b3867 Terminal
The Andover ContinuumTM b3867 is a native BACnet controller
that communicates on an RS-485 field bus as a Master device
using the MS/TP BACnet protocol.

BACnet b3867 Terminal Controllers
The b3867 provides cost-effective DDC
control of package units, heat pumps,
unit ventilators, and other terminal unit
applications. Its versatile mix of I/O —
Universal inputs, Triac outputs, plus an
interface to Andover’s Continuum Smart
Sensor room temperature sensor with
programmable keypad — allows for fl exible
control solutions. The b3867 also features
two analog outputs to control reheat valves,
dampers, lighting ballasts, etc. And because
the b3867 is enclosed in a sleek, modular
casing, it can be mounted in a small area —
perfect for retrofi t applications.
• Nati ve BACnet MS /TP Com municat ions for
Interoperability to Third-Party Systems
• Supp orts 1 8 BACnet Object Types in cluding
Trends, Schedules, Calendars, and Loops
• Comp act Termin al Cont roller Provides Low-cos t
DDC Control of Package Uni ts,Heat Pumps,
Unit Ventilators
• Univ ersal I nputs w ith Form A, Form K, and
Analog Outputs for Flexible Control Options
• Non-Vola tile Fl ash Mem ory Prov ides U tmost
Reli ability — Stor es Both Applic ation P rogram
and Operating System
• Flash Memory Allows Easy On-Line
Software Updates
• Local Extended Storage of Log Data
• On-Board Service Port
• Modu lar, Slee k Desig n Simpl ifiesIn stallat ion
in Small Areas
• View and Mo dify In formatio n with
Optional Andover Smart Sensor Display
• BTL Listed B-AAC Controller with Local Trends
The b3867 features Flash memory, increased user
memory, and a fast (32-bit) processor for faster scan
times, with plenty of additional memory available for
data logging of your critical data.
As a native BACnet controller, the b3867 can
communicate with other BACnet devices on the MS/
TP network, in strict accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE
standard 135-2004, and are listed with the BACnet
Testing Labs (BTL) as BACnet Advanced Application
Controllers. (B-AAC). By connection to the Andover
Continuum b4920 or bCX1 controller, the b3867’s and
other MS/TP devices can share and gather data from
the wider Ethernet/IP network of controllers. Among
those Ethernet controllers can be Andover Continuum
controllers (BACnet or Andover Continuum Infi net) or
third-party BACnet/IP devices. All Andover Continuum
devices, both BACnet and Andover Continuum Infi net,
are fully compatible with the Andover Continuum
CyberStation front-end software, a fully native BACnet
Operator Workstation (B-OWS) application.
Increased Reliability with Flash Memory
The b3867’s non-volatile Flash memory stores your operating system and application programs, so that in the
event of a power loss, your application will be restored
when power is returned. In additon, the Flash memory
allows for easy upgrades of your operating system
via software downloads, eliminating the need to swap
out proms. The b3867 includes an on-board battery
to safeguard your runtime data — protecting all point
data and log data from being lost if power is removed.
Schneider Electric