1024 × 36 Synchronous FIFO
•• Fast Cycle T imes: 20/25/30 ns
•• Selectable 36/1 8/9-Bit Word Widt h for Both
Input Port and Output Port
•• Byte-O rder- Reversal Funct ion (i.e. ,
‘Big-Endian’ ↔ ‘Little-Endian’ Conversion)
•• 16-mA-I
Three-State Outputs
•• Automatic Byte Parity Checking
•• Selectable Byte Parity Generati on
•• Five Status Flags: Full, Almost-Full,
Half-F ull, Almost -Em pty, and Empt y
•• All FIFO Status Fl ags are Synchro nous
AE, HF, AF Through Programming of
Control Register)
•• Programmed Values may be entered from
either Port
•• T wo Enable Control Signals for each Port
•• Mailbox Register with Synchronized Flags
•• Asynchronous Data-Byp ass Function
•• ‘Smart’ Data- R etransmit Funct i on
•• Configurable for Paralleled FIFO Operat ion
(72-Bit Data Width)
•• Space-Saving PQFP and TQFP
•• PQFP-to-PGA Pack a ge Conversion
The LH543620 i s a FIFO (First-In, First-Out) memory
device, based on fully-static CMOS RAM technology,
capable of containing up to 1024 36-bit words. It can
replace four or more nine-bit-wide FIFOs in many applications.
The input port and the output port operate independently of each other. Write operations are performed
on the rising edge o f the input clock CKI, an d enable d by
two enabled signals ENI1, ENI2. Read operations are
performed on the rising ed ge of the output clock CKO and
ena b led by two ena b led signals ENO1, ENO2.
Five status flags are available to monitor the memory
array status: Ful l, Almost-Full, Half-Full, Almost-Empty,
and Empty . The Almost-Full and Almost-Empt y flags a re
initialized to a default offset of eight locations from their
respec tive boundaries, but they are each pr ogramm able
ove r the ent ire FI FO dept h.
Both the input port and the output port may be set
independently to operate at three data-word widths: 36
bits, 18 bits, or 9 bits. This setting may be changed during
system operation. The LH543620 can per form Byte-Order-Re versal on the f our nine- bit byt es of each 36-bit data
word pass ing thr ough it , thus ac com plishing ‘Big Endian ’
↔ ‘Little Endian’ conversion.
When dat a is read out of the FI FO a byte -pa rit y check
is performed. The parity flag is used to indicate that a
parity error was detected in one of the 9-bit bytes of the
output word .
Parity g eneratio n, when select ed, crea tes the par ity bit
of each 8-bit byte of the input word. The result is written
into the MSB-bit of each 9-bit byte, overwri ting the previous contents of the bit. The default is odd parity. Howeve r, the FIFO m ay be pr ogr amm ed to use even parity .
The LH543620 has a data-by pass mode that connects
the out put port t o the input p ort asynchronous ly . A m ailbox
facility with Synchronized Flags is pr ovided from the inpu t
port to the out put port.
The LH543620’s ‘Smart-Retransmit’ capability sets the
internal-memory read pointer to any arbitrary memory
location. The ‘Smart-Retransmit’ capability includes a
Markin g Function and a Programm able Offset to support
data communication and digital signal processing applications.
1. This is a final data sheet; except that all references to the TQFP
package have Preliminary status.
2. For PQFP-to-PGA conversion for thru-hole board designs, Sharp
recommend s ITT Pomona Electronics’ SMT /PGA Generic Converter model #5853®. This converter maps t he LH543620 132pin PQFP to a generic 13 × 13, 132-pin PGA (100-mil pitch). For
more information, contact Sharp or ITT Pomona Electronics at
1500 East Ninth Street, Pomona, CA 91766, (909) 469-2900.