OmniPage Direct
OmniPage Direct adds the power of OCR directly to any Windows word­processing, spreadsheet, or communications program. Working within your application, you simply choose Scan text... in the File or Control menu. Scanned text then appears in your document just as if you had typed it yourself. Direct is virtually automatic: just point and click to recognize a single paragraph or multiple pages.
Chapter 1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 1
After running the SETUP software installation program within Windows, creating a Windows swap file, and opening Direct, the Scan text... command will appear in the File or Control menu of your Windows application.
Chapter 2 How to Scan Text. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 7
Scanning text is as easy as pulling down the File or Control menu and
choosing Scan text.... The Scan text dialog box lets you scan immediately
or set options for special features such as recognizing parts of a page or different languages.
This tutorial guides you through the simplest scan and also explains how to use the Partial Page features.
Chapter 3 Commands and Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 13
This chapter explains every command and setting within Direct. Topics are listed alphabetically.
Chapter 4 How to Improve Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 31
This chapter tells you the tricks for speeding up Direct and for improving text-recognition accuracy. It explains how to recognize text from poor­quality documents such as multiple-generation copies and newspaper pages. Adjusting the
setting is the easiest way to improve text-
recognition accuracy.
Chapter 5 Technical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 39
This chapter lists supported scanners and provides information that may help you solve any installation or operation problems. Error messages are listed as well as instructions on how to contact product support. Product support and information for all Caere products is also available in the Caere sections of both America Online and CompuServe (Keyword CAERE).
CAERE CORPORATION 100 Cooper Court Los Gatos, California 95030
European offices: CAERE GmbH. Ismaninger Straße 17-19 81675 Munich, Germany
OmniPage Direct Windows Version 2
Copyright© 1988-95 Caere Corporation. All rights reserved. CAERE®, OmniPage®, and OmniPage Professional are trademarks of Caere Corporation. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Such designations appearing in this manual have been printed in initial caps.
Product Serial Number:
_______________________________________________ (from Disk #1 label)
0 OmniPage Direct
Chapter 1
This chapter describes how to install Direct and set it up to work with your applications. The chapter has six sections:
System Requirements
Software Installation
How to Create a Windows Swap File (Virtual Memory)
Using WordPerfect
Upgrading to Other Caere Products
Special Topics
You must have at least an 8MB Windows swap file (virtual memory) to run Direct.
Installation 1
System Requirements
System Requirements
To run Direct, you’ll need the following system:
386 or higher computer.
A Caere-supported scanner installed and working with your sys­tem. See Chapter 5, Technical Information.
14MB available hard-disk space.
RAM Minimum:
Windows swap file (virtual memory).
RAM Recommended:
Windows swap file (virtual memory).
Microsoft Windows-compatible mouse.
Windows Version 3.1 or higher.
Be sure your scanner is installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and is working on your system. Use the scanning software supplied by the manufacturer before you install Direct.
4MB RAM total system memory and an 8MB
8MB RAM total system memory and a 12MB
2 Installation
Software Installation
Please install Direct from the program disks. Do not install from copies. To install Direct software:
1 Start Windows and open the Program Manager window. 2 Insert Direct disk #1 in your computer.
Software Installation
3 Choose
The Run dialog box appears.
4Type A:SETUP (or B:SETUP) in the edit box and click OK.
The installation program will prompt you for information as it installs Direct.
5 Fill out the warranty registration card while the program copies
files to your computer. 6 Exit Windows after the installation program is complete. 7 Create a Windows swap file.
See the next section for instructions. 8 Mail in your warranty registration card.
To learn how to run Direct, see Chapter 2, How to Scan Text. To set up Direct to load automatically whenever you start Windows, see Load OCR when Direct is launched in Chapter 3.
in the Program Manager
Installation 3
How to Create a Windows Swap File (Virtual Memory)
How to Create a Windows Swap File (Virtual Memory)
To run Direct, you need at least 8MB of free disk space set up as a Windows swap file (virtual memory). For best performance, use a
possible. The swap file acts as virtual memory disk space that is used as if it were
volatile memory (RAM). Information is stored temporarily on disk rather than using up RAM. This allows you to run more programs than you could with RAM alone. However, using virtual memory is slower than using RAM.
For more information about virtual memory, see the Windows User’s Guide. For more information about the Windows Swap file, or if you have any difficulty creating a swap file, see the chapter “Optimizing Windows” in the Windows User’s Guide.
To create an 8MB Windows swap file:
rather than a
1 Close any open applications.
swap file and make it as large as
2 Double-click the Control Panel icon in the Main window of the
Program Manager.
3 Double-click the 386 Enhanced icon to display the 386 Enhanced
dialog box.
4 Click 5 Check the entry after
6 Click 7 Select a new drive in the
8 Type at least 8192 in the
Virtual Memory...
A swap file equal to or larger than 8192 is sufficient. Click
to return to the 386 Enhanced dialog box and click
again. Close the Control Panels.
A swap file that is smaller than 8192KB must be changed. Pro-
ceed to step 6.
swap file to be located somewhere other than on the default drive.
If you cannot find a drive with 8192KB of free space, you need to delete files to free up space.
to expand the dialog box.
to display the Virtual Memory dialog box.
drop-down list if you want the
New Size
edit box.
9 Click OK and exit the Control Panels.
4 Installation
Using WordPerfect
10 Click
11 Click
Using WordPerfect
If you are using pre-6.0 versions of WordPerfect, you must modify the Direct setting.ini file. This file tells Direct how to paste text into these applications.
1 Open Windows’ Notepad or other text editor. 2 Open the setting.ini text file located in the directory where you
;classname=(1:doc,2:spread), (1:paste, 2:no), (0:file, 1:system), (wparam-paste) ;OpusApp=1,1,1,2229 ;use this for word 2.0 (RTF) ;OpusApp=1,1,1,2266 ;use this for word 2.0b (RTF) OpusApp=1,1,1,108 ;use this for word 6.0 (RTF) ;WordPerfect=1,1,0,265 ;WordPerfect (RTF) WordPerfect=1,1,0,0 ;WordPerfect 6.0 (RTF)
in the dialog box that asks if you are sure you want to
Ye s
make changes.
Restart Windows
to restart immediately.
Do not press Ctrl-Alt-Del to restart.
installed Direct. The default installation directory is c:\direct. The first six lines look like this:
A semicolon in front of a line deselects that line.
3 If you’re using a pre-6.0 version of WordPerfect, delete the first
semicolon from the line that reads:
;WordPerfect=1,1,0,265 ;WordPerfect (RTF)
and add a semicolon in front of the line that reads:
WordPerfect=1,1,0,0 ;WordPerfect 6.0 (RTF)
4 Choose
in the File menu to save your changes.
Reverse the process if you later upgrade software versions.
Installation 5
Upgrading to Other Caere Products
Upgrading to Other Caere Products
If you upgrade to another Caere product such as OmniPage Professional and your scanner is not listed in the Select Scanner dialog box, follow these procedures:
1 Install your new Caere application. 2 Copy the following files from your OmniPage Direct directory to
the new Caere product directory: *.chw (any file with the extension .chw)
*.pxw (any file with the extension .pxw) pixdflt.dll, pixperm.dll, pixpnr.dll, and pixpcx.dll mphase.dll scnmgrtw.exe scanmgr.ini scanmgr.lst
3 Start your new Caere application and select your scanner in the
Select Scanner dialog box.
Special Topics
Dashboard Incompatible with OmniPage Direct 2.0
Dashboard, the desktop manager from HP, is incompatible with this version of OmniPage Direct.
Graphics Applications
Direct does not work with graphics applications such as Paintbrush, CorelDraw, etc.
Using OmniPage Direct and a Visioneer Scanner Version 1.0
Before running Direct, please copy the following files from your OmniPage Direct directory to your Visioneer (MaxMate) scanner directory:
maxcaere.ocr caerenew.dll caereold.dll caeredir.dll
6 Installation
Chapter 2
How to Scan Text
This chapter guides you through the basic steps of using Direct to scan and recognize text.
We assume you have installed Direct according to the instructions in Chapter 1 and that you know how to work in the Microsoft Windows environment. Not all Direct features are described here; for a complete description of any command or setting, see Chapter 3, Commands and Settings.
To use Direct, follow these steps:
Open the Direct program.
Open your word-processing, spreadsheet, or other application.
tions. Open the Control menu by clicking the bar in the upper-left
corner of your application’s window.
Adjust settings and click
Select parts of a page (optional).
After recognition, the scanned text appears in your application. Unrecognized characters are represented in your text file with a tilde (~).
Scan Text...
Scan Text...
in your application’s File or Control menu.
command is in the Control menu of some applica-
in the Scan Text dialog box.
How to Scan Text 7
Step 1 Open Direct
Step 1 Open Direct
1 Open the Direct program to add the
your application’s File or Control menu.
2 Double-click the Direct icon in the Windows Program Manager.
Unless you have changed your Windows setup, the icon should be in the Caere Applications program group box.
The minimized icon will appear in your Windows desktop win­dow.
Step 2 Open Your Application
1 Open your word-processing, spreadsheet, or other application.
Direct only works within an open application.
2 Place a page in your scanner.
If you don’t know how to orient the page correctly, check your scanner’s manual. Be sure your scanner is turned on.
Step 3 Choose
Scan Text...
Choose The
Open the Control menu by clicking the bar in the upper-left corner of your application’s window.
Scan Text...
Scan Text...
in your application's File or Control menu.
command is in the Control menu of some applications.
Scan Text...
menu item to
8 How to Scan Text
Step 4 Adjust Settings and Click Scan
Step 4 Adjust Settings and Click
A dialog box appears after you choose
Direct is designed to automatically determine the best way to scan a page. You can simply click scanning situations.
Settings in this dialog box and in the Options dialog box let you customize Direct for scanning your particular documents. This step explains how to use the recognition. Other settings are described in Chapter 3.
Partial Page
1 Highlight the
Full Page is the default setting.
feature, which lets you select parts of a page for
and the default settings will accommodate most
Partial Page
Scan Tex
2 If you wish to manually adjust the
Manually adjusting
and speed; see Chapter 4, Improving Performance.
If a page has sharp, distinct characters printed on good-qual-
If a page has thin, broken characters, move the slide towards
If a page has thick, run-together characters, is printed on po-
If desired, click 3 Click
and then deselect
ity non-reflective paper, set the brightness slide to the middle, normal setting.
rous paper such as newsprint, or is printed on glossy paper, move the slide towards
control will appear in the Scan Text dialog box.
Auto Intensity
to adjust other settings.
can improve recognition accuracy
control, click
How to Scan Text 9
Step 5 Select Parts of a Page
Step 5 Select Parts of a Page
If you highlighted
Partial Page
, an image of your page and a set of tools will appear after the page is scanned. The tools let you draw zones around parts of the page, order the zones for recognition, and zoom in or out.
Zoom in
Zoom out
Draw zones
Order zones
Erase zones
1 Click on the
Start or stop
Draw zones
Open the
dialog box.
tool and then enclose each area you want
and reset
Rotate the
image 90°,
180°, or 270°.
recognized with a selection box by holding the mouse button down and dragging the mouse.
Zones will be recognized in the order you select them unless you use the
Order zones
select it by clicking on the
tool (the # symbol). To adjust a zone, first
Draw zones
tool and then clicking on the zone. Then move the mouse pointer to a selection box handle, hold the mouse button down, and move the mouse.
The window will look like this:
10 How to Scan Text
Step 5 Select Parts of a Page
A number appears in each zone indicating the order in which the zone will be recognized. You may draw up to 99 separate zones.
2 Click on the
Order zones
tool (the # symbol) to change the order in
which the zones will be recognized. The numbers in the zones will disappear. To reorder the zones, click on the zone you want recognized first.
The number 1 will appear in the zone. Then click on the next zone you want recognized; the number 2 will appear. Continue until the zones are appropriately ordered.
3 Click on the
Erase zones
tool and then click on a zone selection
box. The selection box will be erased – not the zone itself.
4 Click
to start recognition.
During recognition, text blocks are painted gray and then black on the screen as Direct works. The Recognize button turns into an Adjust button.
If, during recognition, you want to change the way you drew or ordered zones, click
. The
Partial Page
window will reappear and you can use
the tools again. After recognition the text will appear in your application just as if you had
typed it yourself.
How to Scan Text 11
Step 5 Select Parts of a Page
12 How to Scan Text
This chapter explains how to use Direct commands and settings. It is organized alphabetically. Settings within a Direct list box are explained under the title of the list box. For example, you can find descriptions of
About Direct
The About Direct box shows the current software version you are using, any copyrights in effect, and the program's registered user, company name, and serial number.
and Settings
page-size settings under the Size heading.
Chapter 3
Clicking recognition is complete.
For example, imagine you selected several parts of a page for recognition and clicked select a particular part. You click Recognize button turns into an Adjust button); recognition stops and you can select parts correctly without having to re-scan the page.
Auto Intensity
Select this to let Direct automatically set an optimal brightness setting with grayscale scanners.
This feature is especially useful when you scan text printed on a colored background. It also works well when you scan “copies of copies” that have large gray areas.
lets you change settings after a scan has started but before
. During recognition, you notice that you forgot to
(during recognition, the
Commands and Settings 13
Automatically Launch Direct
Automatically Launch Direct
Recognition is faster with this option turned off. If you scan high-quality documents with crisp, black letters printed on white paper, deselect
and use the manual
Select this if you want Direct to automatically start up whenever you open the Windows program.
Your win.ini file will be altered to include a load=c:\opdirect\direct.exe statement.
Select different brightness settings to lighten or darken a scanned image. This control is available if
Auto or Normal Intensity
is deselected in the
Options dialog box. The
setting is the most important means you have to affect the accuracy of text recognition. It accounts for variations in paper quality, print quality, and scanner peculiarities. It acts like the brightness setting on a copier.
Set brightness by moving the mouse arrow to the square in the slide, holding the mouse button down, and moving the square toward the desired setting. Or, click on the arrows to the left or right of the slide. Use the numbers in the square as references for future documents. The caret (^) represents the scanner’s normal setting.
If a page has sharp, distinct characters printed on good-quality non­reflective paper, set the brightness slide to the middle, normal setting.
14 Commands and Settings
<CR> at End of Line
If a page has thin, broken characters, move the brightness slide toward
If a page has thick, run-together characters or if it is printed on porous paper such as newsprint, or if it is printed on glossy paper, move the brightness slide toward
To evaluate brightness settings, watch the Character Window as Direct performs text recognition. For a description of the Character Window, see Chapter 4, How to Improve Performance.
<CR> at End of Line
Select this if you want a hard carriage return inserted at the end of each line of text.
Use this setting if you’re scanning lists, lines of code, or other text where you want each line to be an individual paragraph when it appears in your word processor. This feature will not work with lines of text shorter than a certain length; you’ll need to experiment to find the length minimums with your particular pages.
When this is deselected, Direct will look for extra space between lines of text on the scanned page and interpret space as a paragraph break. It will insert a hard carriage return at the paragraph break. If text is continuous, it will assume that the continuous text is one paragraph.
Commands and Settings 15
+ 37 hidden pages