Classic Stereo Power Amplier
The RB-1552 has all of the advanced design features of the higher powered RB-1582, but with a slightly more modest output
of 2 x 120 watts into 8 ohms. The rock solid power supply, select grade components, and rened sound are all hallmarks of Rotel’s
nearly 50 years in audio design and manufacturing. RB-1552 features include 12-volt triggers for remote operation and an IEC
detachable power cord.
Power Congurations
THD (20-20,000Hz) 8 Ohms,
all channels driven
IM Distortion
Damping Factor (8 Ohms)
Input Sensitivity / Impedance
2 x 120 watts
(20Hz-20kHz, <0.03%, 8 Ohms)
120 watts, all channels driven,
8 ohm load, 20-20kHz
< 0.03%
< 0.03%
1.0V / 33kOhms
Frequency Response (+/-1dB)
S/N Ratio (IHF A)
Power Consumption
Dimensions (W x H x D) mm
Dimensions (W x H x D) in
Front Panel Height
Shipping Weight
4 - 100kHz (+0.5dB, -3dB)
400 watts
431 x 144 x 340 mm
17 x 5.25 x 13.4 in
3 U (5.25”)
31.6 lbs.
The Rotel Co. Ltd.
10-10 Shinsen-Cho
Tokyo 150, Japan
Rotel of America
54 Concord St.
N. Reading, MA 01864
T +1 978 664 3820
F +1 978 664 4109
Rotel Europe
Dale Road
West Sussex BN11 2BH, UK
T +44 (0) 1903 221 763
F +44 (0) 1903 221 525