Input Ratings of SMX2000/2200/3000 100-127V Smart-UPS™
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Models with different plug types
When planning to install a low voltage (100-127V) Smart-UPS X models 2000VA and higher, care must be taken
to ensure that the proper receptacle is available at the installation site to match the input plug on the UPS. The
table below highlights the plug types found on the new 2000-3000VA Smart-ups models:
NEMA 5-20P
Because other receptacles are common in this segment the new models are equipped with rem oval pl ugs so
that the user can safely and easily replace the input plug without voiding the product warranty. NEMA style plugs
are readily available from most hardware stores and many online retailers. However, it is important to note that
the load capacity rating may be constrained by the current limits placed on the input plug. In North Amer ica the
National Electric Code sets limits on the steady state current at 80% of the maximum plug rating. For example,
for a 20amp plug (such as the NEMEA 5-20P) the maximum steady state current is limited to 16 amperes. This
document briefly outlines the ratings of the new SMX 2000-3000VA models with different input plugs and
provides guidance on choosing the proper replacement model if you are transitioning from the older generation
NEMA 5-20R
(SUA) models.
© 2008. All rights reserved. All APC trademarks are property of American Power Conversion. Other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Disclaimer: This information is reliable at the point of creation and may be subject to change.
Rev 5/5/2011

Maximum Output Ratings by input plug type and voltage
Indicates the rating as shipped. Note the 2000 ships with a NEMA 5-20P input plug.
The table below illustrates the maximum suggested UPS output rating for each plug size, identified by
amperage, for each of the new low volta ge Smart-UPS models. Note that since these units have user adjustable
output voltage, the maximum output rating may also vary by the nominal voltage selected. The yellow shaded
cells illustrate the ratings as supplied out of the box. Those values wil l also always be used by the UPS to
calculate percent of load capacity.
Model Input Plug
Maximum Input
5-15P or L5-
5-20P or L5-
5-20P or L5-
L5-30P 24A
5-20P or L5-
Voltage Maximum Output Rating *
100V 1200W/1200VA
120V 1440W/1440VA
127V 1524W/1524VA
120V 1800W/1920VA
120V 1920W/1920VA
127V 1980W/2032VA
120V 1920W/1920VA
127V 2032W/2032VA
L5-30P 24A
* Maximum Output Rating is based on National Electric Code (NEC) requirement for continuous operation at 80% of the
input plug amp rating.
120V 2700W/2880VA
Note that we do not support putting a 30amp plug on the SMX2000RMLV2U as the cord is only rated for a 20 amp
© 2008. All rights reserved. All APC trademarks are property of American Power Conversion. Other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Specifications are subject to change without notice. Disclaimer: This information is reliable at the point of creation and may be subject to change.
Rev 5/5/2011