Getting Started with the
Samsung ER-285
General Operation
Opening the Register
If the display on the register reads “CLOSED”, you will need to
open the register by assigning a clerk to it. To do this…
1. Turn the key to the <Reg> position
2. Press 1
3. Press the CLERK key
4. The register is now open and available to ring in sales.
5. To close the register, press 0 and then CLERK
Ringing in Sales
\Using preset items on the keyboard
1. For items with a preset price, simply hit the key for that
item on the keyboard.
2. To ring multiples of an item, i.e., 5 Bottled Waters
a. enter the quantity of the item
b. press X/TIME
c. press the item key
For open items that do not have set prices
1. Enter the quantity (Q) if greater than one
2. Press the X/TIME key
3. Enter a price for the item, example, for a $8.99, enter
4. Press an open item key, for example MISC SALES
Using the Scanner
1. Point scanner at bar code and push button on scanner. If
the scanner is in a scanner stand, pressing the button is
not necessary as scanning occurs automatically.
(If multiples of same item. Enter the quantity, press
X/TIME and then scan item.)
Finishing the Sale
1. Press the SBTL key to display the current total. Tell
customer total owed (i.e, $15.99).
2. Enter the amount received from customer (i.e. $20 bill)
and press CASH, CHECK, CHARGE, ECT. Amount
of change to give back to customer will be displayed on
Split Tender
1. If the customer would like to pay using cash and putting
the remaining balance on a credit card. Ring in the
amount of the cash and press CASH, and then the
remaining amount and press CHARGE.
Manual Credit Card Entry
2. Ring in the sale
3. Press SUBTOTAL and then CHARGE
4. If the card cannot be read when the message [SWIPE
CARD] appears, press CLEAR
5. Enter the 16 digit account number on the card when you
see the message [ENTER ACCT NO] and press CASH
6. When [ENTER EXP DATE] appears, enter the date on
the card as MMYY and press CASH
7. Print receipt for signature and place in drawer.
Declined Credit Card
1. If you get a [CARD DECLINED] message, Press clear
and ask the customer for another card or cash
1. If a receipt did not automatically print, or if the
customer requests an additional copy, press the cash
button again after the sale.
2. To change the default receipt printing setting, press the
RCPT ON/OFF button. Pressing this button while in the
middle of a sale will cause an error. Only press this
button after finishing a transaction.
Subtotal Discounts
Discount buttons programmed to discount the entire sale will
only be operational after the SUBTOTAL key has been pressed
1. Ring in sale
3. Press discount key, example 10% DISC
Item Discounts
Item discounts are applied to individual items and are rung up
after pressing an item button.
1. Press item that qualifies for discount, i.e. LG T-SHIRT
2. Press discount button, example $3 DISC
3. Continue ringing additional items, or finalize sale.
Error Correction
The CLEAR button is used to remove any numerical keystrokes
made in error or to clear any error messages and stop the
corresponding beeping. CLEAR does not change or remove any
items within the current sale.
If you have rung up multiple items and there is something
wrong or customer does not have money you can press
CANCEL key to void the whole sale and start again if