scansoft PDF Converter Professional 3 Quick Reference Guide

Quick Reference Guide
Welcome to ScanSoft PDF Converter Professional
ScanSoft® PDF Converter Professional 3 offers the full circle of functionality for handling Portable Document Format (PDF) files. It can open PDF files from versions 1.0 to 1.6 for viewing, editing, annotation and re-assembly. It can create PDF files from versions 1.3 to 1.5. This professional product has three parts that are installed and activated with a single procedure.
Create PDF Files
ScanSoft PDF Create! 3 lets you convert a wide range of file types to Portable Document Format (PDF) files. When working in Microsoft
call on the program to create a PDF file directly from your current document. When convert­ing from Microsoft Word, hyperlinks and comments can be transferred and you can set bookmarks to be generated from the structure of the Word document. Files can be protected by passwords and can include watermarks. Compression and font settings give you control over PDF file size and appear­ance.
WordTM, ExcelTM or PowerPoint® you can
Edit PDF Files
ScanSoft PDF Converter Professional gives you extensive control over your PDF files: through an easy-to-use browsing and reading interface. You can edit pages and documents,
annotate and review them, adjust document security, sign your documents and more. PDF documents can be compiled from different sources and pages can be rearranged. The program delivers a powerful document management system: use it to create archives from related documents to index and search them later.
Export PDF Files
ScanSoft PDF Converter 3 lets you unlock PDF files to edit them as Microsoft® Word, Microsoft Excel, Corel directly from these applications, edit them and save them in the appropriate file type. The pro-
gram offers three types of conversions, resulting in documents, forms or spreadsheets.
WordPerfect®, and generic RTF files. It also lets you open PDF files
Installation and Activation
Please remove any previous version of PDF Converter or Create! before the installation. Please remove any version of the Zeon printer driver utility before the installation. ScanSoft PDF Converter Professional contains a customized and updated version of that utility and it cannot co­exist with other versions.
1. Insert the CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.
The installation program will start automatically. If it does not, locate your CD-ROM drive in Windows
Explorer and double-click the converter's setup.exe file. Select a language for installation. The InstallShield
wizard will appear. If you have downloaded the converter from the ScanSoft web site, double-click its setup.exe file.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions. You m us t accept the license agreement in order to proceed. You must enter a serial number. You will find this on the CD sleeve or on the ScanSoft web site at the download location. Be sure to keep the serial number in a safe place; it is fully checked only during product activation and is also needed for any re-installations. The installer offers a default location for the program. Accept it or define a different one.
When prompted, it is recommended that you also install PDF Converter 3 along with the program (leave the checkbox marked in the relevant installation screen). PDF Converter 3 lets you unlock your PDF files to edit them in various applications, as already described.
3. Click Finish. Registration runs at the end of
installation. Select Register Online to establish a connection to the ScanSoft web site. We provide an easy electronic form that can be completed in a few moments. When the form is filled, click Submit. If you decide not to register or to be reminded later, you can go to to register online any time later. Click on Support and from the main support screen choose Register in the left-hand column. For a statement on the use of your registration data, please see ScanSoft's Privacy Policy.
4. Activate. You will be invited to activate the product at the end of installation. Please ensure that web access is available. Provided your serial number is found at its storage location and has been correctly entered, no user interaction is required and no personal information is transmitted. If you do not activate the product at installation time, you will be invited to do this each time you invoke the program. PDF Converter Professional can be launched only five times without activation.
We recommend Automatic Activation. If you choose Manual Activation, you have to activate both PDF Converter and PDF Converter Profes­sional separately.
Note: System requirements are presented on the product box and in online Help. The user performing installation or un-installation should have Administrator rights on the computer. Administrator rights are recommended for activation and de-activation.
How to Get Help
This printed Quick Reference Guide accompanies ScanSoft PDF Converter Professional when it is supplied on a CD. This guide is also available as a PDF file on the CD and after installation in the program folder. It can also be accessed from the About panel. When the program is delivered electronically, this PDF document should be consulted. It is available at the download site.
ScanSoft PDF Converter Professional has online Help that covers the components PDF Create! 3, and PDF Converter 3. All program screens and some warning messages have Help buttons. Help is provided in a PDF file; use the Table of Contents or the search function to find information you need.
Press F1 or click the Help button to open the online Help system at the first page.
A Readme file with latest information is available on the CD and in the program folder. The ScanSoft web site offers program information, with a regularly updated knowledge base and user forums.
Creating PDF Files
ScanSoft PDF Create! 3 lets you convert a wide range of file types to Portable Document Format (PDF) files in versions 1.3, 1.4 or 1.5. Files can be protected by passwords and can include water­marks. Compression and font settings give you con­trol over PDF file size and appearance. The program has the following parts:
Print dialog box addition
The Print dialog box appearing in your print-capa­ble applications will include the printer driver Scan­Soft PDF Create!
PDF Create! Assistant
Click this button and choose PDF Create! Assistant. verted. These files may have been created in differ­ent applications. Choose to combine the files in the given order to create a single PDF file or have each file converted separately. Files can also be overlaid for the conversion.
ScanSoft PDF Create! Properties
This gives you full control over the conversions. In the General panel you define page size, orientation, resolution for the PDF and choose whether or not to view it after creation. The PDF Settings panel lets you define the PDF version, control font embed­ding, set compression types and severity, define passwords and add watermarks. It gives you choices for naming the created PDF file(s) and defining properties such as title, author, subject and key­words. The created file(s) can also be directed as attachments to an E-mail message, ready for distri­bution.
The ScanSoft PDF Create! Properties dialog box can be accessed from the Print dialog box in your applications, the PDF Create! Assistant, the PDF Links dialog box in Microsoft Word, from the PDF Create! menu in Microsoft Word, Excel and Power­Point, and from the shortcut menu of any file from which a PDF can be generated.
PDF Links
This dialog box can be accessed from Microsoft Word, from a toolbar button or an item in the PDF Create! menu.
It lets you compile a list of files to be con-
It lets you define settings that are applicable only when creating a PDF from a Word document. Define which paragraph styles in the Word docu­ment should be converted to bookmarks in the PDF, which comments should be transferred and how hyperlinks should appear.
How to Start PDF Creation
When you are satisfied with your settings, you can start PDF creation as follows:
Select ScanSoft PDF Create! as the name of
your printer in the Print dialog box of any print­capable application on your system. Click OK to have the current document in that application converted to a PDF file under a name you spe­cify.
Click in the Main toolbar of PDF Conver-
ter Professional 3, or select Create PDF from the File menu. Choose your source for PDF crea­tion. Multiple files can be selected, even if they were created in different applications. Choose to combine the files in the given order to create a single PDF file or have each file converted sepa­rately. Files can also be overlaid for the conver­sion.
Choose Create PDF or Create and E-mail PDF
or Create/Combine/Overlay PDFs from a short­cut menu of a file that is a valid source for PDF creation. In the first cases, the PDF is created using existing settings. In the last case the selec­ted file or files are listed in the PDF Create! Assistant, where more files can be added and settings made before conversion is started.
Click the PDF Create! button in a Micro-
soft Word, Excel or PowerPoint toolbar to have the current document converted to a PDF file using existing settings. Click the PDF Create and E-mail button in the same toolbars to addi­tionally have the PDF attached to a new empty E-mail message, ready to be sent. Choose Convert to PDF or Convert to PDF and E-mail in the PDF Create! menu for the same functionality.
Drag-and-drop any file created in a print capable
application onto the PDF Converter Professional workspace.
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