Télécommande universelle à apprentissage de commandes
Telecomando universale programmabile
Lernfähige Universalfernbedienung
Programmerbar fjärrkontroll
Controlo remoto universal de aprendizagem
Универсальный обучаемый пульт дистанционного управления
Rotel prod ucts are designe d to comply wi th internation al directives on the Re striction of
Hazardo us Substances (Ro HS) in electrical and el ectronic equip ment and the disposa l of
Waste Elec trical and Elec tronic Equipme nt (WEEE). Th e crossed wheeli e bin symbol indi
cates co mpliance and that the prod ucts must b e appropriat ely recycled or processed in
accorda nce with these dire ctives.
Tous les a ppareils Rot el sont conçu s en totale con formité avec l es directive s internatio
nales concernan t les res trictions d’utilisa tion de su bstances dangereus es (RoHS) pour
l’enviro nnement, da ns les équ ipements électrique s et élect roniques, ainsi que pour le
recycla ge des matériau x utilisés (WE EE, pour Waste Electrical and Elect ronic Equipment).
Le symbol e du contene ur à ordures ba rré par une croix indique la comp atibilité avec ces
direct ives, et le fait que les appar eils peuvent être corr ectement recyc lés ou traités dans
le respec t total de ces normes.
Los pro ductos Rotel están diseña dos para sat isfacer la nor mativa intern acional en ma
teri a de Res tricció n del U so de S ustanci as Peli grosas (RoHS) e n equip os elé ctricos y
electr ónicos y elimin ación de Desech os Procedente s de Equipos Elé ctricos y Elec trónicos
(WEE E). El símbolo del carro de la bas ura tachado signifi ca la plena satisfacc ión de la citada norm ativa y que los product os que la incluyen debe n ser reciclados o repr ocesados
en concord ancia con las misma.
Tutti i pr odotti Rotel s ono realizza ti secondo le no rme internazi onali per il tr attamento
delle sostanze perico lose ( RoHs - Restrictio n of Hazardous Substances) in apparecchi elet
trici ed ele ttronici, e per lo sma ltimento di prodo tti elettrici ed e lettronici (W EEE - Waste
Elect rical and Electronic Equip ment). Il simbolo del cestino dei rifiuti con una croce sopra ,
indica la c ompatibili tà con queste norm e e che il prodotto d eve essere oppor tunamente
ricicla to o smaltito in accordo co n le direttive vigen ti.
Rotel- Produkte ents prechen den inter nationalen Ri chtlinien über di e Beschränkung de r
Verwendung bestimm ter gefährlicher Stoffe in Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten (Restrict ion
of Hazardou s Substan ces (kurz RoHS genannt)) und übe r Elektro - und Elektronik-A ltge
räte (Waste Electr ical and Electron ic Equipme nt (WEEE) ). Die durchgestr ichene Mülltonne
steht für der en Einhaltung un d besagt , dass die Pro dukte ordnungs gemäß recycelt od er
diesen Ri chtlinien ent sprechend ents orgt werden müsse n.
Rotel Producte n worden zo ontworpen dat zij voldoen aan de internati onale regels betref
fende de beper king van milieuonvr iendelijke grond stoffen die gebruik t kunnen worden
in ele ktrische en elektronis che appara tuur. Het symb ool met de vuilcontain er met het
kruis erdo or betekent voor u dat u, wanneer u dit appara at wilt afvoeren, dit mo et doen
volgens de re gels die daarvoor hi er gelden.
Rotels pro dukter är utfo rmade för att föl ja de internatio nella direkti ven RoHS (Restri ction of Hazardeous Substance s) och WEE E (Waste El ectrical a nd Electro nic Equipm ent)
som behan dlar hur uttjänta ele ktriska och elektro niska produkter tas om han d. Symbo
len med den överkors ade soptunnan inne bär att produkter na måste återvinna s eller tas
om hand enli gt dessa direkti v.
Проду кты Rotel спроектир ованы так, чтобы соот ветствов ать требован иям междунар одных
дир ект ив п о ог рани чени ю пр имен ени я вр едны х ве щес тв в элек тро техн иче ском и
эле ктро нном обо рудов ании (Re stric tion of Ha zardo us Sub stan ces - RoHS) , а так же по
обраще нию с отслуж ившим свой срок электрот ехническ им и электр онным оборудов анием
(Waste Ele ctrical and Elec tronic Equipmen t - WEEE) . Изображе ние перечер кнуто го мусорног о
бачка н а колесах о значает со ответс твие этим т ребован иям, а так же то, что эти п родукты
должн ы быть вторичн о исполь зованы (рецик лированы ) или же обработан ы в соответс твии
с упомя нутыми вы ше директ ивами.
Layout • Disposition des commandes
Spanish • Disposizione dei tasti
Aufbau • Dutch • Layout
Character Map • Jeu des caractères
affichés • Spanish • Lista dei
caratteri Zeichenübersicht • Dutch
Teckenbeskrivning • Mapa de
Caracteres • Таблица символов
Learning Commands • Apprentissage
de commandes • Spanish
Apprendimento comandi
Lernen von Befehlen • Dutch
Inlärning av kommandon
Aprendizagem de Comandos
Таблица символов
Layout 2
Flip Down Cover 4
Character Map 5
Learning Commands 5
Volume/Mute Punch-Through
Disabling the Beep Tone
Clone Function
Restore Factory Defaults
10 RR-1060
The RR-1060 Universal Learning Remote Control
can replace up to nine remote controls, operating
A/V components from Rotel or other brands.
Key Features
• Programmed to operate Rotel surround sound
processors, receivers, and DVD players.
• Simple programming for hundreds of components using built-in codes.
• Learning function to teach the RR-1060 commands from other remotes. Multi-step learning on five buttons for multiple command sequences from other remotes.
• Twenty Smart Macro keys send up to 20 commands with the press of two buttons.
• LCD DISPLAY provides visual feedback during
programming and operation, including status
indicators, and customizable labels for every
command button.
• Backlighting for use in dark rooms along
with optional beep whenever a button is
• Cloning feature for easy duplication of the entire
command set from one RR-1060 to another.
Sensible Precautions
• The RR-1060 is rugged, but it is not indestructible. So please don’t drop it!
• Do not expose the RR-1060 to moisture. To
clean the RR-1060, use a soft, lint-free damp
cloth. Avoid harsh cleaning solvents.
• Don’t try to take the RR-1060 apart. Disassembly will void the warranty.
Battery Installation
Remove the RR-1060 and the 4 AAA batteries
from the box. Turn the RR-1060 over and slide
the cover off the battery compartment by compressing the release tab and lifting up. Place the
four AAA batteries inside (follow the polarity illustrations on the bottom of the compartment) and
replace the cover.
The RR-1060 is a universal learning remote control that can operate all of the components in your
audio/video system. Control codes for Rotel components are already programmed. You can easily
customize the RR-1060 to operate other components by selecting command sets for hundreds of
components from the RR-1060’s extensive database. See the Programming section of this manu-
al for easy to follow instructions. For components
not in the database or for additional commands,
you can teach the RR-1060 commands using your
existing remotes. See the Learning section of this
manual for easy to follow instructions.
Once the programming is complete, select a
component with the press of a button to turn
the RR-1060 into the remote control for your CD
player, TV, or VCR.
Here is the layout of the RR-1060:
IR Emitter/Sensor
The IR Emitter/Sensor is located in the top edge of
the RR-1060. It sends the IR commands and must
be pointed at the desired component. It also receives IR codes from your other remotes during
the LEARNING process.
LCD Display
The LCD DISPLAY provides status information including the device currently selected and a customizeable label for each button as it is pressed.
The eight character alphanumeric display also
provides simple prompts when programming the
RR-1060. These indicators and prompts are noted
in the appropriate sections of this manual.
Light Button
The RR-1060 provides automatic backlighting in
a dim room. The backlighting turns on whenever a button is pressed, including the LIGHT button on the side of the remote. The backlighting
stays on for about 5 seconds each time a button
is pressed.
NOTE: In a bright room, the backlighting function
is disabled to save battery power.
12 RR-1060
Folding Cover
A folding cover conceals the buttons at the bottom of the RR-1060. These buttons provide extra
command functions. Leave the folding cover in
the closed position to simplify the RR-1060 for
routine use. Open the cover to access the additional buttons.
Device/Input Buttons
Two rows of buttons on the folding cover (AUD,
CD, TUN, TAPE, EXT and V1–V5) are used to select a component for control by the remote and,
if desired, to activate the input for the component
you are operating. How long the button is pressed
determines whether a device is selected just for
control by the remote or whether that input on
the A/V receiver or surround sound processor
is also activated.
To change the remote DEVICE only, press
the button briefly (less than one second). This
does not change the input selection.
To change the remote DEVICE and the input selection on the A/V receiver, press and
hold the button for more than one second.
When a DEVICE/INPUT button is pressed, the
label for that button appears in the LCD display.
These labels can be customized, if desired. See
the Labeling DEVICE/INPUT Buttons section of
the manual for instructions.
The AUD button is pre-programmed to operate Rotel A/V receivers and surround sound processors.
The V1 button is pre-programmed to operate Rotel
DVD players. The CD button is pre-programmed
to operate Rotel CD players.All other buttons are
unprogrammed and can be used to learn the control codes of other remote controls.
The control codes of the AUD and V1 buttons can
also be reprogrammed for other control codes.
If you do so, you can restore the original Rotel
control codes for these buttons. See the Restoring Factory Defaults section of this manual.
NOTE: The DEVICE/INPUT buttons are also used
in programming the RR-1060 and are available
for storing and sending Smart Macros (automatic
sequences of up to 20 learned commands).
EXT Button
The EXT button is a special input selection button
for Rotel audio/video receivers or surround sound
processors. It is used to select the multi-channel
analog inputs when playing SACD or DVD-A discs.
This bypasses the digital/analog processing in the
receiver or surround sound processor.
Press and hold the EXT button for more than one
second to select the multi-channel analog input on
a Rotel A/V receiver. The EXT button contains a
duplicate of the remote commands programmed
in the V1 device. Therefore, you cannot program
or learn command codes for the EXT button.
The V1 button should be used for Rotel or other
DVD players, allowing you to select the normal
input with the V1 button or the multichannel analog input with the EXT button. Both DEVICE/INPUT
buttons contain the same remote codes.
Basic Command Buttons
This large group of buttons duplicates the functions on the remote controls for your audio/video
components. Each button can store commands
for nine different components, selected by pressing one of the DEVICE/INPUT buttons (AUD, CD,
TUN, TAPE and V1–V5).
When using the RR-1060, first press the DEVICE/
INPUT button for the desired component. Then,
press COMMAND buttons to send the commands
learned for that component.
At the top right of this group are basic command
buttons such as Power On and Off, Volume, Channel Selection and Muting. The Smart Macro button is also in this group. See the Smart Macro Programming section of this manual for more
At the top left of this group are twelve numeric
keypad buttons that are used to make direct track
selections on a CD or DVD player or direct channel selections on a TV, cable decoder, satellite
receiver, etc.
14 RR-1060
At the bottom right are nine buttons that duplicate the cursor functions for cable or satellite TV
receiver or audio/video components plus four
round buttons are for extra functions, such as Last
Channel, Viewing Guide, etc.
At the bottom left are five oval buttons that duplicate the basic transport control functions (Play,
Fast Forward, Pause, etc.) of a CD player, DVD
player or video tape recorder.
NOTE: The numeric buttons, 0 – 9, are also avail-
able for sending Smart Macros.
Secondary Command Buttons
Under the folding cover is a group of buttons which
provide secondary command functions. Open the
folding cover to access these buttons.
The function of these buttons varies depending
on the device selected with the DEVICE/INPUT
buttons. For example, the top two rows have commands for A/V receivers (see labels printed on
the buttons) or commands for CD players (see labels printed above and below the buttons). The
two rows below these have commands for A/V
receivers (see labels printed on the buttons) or
commands for DVD players and VCRs (see labels
printed above and below the buttons). The bottom
two rows of buttons include commands for TVs.
Multi-Step Buttons
In addition to normal functions, the five buttons
labeled SCAN, PTY, P-TUN, TP and TA provide a
special option – learning up to three commands
on a single button from another remote. The first
command is sent when the button is pressed once,
the second command is sent the next time the button is pressed, and the third command is sent the
third time the button is pressed. See the Learning Multi-Step Buttons section for information.
Setup Button
The SETUP button in the lower right corner under
the folding cover, is used to enter the setup mode
for programming, learning, relabeling, storing
macros, and other configuration functions.
Operating the RR-1060
This section of the manual explains the basic
operation of the RR-1060 and most of its standard features.
NOTE: The AUD DEVICE/INPUT button of the
RR-1060 is pre-programmed with control codes
for Rotel A/V receivers or surround sound processors. The V1 button is pre-programmed to operate
Rotel DVD players. The CD button is pre-programmed to operate Rotel CD players.The other
DEVICE/INPUT buttons (TUN, TAPE and V2 – V5)
are unprogrammed. You must program or learn
commands for these DEVICE/INPUT buttons.
Sending IR Commands
Instead of putting down one remote and picking up another, you simply press a button on the
RR-1060 to convert it from the remote control for
your CD player to the remote control for your TV
set. Here’s how:
1. Press a DEVICE/INPUT button (for under one
second) to activate the command set for the
desired component. For example, press the
AUD button to control a Rotel surround processor. The label for your selection appears
in the display. The selected command set remains active until you press a different DEVICE/INPUT button.
2. Press a COMMAND button to send an IR command to the component you have selected.
For example, press the POWER ON button to
turn on a Rotel surround processor. The label
for the COMMAND button appears in the display. If the label “NO DATA” appears in the
display, the button has no learned command
for that DEVICE.
NOTE: The default labels that appear in the display
match the button labels. You can customize the
labels for every DEVICE/INPUT and COMMAND
Remember that the COMMAND buttons duplicate
controls on many different types of audio/video
components. Their function depends on the type
of component selected. Make sure that you have
pressed the correct DEVICE/INPUT button and
use the button labels as guides.
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