Pneumatic Room Humidistat
Installation Instructions
The 2230-018 Pneumatic Room Humidistat
is a proportioning-type device designed to
control pneumatic valves or damper
actuators associated with heating or cooling
coils, humidifiers, air washers, or other
humidifying or dehumidifying equipment to
maintain constant relative humidity. This
device uses a highly sensitive hygroscopic
nylon ribbon and a pilot bleed relay with
pneumatic feedback. Throttling range, action
(direct or reverse), and set point are easily adjusted by graduated
dials. Internal limit stops are available to restrict adjustment range
when required.
The component parts are die cast alumin
glass-filled nylon. Diaphragms are fabric-reinforced neoprene. Air
lines are connected to the humidistat with spring-reinforced plastic
tubes, and both main and branch connections are provided with
internal filters.
um, stainless steel, and
Action: Proportional, direct or reverse (factory set for reverse
Range: 20% to 90% R.H.
Throttling range: Adjustable 5% to 15% (factory set @ 10%)
Main air pressure*: 20 psig (137.8 kPa) operating, 30 psig (206.8
a) maximum
Air consumption: 17 scim (4.6 mL/s) (DA), 30 scim
(8.2 mL/s) (RA)
Ambient temperature limits:
Shipping & storage, -40 to 150°F (-40 to 65°C)
Operating, 40 to 140°F (4 to 60°C)
Calibration point: Factory calibrated @ 9 psig (62 kPa).
*When set for the reverse acting mode
drop below 16 psig (110.3 kPa). Pressure lower than 16 psig (1
a) will cause the humidistat to switch from reverse to direct acting.
, main air pressure MUST NOT
20-660 6-441 Cover screw
20-707 10-53 Metal thermostat guard
20-715 10-62 Clear thermostat guard
21-876 10-76 Opaque thermostat guard
21-928 Gray plastic cover, blank dial
21-933 Gray plastic cover,
20-881 N2-4 Calibration wrench
22-138 MCS-GA Branch tap gauge adaptor
20-850 10-82 Outlet box mounting plate, black
20-642 Mounting ring
21-473 Snap-in drywall mounting
22-021 Universal drywall mounting kit
22-022 N5-95 Competitor replacement mounting kit
22-024 Standard mounting kit
°F/°C dial
Thermostat calibration kit
Outlet box mounting plate, stainless
Caution: This device should be installed by a qualified person with
due regard for safety, as improper installation could result in a
hazardous condition.
Model Chart
Part Number
2230-018 H18-301
Includes 1/4" by 3/16" barbed
mounting plate and screws.
, 20-693 tubing, standard
1. Humidistat should be located to sense average room
ity. Free circulation of air must exist and locations
that are affected by drafts, radiant heat, water pipes, air
ducts, etc., should be avoided.
2. Mount Humidistat only after wall surface has been
ed. Allow the device time to reach ambient
conditions before calibration.
Typical Applications
Printed in U.S.A. 6-10 Copyright 2010 Schneider Electric All Rights Reserved. F-274503-2

Connect to
Main and Branch
Connect to Thermostat
Main and Branch
4 Eyelet
Tube Clamps
Tube Coupler
Tube Coupler
Tools (not provided):
– Appropriate screwdriver for mounting the thermostat
– 20-881 Thermostat calibration and cover screw wrench (or
and 1/4" he
x wrenches)
1. Assemble the eyelets and two tube couplers to tubing.
2. Connect the assembly by inserting the tube couplers into existin
tubing in the w
connection is Br
Pull tubing through center hole in mounting plate and screw mounting
plate to w
all (Figure-1). Note which connection is Main and which
all with flat head screws. Cut tubing and insert two couplers.
The Main and Branch tubing is connected into the correspond
ports on the thermostat (Figure-1).
4. Affix thermostat to mounting ring with round head screws, taking care
not to kink
the tubing.
The 2230-018 Humidistat is factory-set for a 10% throttling range, set in
reverse action, and calibrated for 9 psig (62 kPa) when the ambient relative
humidity equals the set point. It should not require calibration upon
installation unless the throttling range is changed.
If adjustments are to be made remove cover by turning the Allen screw (8)
om of co
until bott
Caution: Do not touch nylon ribbon.
To Set To Direct Action
Rotate the switching screw (3) ten complete turns counterclockwise. This
change should not interfere with the factory calibration or T.R. setting, and
no further adjustment should be necessary.
ver can be moved away from the wall, and proceed as
To Calibrate And Set Control Point
To check humidistat calibration, install a test gauge in the branch and rotate
the cam by adjusting the setpoint until 8-10 psig
(55-69 kPa)branch pressure is obtained (R.H. m
ust be within the range of
the humidistat). Loosen the T.R. slide retaining screw (4) and slide the T.R.
slide (5) to the desired throttling range setting on the T.R. scale (6), making
sure to keep the T.R. slide (5) parallel with the T.R. slide retaining screw (4).
Tighten this screw to secure the slide (do not over-tighten). Adjust the D.A.
calibrating screw (7) to restore 8-10 psig branch pressure.
Reverse Acting
To change calibration in the reverse action mode, adjust setpoint as given
for the calibration check procedure. Adjust the R.A. calibrating screw (2) to
obtain 8-10 psig (55-69 kPa) branch pressure. Clockwise rotation of screw
(2) causes branch pressure to decrease; counterclockwise rotation causes
it to increase. Do not force screw (2).
Direct Acting
To change calibration in the direct action mode, proceed as given for the
calibration check. Then adjust the D.A. calibrating screw (7) to obtain 8-10
psig (55-69 kPa) branch pressure.
To synchronize D.A. and R.A. calibrations, insert test gauge in branch line
and adjust setpoint to
actual humidity, as described above. Rotate switch
screw (3) clockwise until it is snug. Then rotate ten turns counterclockwise
and adjust D.A. calibrating screw (7) for 8-10 psig (55-69 kPa) branch
pressure. Then rotate switching screw clockwise until snug, and adjust the
R.A. Calibrating Screw (2) for 8-10 psig (55-69 kPa) branch pressure. The
instrument is now synchronized from R.A. to D.A. and may be used in either
mode without change in calibration.
Replace cover after making adjustments.
Mounting Dimensions
Copyright 2010, Schneider Electric
All brand names, trademarks and registered
trademarks are the property of their respective
owners. Information contained within this
document is subject to change without notice.
To Set To Reverse Action
Control is factory set in reverse acting mode. If control is set in direct acting
mode, to restore to reverse action, rotate the switching screw (3) clockwise
until it becomes snug. Do not force the screw.
To Set Throttling Range
To change the throttling range, install a test gauge in the branch and rotate
the cam by adjusting the set point until 8-10 psig
(55-69 kPa) branch pressure.
October 1st, 2009, TAC became the Buildings business of its parent company Schneider Electric. This document reflects the visual identity of Schneider Electric, however
there remains references to TAC as a corporate brand in the body copy. As each document is updated, the body copy will be changed to reflect appropriate corporate brand