SGC DSP Reference

SGC – The SSB People
SGC develops, manufactures, and sells high performance single sideband (SSB) communications equipment. For more than 25 years, the company has sold to the marine, military, aviation, and industrial markets world wide. Over these years, SGC has earned an outstanding reputation for product reliability and for service after sale.
On the cutting edge of technology, the company keeps pace with equipment options, engineering developments, and design requirements. Its products are the most competitive in the entire long distance communication market. SGC equip­ment is presently being used by the United Nations and international relief agencies for inter-communications in developing countries throughout the world. Many competitive racing vessels, as well as fishing boats, tugs, and commercial craft are equipped with SGc equipment. In fact, an SGC radiotelephone provided the only communication available on a recent Polar expedition by the National Geographic Society.
SGC supplies U.S. Government agencies, foreign governmental agencies, and major petroleum companies throughout Asia and Latin America. In addition, SGC supplies equipment to major international geophysical corporations and exploration crews.
All SGC equipment is designed and manufactured in the USA, with some compo­nents imported for different international suppliers and manufacturers. SGC has qualified people ready to provide technical information, assistance in selecting equipment, and recommendations for installations.
SGC welcomes your call to discuss your HF-SSB requirements.
Digital Signal
Facts and Equipment
Informative Publication of
SGC, Inc.
Manufacturer of Advanced
ÒNo Compromise CommunicationsÓ
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
The idea of Digital Sound Processing 1
Understanding Sound 1 Hearing Sound 2
Frequency 2 Amplitude 3
Storing and Retrieving Sound 3
Storing sound 4 Retrieving sound 4
Transmitting and Receiving Sound by Radio 4
Modulation 5
Sidebands 6 Processing Sound Digitally 7 Recording on Compact Discs 7
Sampling 8
Volume 9
Compression 9
Chapter 2
The Idea of Analog Filtering 10
Analog Filters in Audio 10
Crossover Network 10
Woofers 10 Tweeters. 10 Midrange 10
Cutoff 11 Analog Filters in HF Radio 11
Symmetry 12
Crystal filters 12
SGC Inc. SGC Building,13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259-7331
E-mail: Website:
© 1997 SGC Inc
Mechanical filters 13
HF filters in practical applications 13
Wide bandpass 13 Medium bandpass 13 Narrow bandpass 13
Chapter 3
DSPs in HF Communications 15
DSP Flow Chart 15
Sample and Hold 16 Analog to Digital 16 DSP 1 7 Digital to Analog 17
Low-pass filter 17 DSP Evolution 18 DSPs in Transmitting Applications 18
DSPs in Speech Processing 18
DSP in SSB Generation 19
DSP in Phase Delay 19
Out-of-phase signal 19
Phase shifting networks 19 DSP in CW Modulation 20 DSPs in Receiving Applications 20
Standard DSP filters 20
Analog 21
Digital 21 Programming 21 Continuously Variable DSP Filters 22 RF Attenuator 23
SGC Inc. SGC Building,13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259 7331
E-mail: Website:
© 1997 SGC Inc
DSP Filters:
High-pass, Low-pass, and Bandpass 23 High-pass Filters 23 Low-pass Filters 24 Bandpass Filters 24
Notch filters 25
Band Interference 25 Heterodyne Interference 26
Digital AGC 26
Chapter 4
Available DSP HF equipment 28
The Digital Receiver 28 DSP Transceivers 28
SGC's SG-2000 PowerTalk 28
ADSP™ noise reduction 29 SNS™ noise reduction 29 First mobile DSP transceiver 30 Visual DSP filter display 30 Programmable digital filters 31 Pre-programmed filter settings 31 Notch filter 31 Variable Bandpass, low-pass,
and high-pass filters 31
Upgradable DSP head 31
Other Advantages 31
Removable Head 31 Simple design 32 High-power/small package 32 Tested for high quality 32
SGC Inc. SGC Building,13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259-7331
E-mail: Website:
© 1997 SGC Inc
Add-on DSP 33
Basic Features 33
Variable bandpass filters 34 Notch filter 34 Noise reduction 34
Advantages and disadvantages of
DSP add-ons 34 SGC's Add-on: PowerClear 35 Using DSP HF Equipment 36
Operating 36 Operating with DSP 36 Operating with PowerTalk 37
Chapter 5
The Future of DSP 39
HF Communications 39 New possibilities 39
Manipulation 39 Storage 40 Transmission 40 Digital transmission 40 Data to Computers 40 Other applications 41
Appendix A — Glossary 42 Appendix B — Further Reading 44 Subject Index 49
SGC Inc. SGC Building,13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259 7331
E-mail: Website:
© 1997 SGC Inc
The Idea of Digital Sound Processing
Introduction. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) may soon rev-
olutionize many aspects of the electronics industry. DSP will have much the same effect on electronics that personal com­puters have had on everyday life since the early 1980s. And part of that effect is due to the fact that DSP is computer­related.
You can expect DSP to affect applications as varied as med­ical electronics, diesel engine tune-ups, speech processing, long-distance telephone calls, music processing and record­ing, and television and video enhancement. This book men­tions some of these applications, but it focuses mostly on the products and techniques used in high frequency two-way communications.
First, a few of the basics. We will discuss concepts of sound, sound retrieval, and sound transmission by radio. Then we will discuss how modern technology uses digital in accom­plishing these same tasks.
Understanding Sound
We feel the need to save our sense experiences. For instance, we record photographs and video images, although we don’t expect these mediums to reproduce exactly the original. The photograph and video screen containing an image of a cloud differ, of course, from a real cloud floating in the atmos­phere.
But sound, heard through one of our basic senses, holds a special place in our lives because it allows us to communi­cate, protect ourselves from danger, and entertain ourselves.
And so, we save and retrieve our voices and our music on tape and disc, and we transmit them to other parts of the world via radio waves, wires, and cables. Anytime we trans-
SGC Inc. SGC Building,13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259-7331
E-mail: Website:
© 1997 SGC Inc
Chapter 1
mit, save, or retrieve a sound signal (which we call an audio signal), that signal must be changed into a storable form and then reconstituted into its former state so that we can understand it and enjoy it.
Hearing sound
The sound of the rain hitting the ground is a physical pheno­menon. The rain drops hit the ground and cause air mole­cules to vibrate, to transmit through the air until their ener­gy dissipates. If your ear is within range of the vibrations, the external parts of your ear will focus them so that they will travel down the ear canals to the ear drum and bones in the ears. Where the last bone connects to nerves, the physi­cal vibrations become neural impulses, and your brain sig­nals you that you hear the rain hitting the ground.
Those sound vibrations (called audio) travel in ripples, like ripples in a pond when you toss in a rock. Ripples of water will radiate out from the place that the rock splashed. The height (amplitude) of the ripples will decrease as they move farther away from the source of the splash. The amplitude of the ripples represents the loudness of the sound.
Figure 1 — Simple ripple form
Frequency. The measure of each ripple from peak to peak
represents its frequency. The longer the measure, the lower the frequency (and the deeper the sound pitch). The shorter the measure, the higher the frequency (and the higher the sound pitch).
SGC Inc. SGC Building,13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259 7331
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© 1997 SGC Inc
Figure 2 — Frequency of ripple from peak to peak
Amplitude. The measure of each ripple from peak to
trough represents its loudness (amplitude). In between the peak and depth of the ripples, the level of the water is the same as it is throughout the rest of the pond.
Figure 3 — Amplitude of ripple
from peak to trough
Complex audio signals, however, look much different from those ripples on the pond. Whereas the pond ripples would resemble single-tone audio signals (like ones from a tone generator or tuning fork), complex sounds such as speech and the sound of musical instruments comprise many differ­ent waves that overlap and mix together, a much more jagged, complicated wave than any of those ripples on the pond.
Storing and Retrieving Sound
When a microphone picks up a sound, it changes the sound vibrations into electrical impulses. Inside the microphone, the sound waves strike a thin element (typically a
diaphragm or ribbon). The movement of that element
SGC Inc. SGC Building,13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259-7331
E-mail: Website:
© 1997 SGC Inc
through a magnetic field induces an electromagnetic signal that will travel to an amplifier to boost the amplitude of the tiny audio signals to a more usable level.
Storing sound. A phonograph record illustrates how the vi­brational pattern from the microphone/amplifier translates those electromagnetic signals into physical vibrations. The vibrations, cut into the grooves of a vinyl disc, match the vi­brations that the diaphragm made: waves that vary in amplitude and frequency.
Figure 4 — Sound vibrations cut into the
sides of a long-play recording groove
Retrieving sound. To reproduce the sounds cut into the
vinyl record requires a phono cartridge very much like a microphone: it contains an element that moves within an electromagnetic field as the needle moves along in the
grooves. The width (amplitude) of the groove controls the volume, and the rapidity (frequency) controls the pitch of the sound.
The electrical impulses from the phono cartridge travel to an amplifier, from which the strengthened signals travel to a speaker to be reproduced again as vibrations in the air. The electrical impulses cause the speaker voice coil to pump in and out, causing the speaker cone to vibrate just as the microphone element did, transmitting those vibrations through the air—to your waiting ear.
Transmitting and Receiving Sound by Radio
This book concerns DSP in radio technology, transmitting and receiving audio signals via the radio. This technology must address how to transmit a radio frequency signal that also
SGC Inc. SGC Building,13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259 7331
E-mail: Website:
© 1997 SGC Inc
conveys an audio message. Consider that the typical voice signal ranges from about 100 to 5000 Hz (.1 to 5 kHz) while a typical radio signal might be transmitted on 7,200,000 Hz (7200 kHz—in the 40-meter amateur band). Somehow, the two signals have to be mixed together.
Modulation. One of the most common means to impress an audio signal on a radio signal is amplitude modulation (AM). The first component of the AM signal is the carrier. Just an “empty” radio signal that contains no audio, the carrier is called that because its only purpose is to carry an audio sig­nal to receivers. A good way to hear a carrier is to tune in to the AM broadcast band and tune in to a radio station. When there is no audio and no static, you are hearing the carrier.
Figure 5 — A carrier signal without modulation
The amplitude-modulated signal has three basic compo­nents: the carrier, its upper sideband, and its lower side­band. When audio signals are added to an AM signal, the carrier frequency remains at the exact frequency of the radio signal.
Figure 6 — A carrier signal with modulation
The two audio signals, known as the upper sideband and the lower side-band, appear on either side of the carrier. The
SGC Inc. SGC Building,13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259-7331
E-mail: Website:
© 1997 SGC Inc
upper sideband audio signal appears above the center of the carrier, and the lower sideband audio signal appears below the center of the carrier. As a result, if you tune your radio to the center of an AM radio station, the audio often won’t be as strong as if you tune slightly to either side of the center.
Sidebands. If you look at one of the sidebands on an oscillo­scope (a video presentation of signal shapes), it will look quite a bit like an actual voice signal. In single-sideband (SSB) radio transmission, the carrier and one of the side­bands are filtered out of the AM signal and eliminated. All that is transmitted is one of the audio sidebands.
Figure 7 — All the energy is concentrated
in the upper sideband (righthand diagram)
SSB transmission is important for two-way communications in the HF band. All of the power that once was used to amplify the carrier and two sidebands in an AM transmitter can now concentrate in the remaining single sideband. And now the SSB transmission requires only half the channel width. As a result, an SSB signal sounds almost 10 times louder than an equivalent AM signal. Because of its efficien­cy, ease of use, and good voice intelligibility, SSB is by far the most-used radio transmission on the HF bands.
The modulated signal moves from the transmitter out through the antenna and into the air. It travels through the atmosphere for dozens or even thousands of miles. When it is received by an antenna, the tiny radio signal passes into the receiver. In the receiver, the signal is amplified, filtered, and the audio deciphered. The deciphered audio signal goes through the same processes described in Storing and
Retrieving Sound.
SGC Inc. SGC Building,13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259 7331
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© 1997 SGC Inc
Processing Sound Digitally
The sound processing we have discussed so far is called ana­log, a system in which audio and radio waves mimic the
sound waves they represent. Digital signal processing changes analog audio signals into
digital impulses, that is into millions of numbers which describe audio signals. The most common example of digital technology is the compact disc (CD). Every wave of sound is converted into binary code (1s and 0s). These numbers are transmitted in such a way that the audio wave is “built” from blocks of these numbers.
One way to think of these wave representations is to draw a mountain on a sheet of paper. That’s the analog signal. For the digital representation of this paper mountain, place the wooden squares from a Scrabble game in rows over top of the paper. With the wooden squares, you can represent the mountain that you drew on the paper, except that the edges of the block representation are blocky, not smooth. In actual digital audio, the numeric building blocks are so tiny that
any blocky edges in the digital audio wave are undetectable.
Recording on Compact Discs
Although CD audio isn’t directly related to DSPs in high fre­quency radio use, CDs do offer a familiar example of digital
Figure 8 — Drawing of a mountain outlined in game
tiles makes a blocky pattern
SGC Inc. SGC Building,13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259-7331
E-mail: Website:
© 1997 SGC Inc
audio in the home. The music that is to be recorded onto a compact disc—simply a thin disc of aluminum that is encased in a plastic laminate to protect the recording—must be in a digital medium; that is, it must be converted into massive numbers of 1s and 0s. When the disc is recorded, much error-correcting data and system information (like track information and markers) also go onto the disc along with the music. All of this data must be retrievable, so the alu­minum disc is etched with minuscule pits. The pitted and unpitted areas translate as the 1s and 0s that represent the data.
In place of needle and cartridge of the analog record player, a laser optical assembly retrieves the audio in a compact disc player. This low-powered laser fires at the tracks of the disc. The unpitted areas of the disc reflect its light back, but the pitted areas reflect almost nothing. This tremendously fast flickering of light is received by a photodetector that changes the light flickers into binary electrical impulses. These are then converted into analog impulses, which can be amplified and converted into sound by the speakers.
Sampling. Of course the analog-to-digital and digital-to­analog processes are extremely complicated—especially when you consider that such things as coding and sampling must also occur in the system. Sampling is the process by which the compact disc player retrieves an analog sound, then checks the digital source for its accuracy, then plays another sound. This cycling occurs 44,100 times per second (44.1 kHz), although many players now sample several times more than that per second to make sure that the information being received is accurate and not error-ridden. Such sampling at harmonic frequencies is known as over-sampling. Many of the high-cost compact disc players sample up to eight times the standard sample frequency.
Volume.Relative sound volume also needs to be considered. Every audio wave-form has a peak-to-peak length (the fre-
SGC Inc. SGC Building,13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259 7331
E-mail: Website:
© 1997 SGC Inc
quency of the sound), which determines the pitch of the sound, and a height (the amplitude of the sound), which determines its volume. In order for the compact disc player to accurately reproduce music and not end up reproducing all of the frequencies at the same volume, the sound samples are quantified to a 16-bit number between 0 and 65,535. Every tiny piece of audio can be reproduced by the compact disc at any one of 65,536 different volume levels.
Compression. These codes that determine various aspects of the compact disc’s sound and technical operations all require a vast amount of information. A full compact disc of approx­imately 74 minutes requires in the neighborhood of 34 mil­lion bits of information to produce. If this information was all held on a standard computer floppy disc, the selection would have to be placed on 48 5.25” discs or 25 3.5” discs. Using a compression code makes it possible for digital tapes and MiniDiscs to be digital and hold as much music as they do.
You have seen how a complex radio carrier wave and its audio signal can be filtered so only a sideband remains in use. And you have seen how audio signals can be converted to digital signals, in such forms as CDs.
In the next chapter, we look at the idea of filters that can make changes in waves—whether those waves are sound waves or radio frequency waves. And in Chapter 3, we look at how digital signals can be processed for radio transmitting
and receiving.
SGC Inc. SGC Building,13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259-7331
E-mail: Website:
© 1997 SGC Inc
The Idea of Analog Filtering
Analog filters are used for a wide variety of applications in electronics. One familiar application illustrates how filters work: speaker crossover networks.
Analog Filters in Audio
Speaker crossovers usually consist of three different types of filters that combine to channel audio to the proper speakers. The typical speaker arrangement comprises a woofer (low­frequency speaker), a midrange speaker, and a tweeter (high-frequency speaker) for each channel of a sound system. Filters make sure the appropriate audio frequencies at appro­priate volume reach each speaker.
Crossover Network. The crossover consists of low-pass, high-pass, and bandpass filters at the speaker inputs. Each filter crops out certain frequencies and passes other frequen­cies.
Woofers. Most woofers are most effective in the several hun-
dred Hz range, so the low-pass filter might be set at 500 Hz. All frequencies below 500 Hz (but little above that frequen­cy) will pass to the woofer.
Tweeters. Similarly, most tweeters are effective above about
4 kHz, so the high-pass filter might be set at this frequency. All frequencies above 4 kHz (but little below that frequency) will pass to the tweeter.
Midrange. Midrange speakers use a more complicated filter—
a bandpass filter, which combines high-pass and low-pass fil­ters to set both a high-frequency and a low-frequency limit on the audio that passes through. This bandpass filter would pass all frequencies that were in an audio band above 400 Hz and below 4 kHz.
As a result of such filtering, these speakers produce good-
SGC Inc. SGC Building,13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
P.O.Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 or 746-7173 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259 7331
E-mail: Website:
© 1997 SGC Inc
Chapter 2
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