Service Guideline HiPath Wor kpoint Clients
Service Guideline
Product: optiClient 130
Product version: V2.0
Print-outs from the Intranet/Internet as well as copied files are not subject to the updating.
Status: Released
Issue: 1.0/PV
Date: 30.07.01
ãSiemens AG 2001
The reproduction, transmission, or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or the
registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.
optiClient 130 V2.0 Page 1 of 10
Issue 1.0/PV of 07/01

Service Guideline HiPath W or kpoint Clients
1 Introduction 3
1.1 General 3
1.2 Country specifics 3
2 Product information 4
2.1 Product description 4
2.1.1 System architecture 4
2.2 Limitations/dependencies 5
2.2.1 Minimum PC hardware requirements 5
2.2.2 Minimum software requirements 5
2.3 Delivery 5
2.3.1 Scope 5
3 Installation/start-up/maintenance 6
3.1 Requirements placed on service personnel/skills 6
3.2 Installation and start-up 6
3.3 Maintenance process 6
3.3.1 SW corrections 6
3.3.2 HW corrections 6
3.4 On-site system access 6
3.5 Remote system access 6
3.5.1 Teleservice systems 6
3.6 Data backup 7
3.7 Upgrades 7
3.8 Tools/test equipment 7
3.8.1 Installation, generation, and administration systems 7
3.9 Service times 8
4 Training 9
5 Documentation 9
5.1 Service documentation 9
6 Spare parts/logistics 9
6.1 Spare parts 9
6.2 Crash parts – initial spare parts 9
7 Data protection and information security 9
8 Abbreviations 10
optiClient 130 V2.0
Page 2 of 10 Issue 1.0/PV of 07/01

Service Guideline HiPath Wor kpoint Clients
1 Introduction
1.1 General
We assume that the users at whom this document is aimed have a sound working knowledge of
the general service procedures.
This document is subject to the requirements of DIN ISO 9001 and in t his r espect is a controlled
document. For certificat ion in accordance with DIN ISO 9001 it is necessary to inform all organizational units concerned without exception. This document is subject to the CIP (Continuous Improvement Process).
1.2 Country specifics
Country specifics will be dealt with in the individual sections if necessary.
optiClient 130 V2.0
Issue 1.0/PV of 07/01 Page 3 of 10