SG-2020 Transceiver
Test/Calibration Procedure
This SG-2020 Test Document is divided into two sections:
Section One: Basic & Simple Test
Section Two: Full Test & Calibration
This test document is provided to SGC dealers, technicians and engineers who have full knowledge and experience with electronics and HF radio communications. The
tests and calibration described must be performed using
appropriate, calibrated, good quality instruments.
Note that Section Two is not covered under the Warranty
of the SG-2020. Any information concerning this document must be executed in writing only. These procedures
are provided as informational only to assist qualified technicians or engineers with field use and service of the SG2020 transceiver.
“No Compromise Communications”
The SGC factory test procedures as well as the test procedures detailed in the
ARRL Handbook chapter 26 can be used to fully measure the performance of
the radio. The following are simple tests which do not require laboratory test
equipment and can be used to determine if the unit is generally operating
1. Receiver Sensitivity:
The measurement of sensitivity with signal levels below one micro volt
requires a well shielded signal generator due to the very low level signal
involved. Inexpensive generators of the sort used by amateurs or for service
work leak signals which causes inaccurate readings at low signal levels.
By using a larger signal level and verifying the expected AGC response, a
reasonable sensitivity check can be obtained with an inexpensive signal
a. Set the SG-2020 to the desired frequency with mode USB and BW 2.2
KHz. Be sure to turn the RF gain fully clockwise.
b. Set the signal generator to the same frequency plus 1 KHz and set its
output level to 50 micro volts.
c. Verify that the 5 LED’s in the bargraph display are lit. If the bargraph
reads more than 2 LED’s below the expected value, the unit requires
2. Transmit Quality:
Listen to the voice quality on another receiver being careful to avoid overload. Most defects can be heard with critical listening tests.
A quantitative measurement of linearity requires a two-tone audio generator
with the results normally viewed on a spectrum analyzer. However, with
care it is possible to use an attenuator and receiver in place of the spectrum
3. Transmit Power:
The transmitter is connected to a power meter and dummy load. The measured power is compared to the power setting of the SG-2020.
Note that the power meters usually sold for amateur use are not very accurate. A calibrated Bird or similar meter is needed for reliable results.
SGC Inc. SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259 7331
E-mail: sgc@sgcworld.com Web site: http://www.sgcworld.com
© 2001 SGC Inc
4. SWR Shutdown:
Transmit 20 watts in CW mode with no antenna connected. You should get
less than 5 LED’s on for forward power and full scale reading (all LED’s on)
for reverse power. as indicated by the bargraph display.
SGC Inc. SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259 7331
E-mail: sgc@sgcworld.com Web site: http://www.sgcworld.com
© 2001 SGC Inc
NOTE: Any adjustments made to the SG-2020, besides the R46 CW sidetone
adjustment are NOT covered by the warranty.
The following are tests performed on a fully assembled SG-2020 transceiver.
Audio Signal Generator
(Audio out applied to the microphone connector of SG-2020 under test)
RF Noise Generator
RF Sinusoidal Signal Generator
RF Spectrum Analyzer in addition to a RF Sweep Generator
(Connected through an attenuator of min. 35 dB to the dummy load output.)
Oscilloscope Tektronix 465B or equivalent
Current meter 0-1 Amp Range
Current meter 0-10 Amp Range
Voltmeter Fluke 77 or equivalent
Power Supply PS-10 or equivalent 10-amp power supply
Frequency Counter (connected to the vertical output of oscilloscope.)
Audio Distortion Analyzer (connected at the speaker/headphone jack)
Bird Wattmeter model 43 or equivalent.
1.1 Connect voltmeter to TP3 and GND on the Exciter PCB.
1.2 Dial 29700.0 KHz on the display.
1.3 Verify voltage reading is less than 16 VDC. If not, adjust the spacing
between the windings on L18. Pull the windings together for a
lower-voltage reading or spread windings for a higher-voltage reading.
1.4 Change the frequency to 1800.0 KHz.
1.5 Verify new voltage reading is approximately 3 VDC.
2.1 Connect signal generator to antenna input.
2.2 Connect voltmeter to AGC TP13 and GND on the Exciter PCB.
2.3 Set display frequency to 14150.0 KHz USB, signal generator to receiver
frequency +1 KHz and adjust output level of signal generator (typically 10 µV) for 5 VDC reading on the voltmeter.
2.4 Adjust T3 and T4 for maximum AGC voltage, while reducing signal
generator output as necessary to keep AGC voltage near 5 VDC.
SGC Inc. SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259 7331
E-mail: sgc@sgcworld.com Web site: http://www.sgcworld.com
© 2001 SGC Inc