10 CONNECTING A SOLENOID VALVE..................................................... 54
FIGURE 4-11 AP35 PANEL MOUNTING ........................................................................54
FIGURE 4-12 AP35 BRACKET MOUNTING...................................................................55
FIGURE 4-13 CONTROL UNIT CONNECTION.............................................................. 56
FIGURE 4-14 RFC35 MOUNTING.................................................................................... 57
FIGURE 4-15 RFC35 CONNECTION ...............................................................................58
FIGURE 4-16 RC25 CONNECTION TO AP35 CONTROL UNIT ................................... 58
FIGURE 4-17 R3000X CONNECTION .............................................................................59
FIGURE 4-18 S35 CONNECTION TO JUNCTION UNIT................................................60
FIGURE 4-19 F1/2 CONNECTION.................................................................................... 60
FIGURE 4-20 RI35 MK2-J3000X/J300X WIRING DIAGRAM........................................61
FIGURE 4-21 SINGLE NMEA CONNECTION............................................................... 63
FIGURE 4-22 DOUBLE NMEA CONNECTION............................................................. 63
FIGURE 4-23 NMEA COMPASS CONNECTION............................................................ 64
FIGURE 4-24 RADAR CLOCK/DATA CONNECTION ..................................................64
FIGURE 4-25 IS15 INSTRUMENTS / J3XX CONNECTION ..........................................65
FIGURE 4-26 IS15 EXPANDER / J3XX CONNECTION................................................. 65
FIGURE 4-27 AR77 AND AR68 ANALOG REPEATER CONNECTION...................... 66
FIGURE 4-28 DR75 DIGITAL REPEATER CONNECTION ..........................................66
FIGURE 4-29 EXTERNAL ALARM CONNECTION.......................................................67
FIGURE 4-30 NI300X CONNECTION.............................................................................. 68
FIGURE 4-31 CI300X CONNECTIONS............................................................................ 69
Instruction Manual
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FIGURE 4-32 CD100A MOUNTING................................................................................. 70
FIGURE 4-33 CDI35 CONNECTION ................................................................................ 70
FIGURE 4-34 INSTALLATION SETTINGS MENU ........................................................73
FIGURE 5-1 J3000X/J300X/J300X-40 MAIN PC-BOARD ..............................................91
FIGURE 5-2 AP35 PCB, COMPONENT LAYOUT .......................................................... 91
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General Information
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1.1 Introduction
Congratulations on the purchase of your new Simrad AP35 autopilot system and thank you for selecting what we feel is the most advanced autopilot system available on the market today.
Today Simrad manufacture a complete range of autopilots for all types of vessels, from leisure boats up to advanced steering systems for merchant marine vessels. Our factory for these products Simrad Egersund AS, is located in Egersund on the south/west coast of Norway. The company's involvement in autopilots began in 1953 with equipment for the North Sea fishing fleet under the brand name Robertson. Professional mariners around the world acknowledge that the Robertson and Simrad brand names are synonymous with the absolute best in autopilot technology.
The AP35 autopilot from Simrad represents yet another step forward in autopilot technology with the intent to provide small fishing boats and work boats up to 45 feet with a host of new features. The system can be expanded and enhanced with a selection of options and accessories.
The brain in the AP35 autopilot system is the single "intelligent" junction unit that communicates with all other system modules on the ROBNET network. The ROBNET has been developed to establish a reliable digital communication and power distribution network between the units in the system. The ROBNET simplifies installation and enables the AP35 system to be easily expanded at any time. Any unit that is connected to the autopilot system via Robnet is called a Robnet Unit (See table on page 11).
1.2 How to use this manual
This manual is intended as a reference guide for operating, installing and maintaining the Simrad AP35 autopilot. Great care has been paid to simplify operation and set-up of the AP35, however, an autopilot is a complex electronic system. It is affected by sea conditions, speed of the vessel, hull shape and size.
Please take time to read this manual to get a thorough understanding of the operation and system components and their relationship to a complete AP35 autopilot system.
Other documentation materials that are provided with your system include a warranty card. This must be filled out by the authorized dealer that performed the installation and mailed in to activate the warranty.
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1.3 System components
A basic AP35 system consists of the following units (refer to Figure 1-1):
AP35 Control Unit with accessories
Heading sensor
Rudder Feedback Unit with transmission link
Junction Unit
Drive unit
The basic system can be expanded with remote control unit, hand held remote and steering lever.
Figure 1-1 AP35 Basic system
1.4 AP35 Control Unit
A compact autopilot control for panel, bulkhead or bracket mounting. Large LCD display for readout of autopilot data and rotary course selector. It has two Robnet connectors for system inter- connection and expansion.
General Information
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1.5 Junction units
The junction unit is the central in the AP35 autopilot system. It contains the steering computer, interface circuits to all system components and drive circuits for the drive unit motor and clutch. Three models, J300X, J300X-40 and J3000X are available.
Junction unit comparison chart:
J3000X J300X (J300X-40)
Supply voltage 10-28 V 10-40 V
Motor current (continuous/peak) 6/10 A 10/20A (20/40A)
Number of Robnet units* (+J3xx) 2 5
NMEA ports (input/output) 1 2
Solenoid output x x
Input for NFU control x x
External alarm x
Radar clock/data interface x
* AP35 Control Unit, RC25 Rate Compass, FU50 Follow-up lever, CI300X Compass Interface, NI300X NMEA Interface.
1.6 Rudder Feedback units
RF300 Rudder Feedback Unit
Rudder feedback unit with transmission link and 10 m (30 feet) of cable. Transforms the angular travel of the rudder to a digital signal read by the autopilot steering computer.
RF45X Rudder Feedback Unit
This unit transmits two electrical signals proportional to the rudder angle. One signal operates as a feedback for the autopilot, the other as drive signal for rudder angle indicators. The unit is mounted close to the rudder stock and is mechanically connected to the rudder by the RF45 Transmission link.
1.7 Heading Sensors
The AP35 autopilot can be used with the following combinations of heading sensors:
RFC35 Electronic Fluxgate Compass
A compact heading sensor from Simrad with 15 m (45 feet) of cable. The direction of the earth's magnetic field is sensed by a floating ring core in a fluxgate coil and transformed to a digital signal read by the autopilot steering computer.
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RC25 Rate Compass
Fluxgate compass with integrated rate of turn sensor. Provides a dramatic improvement to the dynamic performance of both the autopilot and a stabilized radar display.
Same dimensions as RFC35.
CDI35 Course Detector Interface and CD100A (CD109) Course Detector
Interface and sensor unit to connect AP35 to a magnetic compass. The AP35 provides excitation current for CD100A and converts the analogue sin/cos signal to digital two wire format for the autopilot steering computer.
NMEA compass
Any NMEA 0183 compass with HDT, HDG or HDM messages can be connected directly to the J300X/J300-40X junction units.
Other compass models
The optional CI300X can interface AP35 to fluxgate compasses with heading signal on a sine/cosine format or gyro with 1:1 synchro.
1.8 Optional equipment
A series of options are available for the basic AP35 system.
R3000X Remote Control
A small handheld remote control with two push buttons for power steering or course selection (port and starboard), and one push button with built-in lighted indicator for mode selection.
S35 NFU Steering Lever
S35 is designed for indoor and outdoor bulkhead mount and made of shock resistant polyxymethylene. The lever has spring loaded return to mid­position. A push button with light indicator is used for mode selection when connected to a Simrad J3XX junction unit.
FU50 Follow-Up Steering Lever
The FU50 Follow-up steering lever features a dial (scale) with 5° rudder angle markings. The rudder will move and stop at the angle selected on the dial. The FU50 has a mid-position indent, buttons for (limited) mode selection, and mode indicators (STBY, FU, AUTO, NAV, WORK, and THRUSTER*). It is designed for indoor and outdoor bulkhead- or panel­mounting. Refer to the FU50 manual.
* With AP50 Autopilot only.
General Information
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F1/2 NFU Remote
Handheld control for push button steering, fitted with a rubber grip. Made of cast seawater resistant aluminium and fitted with a 10 meter (30 ft.) cable.
RI35 Mk2 Rudder Angle Indicator
The RI35 Mk2 is manufactured in non-corrosive aluminum with a non­reflective black finish.
The indicator is made in standard modular size (132x108 mm) to match the Simrad AP35 autopilot.
The instrument gives a continuous reading of the rudder position up to 45 degrees to each side of midship position. A front panel key is used for rudder zero adjustment and illumination adjustment.
The splash proof construction allows panel, bulkhead or bracket mounting in exposed locations, such as bridge wings as well as wheel house and engine room.
Note ! See Figure 4-1 for illustrations or section 3 for technical specifications.
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Caution ! An autopilot is a very useful navigational aid, but DOES NOT under any
circumstance replace a human navigator.
Do not use automatic steering when:
In heavy traffic areas or in narrow waters
In poor visibility or extreme sea conditions
In areas where use of autopilot is prohibited by law
When using an autopilot:
Do not leave the helm unattended
Do not place any magnetic material or equipment near magnetic or
fluxgate compass used in the autopilot system
Verify at regular intervals course and position of vessel
Always switch to Standby mode, and reduce speed in due time to avoid
hazardous situations
2.1 Overview
Figure 2-1 AP35 Front Panel
The control unit shown above can operate as a stand alone unit in an autopilot system or combined in a multistation system. In a multistation system the command can easily be transferred from one unit to another. Units not in control will display "Inactive".
The AP35 system is capable of the following primary steering modes: STBY (manual steering), AUTO, NAV, WORK and TURN, each mode having a dedicated push button.
Each of the mode push buttons is clearly identified with the primary function in large text, and a secondary function listed in smaller text. Each button provides you with the ability to access a primary display, a secondary display and/or multiple function displays.
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A group of user adjustable settings are provided in the AP35 USER SETUP MENU (page 27). The settings allows adjustment of display visibility, selection of heading sensors, navigation and position sources and the ability to select between automatic or manual adjustable sea state filter.
Alarms are presented in plain text to alert you of system and external data failure conditions. Alarms include both audible and visual presentations. The alarm listing is on page 93.
2.2 ON/OFF - Standby mode
A single press on the STBY button switches the system ON and the following status displays are shown:
HW rev. 0
* AP35 *
* Robertson *
P00 M00 S000
* J300X *
* Robertson *
Software V(ersion) and R(elease)
Autopilot model
Hardware revision
Software V(ersion) and R(elease)
Junction unit model
Self check
Main board revision
Power board revision
SW and HW revisions shown are examples only
After approx. 5 seconds the system is operative and the unit that was turned on will show the STBY mode Primary Display. Other units in a multistation system will display "Inactive". Control can be available at any unit by pressing the STBY button.
A long press (2-3 sec.) on the STBY button switches the system OFF.
Note ! In an emergency it is possible on a multistation system to turn OFF the
system at any control unit by pressing down the STBY button for 2-3 seconds.
STBY mode is also the mode that is used when steering the boat manually.
Second Press
Secondary Display
First Press
Primary Display
5 sec.
Standby mode. Current heading from RFC compass. HI speed selected. Rudder angle: 12 degrees to starboard.
Standby mode. Current heading.
22083083H 17
2.3 Follow-Up steering
When both the PORT and STBD push buttons are pressed simultaneously the AP35 is set to Follow-Up steering mode and rudder commands can be set by the course dial. One revolution of the dial equals 45° rudder command. The rudder will move to the commanded angle and stop.
Press both buttons simultaneously to activate Follow-Up
22 12
Follow-Up mode. Commanded rudder angle: 22° to stbd. Rudder angle:12
Use course knob to command rudder angle.
Return to manual control in STBY by pressing the STBY button.
WARNING ! While in Follow-Up mode, you cannot take manual control of the
2.4 Non-Follow-Up steering
In STBY mode, when the PORT or STBD push button is pressed separately, the actual rudder angle is shown on the secondary display and the rudder will move as long as the button is pressed.
ctivates PORT Rudder command
Activates STBD Rudder command
Actual rudder angle
Actual rudder angle
2.5 NFU Steering lever
In STBY mode the rudder will move as long as the lever is offset to Port or Starboard
2.6 NFU Push button remote control
In STBY mode the rudder will move as long as the Port or Starboard button is pressed.
Note ! When a NFU steering lever or remote control is operated, the control unit(s)
become "Inactive".
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2.7 R3000X Remote Control
Note! When in AUTO/WORK mode, pressing the buttons will change the set course 1° per push. If you keep the button pressed, it will automatically change the course in increments of 3°/second.
Operation of mode button returns the autopilot to initial mode except when in Nav mode:
Nav and Work modes can only be entered from the control unit.
2.8 S35 NFU Steering Lever
STBY: The rudder will move as long as the lever is offset to Port
or Stbd (NFU steering). The mode button is lit each time the lever is offset.
AUTO/WORK: The set course will be changed by 3°/sec. when the lever
is offset to port or Stbd.
The mode button remains lit as long as the autopilot is in AUTO or WORK mode (and NAV mode).
Mode change sequence is as follows:
Operation of mode button returns the autopilot to initial mode.
NAV: It is not possible to change set course by the lever.
Pressing the mode button brings the autopilot to Stby mode, but next press brings it to Auto
mode, not back to
Nav mode.
Note ! NAV and WORK mode can only be entered from a control unit.
Simrad R3000X
STBY/AUTO mode button. AUTO, WORK or NAV mode is when lamp is lit
Push buttons for Port and Stbd NFU commands
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2.9 Automatic Steering
The AUTO mode is used to make the AP35 steer the boat automatically on a set heading. AUTO is always available from any mode or function within the AP35 by a single push on the AUTO button. When the AUTO mode is selected, the AP35 automatically selects the current boat heading as the set course and the current rudder angle to compensate for wind/current.
Note ! If Init Rudder “Midship” is selected (see Dockside settings, page 73 the
rudder will move to midship (0
In AUTO, the AP35 is issuing rudder commands to keep the boat on the set heading. Determination of the boat heading is provided by the magnetic compass course detector or RFC35 Fluxgate Compass (or an optional heading sensor) for course keeping in AUTO mode.
The AP35 will keep the boat on the set heading until a new mode is selected or a new heading is set with either the course dial or the PORT or STBD buttons. One revolution of the dial equals 45° course change.
Once the course is changed to a new set heading, the boat will automatically turn to the new heading and continue to steer straight.
First Press
Primary Display
Automatic steering mode. Set heading. Boat heading. LO speed selected. Rudder angle: 02°
Port Starboard
Course adjust 1 degree/push
Course change CW: Starboard CCW: Port
Second Press
Secondary Display
The secondary display is also shown for 3 seconds when the PORT or STBD button, or the course dial is activated from primary display.
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2.10 Automatic Speed selection
The AP35 provides two different sets of steering parameters for controlling the response of the boat at different speeds (HI or LO) while in AUTO and NAV modes.
The AP35 always selects the HI speed steering parameters when first switched on. This is a safety feature. After initial turn on, selection of the steering parameters is done automatically, based on the availability of input data from either an external speed log or an external navigator, or manually.
The AP35 automatically selects the HI or LO parameter set. The speed at which the AP35 changes from HI to LO (or opposite) is determined by the "Transition Speed" set in the Installation Setup Menu.
26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
Transition Speed set to 9 Knots
Example of Transition speeds with AUTOMATIC Speed parameter selection
Transition to HI parameters with increasing speed: 10 Knot
Transition to LO parameters with decreasing speed: 8 Knots
2.11 Manual speed selection
Select AUTO mode. To toggle between HI and LO speed parameters, press the "AUTO" button two times quickly (Double click).
If you change boat speed it is recommended that you select HI or LO parameters correspondingly.
The manually selected steering parameter set (HI or LO) will remain in effect until you re-enter AUTO mode or restarts.
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2.12 Navigating with the AP35
The AP35 has the capability to use steering information from an external navigator (GPS, Chart Plotter) to direct the boat to a specific waypoint location, or through a route of waypoints. In the NAV mode, the AP35 uses the heading sensor as it's source of heading for course keeping. The steering and speed information received from the external navigator alters the set course to direct the AP35 to the destination waypoint.
Note ! Navigational steering must only be used in open waters. The process of
having an external navigation receiver direct an autopilot can be a slow acting process. By selecting the NAV mode, the AP35 is set for automatic steering on the current set course and then waits for the user to accept the course change to the destination waypoint.
To obtain satisfactory navigation steering, the following points must be fulfilled prior to entering the NAV mode:
The AP35 autosteering must be tested and found satisfactory.
The navigation receiver must be operating and the navigation system
(GPS, Chart Plotter) must be in full operating mode with adequate signal characteristics for valid position and steering data.
At least one waypoint must be entered and selected as the current
waypoint in the navigation receiver.
The navigation source in the AP35 USER SETUP menu must be set for
the navigator that contains the current waypoint.
The AP35 is designed to steer in “mixed mode” operation. This combines the straight steering capability of cross track error (XTE) steering in conjunction with the turning capability of bearing mode steering (course to steer (CTS)).
.02 Nm
If required course change is safe, press NAV to accept
Third press
Second press
OK:? Press NAV
WP: WP 001
135 016
Required course change
Bearing WP-WP (leg)
Waypoint Name
XTE Display
135 1.25 Nm
Nav. Mode, HI speed param.
Bearing and distance to WP from present position
Nav source
Boat is .02 Nm to the left of track.
First Press
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When operating the AP35 in NAV mode to automatically steer through a route of waypoints, the AP35 will steer to the first waypoint in the route after you accept the first waypoint as the location to steer to. When you arrive at the waypoint, the AP35 will display an alert screen with the proposed new course information displayed. If the required course change is more than 10° you will need to verify that the upcoming course change is acceptable. Verification is performed by pressing the NAV button after the alert screen is displayed. If no verification is received, the AP35 will continue on the current set course in AUTO mode.
Waypoint 2
OK:? Press NAV
WP: WP 002
094 075
New heading accepted automatically after NAV/SETUP button is pressed
At the arrival of each new waypoint in a route:
Waypoint arrival zone (determined by the navigator)
Waypoint 1
Prompt displayed to advise required course change
.01 Nm
Regain manual steering at any time by pressing:
XTE on WP2 track
Selecting a different Navigator
If you have more than one Navigation source connected to the AP35, you will be able to choose any for Navigation. Refer to the User Set-up menu for details on selecting a different Navigator.
Note ! If the AP35 is connected to a Nav. receiver that does not transmit a message
with bearing to next waypoint, it will pick a XTE message and steer on Cross Track Error only. In that case you have to revert to AUTO mode at each waypoint and manually change set course to equal bearing to next waypoint and then select NAV mode again.
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2.13 WORK-mode
The WORK-mode is an automatic steering mode to be used under operational conditions different from those normally found when a vessel is in transit on a preset course. Examples are trawling, towing, trolling on one engine, slow speed etc.
Rudder angle
Set course
Second Press
First Press
W 315
At such incidents some boats may need a rudder off-set when steered by hand. By selecting WORK-mode directly from STBY-mode the rudder off­set is maintained and becomes the TRIM value.
When in WORK mode a quick double press on the WORK button will access the TRIM display and the rotary course dial can then be used to adjust the trim value if needed. The (manual) trim compensates for the autotrim which needs time to build up the appropriate rudder off-set. The TRIM setting is not stored.
A different RUDDER (GAIN) setting may be preferred in WORK mode as compared to that in AUTO (Lo)-mode. A second quick double press on the WORK button following that for the TRIM display will give access to the RUDDER display. The RUDDER value can then be set by the course dial.
The RUDDER value set in WORK mode will be stored in the AP35 memory and is automatically recalled when returning to WORK mode.
Change value CW: Increase CCW: Decrease
Quick double press
Quick double press
Trim direction CW: Stbd CCW: Port
Trim value 10 port
The LO (speed) parameters of Counter Rudder (C-RUDD) and Autotrim are automatically selected in WORK mode. The autotrim function and the Off­course alarm are controlled by speed input and are automatically turned off at speeds below 2 kts. If no speed input is provided the autotrim is permanently on and the Off-course alarm operates as in AUTO mode.
If you prefer to have complete manual control of the rudder trim in WORK mode, the autotrim can be permanently disabled at the installation setup.
From software version V1R2 onwards the off course alarm is permanently disabled in Work mode. See your s.w. version on initial start-up.
Note ! Pair-trawling requires manual trim only, and the autotrim should be
permanently disabled at the installation setup.
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2.14 TURN-mode
The AP35 provides special turn features when in AUTO or WORK modes.
U-Turn changes the current set course to be 180 degrees in the opposite direction. The user may decide if the U-Turn should be made to Port or Starboard to bring the boat on the new course. U-Turn is activated by a single push on the TURN button. After the single push, the AP35 will continue on the set course until you press either the PORT or STBD button to select the direction to make the U-Turn. If you do not press PORT or STBD within 1 minute, the AP35 will return to the AUTO mode and stay on course.
First Press
Press to select STBD U-turn
U-turn prompt
New course
Boat makes STBD U-turn
Present course
C-Turn changes the current set course continuously. The user may decide if the C-Turn should be made to Port or Starboard. C-Turn is activated by a second push on the TURN button, and can only be activated when the AP35 is in AUTO or WORK modes. The AP35 will continue on the set course until you press either the PORT or STBD button to select the direction to make the C-Turn. If you do not press PORT or STBD within 1 minute, the AP35 will return to the AUTO mode and stay on course.
The turn rate can be adjusted before the turn is initiated or during the turn.
Set turn rate CW: Increase CCW: Decrease
090 /min
090 /min
Adjust turn rate while turn ing CW: Increase CCW: Decrease
New set course
Set course is continuously changing
Note ! Increasing turn rate gives smaller circle or vice versa.
To leave C-turn press any of the Mode buttons. When pressing the AUTO button the new set course is the one shown on the display at the instant the button is pressed.
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2.15 Dodging
The AP35 also provides the capability for dodging.
Dodging is useful in situations where you need to quickly take control of the helm to steer around an obstruction, and then wish to return on the previous set heading after performing the evasive manoeuvre. A quick double press on the TURN/DODGE button activates dodging.
When in DODGE mode the course displayed is the current boat's heading, however, the previous set course is remembered by the AP35. When DODGE is displayed, the AP35 is no longer in control of the steering, and you must either manually steer the boat or take control using either Non Follow Up steering or Follow Up steering. On manual steering the clutch (or bypass valve) in the drive unit will be disengaged when dodging. The AP35 will remain in the DODGE mode until you exit DODGE by a second press on the TURN/DODGE button or select another mode.
Current heading
Selects AUTO mode at the previous set course
Selects AUTO mode with current heading as set course
Next Press
Quick double press
or both
Non Follow Up
Follow Up
Perform dodge using:
Dodge in NAV
Current heading
Selects NAV mode at the current track
Selects AUTO mode with current heading as set course
Next Press
Quick double press
or both
Non Follow Up
Follow Up
Perform dodge using:
Selects NAV mode at present position
2.16 Multiple station system
In normal operation of multiple control units, control is accessible from every control unit connected to the AP35 system. One control unit is "active" and provides the user with access to all functions and enables the user to change modes and set the course for automatic course keeping. All remaining control units are "inactive" and have no effect on mode changes or course selection. A single push of either the STBY (or AUTO or NAV) buttons on an "inactive" control unit will allow transfer of command and make it "active".
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2.17 Lock function
The "LOCK" function is a safety feature included in the AP35 system to disable all control units except for a single, user selected control unit location.
When the "lock" function is in use, no transfer of command may take place; only the "active" control unit stays in command.
To enable the "lock" function, make a quick double press on the STBY button.
The display on the "active" control unit will first show a single key icon followed by the primary display on which the key icon will alternate with the mode index.
The "locked" control units in the system will show:
The “Lock function is disengaged by the following actions:
The “active” control unit unlocks by a double press on the STBY button.
The system is switched OFF by any
control unit (press STBY for 2-3
After having "unlocked" the other control stations, the "active" control unit will show the above symbol before the display returns to normal. All other control units will return to the "inactive" state.
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2.18 User Set-up Menu
Seastate Filt.: OFF
NAV. source: GPS 1
POS. Source:
Sequences FWD in MENU
Sequences BACK in MENU
Adjust backlight of display and pushbuttons (10 steps, 10 = brightest). Setting is stored when system is turned off, and resets to stored level at turn on. Adjustment is local to the control head you adjust.
Adjust contrast of displays (10 steps). Setting is stored when system is turned off, and resets to stored level at turn on. Adjustment is local. All steps not available at high temperature due to automatic temperature compensation.
Select the compass to be used for AUTO steering. Refer to the interface setup table in section 4. RFC COMP = Robertson Fluxgate compass MAGNET COMP = Magnetic compass OTHER FLUXG = Non-Robertson fluxgate compass (sin/cos) GYRO COMP = Robertson gyrocompass (using 1:1 synchro) NMEA COMP = NMEA compass
Scrolls through menu selections or sets value on menu items
Set the Sea State filter. OFF: Provides precise steering but increases rudder activity. AUTO: Reduces rudder activity and reduces sensitivity of autopilot in rough weather automatically. MANUAL: Sets yawband manually (1-10).
Select the source for NAV mode steering. Refer to interface setup table in section 4.
Select the source of speed over ground (SOG) and position data processed by the AP35. This option will appear whenever there is more than one navigation receiver connected to the system.
Except when NMEA TEST or SYSTEM DATA is displayed, the menu will disappear after 60 seconds if no key is pressed. It will disappear immediately if any mode key (STBY, AUTO, NAV, WORK, TURN) is pressed.
Select Comp.: RFC COMP.
Test functions for analysing system data (See "NMEA test" and "System Data menu" under the "Trouble shooting" section).
Quick double
Enter User
Setup Menu
Displays User
Set-up Menu
Note ! It is necessary to select the correct compass and Nav. source to make the
autopilot operate.
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