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ScanSoft, Inc.
9 Centennial Drive
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PaperPort Deluxe Getting Started Guide
Part Number 50-688001-00A
September, 2001
Using This Guidevi
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Installing PaperPort7
System Requirements7
Installing PaperPort8
What is PaperPort?9
The PaperPort Desktop11
The Page View Window11
The Desktop Menus and Toolbars13
The Page View Menus and Toolbars14
The Folders Pane15
Chapter 3
Using PaperPort17
Using Thumbnails18
Acquiring Items20
Filing Items26
PaperPort Deluxe Getting Started Guide
Finding Items30
Viewing Pages34
Annotating Pages35
Touching Up Images37
Sending Items to Another Program39
Sending Items as E-mail Attachments42
Converting Images to Text43
Filling Out Scanned Forms44
Creating Web Pages45
Using ScanDirect46
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Sample Sessions47
Scan and Save Documents47
Get and Touch Up Photos54
Send Items as E-mail Attachments58
Find Items59
Other Programs to Use with PaperPort65
Welcome to the PaperPort Deluxe Getting Started Guide. PaperPort is a paper
management tool for home and business use that helps you manage and use
scanned documents and digital photos. Designed for home and business use, it
provides all the basics of desktop organization in one easy-to-learn and easy-to-use
From PaperPort, you can:
Scan documents and photos to your desktop for easy access and use with your
favorite programs. Simply drag and drop a file onto the program icon and
PaperPort automatically converts the file to the preferred format.
Get photos from your digital camera and then make your photos picture
perfect. Image editing tools provide all the basics to enhance, crop, rotate,
remove red eye and add special effects.
View large, clear thumbnail images of your scanned documents, photos, and
other files to quickly find files based on their appearance.
Find all your documents and photos using PaperPort's powerful search tool.
Using SimpleSearch™, you can search by content, keywords, or annotations.
With scanned documents, PaperPort runs the OCR process to read the
documents and then indexes the content to enable quick searching.
Eliminate the need to retype documents. Simply drag a scanned document to
your word processing program on PaperPort's Send To bar and PaperPort
automatically turns it into editable text.
Easily group related documents and photos as stacked pages, just as you would
with papers on top of your desk.
Add annotations, sticky notes, highlights, arrows, and stamps to your
documents and photos.
Scan and fill in forms using the FormTyper™ feature. Simply scan in a blank
form and PaperPort automatically detects the form fields and lets you fill them
in for a perfect form every time.
View electronic documents such as spreadsheet documents in PaperPort even if
you do not have the spreadsheet program on your computer.
Use the Explorer-like folder system to organize all your documents and photos
on your computer or on the network. You can color-code your folders and add
any existing folder to PaperPort without moving it within your file system.
Easily capture web pages on the Internet and place them as PaperPort image
items (.max files) on your PaperPort desktop.
This guide introduces you to PaperPort and shows you how to get started managing
your information. Additional information includes:
Online Help — Comprehensive information on features, settings, and
procedures. Help is available on the PaperPort Help menu.
Release Notes — Important information about this release of PaperPort. It is
included on the installation CD and on the PaperPort Help menu.
Product Support — Additional technical support, including technical notes,
frequently asked questions, software updates, and more is available on the
PaperPort Help menu.
Using This Guide
This guide provides you with an overview of PaperPort and how you can use it to
meet your scanning and document management needs. It also provides first-time
PaperPort users with enough information to install and get started using PaperPort.
It assumes you are familiar with basic Windows operations and can install and set up
devices such as scanners, printers, and digital cameras.
This guide contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1 — Installation Instructions. Explains how to install PaperPort on
your PC.
Chapter 2 — Introduction. Introduces you to PaperPort, its capabilities, and
describes the various elements, such as the window panes, menu commands,
and toolbars.
Chapter 3 — Using PaperPort. Explains the basic steps to acquire, annotate
or edit, and store and send items.
Chapter 4 — Sample Sessions. Describes real-life examples of using
PaperPort and includes step-by-step instructions.
Chapter 5 — Other Programs to Use with PaperPort. Introduces you to
other ScanSoft programs you can use with PaperPort.
Chapter 1
Installing PaperPort
This chapter provides information on installing and starting PaperPort. It presents
the following topics:
System Requirements
Installing PaperPort
System Requirements
To install and run PaperPort, your Windows-compatible PC must be equipped with
the following:
An Intel Pentium or equivalent processor.
Microsoft Windows 95, 98, Me, Windows NT 4.0, 2000, or Windows XP.
32 MB of RAM for Windows 95, 98, and Me; 64 MB is recommended.
64 MB of RAM for Windows NT, 2000, and XP; 128 MB is recommended.
80 MB of free space on your hard drive.
SVGA monitor with 800 x 600 pixel resolution.
Installing PaperPort
The PaperPort installation program provides easy step-by-step instructions on every
▼Before you install PaperPort
1.Close all other programs, including any anti-virus programs.
2.If you are installing PaperPort on Windows NT or 2000, log onto your
computer with administrator privileges.
You can install PaperPort from a CD or from the Web.
▼To install PaperPort from a CD
1.Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. The installation program should start
automatically. If it does not start, locate your CD-ROM drive in Windows
Explorer and double-click the Setup.exe program at the top-level of the drive.
2.Follow the instructions on each screen to install the software.
▼To install PaperPort from the Web
1.After you have purchased PaperPort and downloaded the installation program
to your computer, double-click the PaperPort icon on your Windows desktop
to begin the installation.
2.Follow the instructions on each screen.
8Installing PaperPort
Chapter 2
This chapter introduces you to PaperPort in the following sections:
What is PaperPort? — Presents an overview and explains some of the ways
PaperPort can help you in both your home and office.
The PaperPort Desktop — Presents the interface to the product.
The Page View Window — Presents that part of the interface you use to
work on individual items.
The Desktop Menus and Toolbars— Presents the PaperPort commands and
The Folder Pane — Presents PaperPort folders, that part of the interface you
use to organize and maintain your items.
What is PaperPort?
PaperPort is a document management software program. With PaperPort you can:
Collect information from a wide variety of sources such as scanners, digital
cameras, e-mail, and the Web.
Organize and store this information on your computer as PaperPort items in
Edit, annotate, and search these items by title and content.
In short, PaperPort can help you manage the information you use both at work and
at home.
Using PaperPort in the office
Here are two scenarios that show ways PaperPort can help you manage the
mountains of paper connected with your business.
Collect data from remote offices for everyone to share
You work for an agency charged with collecting legal paperwork from all across
the country. Each local office scans in the paperwork from a case and stores it
in an individual folder, adding notations as needed.
When information from a case needs to be shared or reviewed, the local office
selects the information, then faxes it to the central office.
Keep track of your expenses
Using PaperPort with a scanner you can scan in all your business-related
receipts and store them in folders by date and/or type (meals, airfare, gas, and
mileage). At the end of the month pull it all together, transfer the information
onto the electronic version of your expense sheet, and e-mail it to the
accounting department!
Using PaperPort at home
Everyone from hobbyists to home-office professionals can rely on PaperPort to
help manage their photographs and documents. Here are two of the ways PaperPort
can help you.
Store and share all your photographs
Collect all your photographs into virtual albums by storing them in PaperPort
folders. Scan printed photos and download digital images. Once in PaperPort
you can edit the images and move them around into different folders for later
viewing. PaperPort helps you share your photos with friends and family by
making it easy to attach them to e-mail messages.
Scan magazine and newspaper articles of interest for easy access
Whether your passion is cooking, wooden boat building, photography or
knitting, PaperPort makes your life easier. Scan your favorite magazine and
journal articles into a PaperPort folder. Months later, when you are in the
middle of a project and remember reading an article that contained just the
information you need, use PaperPort’s SimpleSearch tool to find the article in
question quickly, even if you can’t remember the title!
Chapter 2
The PaperPort Desktop
When you start PaperPort the Desktop appears. Figure 1 describes the various parts
of the Desktop.
Menu Bar
Open menus to display
Command Bar
Click the buttons to
choose commands
Folders Pane
Show the organization of
your PaperPort folders.
Send To Bar
Send items to other
programs and people.
Desktop Pane with Thumbnails
View, open, arrange, move, copy, and send
items in the current folder.
The Status Bar
See information about the
selected item or button.
Figure 1.
The Page View Window
Double-click a PaperPort item thumbnail to view the item. PaperPort displays the
item in the Page View window for viewing. You can enlarge or reduce the view for
easy reading. You can also annotate and touch up images. Figure 2 shows the Page
View window.
The PaperPort Desktop
The PaperPort Desktop11
Command Bar
Choose commands
nnotation Toolbar
Add notes and other
annotations to your
PaperPort item
Zoom to enlarge or reduce.
Image Editing Toolbar
Touch up and crop your images.
Figure 2.
The Page View Window
The various documents and photographs you acquire in PaperPort are referred to as
items. Images saved in the PaperPort format are referred to as PaperPor t image
You can also use PaperPort with most other common types of documents such as
word documents and spreadsheets. These documents are referred to as text items.
Sample items are included with PaperPort to demonstrate some of the types of
items you can keep on the Desktop. One of the sample items, PaperPort Tips,
includes current and useful information about PaperPort itself. Double-click its
thumbnail to open the item in Page View and read the contents.
You can also use the Desktop to view non-PaperPort items that reside on your
computer. Simply copy or move the document or photo into a PaperPort folder.
The Desktop Menus and Toolbars
Menus contain the commands you use to perform the PaperPort functions.
Toolbars contain graphical “shortcuts” for those commands.
The Menus
The File Menu — Commands to create, file, print, or send items.
The Edit Menu — Commands to cut,copy, paste and delete selected items.
You can also Select or Deselect all items in the Desktop or Undo your last
The View Menu — Commands to change how items and parts of your
Desktop are displayed.
The Item Menu — Commands to manipulate items.
The Tools Menu — Commands to search for items, add or remove PaperPort
folders, and customize PaperPort.
Chapter 2
The Help Menu — Commands that give you access to information about
The Toolbars
The Command Bar — Contains shortcuts and drop-down lists for the most
commonly-used commands. Additional information about each command
appears in the Status bar at the bottom of the Desktop when you place your
cursor over the button.
Figure 3.
The Command Bar
TheSend To Bar — Runs along the bottom of the Desktop and shows
programs you can send items to.
You can send an item to another program by dragging and dropping the item
onto the desired program’s icon.
The Desktop Menus and Toolbars13
Figure 4.
The Send To Bar
You can add, remove, and rearrange the program icons on the Send To bar.
The Page View Menus and Toolbars
This section describes the menus and toolbars available to you in the Page View
The Menus
The File Menu — Commands to create, file, print, or send items.
The Edit Menu — Commands to select either the Image or Annotation
The View Menu — Commands to change the view of the item.
The Page Menu — Commands to edit the current page.
The Annotation Menu — Commands to annotate the current page.
The Tools Menu — Commands to find words and set PaperPort options.
The Toolbars
The Help Menu — Commands that give you access to information about
The Image Editing Tools — Tools to adjust and edit the quality, color, and
other aspects of a PaperPort image. Among other things you can:
•Straighten a page
•Sharpen an image
•Remove red eye
Chapter 2
A brief description of each tool appears in the Status bar along the bottom of
your pane when you place your cursor over an icon.
The Annotation Tools — Tools to add a note, add or highlight text, draw lines
and arrows, or paste a picture into PaperPort image items.
A brief description of each tool appears in the Status bar along the bottom of
your pane when you place your cursor over an icon.
The Folders Pane
The Folders Pane presents a hierarchical view of your PaperPort folders, like the
view you see in Windows Explorer. When you open PaperPort for the first time, you
will not have any of your own items yet, of course, but PaperPort does come with
samples to help you get started.
PaperPort adds the My PaperPort Documents to your Windows My Documents
folder. The My PaperPort Documents folder includes sample folders and items,
including the Samples subfolder which is opened by default.
Figure 5.
The Folders Pane
To show or hide the Folders pane, click the Folders button on the
Command bar.
The Folders Pane15
Chapter 3
Using PaperPort
This chapter introduces you to the many different things you can do with PaperPort
and is organized as follows:
Using Thumbnails
Acquiring Items
Filing Items
Finding Items
Viewing Pages
Annotating Pages
Touching Up Images
Sending Items to Another Program
Sending Items as E-mail Attachments
Converting Images to Text
Filling Out Scanned Forms
Creating Web Pages
Using ScanDirect
Refer to the PaperPort Help for detailed information about all these
Using Thumbnails
One quick way to locate your PaperPort items is to visually browse through the
thumbnails on your Desktop. Each thumbnail is a small, graphic representation of
your document or photo (Figure 6).
Figure 6.
PaperPort Thumbnails
PaperPort shows large, clear thumbnails of all your documents and photos.
With the exception of PaperPort image items (.max) files, each thumbnail appears
with an icon that identifies the program in which it was created or is currently
associated. This makes it easy and convenient to quickly see and find all different
types of items on your computer.
To display thumbnails, on the Command bar, click the Views button and then click Thumbnails.
Before you can work with an item, you must first select its thumbnail on the
Desktop. A red line appears around an item to indicate that it is selected.
While working with thumbnails, you can:
Click a thumbnail to select it.
Drag a thumbnail to reposition it on the Desktop.
Drag a thumbnail to a folder to move the item to that folder.
Double-click a thumbnail to view the item.
Press the Ctrl key and double-click a thumbnail to open the item in its source
18Using PaperPort
Right-click a thumbnail to display the item's shortcut menu.
Drag a thumbnail to the Send To bar to send a copy of the item to another
Chapter 3
If your Desktop becomes cluttered and disorganized, you can quickly clean up or
rearrange one, two, or all the items on the Desktop.
To straighten up items, right-click the Desktop, and then, on the shortcut
menu, click Line UpItems.
To rearrange all items, right-click an empty area of the Desktop, and on the
shortcut menu, point to Arrange Items. Then click By Name, By Size, By
Type, or By Date.
PaperPort rearranges the thumbnails in neat rows, starting from the upper-left
corner of the Desktop, sorted by the selected attribute.
If you scan an item upside down, you can rotate the item. Simply select the
thumbnail, and then, on the Command bar, click the Rotate button.
Using thumbnails on the Desktop, you can also easily combine individual PaperPort
image items into multi-page items.
This feature is useful as an organizational tool and if you are using a scanner that can
only scan a page as a separate item.
To create a multi-page item, simply select a thumbnail and drag it onto another
Figure 7.
A Multi-page Item
If you prefer, you can also select items in the order in which you want to stack them
in the multi-page item and then click the Stack button on the Command bar.
The first item you select will be placed on top; the last item will be placed on the
Using Thumbnails19
Acquiring Items
There are many ways to bring images and pages into PaperPort so that you can use
PaperPort’s viewing, editing, annotation, indexing, OCR, and file management tools.
For example, you can:
Scan photos, pages, and other images on a scanning device.
Download photos from a digital camera.
Add folders to PaperPort that already contain images and documents.
Capture a snapshot of a web page.
Import and print files from other programs on your computer.
You can also drag and drop files from other programs to the Desktop, and use
Windows Explorer and other Windows tools to help manage your PaperPort items.
Scanning to the Desktop
Use the Scan pane to bring images and documents into PaperPort so that you can
use PaperPort’s features.
PaperPort is designed to work with all TWAIN- and WIA-compatible scanners.
Simply place the item you want to scan in or on the scanner, start PaperPort, and in
the Folders pane, click the folder in which you want to scan your item.
On the Command bar, click the Scan button.
20Using PaperPort
Select your scanner
Specify the document type
Click Scan
Chapter 3
The Scan pane appears in the left panel, as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8.
The Scan Pane
Use your scanner’s program to scan the item. When the scan is complete, you will
see your item on the Desktop.
If your scanner does not use a TWAIN or WIA device driver, use the
program that came with your scanner to get your items into PaperPort.
Refer to the PaperPort Help for more information.
Downloading pictures from your camera
To get digital photos from a camera to the Desktop, you can download your photos
from a TWAIN- or WIA-compatible camera.
Install the software driver that came with your camera, connect the camera to your
computer, and use the Get Photos pane to download the images to the Desktop.
Then, start the PaperPort program, and in the Folders pane, click the folder in
which you want to place your photos.
Acquiring Items21
+ 49 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.