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Kai’s Photo Soap 2 User’s Guide
August 2000
Welcome to Kai’s Photo Soap 2 7
12What’s New?
13Getting Help
14Starting and Quitting Soap 2
15Exploring Kai’s Photo Soap 2
22The Soap 2 Transporter
23Undo, Apply, and Save
25Using Albums
26Export i ng Photos
27Expanding Soap 2’s Power
Installing Kai’s Photo Soap 2 29
Organizing Photos 31
32Loading Photos
33Working with Thumbnails
37Previewing Photos
38Getting File Information
39Removing Image Files from your Computer
40Switching Views
41Working with Desktops
43Sorting and Searching for Photos
Fixing Photos 48
50What Kai’s Photo Soap 2 Can Fix
50Using t he Tools
54Rotating and Sizing Photos
59Adjusting Colo r
71Automatically Fixing Photos
74Healing Flaws
77Smoothing and Sharpening
79Removing Red Eye
80Removing date and time stamps
81Duplicating photo elements
83Other Fun Effects
86Having Fun with Masks
Composing Images 91
92Building Compos itions
93Working with Composition Layers
104Adding Photos to your Composition
105Adding Text
107Adding Objects, Backgrounds, and Edges
108Adding Shadows to Layers
110Adding a Canvas Color
111Saving and Reloading a Composition
Using Albums 114
116Selecting an Album Style
117Changing the Layout
118Loading Photos
119Adding Text
121Printing Albums
122Saving Albums
122Viewing Album Information
122Sharing Albums
Printing Photos 123
126Prin t ing a Single Phot o
127Printing in Rows and Column s
128Printing to Popular Sizes
128Supported Aver y and Kodak Papers
128Loading Special Papers Correctly
129Printing to Perforated Paper
130Printing to Special Designs
132Prin t ing Posters
133Adding Backgrounds or Frames
134Scaling Up or Down
135Rotating Photos to Fit
135Flipping for Iron-Ons
136Repeating Images on a Page
136Printing Page Text
136Printing Filenames, Dates, and Headers
137Setting Margins
137Keeping Settings
Sharing Photos 139
138Page Setup
139Sending Photos with E-mail
141Exporting a Desktop as a Web Page
143Exporting an Album as a Web page
145Exporting Photos as a PhotoCube Web Page
(PC only)
Using Plug-Ins 147
Appendix A:Tips About Photos 151
152Tips About Scanning
152Selecting Photos
Appendix B:Key Shortcuts 154
154 Using Soap 2 Keyboard Shortcuts
Appendix C: Supported Papers 155
Glossary 156
Index 162
Welcome to Kai’s Photo Soap 2
Kai’s Photo Soap 2 is the next generation of Kai’s Power Soap. Load photos from yo ur
computer’s hard drive, a digital camera, a scanner, a picture CD, or right off the Internet.
Collect photos, correct them, then tweak them with special to ols and filters. Present
photos in digital photo albums and slideshows. P rint photos and even output t hem ready
for the Web!
Some of the many thin gs you can do with Soap 2.
What Can You Do with Soap 2?
With Soap 2, you can:
• organize your photos
• display and share photos in Soap 2 electronic photo albums
• repair damaged old photos
• create fun special effects
• add clip art, text, or cartoons t o a photo compo sition
• create artful collages, using multiple photos
• export photos or al bums to use on the W EB
• prepare photos to send over e-mail or in an interactive slideshow
• view photos in several ways
You can see your photos on a Soap 2 “desktop ” or “lightbox”.
• print photos in rows and columns, or in popular sizes
You can print in rows or in popular sizes.
• crop and rotate photos
No more messing with scissors to trim a photo to the correct size. You can rotate or crop photos
easily in Soap 2.
• rescue torn, faded, dusty, or wrinkled photos
You can rescue torn, faded, dusty, or wrinkled photos.
• make a photo brighter or sharper.
Adjust the brightness or tweak the contrast to get a better look.
• fix red eye or even remove a time/date stamp
Get rid of red-eye.
• create fun projects—worki ng with multipl e photos, u sing plug-in filters, addi ng clip
art, text, backgroun ds or frames.
Get creative!.
What’s New?
For those using Version 1 of Kai’s Photo Soap, there ar e so many cool new f eatures in
Kai’s Photo Soap 2 that you’ll want to explore the entire program. Here are a few of the
things you’ll find:
• The image window is sizabl e and Soap 2 now lets you wor k with multipl e photos, so
you can fix and clone like crazy. Think of the possibilities.
• A Transporter lets you move photos between the Organize, Clean, Compose, and Pri nt
areas of the product. Just drop photos into the Transporter then drag them out when you
want to work with them.
• You can fix color problems wit h the new QuickColor tool, use Auto Enhance—a way
to handle some phot o color problems one click at a time, paint right on a photo, and
colorize photos for cool effects.
• There are multiple levels of Undo, so you can experiment... change your mind... and
use the Undo command to step back through your changes.
• You can greatly expand S oap 2 capabili ties by using Phot oShop compliant filters.
Apply these kinds of effects to the entire photo or bru sh them onto specific p arts of the
• There are new ways to share pho tos. Layouts from l eaders in photo t echnology (like
Avery and Kodak) help turn your computer into a mini-darkroom! Prin t sheets of
photos, greeting cards, collages, and even post ers—right from Kai’s Photo Soap 2.
Getting Help
You will find the answers to most of your questions within the pages of this User Guide.
If you need further assistance, contact ScanSoft Technical Support on the World Wide
We b a t:
Starting and Qu itting Soap 2
To start Soap 2:
Double-click the Kai’s Photo Soap 2 logo.
To quit Soap 2
Choose Output menu > Quit Soap 2 or Input menu > Quit Soap 2. (You can also Press Ctrl
+ Q on Windows or Cmd + Q on a Macintosh).
If you’ve made changes to a photo, Soap 2 asks if you want to save your work before
quitting. Refer to “Saving your Work” on page 24 for more about the ways you can save
your work. As a rule of t humb, if you aren’t ready to actually make changes to the
photo file you’re mod ifying, save your wor k using a new file name or save it as
work in progress (a Soap 2 project or composition file).
To access your computer’s operating system while using Soap 2:
Click in the upper ri ght or upper left porti on of the Soap 2 screen.
You can quit/minimize Soap 2 (Win). You can hide, select another program, or use
the Apple menu (Mac).
Exploring Kai’s Photo Soap 2
No more dusty boxes of pictures! Photo Soap 2 makes it easy to sto re photos. Th e
Organize tab opens an area where you can load, view, and sort your photos. Select a
photo, then drop it in the Transporter to work with it. From here, you can save a
thumbnail desktop arrangement for later Soap 2 sessio ns; export a de sktop of thumbnai ls
as a Web page; print selected photos; see a quick photo “slideshow” and prepare photos to
send with an e-mail.Soap 2
Click the Organize tab to
open, view, or sort photos.
Print, make slideshows, send
photos over e-mail, expo rt for the
Web, or Quit Soap 2 prog ram.
Converse with other Phot o Soap 2
Help answers
View photos in different ways.
your questions.
Sort photos.
Open photos.
Drop photos on th e Transporter, then move
them to other areas in Soap 2.
Load, view, and sort your photos in the Organize area.
In Contact Sheet view, you can study photo s in a popular photographer s’ review sheet
layout. Export this desktop view to HTML and drop it on a browser for a great way to
pass photos around for review. From here, you can also print selected photos, make
slideshows and send selected photos v ia e-mail.
Choose a Contact Sheet view from the View
Drop photos on th e Transporter, then move them to other
areas in Soap 2.
Look at photos in Contact Sheet v iew for easy recognition.
Soap 2 Albums make it easy to display ph otos. Pick an Album style and just d rop photos
into place. Add some t ext and your al bum’s complete. From here, you can print you r
Album or export an Album to use on the Web.
Click Album, then put photos into Albums or Frames to
be presented, printed, e-mailed, or posted on the Web.
Choose an
Album or
Frame style,
then click
the Select
Click Prev
and Next for
more Album
Drag photos from the Transporter in to
empty Album slots.
Display or print photos in cool electronic Albums.
You can fix or enhance a photo in the Clean area. From here, you can also print or export
a photo for use on the Web.
Use the Image menu to
correct color, paint, crop,
rotate, or add effects to your
Click Clean to make changes t o a photo.
Zoom in or
Click to
Fix or enhance parts of y our
photo, using t he Soap 2 tools.
Adjust brush size.
Drag a photo from the Transporter.
Fix or enhance photos in Soap 2’s Clean area.
Move the
photo in the
To make fast adjustments to brightness, contrast, hue, saturatio n, red balance, green
balance, or blue balan ce in your ph oto, choose Image menu > Quick color. The Quick color
selector first lets you select what you wan t to change, t hen gives you vari ations or
selections from which to choose. Pick what l ooks best to YOU.
Each time you click a variation, new variatio ns are displayed . Click until you get the l ook
you like best. Hit Reset anytime you want to start over. And, be sure to try the Auto
Enhance button!
Choose Quick color.
selections with
your original
Try t h e
Click the
selection that
looks best.
Select what
you want to
QuickColor lets you adjust brightness, contrast, hue, sa turation, as well as red, blue, and green
balance in your phot o. Make quick adjustments with QuickColor!
The Compose tab opens an area where you can real ly get creative. After you’ve fi xed or
modified photos, you can cr eate compositio ns by dropping one or more photos onto the
canvas, adding objects (like cartoon elements), pu t in a little te xt, and gener ally hav e fun.
From here, you can pr int, expo rt for use on the Web.
Control layer
Set up shadows
Edit layers.
move rotate
a layer.
Add text to
.Set text
In the Compose area, you can build a picture. Drop photos on the canvas. Resize or stretch them.
Rotate elements. Add some text. Put a cartoon in for fun. Add a background. Have FUN!
The Print tab opens an area where you can choose from a variety of ways to print your
photos. You can even create posters or a sheet full of wal let sized photos. It’s like having
a darkroom in your ver y own home!
Click to set
Image filename
Click to rotate,
scale, or edit
Click to add text to
your images
Click to setup
printer page
Click to print
Drag to set margins Print Previe w
The Print ar ea giv es you a preview of what you’re printing and o ffers lots of great ways to print your
The Soap 2 Transporter
Using the Transporter
Use the Transporter to move thumbnails to other areas of Soap 2.
Kai’s Photo Soap 2 Transporter is an important part of Soap 2. The Transporter let s you
move thumbnails around in the application, to work with them. Once you’ve loaded
photos into Soap 2 and ar ranged them on the desktop, just dr op a photo or group of photo s
onto the transporter.
From the Transporter, you can:
• drop thumbnails int o photo po sitions in Al bums. Refer to “Using Albums” on page 114
for more about using Albums.
• drop one onto the Soap area, to fix or enhance it. Refer to “Fixing Photos” on page 48 for
more about fixing photos.
• drop one or more onto the Soap composition area t o get creative. Refer to “Composing
Images” on page 91 f or more about co mposing pictur es with photos.
• drop them onto pages in t he Print area. Refer to “Printing Photos” on page 123 for mor e
about printing photos.
If you open a phot o in the C lean, Compose, Pr int areas, a
thumbnail for that photo is automatical ly added to the
Transporter. Any thumbnail added to the Tr anspor ter is also added
to your Organize area desktop.
Undo, Apply, and Save
An important difference between Soap 2 and other photo manipulation pr ograms is that in
Soap 2, all of your changes are done t o a copy of y our photo. This means th at you can
experiment freely, make changes, and THEN decide to either save or discard your work.
You r original image file remains intact until you choose to change it.
Using Undo
If you change your mind while you’ re working with a ph oto, just Un do it! Undo reverses
the last thing you did. For example: if you paint so mething on a photo, you can Undo
what you painted. If you resize, delete, or drop a thumbnail on the transpo rter... you can
Undo it.
Soap 2 even lets you Undo more than one time, so you can Undo or Redo a series of steps
while you’re working. Soap 2 gi ves yo u 5 level s of Und o (m eaning yo u can Undo a series
of five actions). You can change the number of times in a r ow that you can Undo actions.
If memory is a concern (which it often is), set the number of
times in a row that you can use Undo to a small number. The
more times in a row that you can Undo actions, the more
memory Soap 2 required.
To Undo an action:
Choose Edit menu > Undo. It’s just that easy!
Refer to “Using the Tools” on page 50 for information about using the Soap 2 Eraser to
make detailed changes to eff ects you’re brushi ng onto part o f a photo.
To Redo an action:
Choose E dit menu > Redo.
To set how many times in a row you can use Undo:
Choose Edit menu > Preferences and set the number of times you can use Undo.
Applying Changes
When you’ve experimented with a photo and found a look that you l ike, it’s probably time
to Apply your changes. The Apply butt on alter s the pix els (shor t for pi cture el ements—or
those little tiny squares that make up your pi cture when i t’s displayed on your computer’s
monitor) in the copy of your photo. Appl y does not affect your actual image fi le. You can
click the Apply button as many times as you want, without changing your origi nal image
file. Refer to “Saving your Work” on page 24 for infor mation about h ow to save your work.
Apply sets a new baseline, so that future changes are based upon the effects you’ve
“applied”. Reset returns your photo t o the last time you clicked Appl y. But don’t worry!
If you change your mind, you can even Undo an Ap ply. Apply sometimes makes it easier
for you to work on different areas of a photo. Say, for example, that you’ve modified the
color of Luc’s shirt in a photo. Click Apply to set a new basel ine. Then, star t work on his
hair color. That way, if you don’t like wh at you’ve done to his hair, you can Reset,
without changing the color you applied to his shirt.
To apply changes:
Click Apply.
Saving your Work
When you’re finished modifying a photo and ready to save your work, you can replace
your original image file, save what you’ve done in a file with a new name, or save what
you’re doing as a work i n progress. The op tions to save y our work depend on in which
area of Soap 2 you’re currently working.
To revert to what was last saved:
Cho ose Output> Revert to Saved.
To save a desktop arrangement (from the Organize area):
Choo se Output menu > Save Desktop.
Use the Output menu > Save Desktop As command to save it usi ng a new file
name—without overwriting an existing file.
To save an image file (from the Clean area):
Choose Output menu > Save Image.
Use the Output menu > Save Image As command to save it using a new file
name—without overwriting an existing file.
To save a composition, so that it can be edited at a later time (from the Compose
Choose Output menu > Save Composition.
Use the Output menu > Save Composition As command to save it using a new file
name—without overwriting an existing file.
To save a composition as a flat image file (from the Compose area):
Choose Output menu > Build Image. Although you can certainly open and work with
the resulting image in Soap 2, any la yers you created in the compose area are not
saved. This is sometimes referred to as a “flattened” image, since layers can no
longer be edited. Refer to “Working with Composition La yers” on page 93 for more
information about using layers i n a composition.
To save an Album (from the Album area):
Choose Output menu > Save Album.
Use the Output menu > Save Album As command to save it using a new file
name—without overwriting an existing f ile.
Photo files can get l arge, containing a l ot of inform ation.
Keep track of how many photos you save on your computer
or just keep photo s you want t o work with. Move others t o
storage. Too many photos can cause your hard dri ve to get
Using Albums
Displaying photos in Albums
You can display or present your pho tos in Soap 2 electronic Al bums. Albums are
professionally drawn illu strations that look like a variety of al bums (or pictur e frames).
To use Albums, you just select an Album style, then drag photos from the Transporter and
drop them into avail abl e photo posi tions. I t’s that easy! Add some text and y our Alb um is
complete. Refer to “Using Albums” on pa ge 114 for more information about using Albums.
(Advanced users can even create their own Album styles to use with Kai’s Photo Soap 2.)
Once you’ve placed photos into an Album, you can:
• save the album and open it lat er
• export your Album to HTML to pu t it on y our Web site, refer to “Exporting an Album as
a Web page” on pa ge 143 for more about ex porting an Al bum as HTML pages
• print an Album as a complete book or as individual album pages.
Displaying phot os in an Album.
Exporting Photos
Exporting Photos for E-mail
With Soap 2, it’s easy to send photos over the internet. Soap 2 saves your photos in an
Internet friendly format, so all you have to do is attach them to an e-mail message.
They’ll travel over the Internet in a self-contained mini-program. Once received, your
friends, relatives, or clients can double-click the PhotoM ailer and browse through a
"slideshow" of your most recent creations. Refer to “Sen ding Photos with E-mail” on
page 139 for mor e information about sending photos as e-mail attachments.
Exporting a Desktop as a Web page
Here’s a quick way to make your own personal Home page in a snap, using your favorite
photos! You can post a desktop full of ph otos as your Web site, all with the help of Kai’s
Photo Soap 2.
The HTML page that S oap 2 creates is interactive! Visitors to your site can move
thumbnails around on the exported "desktop" or double-click thumbnails to see a full-size
view of that photo. Refer to “Exporting a Desktop as a Web Page” on page 141 for more
information about exporting desktops as HTML pages.
Exporting an Album as Web pages
Here’s a neat way to make your own personal Home page. You can post an Album full of
photos as your Web site. The HTML page that Soap 2 creates is interactive! Visitors to
your site can flip pages in the Album, or they can double- click on a phot o in the Alb um to
see a full-size view of it. Refer to “Exporting an Album as a Web page” on page 143 for m ore
information about expo rting desktops as HTML pages.
Exporting Photos as a PhotoCube Web Page (PC only)
You can export photo s as a 3D PhotoCube, which allows you to display them as a
six-sided three-dimension al cu be. Note that t he Phot oCube ex port featur e is suppo rted o n
the PC platform only and requires that you download a free MetaStream plug-in to view
the cube as a 3D object.
The MetaStream™ 3D technology is a new open PC file format announced joint ly by
Corporation and M etaCreations Corporat ion. It en ables delivery and viewing of
scalable 3D graphics.
To view a 3D PhotoCube, you and those with whom you share the PhotoCube need to
install the MetaStream plug-in. You can find the plug-in at the following We b site:
Refer to “Exporting Photos as a Photo Cube Web Page (PC only)” on page 145 for more
information about expo rting photo s as a PhotoC ube.
Expanding Soap 2’s Power
Using Plug-ins
Plug-ins are extra features that plug into Soap 2. Plug-ins offer special effects and extra
tools that greatly expand the power of Soap 2.
With Soap 2, you can do something most other programs can’t do. You can br ush an effect
onto just part of your photo, just like any ot her Soap 2 effect!
Filter Plug-ins
Usually, a plug-in applies an effect or a range of effects, like:
• creating a variety of spheres (Spheroid Designer)
• bend, twist, multiply, or otherwise manipulat e gradients or blends between t wo colors
or tints of a color (Gradient Designer)
• creating textures for b ackgrounds and desig ns (Texture Explorer )
Other plug-ins let you load or export photos, li ke loading phot os from your digi tal
camera, scanner, or using special printing options.
Free Plug-ins
Soap 2 includes three of the four famous Kai’s Power Tools 3 (KPT 3) special effect
plug-ins. Re fer to Using Pl ug-Ins for more informat ion abo ut usin g plug-ins with K ai’s
Photo Soap 2.
An example of a plug-in filter effect.
Installing Kai’s Photo Soap 2
Installation instructi ons are provided f or both Windows and Macinto sh. Follow the
instructions appropri ate to you r system.
Kai’s Photo Soap 2 is intended for local installation only. Do
not attempt to install it onto a network server.
System Requirements (Windows)
Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or lat er; 32 mb RAM for
Windows 95/98; 64 mb RAM for Windows NT; 100 mb of hard-disk space; CD drive; 16
or 24 bit color (24 bit preferred ).
System Requirements (Macintosh)
Power PC; System 8.1 or later; 32 mb RAM; 100 mb hard-disk space; CD drive; 16 or 24
bit color (24 preferred).
Windows Installation
To install Soap 2 on a Windows computer:
1Launch Windows.
2Insert the Kai’s Photo Soap 2 CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive. The
Install Soap 2 dialog appears.
3Double-click the Kai’s Photo Soap 2 logo.
4Follow the instructions provided by t he installer.
5The installation dialog display s an important ReadMe. Click “Continue” after
reading the complete ReadMe.
Macintosh Installation
To install Soap 2 on a Macintosh:
1Insert the Kai’s Photo Soap 2 CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive. The
3Follow the instructions provided by the installer.
4The installation dialog displays an importa nt ReadMe. Click “Continue” after
reading the complete ReadMe.
Soap 2 Installation Tips
•If you plan to print photos, adjust the color on your monitor so that it matches the
output of your printer. That way, when a photo looks great on your monitor you can
print it without disappoi ntment.
•Working with photos requires a lot of memory (RAM). For best r esults when
working on a Macintosh, increase the RAM avai lable to Kai’s Photo Soap 2 by
allocating unused RAM to Kai’s Photo Soap 2, thu s allowing it to run faster and
handle larger files more efficiently.
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