Starting PDF Converter Professional
There are several ways to start the program:
From the Start menu, select (All) Programs / ScanSoft PDF Professional 3.0 /
PDF Converter Professional 3.0, then click the Open button or select Open
from the File menu and select a PDF file. If you select more than one PDF file,
they will be opened in separate windows. If you select Microsoft Office files
(*.doc, *.rtf, *.xls, *.ppt), they will be converted immediately to PDF files, and will
be displayed in separate windows.
Click the program icon on the desktop if you placed it there, then proceed
as described above.
Double-click on a PDF file: If you choose PDF Converter Professional as the
default PDF viewer when prompted, you can double click on a PDF file to start
the program and load the selected PDF file.
Browse PDF files on a Web Server: If you choose PDF Converter Professional
as the default PDF viewer when prompted, click any PDF URL on a Web page to
open the PDF file in the program.
Drag-and-drop files: You can drag-and-drop PDF files onto the PDF Converter
Professional program window to have them opened – up to a “Maximum Opened
Files” limit , preset under Preferences. You can also drag-and-drop documents
(*.doc, *.txt), Excel sheets (*.xls), PowerPoint slides (*.ppt) to have them
Right-click a PDF file: Select Create/Combine/Overlay PDFs in the shortcut
menu. PDF Create! Assistant will appear displaying the clicked PDF file name.
This method is useful if you want to combine or overlay PDFs. To change
settings before PDF creation, select PDF Create! Properties from the shortcut
Right-click an Office file: Select one of the following shortcut menu items:
Create PDF, Create and E-mail PDF, Create/Combine/Overlay PDFs. To
change settings before PDF creation, select PDF Create! Properties from the
shortcut menu.
Note:You can collect several files written in different formats (PDF and Office files)
and located in different folders and combine them into one PDF. Use the
Create/Combine/Overlay PDFs shortcut menu item. The clicked files will be added
to the PDF Create! Assistant file list.