SECTION 9. SSP’s …………………………...……………………………………………………..……………………..
SECTION 10. Flash ROM …………………………………………………………………………………………………
SECTION 11. Logo Downloader Utility …………………………………………………………………………………..
Overview……………………………………………… ………………..…………………………………
Prior to Beginning……………………………………………..……………………………….………….
System Preset Job No……………………………………………………………………………………
Free Key Layout Set Up….………………………………………………………………………………
Free Key Layout Readings..……………………………………………………………..……………...
Except as permitted by such license, no part of the software or documentation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of Sharp Electronics Corporation.
The Data Tran software and/ or documentation referred to in this manual are furnished under the license by Datacap Systems,
Inc. and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license.
Designs and specification are subject to change without notice
Dealer Knowledge Book
Data Tran and Data Tran SL are trademarks of Datacap Systems, Inc. All other trademarks
and registered marks are the property of their respective holders.
The information contained in this document is furnished without assurance of
peripheral/software compatibility between Sharp POS products and the products of the
suppliers listed.
Product specifications change without notification (both Sharp and other supplier’s products).
Sharp POS does not undertake to update materials. It is the dealer’s responsibility to keep
current with all technical issues associated with these products.
This manual is intended to assist authorized Sharp dealers, with learning and understanding
how to the install and provide support for the ER-A520 and ER-A530. Please read each
section carefully as it will provide helpful hints and recommendations that will make your time
more efficient and produce time saving results. This manual is not intended for end user
customers of authorized Sharp dealers.
Designs and specification are subject to change without notice
Section-1: System Presets
System Presets
Section-1: SRV Mode Programming
SRV-mode programmings consist of service programming jobs, which define the ER-A520/ERA530 system capabilities. The service program settings are printed on the Receipt / Journal
1. SRV-mode Program Readings:
List of SRV-mode Program Reports:
SRV-Mode Related Jobs: (X = indication of availability)
Job No. Description
900 System Presets / Memory Allocation
950 Free Key – Function keys
951 Keyboard Layout – Dept & PLU Link Key Position
990 Special Service Patch Data
2. Entering the SRV-Mode
To enter SRV-mode programming
1) Place the mode switch to the SRV’ position
2) Place the AC power cord into the wall outlet
Never enter the SRV mode in the middle of a transaction – severe damage may result to the sales
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ER-A520/A530 Dealer Knowledge Book
Section-2: Prior to Beginning
The ER-A520/A530 POS terminal should be initialized by executing a master reset. The Program
and Master Reset operations are available in one of the following three types:
Type Description
Program Reset Initializes the hardware and resident program without clearing
memory and totalizers
Master Reset-1 Initializes the hardware and clears the entire memory – restoring
factory initial values
Master-Reset-2 Initializes the hardware and clears the entire memory – restoring
factory initial values and enabling free key layout of the ERA520/A530 “fixed keys”
1. Master Resets:
The Master Reset procedures are primarily performed during installation and setup of the ERA520 and ER-A530 model cash registers. Each has an important role when installing the
Follow one the below procedures when you wish to perform a Master Reset.
1. General Rule:
Master Reset: Clears the entire memory and resumes initial values (default program).
Program Reset: Resumes the initial program without clearing memory.
There are 2 methods for performing a Master Reset operation.
1) Master Reset-1: Normal Master Reset (out of box setup).
Clears the entire memory and resumes initial values.
2) Master Reset-2: Enables the ability to change the layout fixed keys in addition to executing
the Master Reset-1.
During the Master Reset initialization, the following events should be noted.
1) ***MRS*** is displayed on the upper line of the operator display.
2) MASTER RESET*** is printed on the journal tape.
3) The buzzer will beep 3-times.
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System Preset
2. Master Reset-1 Operations:
There are two possible procedures to use when performing a Master Reset-1 operation.
Follow the below procedure when you wish to perform a program-reset (initialization).
Procedure A:
1) Place the mode switch to the SRV’ position.
2) Place the AC power cord into the wall outlet.
3) Depress and hold the [JOURNAL] feed key.
4) Turn the mode switch from SRV’ -- > SRV position.
Procedure B:
1) Remove the AC power cord from the outlet.
2) Place the mode switch to the SRV position.
3) Depress and hold the [JOURNAL] feed key.
4) Replace the AC power cord into the wall outlet.
***Procedure A must be used to reset the hardware. Procedure B cannot reset the hardware.
Master Reset-2 Operations:
There are two possible procedures to use in performing a Master Reset-2 operation.
Procedure A:
1) Place the mode switch to the SRV’ position.
2) Place the AC power cord into the wall outlet.
3) Depress and hold the [JOURNAL] & [RECEIPT] feed keys.
4) Turn the mode switch from SRV’ -- > SRV position.
***The operator display will show the fixed function keys
(starting with the [0] key).
5) Program the Fixed Keys by depressing the desired location(s).
6) Once the [CA/AT] key is placed on the keyboard, ***MRS*** will be displayed and the reset
process will continued as outlined in Master Reset-1.
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ER-A520/A530 Dealer Knowledge Book
Procedure B:
1) Remove the AC power cord from the outlet.
2) Place the mode switch to the SRV position.
3) Depress and hold the [JOURNAL] & [RECEIPT] feed keys.
4) Replace the AC power cord into the wall outlet.
***The operator display will show the fixed function keys (starting with the [0] key).
5) Program the Fixed Keys by depressing the desired location(s).
6) Once the [CA/AT] key is placed on the keyboard, ***MRS*** will be displayed and the reset
process will continued as outlined in Master Reset-1.
***Procedure A must be used to reset the hardware. Procedure B cannot reset the hardware.
2. Program Reset:
The Program Reset (sometimes referred to as a “Service Reset”) may be achieved with the [SRV]
key (part no. LKGiM7113RCZZ).
1. General Rule:
A Program Reset should be performed under the following general conditions:
1) After the memory allocation setting has been modified.
2) When a device assignment has been modified in COM port assignment.
During the Program Reset operation, PROGRAM RESET*** is printed on the journal tape.
Follow the below procedure when you wish to perform a program-reset (initialization).
2. Procedures:
Based on the SRV Job#926-B setting, there may be 3 possible procedures in performing a
Program Reset.
Procedure- A:
1) Place the mode switch to the SRV’ position.
2) Place the AC power cord into the wall outlet.
3) Turn the mode switch from SRV’ -- > SRV position.
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System Preset
Procedure- B:
1) Remove the AC power cord from the outlet.
2) Place the mode switch to the SRV’ position.
3) Replace the AC power cord into the wall outlet.
4) Turn the mode switch clockwise to the SRV position (7 o’clock).
Procedure- C:
1) Remove the AC power cord from the outlet.
2) Place the mode key in the PGM2 position.
3) Depress and hold the [RECEIPT] & [JOURNAL] feed keys.
4) Replace the AC power cord into the wall outlet while holding the keys.
***Procedure A must be used to reset the hardware. Procedures B and C cannot reset the
Never enter the SRV mode in the middle of a transaction – severe damage may result to the sales
(based on SRV Job#926-B)
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ER-A520/A530 Dealer Knowledge Book
3. Recommended Set Up Procedures
To minimize unnecessary steps when installing the ER-A520 and ER-A530 model cash register,
please perform Job#971 (Memory Allocation), Job#900s (Service Parameters),
Job#950 (Free Key), Job#951 (Keyboard Link Position) followed by “All” PGM2 settings.
The below chart represents the SRV Job# Reference Descriptions.
SRV-Mode Related Jobs: (X = indication of availability)
Job No. Description
901 – 929
930 - 939 Report Counters Z-Counters
942 – 943
944 PGM2 Mode Secret Code
948 Training Cashier Assignment
949 Training Mode Title Programming
950 Keyboard Layout – Function keys
951 Keyboard – Dept & PLU Keys
971 Memory File Allocation Programming
985 Euro Symbol Programming for the TM-295 Slip Printer
986 Domestic Currency Symbol Programming
987 Language Selection for Text Print
989 Resetting of all Counters and Totalizers
990 Special Service Patch
996, 998 Program Data Send/Receive Function
4. Service Mode Programming
System Parameters
GT Totalizers
Service mode programming is usually performed during the installation process. To change the
System Preset settings, the following key operation is required.
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System Preset
Section-3: System Preset Job No.
System Preset: 901
Bit Description Data MRS Defaults
A520 A530
Fixed = 0 (Not Used) ---
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
Tax System:
Auto Tax 1-4 & Manual Tax System / Canadian Tax (Type 1-10) / Canadian Tax (Type-11:
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
Tax Rounding System:
- Singapore / Normal
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
Tab Setting:
- Decimal setting for display and print
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
• 901-C: The Singapore Tax Rounding method will round the tax to the nearest nickel.
System Preset: 902
0 0
0 0
0 0
2 2
Bit Description Data MRS Defaults
A520 A530
---- ---
---- ---
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
---- ---
---- --Fixed = 0 (Not Used) ---
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
---- ---
---- ---
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
---- ---
---- ---
---- ---
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
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ER-A520/A530 Dealer Knowledge Book
System Preset: 903
Bit Description Data
A520 A530
ECR Data Copy (SIO) All RAM data Send/Receive Baud Rate (bps):
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
---- ---
Measure of Weight for Scale Entries Kg/Lb 2/0
---- ---
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
Tare Weight Entry is allowed Yes/No 2/0
Scale Weight System 1 Int. & 3 Dec./2 Int. & 2 Dec. 1/0
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
---- --Food Stamp System:
Food Stamp Forgiveness / Tax Payable in Food Stamps
Tax in Not Payable in Food Stamps / No Food Stamps
---- ---
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
5 5
0 0
0 0
0 0
• 903-A is applicable for the 02FD.exe utility (not online communications)
• Manual Scale Entry allowed (Version-C).
• To enabled Scale entries 906-D must be set = 1
System Preset: 904
Bit Description Data
A520 A530
Date is printed No/Yes 4/0
Fraction treatment at gasoline (OIL) q’ty calculation Rounding/Raising to unit/Disregard ---
---- ---
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
Consecutive No. is printed No/Yes 4/0
Decimal point position at gasoline (OIL) q’ty calculation ---
---- ---
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
Fraction treatment at gasoline discount Rounding/Raising to unit/Disregard 0/1/2
---- ---
---- ---
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
TAB for the gasoline unit price 0.00/0.000 Disable/Enable 0/1
Gasoline function Disable/Enable 2/3
---- ---
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
• 904-A&B applies to Receipts, Slip, and Kitchen Print chits
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System Preset: 905
System Preset
Bit Description Data
A520 A530
Tax4 Subtotal is printed on Trans. Reports No/Yes 4/0
Gross Tax4 & Refund Tax4 Totals are printed on Trans. Reports No/Yes 2/0
Net Tax4 Total is printed on Trans. Reports No/Yes 1/0
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
Tax is printed when the Taxable Subtotal = $0.00 Yes/No 4/0
Tax is printed when GST is VAT No/Yes 2/0
Tax is printed when Tax = $0.00 No/Yes 1/0
Enter SUM of Selection ----^
GST Exempt is printed on Trans. Reports No/Yes 4/0