©2001 by ScanSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be transmitted, transcribed, reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or translated into any language or computer language in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without prior written consent from the Legal Department at ScanSoft, Inc., 9 Centennial Drive, Peabody, Massachusetts 01960. Printed in the United States of Amer ica an d in the Netherlands.
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ScanSoft, OmniPage, OmniPage Pro, OmniPage Pro X, True Page, Direct OCR and Language Analyst are registered trademarks or trademarks of ScanSoft, Inc. in the United States and in
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ScanSoft Inc.
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Part Number: 50-941001-00 A
Welcome 7
Chapter ou tline 7 Using this Guide 8 How to use online Help 8
Other online resources 9
New features in OmniPage Pro X 10
1 Installation and setup 11
System requirements 12 Installing the software 12 Running the program under Mac OS 9 13 Starting OmniPage Pro 14 Selecting your scanner 14 Registering OmniPage Pro 18 Removing OmniPage Pro 18
2Introduction 19
What is Opt i cal Charac ter Recognition? 20
Beyond OCR 20 Basic steps in the OCR process 21 The OCR Toolbar The full OmniPage Pro interface 23
The Document window 24
The Thumbnail window 24
The Zone Info and Tools palettes 25
The Preferences dialog box 26
OmniPage Pro X User’s Guide iii
3 Processing documents 27
Basic processing steps 28 Automatic processing 28
To prepare for automatic processing 29
To process a new document automatically 30
To process an existing document automatically 31 Manual processing 32
Steps for manual processing 32 Using automatic and manual processing together 33 Using the OCR Assistant 34 Bringing page ima ges into OmniPage Pro 36
Scanning pages 36
Loading image files 36
Opening OmniPage Documents 38
Using drag-and-drop 38 Creating and modifying zones 39
Creating zones automatically 40
Specifying zone types 41
Drawing zones manually 44
Modifying zones 46
Table zones 49 Performing recognition 50
Performing OCR 50
Proofreading OCR results 51
Verifying recognized text 53
Color markers 54
Getting page information 54 Working with documents 55
Resizing a page display 55
Saving a document as you work 56
Moving to other pages 56
Reordering pages 56
Deleting a page 57
Undoing edits 57
Modifying images 57
Modifying text 58
Printing a document 59
iv Contents
Listening to a document 60
Closing a document 60
Quitting OmniPage Pro 60 Exporting documents 61
Saving an OmniPage Do cument 61
Saving images 61
Saving recognit ion results 62
Saving to P o rtable Document Format (PDF) 64
Copying a document to the Clipboard 64
Using drag-and-drop functionality 65 Direct OCR 66
Using Direct OCR 67
4Settings 69
OCR Toolbar options 70
Get Page options 70
Original Layout options 72
Style Set options 73
OCR options 75
Export options 75 Preference settings 76
Scanner settings 76
OCR settings 80
Spelling settings 82
Miscellaneous settings 85
5Customizing OCR 87
Specifying the style set 87
Specifying a global style set 90
Creating style sets 90 Applying and edit ing zone styles 91
Font mapping 94 Zone templates 96 Training OCR 97 User dictionaries 101 Settings files 102
OmniPage Pro X Users Guide v
6 Technical information 103
Troubleshooting 104
Solutions to try first 104
Low memory situations 104
Low disk space situations 105
Improving accuracy 105
Improving fax recognition 108
Interface p roblems and s olutions 109
System failure during OCR 109 Supported languages 110 Supported saving formats 111 Supported im age file formats 112
Index 113
vi Contents
Welcome to OmniPage Pro X ™, and thank you for buying our software! This User’s Guide has been provided to help you get started and give you an overview of the program.
Chapter outline
Chapter 1, Installation and setup, tells you ho w to ins tall an d start the program and select a scanner. It lists the system requirements and provides guidance on registering the product.
Chapter 2, Introduction, explains the OCR process and how it forms part of the OmniPage Pro workflow. It also presents the program’s main working areas and controls, starting with the OCR Toolbar.
Chapter 3, Processing documents, tells you how to do automatic and manual processing and how to combine them. It details processing steps: acquiring pages, zoning, recognizing, proofing and exporting.
Chapter 4, Settings, gives detailed information on each of the choices offered by the pop-up menus in the OCR Toolbar. It also guides you through the choices in the panels of the Preferences dialog box.
Chapter 5, Customizing OCR, provides information on some more advanced features, such as style sets and their zone styles, zone templates, training, user dictionaries and settings files.
Chapter 6, Technical information, gives troubleshooting advice and details the supported file formats and languages.
OmniPage Pro X Users Guide 7
Using this Guide
This Guide supposes that you know how to work in the Macintosh®
environment. Please refer to your Macintosh help resources if you have questions about how to use dialog boxes, menus, scroll bars, and so on. The following conventions are used in this Guide.
Convention Purpose
Italicized text • Emphasizes menu commands, dialog box options, button
and file names: “Choose Open... in the File menu.”
• Names sections in this Guide.
• Emphasizes new terms the first time they are used.
Command key symbol (
Note or Tip Introduces a tip or an item of note.
Illustra tes keyboard shortcuts. For example: z C means hold the Command key down as you press the letter “c”.
How to use online Help
OmniPage Pro X has an extensive HTML-based online Help system. Click Help Contents or Help Index in the program’s Help menu to open it. The Help system provides you with three tabbed panels:
u Contents: A three-level table of contents. Click a topic. u Index: A two-level, alphabetical index. Enter a keyword or scroll
to the desired location and click an entry.
u Search: Search keywords thr ough th e whole text of a ll he lp top ics.
It lists all topics containing the specified word(s).
For advice on other Help facilities, please consult the documentation for your HTML viewer.
Online help contains some topics not included in this User’s Guide: an indexed glossary of terms, settings guidelines for a variety of document types, a Quick Start Guide for reading a sample image file, and documentation on Apple Event support and scripting.
8 Welcome
t To get help on buttons and pop-up menus
Brief help is av aila ble wi tho u t o penin g the o nli ne Help syst em. H over the cursor over any button or pop-up list in the OCR Toolbar or the palettes. A concise des crip tio n of th e con tro l ap pears in th e st at us lin e along the base of the OCR Toolbar.
t To get help on topics and procedures
Select Help Index in OmniPage Pro’s Help menu. Begin to type in a keyword you want to fin d. As you type in the first lett ers of a keyword, the Help system automatically shows you the first top-level index entry beginning with the letters typed in. OmniPage Pro’s structured index helps you to quickly find answers for your questions.
Click an index entry to display its related top ic. If an entry is linked to more than one topic, a pop-up list appears. Select the desired topic.
t To browse through a series of topics
Use the Previous and Next buttons top right of each topic. The se allo w you to view topics in the order they appear in the table of contents.
t To view recently viewed pages
Use the Back button to retrace your steps to your previously viewed topics.
t To print a topic
Select the Print button, specify a printer to be used and print settings.
Other online resources
Readme files, in plain text and PDF formats, are located on the installation CD. They contain last-minute information about OmniPage Pro X. Please read one of them before installing the application.
ScanSoft’s web site includes a Scanner Guide with regularly updated information about supported scanners and related issues. Access the site from the online Help topic Getting Help.
How to use online Help 9
New features in OmniPage Pro X
The family of OmniPage® products is now augmented by OmniPage Pro X for Macintosh. Here we summarize its most important new features compared to OmniPage Pro 8 for Macintosh.
u A better recognition engine has been integrated, capable of
delivering greater accuracy, particularly on degraded documents.
u Support for the Mac
OS X operating system. A revised user interface exploits the improved display techniques of the new system. Support is maintained for Mac OS 9.
u A new Assistant facility provides interactive step-by-step guidance
for users new to the world of OCR processing.
u Improved parsing of page elements to retain the formatting and
layout of the original pages, in particular better retention of color graphics and smarter text/graphics detection.
u Better auto-detection and handling of tables and spreadsheets. u Detection and recognition of reverse text (white or pale letters on
black or dark backgrounds).
u Portable Document Format (PDF) files can be opened and their
contents transformed to editable text.
u Recognized pages can be saved to Portable Document Format
(PDF) files, ready for display, use on the Web or for file transfer.
u Export support added for MS Word 98, 2001 and X and MS
u Improved export support for HTML (upgraded to HTML 4.0). u Voice read-back facility for texts in English and Spanish.
10 Welcome
Excel 98.
Chapter 1
Installation and setup
This chapter provides information on ins talli ng O mn iPage Pro X and selecting a scanner to use with it.
Please consult the Readme file which provides the most up-to-date information on installing and running the program. Readme is supplied in plain text and PDF formats. These files are copied from the CD to the OmniPage Pro X folder during installation.
This User’s Guide is also supplied in PDF format. It is copied to the sub-folder Users Guide. The Mac OS X operating system includes a PDF viewer. Under Mac OS 9, please use Adobe Acrobat. The PDF files can be navigated easily using the bookmarks (table of contents), page thumbnails and hyperlinks on cross references and index entries.
Please continue reading this chapter for the following information:
u System requirements u Installing the software u Running the program under Mac OS 9 u Starting OmniPage Pro u Selecting your scanner u Registering OmniPage Pro u Removing OmniPage Pro
OmniPage Pro X Users Guide 11
System requirements
The minimum system requirements for OmniPage Pro X are:
u iMac, iBook, PowerBook, Power Macintosh or PowerPC
compatible computers with at least a G3 processor
u Mac OS 9.0 or later, Mac OS X (10.1 or above) and QuickTime
4.1 or later (this is normally included in OS X)
u 128 MB of memory (RAM) on Mac OS X; 64MB on Mac OS 9
with 32 MB allocated to OmniPage Pro (or 64 MB allocated to handle full-page color images with more than 256 colors)
u 80 to 100 MB of free hard disk space u A color monitor with at least 256 colors and 800x600 pixel
u A Macintosh-compatible pointing device u A supported and correctly installed scanner, if you plan to scan
t To install OmniPage Pro X:
12 Installation and setup
Performance and sp eed wil l be e nh anc ed if y our co mpute r’s p rocessor, memory and available disk space exceed minimum requirements.
Installing the software
 Insert the OmniPage Pro CD in the CD-ROM drive.  Double-click OmniPage Pro X Setup.  Select a language and then click Continue. This language will be
used for installation and also as the program’s interface language.
 Read the license agreement. If you click I Agree, you can continue
Chapter 1
 Personalize your copy in the dialog box that appears.
Type in your name, the name of your company and the serial number. You will find the serial number on the CD case.
 Click OK.  Click Install in the next dialog box to proceed. A further dialog
box lets you choose where the OmniPage Pro files will be installed. Select a drive and optionally a folder location (using Open or New) and click Choose. The program will be ins talled in a folder named OmniPage Pro X. If you want to keep a previous OmniPage version, in sta ll y o ur n ew vers io n to a dif ferent location.
All the program files will be copied to the chosen drive and location. Some sub-folders will be created, including Components, Help, Sample Files, Training Files, User Dictionaries, User’s Guide, and Zone Templates.
Under Mac OS 9 you may get a warning message if you have no CarbonLib installed on your machine. In this case double-click the CarbonLib Setup. The required CarbonLib will be installed, the computer will then restart and the OmniPage Pro installation will start automatically.
Running the program under Mac OS 9
This User ’s Guide and the on line h elp des cribe th e use of th e prog ram under the Mac OS X operating system. Some dialog boxes have a slightly different appearance under Mac OS 9. Mac OS X supports an Application menu: it includes Preferences... which is in the Edit menu under Mac OS 9 and Quit which is in the File menu in Mac OS 9.
Online Help highlights all differences between Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 with an OS 9 icon.
The Help menu under Mac OS 9 allows you to show or hide balloon help. This relates to system-wide balloon help, which can appear within OmniPage Pro X under OS 9.
Running the program under Mac OS 9 13
Starting OmniPage Pro
There are several ways of starting OmniPage Pro®:
u Open the OmniPage Pro X folder and double-click the OmniPage
Pro X icon. The program launches and the OCR Toolbar will be displayed.
For quicker access, place an alias program icon on your Desktop.
u Drag and drop on e or mor e imag e fil es ont o the Om ni Page Pro X
icon. The program launches and loads the dropped image files. It does
not immediately recognize them.
u Drag and drop an OmniPage Document icon onto the OmniPage
Pro X icon or double-click an OmniPage Document icon. The program launches and opens the previously created
OmniPage Document. See page56 and Saving an OmniPage Document on page 61.
14 Installation and setup
u Use the Direct OCR feature. See Direct OCR on page 66.
Selecting your scanner
Before you can select a scanner in OmniPage Pro X, its driver must already be installed on your system. It should also be tested, to be sure it is working properly with the scanning software supplied by its manufacturer. Consult the documentation supplied with your scanner.
You can either let OmniPage Pro auto-detect your scanner or you can select a scanner type ma nually in the S elect Scanner dialog box. If you cannot find your scanner model in the scanner list in this dialog box, OmniPage Pro allows you to select a driver from one of the two
Chapter 1
general scanner driver types supporte d by th e pr ogra m. You can select either a Photoshop plug-in or a TWAIN driver depending on your scanner.
For specific scanner types which work with a TWAIN driver, you can choose whether to use their own interface or use OmniPage Pro’s interface. For scanners using a Photoshop plug-in driver, its interface is always displayed while scanning.
Each scanner driver provides a different user interface, so the available options may vary.
t To auto-select a scanner for OmniPage Pro:
See an overview table in the online Help topi c Selecting a scanner. This summarizes the user interface differences depending on which type of scanner driver is chosen.
 Switch on your scanner and start OmniPage Pro.  Choose Preferences from the Applicati on menu (Mac OS 9: Edit
menu) then click the Scanner icon to display the Scanner panel.
 Click the Select button to get the Select Scanner dialog box.  Click the Auto-Select Scanner button.  Click Verify to be sure the auto-detected scanner is correctly
 If an auto-detected scanner has a TWAIN driver, you can select
the option Show TWAIN User Interface. For more detail see point 6 in the section To access a scanner through a TWAIN driver.
 Click OK, then Save.
If OmniPage Pro cannot recognize your scanner automatically, select it manually as described in the next section.
Selecting your scanner 15
t To select a scanner manually:
 Follow instructions 1-3 listed above.  Select a scanner manufacturer under Manufacturer in the Select
Scanner dialog box.
 Select a scanner model under Scanner.  Check the driver name under Driver. If you have more than one
driver, select the one you want to use.
 Click Verify to be sure the selected scanner is correctly configured.  Click OK to close the Select Scanner dialog box.  Click Save in the Preferences dialog box.
If the display ed scann er list does not con tain t he manufa cturer o r type of your scanner, you have two more choices under Manufacturer (Photoshop plug-in) and (TWA IN driv er). To decide which of these general scanner drivers your scanner supports, refer to the documentation supplied with your scanner. See the next two sections for more details on selecting (TWAIN driver) or (Photoshop plug-in).
t To access a scanner through a TWAIN driver:
16 Installation and setup
If you do not have a scanner at all, you can select (Test) under Manufacturer in the Select Scanner dialog box to simulate scanning.
 Follo w instructions 1-3 from the section To auto-select a scanner for
OmniPage Pro.
 Select (TWAIN driver) under Manufacturer.  Select a driver name under Scanner.  Check that your scanner driver delivered by the manufacturer has
appeared under Driver and select it, if it is not already selected.
 Click Verify to check the functioning of your scanner.
Chapter 1
 Decide which user interface you want to use for your scanner: the
driver’s own interface or OmniPage Pro’s interface. See the overview table in the online Help topic Selecting a scanner which summarizes the user interface functioning for different scanner drivers.
Select Show TWAIN User Interface if you want to use the user interface of your scanner driver.
Deselect Show TWAIN User Interface if you want to start scanning from O mniPage Pro using th e scanner s ettings in the Scanner panel of the OmniPage Pro Preferences dialog box.
 Click OK to close the Select Scanner dialog box.  Click Save in the Preferences dialog box.
t To access a scanner through a Photoshop plug-in:
 Copy your scanner driver from the Plug-Ins folder of the Adobe
Photoshop program to the OmniPage Pro X: Components: Scanner Support: Plug-Ins folder.
It is assumed that the scanner driver delivered by the manufacturer has already been copied to the Adobe Photoshop program’s Plug- Ins folder during scanner installation.
 Follo w instructions 1-3 from the section To auto-select a scanner for
OmniPage Pro.
 Select (Photoshop plug-in) under Manufacturer.  Select the drive r just cop ied unde r Scanner. Check the driver name
under Driver.
 Click the Verify button if you want to d ispla y th e info pa ne ls. Th e
driver’s info panel will appear first, then the Scanner Info panel. Inspect and then close them.
 Click OK to close the Select Scanner dialog box.  Click Save in the Preferences dialog box.
Selecting your scanner 17
t To scan in the Classic Environment:
Select Scan in Classic Mode in the Select Scanner dialog box if it is not already selected. Please wait while the program compiles a scanner list. This option enables you to scan pages even if your scanner has a driver for Mac OS 9 only. If the option is selected, scanning will be performed in the C lass ic E nvironment. If the o pti on is deselected, scanning can only be performed with a scanner driver developed for Mac OS X. The Scan in Classic Mode option is not selectable under Mac OS 9.
Registering OmniPage Pro
ScanSoft’s registration Wizard runs at the end of installation. We provide an easy e lectro nic form that can be com pleted in less t han fiv e minutes. You are asked to enter OmniPage Pro’s serial number, which appears on a sticker on the CD sleeve.
When the form is filled and you click Send, the program will search an Internet connection to immediately perform the registration online.
If you did not register the software during installation, you will be periodically invited to register later. You can go to to register on lin e. Cl ick on Support and from the main support screen choose Register in the left-hand column.
For a statement on the use of your registration data, please see ScanSoft’s Privacy Policy.
Removing OmniPage Pro
Move or copy any files you want to keep from the OmniPage Pro X folder. These might be settings, training, template, user dictiorary, export or OmniPage Document files. Then drag the folder to the Trash.
18 Installation and setup
Chapter 2
You probably do business correspondence and other written projects on your computer. However, certain sources of information may not be immediately available for use. For example, if you want to incorporate part of a magazine article into a document in your word processor, you somehow have to get its text into your computer. Painstakingly retyping the article is not an appealing solution.
OmniPage P r o X offers a sma rt solution to in cr ea se y our productivity. Its optical charact er r ecognition (OC R) techn ology accurately and easi ly converts text f rom scanned p ages and image files into edi table form for use in your favorite computer applications. You do not have to retype whole texts OmniPage Pro does it for you.
Please continue reading this chapter for information on these topics:
u What is Optical Character Recognition? u Basic steps in the OCR process u The OCR Toolbar u The full OmniPage Pro interface
The OCR Toolbar is the control center for the program. The other main working areas appear when a document is started:
u Thumbnail view: this displays small images of each page. u Image view: this displays an image of the current page. u Text view: this displays the recognition results of the current page.
OmniPage Pro X Users Guide 19
What is Optical Character Recognition?
Optical character recognition (OCR) is the process of extracting text from images. Images can result from scanning paper documents or opening image files. Images do not have editable text characters; they have many tiny dots (pixels) that together form character shapes. These present a picture of the text on a page.
During OCR, OmniPage Pro analyzes the character shapes in an image and determines character solutions to produce editable text. In other words, the OCR program ‘reads’ the page.
After OCR, you can export the recognized text to a variety of word­processing, desktop publishing, and spreadsheet applications.
Beyond OCR
In addition to text, OmniP age Pro X can retain the following el ements in a document after OCR for display and export.
t Graphics
Photos, logos and drawings are examples of graphics. The program cannot recognize handwriting, but signatures can be saved as graphics.
t Text formatting
Font types, sizes, and styles (such as bold or italic) are examples of character formatting. Indents, tabs, margins and line spacing are examples of paragraph formatting.
t Page formatting
Column structure, paragraph spacing, and placement of graphics are examples of page formatting.
The elements that are retained depend on settings you select before OCR and on the capabilities of the saving format you choose. See chapter 4, Settings, for more information.
20 Introduction
Chapter 2
Basic steps in the OCR process
There are three main steps in OmniPage Pro’s OCR process. They correspond to three large numbered buttons in the OCR Toolbar. Documents can be pro cess ed au toma tica lly or manua lly. In automatic processing, the Start button takes all specified document pages through the whole process (1-2-3) without a stop. Processing is done according to settings selected in pop-up menus on the OCR Toolbar and in the P r e fer ences di alog box. In manua l pr oces sing , each st ep can be performed separately and settings can be modified between each step. The three basic steps are:
1. Acquire page images
Scan pages or load one or more image files. See page 36. A miniature image of each page appears in Thumbnail view, the image of one page appears in Image view.
A layout description assists auto-zoning and a style set defines a formatting level for the recognized pages. When processing manually, zones should be drawn and styled at this point.
2. Perform OCR
Pages can be recognized with or without proofing. See page51. During recognition, zones are automatically created on all pages without existing zones. On pages with zones, auto-zoning can be requested. OmniPage Pro performs OCR on text zones and can transfer graphics zones. Recognition results appear in Text view.
3. Export the document
The document can be saved to a specified file name and format, or copied to Clipboard. The document remains open in OmniPage Pro after its first export, allowing text to be further edited and pages added or re-recognized with changed settings and zoning. The document can be saved repeatedly, also to different saving formats.
It can be saved as an OmniPage Document, allowing it to be reopened later in OmniPage Pro X. See page 38, 56 and page 61.
See the topics Automatic processing and Manual processing at the beginning of chapter 3.
Basic steps in the OCR process 21
The OCR Toolbar
The OCR Toolbar appears when you first start the program. It is the control center for all document processing. The OCR Toolbar can be minimized under Mac OS 9.
Start button: Use this to start and re-start automatic processing, and to stop any processing.
Assistant button:
Guides you to select settings and launches automatic processing.
The status line reports the current operation or the operation you can do next.
Get Page button
u The Start button lets you activate or re-activate automatic
Primary language display
Get Page pop-up menu
Style Set pop-up menu
Original Layout pop-up menu
OCR button Export button
OCR pop-up menu
Export pop-up menu
processing. When processing is in progress, it displays Stop.
u The Ge t Page, OCR and Export buttons are for manual pr ocessin g.
They allow each step to be performed separately, as follows:
The Get Page button lets you acq uire one or mo re ima ges from file or by scanning with the specified mode.
The OCR button lets you send the current page to recognition, or re-recognition, with or without proofing automatically started. It also allows training to be done.
The Export button lets you save results from all recognized pages in the document to file or copy them to Clipboard.
u The five pop-up menus let you select options. Processing is done
u The current primary re cognition language is displayed . Three do ts
22 Introduction
according to the selected options. Before starting automatic processing, you must ensure all these options are suitable.
after the language name denote that at least one secondary language is also selected.
The full OmniPage Pro interface
The full OmniPage Pro X interface appears when you start a document. The main screen areas of the interface are:
u The OCR Toolbar u The Document window (with Image view and Text view) u The Thumbnail window u The Zone Info and Tools palettes u The Preferences dialog box
Chapter 2
Thumbnail window
The thumbnail of the currently displayed page has a shaded background.
These icons indicate page status.
OCR Toolbar
Tools palette
Zone Info palette
Page indicator
Image view zoom factor
Document window
Image view
Text view zoom factor
Drag this splitter to left or right to resize the views.
The full OmniPage Pro interface 23
Text view
The Document window
The Document window allows you to view and work with pages in the current document. You can drag this window to different locations. Original page images are displayed in Image view and recognition results are displayed in Text view. A highlight-colored border denotes which view is active. Click inside a view area to activate it.
Both views have scroll bars if the current page cannot be fully displayed. Click on the zoom control at the bottom left corner of a view to change its zoom factor. Choose from fixed or variable values (Zoom to Width and Zoom to View).
The splitter button at the bottom of the window lets you change the amount of space available for each view. To hide Image view completely, drag the splitter t o the left edg e of the D ocument window. To restore Image view, drag it to the right.
The Document window can be minimized and restored. Closing the document window closes the current document (with a warning if unsaved changes exist).
24 Introduction
The Thumbnail window
The Thumbnail window appears vertically on the left of the desktop to provide Thumbnail view. This displays numbered miniature pictures (thumbnails) of all pages in the current document. You can use thumbnails to move to other pages, reorder or delete pages. An icon at the bottom right of a page indicates that the page has been recognized.
You can import one or more images to a defined location inside a document by drag-and-drop. You can also use a thumbnail to drag a copy of a page image from a document to the Desktop, a file location or into other applications.
The Thumbnail window has a scroll bar and can be dragged to other locations. The window cannot be closed, under Mac OS 9 it can be minimized.
See Working with documents on page 55 for more information on using thumbnails for page operations.
The Zone Info and Tools palettes
The Zone Info and Tools palettes are displayed whenever Image view is active. You can drag them to different locations. Under Mac OS 9, they can be minimized and restored.
Use the Tools palette to draw regular or irregular zones, modify zones, apply a zone template, reorder zones, erase parts of the image, zoom in or out on the image, handle table zones, or rotate an image.
Chapter 2
See Drawing zones manually on page 44 for guidance on using each of these buttons.
Hover the cursor over any button in the palettes to read a description of its function in the status line at the base of the OCR Toolbar.
Use the Zone Info palette to select zone types, zone contents, zone styles, and a style set for the current page.
See Specifying zone types on page 41 and
editing zone styles
for guidance on using these buttons and pop-up menus.
Applying and
on page 91
The style set True Page® lets you conserve the original page layout.
The full OmniPage Pro interface 25
Click each icon to view and select different groups of settings.
The Preferences dialog box
This dialog box is the central location for all OmniPage Pro settings not accessible through the OCR Toolbar. To open it, choose Preferences... in the Application menu (Mac OS 9: Edit menu).
The Preferences dialog box has four sections: Scanner, OCR, Spelling and Miscellaneous. Each section can be displayed by clicking its icon on the left.
26 Introduction
Guidance on se lecting settin gs in each sectio n is pro vided in chapt er 4. You can save your set of preference settings to a Settings file, as described on page 102.
Online Help has a Quick Start Guide. This provides step-by-step instructions for reading a sample image file supplied with the program. The resulting document can be viewed in a target application and serves as a benchmark. You should be able to get similar accuracy from comparable documents of your own.
Chapter 3
Processing documents
This chapter describes how to process documents in OmniPage Pro from start to finish. It tells yo u how the basic steps of OCR are linked during automatic and manual processing. It explains how you can exploit the advantages of each type of processing within a single document. The chapter also provides instructions for performing each OCR step and for other tasks you can do with your documents.
Please continue reading this chapter for information on these topics:
u Basic processing steps u Automatic processing u Manual processing u Using automatic and manual processing together u Using the OCR Assistant u Bringing page images into OmniPage Pro u Creating and modifying zones u Performing recognition u Working with documents u Exporting documents u Direct OCR
OmniPage Pro X Users Guide 27
Basic processing steps
The following diagram summarizes how the basic steps are linked, and directs you to a page in this Guide. This workflow is broadly valid for both automatic and manual processing. The steps performed by the three basic OCR Toolbar buttons have a darker border.
page 36
Start button
a Style
page 87
page 72
Apply a template page 96
Create zones: automatically
page 40 manually
page 44
page 50
Proof page
page 61
Automatic processing
You can use the Start button to process a new document from start to finish or to finish processing an open document. The operations that occur when you click Start depend on the options selected in the OCR Toolbar’s pop-up menus.
For ex ample, O mniPage Pro can scan a stack of pa ges fr om a sca nner ’s automatic document feeder (ADF), create zones on all pages, recognize the pages, offer the results for proofing, and then let you save the recognition results to file.
During automatic processing, auto-zoning always runs, unless you specify a zone template file. If you want to draw or modify zones manually, you can do this after recognition and first export are finished, and then re-recognize those pages afterwards.
28 Processing documents
To prep ar e fo r automatic proc es s in g
1. Select the source for one or more page images.
Choose Load image to open one or more page images from file.
Choose Scan in B&W to scan in black-and-white.
Choose Scan in Gray to scan in grayscale.
Choose Scan in Color to scan in color (with a color scanner).
See Bringing page images into OmniPage Pro on page 36 and Get
Page options on page 70 for information on these choices.
2. Select a style set.
Choose a style set to define the formatting level and page layout
you want applied to the recognition results.
See page 72 and page 73 for information on these choices.
3. Select a page layout description.
Choose a page layout description to influence the auto-zoning.
Choose from Single Column, Multiple Column, Spreadsheet or
Mixed Pages. Or choose a zone template if you have one.
Chapter 3
4. Select the type of recognition you want.
Choose Perform OCR to have recognition without proofing. You
can still proof the text lat er, after its first export. See from page50.
Choose OCR & Proof to have proofing started as soon as all pages
are recognized. See page 51.
5. Select an export target for the document.
You can direct your document to be saved to a file whose name,
location and type you define, or have the recognition results
copied to the Clipboard. See page 64.
6. Ensure all other settings are in order.
Further settings are located in the Preferences dialog box (see
chapter 4). These include recognition languages, user dictionaries
and scanner settings. If you are scanning, place your page(s)
correctly in the scanner. To scan multiple pages from an ADF,
select Scan Until Empty in the Scanner Panel of the Preferences
dialog box.
7. Click the Start button to launch automatic processing.
Automatic processing proceeds as described in the next topic.
Automatic processing 29
To process a new document automatically
We assume you have started OmniPage Pro X and can see the OCR Toolbar, but you have no document open and all settings are ready.
1. Click the Start button to launch automatic processing.
2. All specified pages are scanned or the Load Images dialog box lets
you select image file s. The status li ne reports progress a s images ar e
acquired. Page images appear briefly in Image view.
3. A miniature image of each page appears in Thumbnai l view as it is acquired. Image view displays each page; when all pages are acquired, it displays the first acquired page.
4. Recognition starts; a progress monitor appears in the OCR Toolbar status line. Automatic or template zoning is done, text is detected and recognized on one page after the other.
5. The first image appears again in Image view with zones. Its recognition results appear in Text view.
6. If proofing was requested, it starts from the top of the first page. Make corrections as desired. Click in Text view to interrupt proofing. Then you can edit or verify the recognized text, mo ve to other pages or change settings. The proofreading button Ignore becomes Start. Click this to resume proofreading. Click Done to finish proofing before the end of the document.
7. The Export dialog box ap pears if you chos e export to file. De fine a
During processing, the Start button becomes a Stop button. Click it to stop processing. The current processing step is discarded but the results of all completed steps remain. For example, if you click Stop during OCR, there will be no recognized text but the image remains.
30 Processing documents
folder, file name and saving format, and choose other export options. If you chose Save and Launch, the recognition r esults will appear in the ta rge t app lica tio n. I f y ou ch ose e x port to Cl ipbo ard, a message tells you when th e r eco gniti on re sul ts have be en placed. The document r emains open in O mniP age P ro for fu rther editing. Pages can be re-recognized with changed zoning or settings. New pages can be added. The document can be saved repeatedly.
+ 86 hidden pages