Step Down Transformers
PEP ecopassport SCHN-2011-573-V0

Product Environmental Profile - PEP
Product overview
Step-down transformers are used to convert a higher input voltage (208-200 V) to a lower output voltage
(120-100 V). They are used to correct incoming voltage to the output voltage necessary for the data center
The product range consists of a number of products that convert various input voltages to output voltages.
Product has been designed to manage the most common conversions found in the APC product lines.
The products consist of a (1) transformer, (2) bezel kit, (3) rail kit (for attaching into a rack) and (4) product
literature. The transformer consists of a metal housing that contains the large transformer, power cord,
output outlets and wire harnesses connecting the various components.
The representative product used for the analysis is the AP9626 Step-Down Transformer RM 2U 208V IN
120V OUT; w/5-20 Receptacles.
The environmental impacts of this referenced product are representative of the impacts of the other
products of the range which are developed with a similar technology.
The environmental analysis was performed in conformity with ISO 14040.
APC Step Down Transformers
P9621, AP9626, AP9627, APC9628, APTF10KJ01/T01,
Constituent materials
The mass of the product range is from 43 kg and 64 kg including packaging. It is 44.4 g for the AP9626.
The constituent materials are distributed as follows:
Substance assessment
Products of this range are designed in conformity with the requirements of the RoHS directive (European Directive 2002/95/EC of 27 January
2003) and do not contain, or only contain in the authorised proportions, lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium or flame retardants
(polybrominated biphenyls - PBB, polybrominated diphenyl ethers - PBDE) as mentioned in the Directive
The Step Down Transformer product range is manufactured at a Schneider Electric production site on which an ISO14001 certified
environmental management system has been established.
The weight and volume of the packaging have been optimized, based on the European Union's packaging directive.
The Step Down Transformer packaging weight is 4.3 kg. It consists of cardboard, paper and wood.
PEP ecopassport SCHN-2011-573-V0