Planning Instructions
NC- Auxiliary axis and tool magazine
Edition August 1990
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This planning instruction describes the PLC software ”Programming and Display functions”
for WF 725 and/or WF 726 in SINUMERIK 3, GA4.
For many manufacturers of tool machines, it is desirable to be able to position auxiliary axes
in addiition to the four axes which can be traversed over the NC control of the medium
power class SINUMERIK 3, GA4.
With this, a tool magazine, a tool supplier or a loading portal could be realised with the tool
With the help of the positioning modules WF 725 and/or WF 726, up to 21 additional
auxiliary axes can be positioned without having to evade to an NC control of the higher class.
The PLC software described here fulfills the following functions:
–Setting of a single traversing block to the WF 725 or WF 726
Traversing path, traversing feed rate and path conditions are set over R-parameters
freely selectable in an NC part program. When the NC part program is executed, the
data is transmitted to the WF 725 or WF 726, and the auxiliary axes are immediately
–Positioning of a tool magazine
Up to 120 magazine place positions can be selected over a parameter. The rotational
direction - ”right”, ”left” or ”shortest distance” can also be selected.
–Input/Output of Machine data and Operating Data
With display masks, the data mentioned above can be entered and changed. This
simplifies the start-up of the WF 725 or ”F 746.
Up to seven WF 725 or WF 726 positioning modules can be used in a control.
Prerequisite for the use of the PLC software descibed here is the use of the PLC software
WF 725/WF726 (PJ – NC Auxiliary axis and tool magazine for SINUMERIK 3GA4)
Siemens AG 1990 All Rights Reserved 6ZB5 440-0JB02
08.90Description of the functions
2Description of the functions
2.1Auxiliary Axis
2.1.1 Description of the FB 203
With the FB-Auxiliary axis it is possible to enter a single traversing block in R-parameters into
the NC and to transmit the block to the set axis with the help of M-functions. With a further
M-function, the axis can be started. Parameterisation of the ”basic functions” must,
however, be executed according to the start-up and planning instruction of the
The function block supplies the following functions:
•Transmission of path, feed rate and first G-function from the NC part program to the WF
module with the help of R-parameters.
•Display of check back signals on the monitor screen of the NC. The following values are
shown for each axis (BCD):
–Actual value
–Residual path
–Feed rate
–1st G-Function
–Error messages of the WF725/WF726
–MODE of the module
–Operating Submode of the axis
–Wrong MODUS
–Wrong axis number in clear text
The residual traversing path will only be updated with start.
The axis number is selected over a parameter of the FB205.
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WF 725/WF726 (PJ – NC Auxiliary axis and tool magazine for SINUMERIK 3GA4)
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Description of the functions08.90
Example for NC program PP:
N30 . . . .
It is not possible to program a negative R-parameter value for setting a negative traversing
path to the WF 725/WF 726. The value must be chosen so that the bit with the highest value
is set (Internal presentation, please compare with interface in the PLC area).
positive values:0000 0000 to 7999 9999
negative values:8000 0001 to 9999 9999
WF 725/WF726 (PJ – NC Auxiliary axis and tool magazine for SINUMERIK 3GA4)
Siemens AG 1990 All Rights Reserved 6ZB5 440-0JB02
08.90Description of the functions
2.1.2Notes for use of the FB 203
•FBs to be loaded:
”Basic functions” (for use of WF725): FB207, 210, 211, 216
”Basic functions” (for use of WF726): FB207, 210, 211, 215, 216, 217
•The block must be called once for each axis.
•To transmit an R-parameter from the NC to the WF 725/ WF 726, the user must decode
the M-function set in the NC-program and set the corresponding bit in the parameter
W-UE. The values of the R-parameter ranges from 0 to 999 999.
•The parameter DU-8 is set at the end of a data transmission for one cycle. The user can
now start the corresponding axis.
•The user must realise the read-in disable and the read-in enable of the NC. The signal
DU-L (Data transmission operating) can be used for this.
•The display buffer for the feed rate is in the DB79 of DW117, 118.
2.1.3Parameterisation of the FB 203:
Signal description:
DBZUAssignment-DB (Parameterisation like FB211 from the ”Basic functions”)
RPWR-Parameter number for the path
RPGR-Parameter number for the first feed rate
RPGFR-Parameter-Nr. for the 1. G-Funktion
Number of the axis to which the contents of the parameters must be transmitted.
NCNC-NR.1... 4
Number of the NC from which the R-Parameter is to be read out.
Siemens AG 1990 All Rights Reserved 6ZB5 440-0JB02
WF 725/WF726 (PJ – NC Auxiliary axis and tool magazine for SINUMERIK 3GA4)
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Description of the functions08.90
Bit no. Significance
Transmit path to the WF
Transmit feed rate to the WF
Transmit 1st G-function to WF
The different bits are set with an M-function each. It is possible to transmit either 1
value, 2 values or 3 values at the same time to an NC. The values are transmitted
from the W-UE at the positive edge only when DU-L and DU-B are zero.
FEHLParameterisation errors:
Bit no. Significance
wrong NC number
wrong axis number
wrong MODUS
DU-LData transmission active is 1,
as long as the data is transmitted to the WF
DU-BData transmission ended
is set at the end of transmission for a PLC cycle
(set by the user)
Data transmission active
Transnmission ended
The signal DU-L can be used by the user for read-in disable.
WF 725/WF726 (PJ – NC Auxiliary axis and tool magazine for SINUMERIK 3GA4)
Siemens AG 1990 All Rights Reserved 6ZB5 440-0JB02
08.90Description of the functions
2.2Tool magazine drive
2.2.1Description of the FB 204
The tool magazine drive positions up to 3 tool magazines or turrets. The maximum number
of magazine locations is 120 per axis. The command values for the single magazine locations
are deposited in a DB in form of a table.
The function block supplies the following functions:
•Transmission of feed rate from the DB tool magazine drive to the WF725/WF726 (Axis
•Calculation of command position from revolver/magazine location number and
transmission to the WF725/WF726 (Axis 1...3)
•Output of the message ”Magazine position reached” after end of positioning.
•During conventional operation, the axis is traversed about 1 position each with the
signals jog+/jog-. When jog+/jog- are continually signalled, then the next position is
traversed to.
•Display of check back signals on the NC screen. For each axis, the following values are
shown (BCD):
–present magazine location number
–magazine location number to be traversed to
–Error messages of the WF725/WF726
–MODE of the module
–Operating submode of the axis
–Wrong MODUS
–Wrong axis number in clear text
If traversing is executed with jog+/jog-, the command magazoine location will not be
updated, instead, the value is displayed which is set as a parameter.
The axis number is selected with a parameter of the FB 205.
Der FB204 ermittelt aus der Magazinplatznummer anhand der Tabelle (DB WZ-M-A) den
Positionswert für die WF725/WF726 und startet anschließend die angewählte Achse.
Aus dem Istwert der von der Achse zurückgemeldet wird, wird durch Vergleich mit der
Tabelle (DB-WZ-M-A) der momentan angefahrene Magazinplatz ermittelt und über den
Parameter POSI im Dual-Code dem Anwender mitgeteilt. Ist der gewünschte Magazinplatz
erreicht, wird ein Ausgangsparameter gesetzt. Das Signal Datenübertragung läuft wird
ebenfalls als Parameter ausgegeben.
The FB204 calculates the position value for the WF 725/WF 726 from the magazine location
number of the table (DB WZ-M-A). The FB then starts the selected axis. The presently
traversed magazine location is calculated from the actual value signalled back from the axis
by comparing with the table (DB-WZ-M-A). This value is then transmitted to the user in the
binary code with the parameter POSI. If the desired magazine location is reached, then an
output parameter is set. The signal Data transmission active is also read out as a parameter.
Siemens AG 1990 All Rights Reserved 6ZB5 440-0JB02
WF 725/WF726 (PJ – NC Auxiliary axis and tool magazine for SINUMERIK 3GA4)
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Description of the functions08.90
2.2.2 Notes for use of the FB 204
•FBs to be loaded:
”Basic functions” (for use of WF725): FB207, 210, 211, 216
”Basic functions” (for use of WF726): FB207, 210, 211, 215, 216, 217
Package 0: FB43
•DBs to be loaded: for each eaxis number
WZ-M-A 1: DB89
WZ-M-A 2: DB109
WZ-M-A 3: DB129
•The block must be called once for every tool magazine.
•If a magazine location is to be traversedm then the user must supply the signals RICH and
POSS. When STAR is set on the 1-signal, the corresponding path is transmitted to the
WF725/ WF 726, and the magazine is started at the end of the data exchange.
•The tool organisation must be realised by the user.
2.2.3Parameterisation of the FB 204:
E,BI /
E,BI /
Signal description:
DBZUAssignment DB to be supplied as FB211 in Standard I
ACHSAxis number 1-3
Number of the axis which is to be traversed
RICHPreselection of direction
0 = automatically shortest distance
1 = always right
2 = always left
POSSCommand magazine location number (Hex-format)
STARStart of axis
WF 725/WF726 (PJ – NC Auxiliary axis and tool magazine for SINUMERIK 3GA4)
Siemens AG 1990 All Rights Reserved 6ZB5 440-0JB02
08.90Description of the functions
1 Cycle
Data is transmitted
Magazine is
Magazine position
As long as the data is transmitted or the magazine is positioned, a START by the user will not
be accepted.
G-UETransmit feed rate
TIP+Traverse to the right in the jog mode when the signal is 1.
TIP -Traverse to the right in the jog mode when the signal is 1.
FEHLParameterisation error:
Bit no. Significance
wrong axis number
wrong mode
TIP+ and TIP- simultaneously
Error axis 1: magazine location number too high
Error axis 2: magazine location number too high
Error axis 3: magazine location number too high
POSIActual magazine location number (Hexadecimal)
MPEMagazine location number reached
Nach Neustart oder Wiederanlauf wird das Signal Magazin-Position erreicht
zurückgesetzt. After start-up or restart, the signal Magazine Position Reached is set
GU-BEnd of feed rate transmission
1 Cycle
Transmit feed rate
Data is transmitted
Transmission of feed
rate has ended
1 Cycle
DULData is transmitted
is ”1” Signal as long as data is exchanged to the WF
Siemens AG 1990 All Rights Reserved 6ZB5 440-0JB02
WF 725/WF726 (PJ – NC Auxiliary axis and tool magazine for SINUMERIK 3GA4)
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Description of the functions08.90
2.3Input/Output of Machine Data and Operating Data
2.3.1Description of the FB 205
The function block supplies the following functions:
•Input/output of MD (Axis 1...21).
•Input/output of reference point feed rates (Axis 1...21).
•Input/output of feed rate 1 and 2 for the operating submode Jog.
•The displays are selected with a menu.
•The menu is selected over the PLC-key of the SINUMERIK 3 operator panel.
•The user sets the desired axis number over the parameter ACHS. If the mask operating
data is selected, then the displayed values are updated automatically as soon as the axis
number is changed. The values are not changed when a number is not valid, an error
message is read out as a parameter.
Menu output on the screen of SINUMERIK 3
# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
0 S T A T U S - 0 R U E C K - M E L D U N G